
Chapter 358 Your Majesty's Dragon Body Matters

Chapter 358 Your Majesty's Dragon Body Matters
Zhu Houcong thought that he would see a girl with tanned cheeks and wearing grassland costumes, but now she looked like any other woman in the palace, her face was indeed red, but that kind of redness was very familiar to Zhu Houcong .

Therefore, even with the conditions in the palace, the concubines would only take a good bath when they knew that the emperor was coming, and the hot water would turn rosy and rosy after soaking again and again.

Zhu Houcong quickly figured it out: it seemed that neither his mother nor his queen wanted to emphasize her status as a foreign woman in the palace, for fear that the emperor would be addicted to foreign customs and think she might be unclean.

But now Zhu Houcong was even more surprised by her courage.

I don’t know how many people have taught her along the way, but she still lost her manners when she saw the driver, and she didn’t realize that when she knelt on the ground and lowered her head, she wanted to raise her head to peek at others, and her posture was ugly.

So there is a kind of pure naivety.

"how old are you?"

"I... No, report back to Your Majesty... This concubine is 17 years old..."

Now Tana bowed her head because of the emperor's smile, her heart was beating fast.

The emperor has a beard, but his eyes still look young.I just took a peek and was laughed at, before I could see his face clearly...

But Tana felt much more at ease now. She heard the emperor getting angry before, but now she laughed when she saw her. She should like herself, right?

Zhu Houcong sighed with emotion.

Although he is only 25 and looks not too far apart, he can be regarded as another beauty who has entered the palace in the past eight years.

As an emperor, there is really no shortage of eighteen.

After some "persuasion" by Yang Shen, Zhu Houcong realized that his depression was more likely due to satisfying his so-called moral sense, and he had accepted that he was just a common emperor.

However, there is no need to do anything to this Tana now.

"When you come to the palace, you should get used to it. Now Zhongcui Palace has no owner, and you are not familiar with other people in Chuxiu Palace, so you should live in Zhongcui Palace first."

"The concubine obeys... obeys the order..."

I've seen it, I've seen it, this Tana didn't make Zhu Houcong as surprised as she was when she saw Zhang Qinghe's appearance, so naturally she just arranged it first.

At the beginning of the draft, there were nine concubines besides the second concubine, but each had six palaces. The remaining beauties who stayed in the palace lived in Chuxiu Palace at first, and later arranged some to go to other palaces.

These beauties who are in the same batch as the second concubine and nine concubines, Zhu Houcong has not been contaminated by any of them over the years.

Apart from the one empress, two concubines and nine concubines, the only ones who had any relationship with him were Carolina and Qu Mei who lived with Wen Suyun in the first palace.

After all, in the past few years, Zhu Houcong paid more attention to state affairs.

Now having Tana live in the Zhongcui Palace that was vacated due to the death of An Bin was a significant change in the palace.

When the news spread to Kunning Palace, Sun Ming couldn't help but frowned slightly: Could it be that His Majesty already has a heart of doting on the woman who presented the three parts of Duoyan, and wants to be named a concubine?

Then she heard the head of the female officials in her palace come over with a happy face and say: "Empress Empress, there is a message from the Supervisor of Rituals that Your Majesty will stay in Kunning Palace tonight."

"Ah?" Sun Ming was stunned for a moment, "But..."

She touched her stomach, and then there was a hint of sweetness in her heart.Didn't Your Majesty say that after giving birth, you need to raise the baby for a while?

Perhaps His Majesty is still worried about his emotions.

Both inside and outside the Kunning Palace were busy. Ever since the empress conceived and gave birth to another child, although His Majesty came here often, he hadn't stayed in the Kunning Palace for a long time.

Where the emperor wants to sleep, the specifications are different.

But Sun Ming waited and waited, and the clock that Zhu Houcong kept in the Kunning Palace had already pointed to almost 09:30 before coming.

