
Chapter 348 The New Situation of the Grassland

Chapter 348 The New Situation of the Grassland
Fei Hong is finally over 60 years old, 61 years old, and has been the Prime Minister and Minister of State for nearly three years.

In the State Affairs Hall, Fei Hong respectfully saluted Gu Dingchen: "Chief Gu."

Gu Dingchen also respectfully returned the gift: "Fei Zongfu."

Normally, Fei Hong's office is still in Wenhua Hall.Only when a formal state affairs meeting is to be held will the original Huagai Palace be visited.If the emperor is not present, it will be Gu Dingchen, the chief of the imperial study, who will attend as a non-voting observer: don't interrupt, just bring your ears.

Now, the throne facing south is empty, Fei Hong sat on the left side of the throne as usual, and Gu Dingchen sat on the right.

The remaining six ministers of state: Wang Qiong, the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Yang Tan, the former Minister of the Ministry of Households, Li Wei, the former Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Zhang Zilin, the former Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Zhang Lun, the former Yushi of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Wang Xian, the former Governor of Xuanda.

As for the meeting minutes to be arranged according to the regulations, the General Administration Commissioner sent a Zhengsanpin Tongzheng Deputy Envoy who was in contact with the State Affairs Hall. It's just that the six divisions appointed by the six divisions who offered advice and suggestions came from the deputy general manager of the third grade, and the internal department of the department of ceremonies also sent a person.

This is the highest-level meeting of civil affairs in Ming Dynasty today. Fei Hong exchanged glances with everyone and then nodded: "The first session of the State Council No. 20 Ninth Plenary Session, let's begin."

According to the rules, all the ministers of state meet once a month.From the first month of the fifth year of Jiajing to the present, except for a few times that could not be held for some reason, this has been No. 20 nine times.

Today is the third day of August, and the meeting has several important topics, not just the work arrangements for the next August.

"The first issue is that the palaces of the princes have been completed. The vassal princes from all over the country have already set off for Beijing." Fei Hong paused and said, "The current problem is that the King of Shu and others have raised foreign matters to His Majesty in the thank you form. There is no hidden worry about the city walls. Fu Rui, how do you want to appease him?"

Last year, the northern captives invaded the frontier in a big way. Although the Ming Dynasty won, the kings thought of living in the outer city without the protection of the city wall for the time being, so they vaguely mentioned such worries.

Don't you dare not come if you don't come to the capital?
Just ask for some gracious security.

Zhang Zilin is the Minister of State in charge of the Ministry of Rites. He heard Fei Hong's question and said without hesitation: "The outer city wall can't be built overnight. However, the Ming Dynasty has achieved great victories year after year. The kings don't need to worry about the Tatars being able to attack outside the capital. I will work with the Ministry of Rites and the Clan Mansion to handle this matter well."

The first topic is important, but not difficult.Zhang Zilin only had one sentence: Kings don't need to worry.

Tell you not to worry, don't worry.

"That's a lot of work for Fu Rui." Fei Hong presided over the meeting and moved on to the second topic, "For the opening of Liaodong, the Duoyan Sanwei Mission has arrived in Guangning, and it will arrive in Beijing in about seven days. Now we have to decide how to open the market..."

This issue not only involves the Ministry of Rites, but also the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of War and even the Military Affairs Conference.

But first, the State Council must come up with a strategy and negotiation strategy, and then discuss it in front of the imperial court.

At this moment, in Liaodong Kaiyuan Capital Division, Duoyan Sanwei's mission has actually arrived outside Shanhaiguan from Guangning.

The history of Duoyan Sanwei and Daming has undergone several changes.

In the 21st year of Hongwu, after Sapphire defeated Mongolian Khan Togus Timur in Yuerhai and forced them to go west, the Mongolian tribes east of the Daxingan Mountains were in a helpless situation and had to surrender to the Ming court.

The three guards of Duoyan, Taining, and Fuyu, which were established in Hongwu 22, were immediately lowered in the second year.When Zhu Di made his first northern expedition in the eighth year of Yongle, Duoyan Sanwei was actually still fighting for Tatar.

During Xuanzong's period, Duoyan Sanwei began to go south, constantly oppressing the real land that Ming Dynasty could control.Today, the grazing lands of these three guards are actually close to the three towns of Xuanfu, Jizhou, and Liaodong in the Ming Dynasty.

From Daning to Xifengkou, near Xuanfu, it is called Duoyan; from Jinzhou and Yizhou through Guangning to Liaohe, it is called Taining; from Huangniwa over Shenyang and Tieling to Kaiyuan, it is called Fuyu.

In the early years, among the three guards, Taining Guard was the strongest. After being beaten and disabled by Zhu Di, now Duoyan Guard is the leader.

At this moment, in the imperial study room of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhang Tong, Yan Chunsheng, Jiang Rubi, and Wang Shenzhong were all sitting on one side, and Yang Yiqing and Wang Xian were sitting in front of Zhu Houcong.