"At first we wanted to have dinner together, but later I heard that Tao Zhenren has made some progress. I used to look at it before I knew it, and it came to this time."

Sun Ming just stood aside with a smile, watching Zhang Qiaomei help the emperor take off his coat, and then prepare for the emperor's bath.

When Zhu Houcong pulled Sun Ming to sit on the soft couch beside him, Sun Ming said: "Your Majesty has a concubine in his heart, and I am content with that. Now that Na Tana has entered the Zhongcui Palace, why not get her as soon as possible? Do you want to make Duoyan Sanbu’s heart happy?”

"Does the affairs of Duoyan's three tribes depend on one woman?" Zhu Houcong smiled and shook his head, "Letting her stay in Zhongcui Palace does not mean that she will live in the main hall. On the contrary, I was persuaded by Yang Shen today and felt that My mood has improved a lot. Why, I miss you, why don’t you sleep here?"

"That's naturally very good..." Sun Ming squeezed his palm, "Yang Shangshu can persuade His Majesty's knot, and the concubine is more happy about this matter."

Zhu Houcong looked into her eyes, and raised his hand to touch her face: "In the blink of an eye, it has been eight years since I entered the palace. In the past, I focused on state affairs and neglected you a lot. Back then, I had more concubines, sometimes to avoid disputes in the harem. , and there is no obvious love between the zodiac, it is only the length of stay, whether to sleep or not. In this way, the time you can see me will be even less."

Sun Ming was silent for a moment, then lowered her head slightly and said, "It's not easy for your majesty to succeed as a vassal king, as long as the ministers and concubines don't add to the chaos."

"This time Concubine An went, and Duoyan's three tribes offered their daughters to the palace again, I have thought a lot about it." Zhu Houcong said softly, "Whether it is good for the state or you, even if I am the king, I will do everything according to my heart. There are many helpless things, I know it is difficult for you, and I am afraid that it will be even more difficult in the future. Those who entered the palace together in the past, they also waited for eight years but never saw me. This time, some people spread that Concubine An was the recipient Do you want to sacrifice the female Suoke after Duoyan Sanbu?"

"This matter... the three people who gossip, the concubine has already ordered someone to do it, and they are expelled from the palace, Your Majesty..."

Zhu Houcong put his arm around her shoulders: "I didn't mean that you were incapable of controlling me, I just said that this is human nature. It is normal for some people's temperament to gradually change as time goes by. So, I'm afraid you will become worse and worse in the future. The harder it is.”

"Since I am a queen, I deserve this..."

"Tonight, I will tell you what's on my mind and help you think of something."

"Is your concubine thinking of something?" Sun Ming looked at him doubtfully.

"Think about it." Zhu Houcong sighed, "This harem is also like a small country, who has no selfishness? Although there is nothing strange about Concubine An's matter, but with more and more princes, it is inevitable that something strange will happen in the future thing."

Sun Ming was heartbroken, and grabbed his sleeve nervously.

"Zaiqian is already six years old. At the end of last year, Taifu Yang actually proposed to establish a crown prince. Later, when everything was delayed, I was not in the mood to think about it." Zhu Houcong said quietly, "Determine this matter, and you can control it." The harem is also easier."

"Concubine..." Sun Ming's lips trembled a little. Although her son's status was unshakable in terms of birth, after all, it was the emperor himself who mentioned this matter to her, so how could she not feel at ease.

"Isn't I also teaching them carefully?" Zhu Houcong smiled, "I hope their brothers can help Zai Que well in the future. This is one way, and the other way is to show both kindness and power to other people in the palace."

Sun Ming understood what he meant and became nervous again: "Does anyone dare to be so bold?"

Establishing a prince too early may not be good.Zhu Zaiqian is only six years old, who knows what will happen in the process of growing up?

"Be careful, everything depends on blessings and misfortunes." Zhu Houcong said after a pause, "I say grace, because it's better to be slack. You know, I'm young, and I have many concubines. In order to avoid conflicts between children, Although I have tried my best to cover the rain and dew before, everyone in the palace knows my secret method. Although it is not completely fulfilled, it can basically decide which palace to keep the dragon in."