After listening for a long time, Zhu Houcong sighed: "Nowadays, the Mongolian tribes in Mobei are really complicated."

"The grandson of Bodi's son has succeeded to the Khan position, and now the situation is even more complicated." Yang Yiqing nodded in agreement, "Just like Duoyan, although it belongs to Wuliangha, it is only one of them that moved to the south, and now it is more closely related to the north. Wanhu in Chahar, where Yuan Khan Court is located, is even closer. It is stationed in Daning, which is located between Xuanfu, Jizhou, Liaodong and Khan Court.”

Zhu Houcong asked Zhang Tong: "The tenth son of Dayan Khan who died in the Xuanfu with Bodi last year?"

"Wubasan is Qingtaiji, and the leader of Yongxiebuwanhu is the Asute tribe. Apart from Chahar, Yongxiebuwanhu only has the Asute tribe going south with Bodi. Wupasanqingtaiji is On the way back, he was seriously injured and died. Now there is news that the Asut and Yongxiebu tribes in Yongxiebu Wanhu have been occupied by Gunbilik's sixth brother, and the Karaqin tribe has been occupied by his fourth brother. Possession. The [-] households on the right wing of the Tartars have already been taken into the hands of the brothers Gunbilik and Alta."

Zhang Tong reported the latest news: "Not only that, the Khan court is under the Chahar Wan household, the Keshiketeng, Aohan, and Naiman tribes, and now the lords are the uncles of the Alta brothers. Khan can rely heavily on only the five inner tribes of Chahar and the inner five tribes of Khalkhavan households. Wuliang Hawanhu was not led by the descendants of Dayan Khan, and had attacked Khalkhawan households before, I answered Helped Bodi conquer Wuliangha. Duoyanwei, who was born in Wuliangha, is far away from the headquarters of Wuliangha Wanhu, and is now being wooed by the Khan Court."

"Mergen Jinong? Tuxie Tuchechen Khan?" Zhu Houcong looked at Wang Xian suspiciously.

"The wise Jinong, the wise Khan you can rely on." Wang Xian explained the meaning, "Now the Lord of the Northern Yuan Dynasty is really a little prince, and these two rewards for Gunbilik and Alda should be left-wing The plan of important ministers to split up the Gunbilik brothers."

Gonbilik, who nominally led [-] right-wing households and served as Jinong, was not named a khan, but Ida was given a khan title. Who is the right wing honored?

This time, the Alta brothers have almost completely controlled the right-wing [-] households, and the power structure among the Mongolian tribes has moved towards a more chaotic situation.

"How likely is it that they will compete for the throne?" Zhu Houcong asked Yang Yiqing.

"Very small." Yang Yiqing shook his head, "Gunbilik and Alda's father tried it, and they only worked profusely for two years, but Bodi regained the position of sweat. The bloodline of the inner head. Above Ida is Gonbilik, if he wants to seek the throne, even the [-] households on the left wing will not accept him. With the wisdom of Ida, he will not do so."

"But grandson is still young, if he dies young..." Zhu Houcong looked at Yan Chunsheng, "Zhen Anbo, are you sure?"

With one arrow, he made an incomparable contribution, and Yan Chunsheng was awarded the title of Zhen'an Bo.Outside Zhen'an Fort is the place where he became famous, and now it has also become his earl's title-although this earl's title was granted to Wei Bin's younger brother by Zhu Houzhao before, but it was there by Yang Tinghe and others before Zhu Houcong ascended the throne. All of Zhu Houzhao's "adopted sons" and awards for meritorious service were removed in one round.

Listening to the emperor's question now, Yan Chunsheng nodded his head: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not easy to do. Most of the people under Zhang Changzhang's command are only not far from the side wall. In the special battle battalion of the ministers, they are all Han people. They want to pretend to be the right-wing Tartars to assassinate the Lord of the Northern Yuan...they naturally know the stakes and are on guard."

Zhu Houcong could only press down on this thought, and asked Yang Yiqing again: "In the eyes of Qing and others, is it possible for the [-] right-wing households to become chaotic?"

"I'm powerful, and Gonbilik was seriously injured last year, so I won't provoke him. I'm young, but Gonbilik is old. I can afford to wait, and I'm smart. I'm afraid... it won't be messed up On the contrary, it will help Gonbilik and make the right wing stronger."

Analyzing the latest situation in Mongolia in the imperial study, Zhu Houcong finally sighed: "It seems that we can only make good use of the situation created by Bo'an, and open the market through Duoyan Sanwei, so that the various ministries of the Tartars can compete for profit. "

There was a "father-killing vengeance" between Sun and Daming, and Zhu Houcong would not let Alda have the opportunity to strengthen his strength through trade, and Duoyan Sanwei became the best middleman.

He looked at Yan Chunsheng: "Pick the smart and capable ones and go to Huangmingji Department Store."

"The minister obeys the order!"

The special warfare battalion must be able to do everything.If necessary, even Hongshang also need to know.

"Send a letter to Tang Shunzhi and ask him to help introduce some shopkeepers." Zhu Houcong added, "Those who bought the national debt are also allowed to enter the Guandong and trade with Duoyan Sanwei."


On Fengzhou Beach, I Da officially owned the Khan number.He didn't refuse this Khan number.Although it was only because of "rescuing" the army under Bodie's command, the Khan was not worthy of its name.

But after that, he continued to fight with this Khan name, and sooner or later the grassland would get used to him as a Khan, and eventually he might be able to get used to respecting him as a Great Khan.

Now, I am considering a few questions.

News came from the east that the Duoyan tribe sent a mission to the Han people.This tribe, which has been swaying left and right for more than a hundred years, made such a decision after the Han people won a game last year, it is very normal.

Alta spent nearly a year encouraging his elder brother Gonbilik to participate in the struggle for the three lords under Yongxiebu.All of this is mainly supported by Gunbilik on the surface, and I Da is hidden behind the scenes.

Gunbilik was hurt last year and is eager to expand his strength this year.The fourth brother Bayashal and the sixth brother Bodhidara are still so young, I promise not to intervene, but Gonbilik has actually added the strength of the three departments.

But now, he seemed to be satisfied, and he didn't go out and try how to win the position of Great Khan.

Even the proposal to go to conquer Yibula and Bu'erhai was rejected, and he only had fun in Hetao all day long.

The Gunbilik people are not too old, but their hearts are completely old.

So I answer that it is also very difficult to do now-if the Ordos Ministry does not act together, will he dare to lead the Tumote army to go outside to conquer and expand the range of grazing land?
If only going to raid the south...I'm not so optimistic now.He already knew the course of the battle at Huangyashan.The Han people have too many iron weapons, and the firearms are getting better and better. Now that they have won big victories for two consecutive years, the border towns of the Han people are gradually changing.

I answer that as long as you lose once, your prestige will drop a lot, which is exactly what Han Ting wants to see.

It was almost autumn again, and I asked Urruk: "The Khan court is not stable, and Uliangha didn't move Khalkha again?"

"I'm afraid we all want to see others fight first."

I Da sighed: "All the ministries are in a state of disunity, each has its own plan..."

After he was silent for a while, he suddenly said: "In the past, Xue Chanhan and Basiba had a relationship, and finally owned the world. Now, all the tribes believe in shamanism, but Dayan Khan's reputation is gradually going away. I want to send an envoy Go to Tubo and ask for Buddhist teachings."

Urruk froze for a moment: "Dharma?"

I replied affirmatively and nodded: "Dharma! Shamans can't help me, and there are many Han people who believe in Buddhism. If I can help the Tubo Living Buddha to spread the Dharma to the grasslands, and I have a Buddha's name, then if there are major events in the future, all the herdsmen will be able to help me." Help me, Tubo, you can help me too!"

He is looking at the longer-term future, including the Hetao, including the Han Chinese Western Regions south of the Hetao.

"My dear brother doesn't want to fight any more, I'll go by myself!" I replied, looking to the south, "Now, it's not the time to plunder the Han people easily. Urruk, go to my brother's place, Discuss with him that he will negotiate tribute with the Han people, and I am willing to use cattle, sheep and horses to buy things from the Han people."

It is no longer possible to fight head-to-head. On the grassland, there are fewer and fewer iron pots, and even clothes are getting less and less.If you lose two more games, it will only get harder and harder.

If Mergen Jinong led the right wing to show weakness to Da Ming and stop fighting, would Khanting be worried?In that case, naturally his elder brother Gonbilik would be at the head as Jinong.

But Gonbilik, who has lost his vigor, is probably more tempted by the silk, fine wine, and beauties of the Han people.

On the contrary, his greed will only make the current right-wing ministries gradually feel unfair, and sooner or later they will follow him.

"Khan, the Han people...can you agree?"

"I will sacrifice my sister as a token of submission."

Urruk was stunned: How can you have a younger sister?Don't you have only one twin sister?

I shook my fists: "Go! If all the ministries can't be clenched like five fingers, they will be broken one by one by the Han people! The emperor of the Han people erected a monument in Xuanfu and shot an arrow. He Sooner or later, he will come to the grasslands, but not now. Right now, he has many other things to do. So, he will agree."

Zhu Houcong still didn't know that Alda was going to use the new religion to tame the beliefs of the herdsmen of the grasslands, and he was even going to ask for tribute from Daming together with Gunbilik.

However, I did see the essence of the problem clearly: only relying on him, Tumote, can't win favor from Daming, and will only be constantly consumed by the favor of Khan Ting and other tribes.Only a united grassland can have the strength to truly compete with the Han people in the future.

Now that the Han emperor is waiting for his reforms to form a stronger strength, I must create a future situation that is beneficial to him, rather than simply fighting a few battles.

In this game of chess, the winner is outside the battle!

(End of this chapter)

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