Sun Ming couldn't help but nodded.

If not, with the emperor's physical strength, there would probably be many more princes in the palace now.

Although the number of concubines was more than that of the previous dynasty when he first ascended the throne, over the past eight years, the emperor has only had 12 concubines in the 14 palaces. Even though it has been proven that he will have no worries about heirs, there are still only three princes and three princes. Princess.This in itself shows that the emperor is very restrained and very long-term.

You must know that among these three princes, except for the eldest son who was born to the virtuous concubine Lin Qingping, the remaining two princes all came from Kunning Palace.It's a coincidence that Concubine Shu, Concubine Jing, and Concubine Duan all gave birth to princesses.

According to the rumors in the palace, His Majesty's method is not just a secret method, it is simply that you can plant whatever you want...

"In this way, in fact, all the palaces will inevitably have ideas, let alone those who entered the palace together and had the status of noble talents." Zhu Houcong said truthfully, "I always want them to feel a little hopeful in life. Since there is no way to accompany them more They, but we can't let them change their minds because of their loneliness."

Sun Ming was silent for a while, and then said: "Your Majesty has made new arrangements for the clan, but in fact, it is better to have more children, and the concubine understands."

She has a grandson as a father, how can the knowledge be comparable to that of ordinary women?Based on the emperor's current policy towards the clan and the emperor's great talents, since the position of the crown prince has been determined, as long as he is educated properly, other princes will have a way out in the future.

Zhu Houcong sighed: "To be honest, just looking at how cautious I was about your pregnancy and childbirth at the time, I knew that I was actually worried that you were too young and the risk of childbirth was too high. The accident with Concubine An proved my original worries. However, I also figured it out today, worrying is useless. I have already made a lot of preparations, and the rest can only depend on fate."

Thinking back to the past when he asked his concubines to practice the fitness technique together, Sun Ming only felt that he really cared about the safety of his harem women.In the past few months, His Majesty has often been in a bad mood because of Concubine An's affairs, and it turned out that there was also such a reason.

Immediately she asked: "Then what does His Majesty mean... to make the palaces look forward to it?"

"Yes. Not only the palaces, but those who entered the palace together back then, and Tana who entered the palace for various reasons in the future, I'm afraid I have to give some hope." Zhu Houcong told her frankly about this kind of situation. Things, "If you have hope, you won't go crazy. Naturally, this will make more people try to find favor. If someone breaks the palace rules, then it's up to Shi Wei to set the rules."

Sun Ming understood.

Next, His Majesty is afraid that a few more palaces will be impregnated, and even a few people from other than concubines will be lucky enough to give them a title.

No wonder he said that he will have a harder time in the future.

Her son was established as the prince. Although she has more prestige in the harem, the situation she will face is indeed more complicated.

"...Your Majesty can tell me what's in your heart first, and I'll be satisfied."

Sun Ming looked at him. The emperor who was just as young back then now had a beard and looked much more stable.But today, I haven't had this feeling of discussing something with her for a long time.

She stood up and said softly: "Since Your Majesty wants to stay in bed today, let the concubine serve Your Majesty well."

The aftermath of An Concubine's death subsided here, and there were signs of palace fighting in the harem to use this incident to "squeeze out" latecomers, and Zhu Houcong also had thoughts about securing the status of the prince first, so he had to think about the future.

Compared to Concubine An and the prince he had never met, Zhu Houcong would probably be more difficult to bear what happened to the concubines with whom he was more intimate and the son who had called him father for so many years.

And today's performance in the imperial study room, is it not the new situation that Zhu Houcong needs to face after he has delegated power, and when the monarchy and prime minister have different priorities in the future?
The new and old parties are already merging, but officials have no chance of really sticking together.With their current thinking and values, if they stick together, it will only become resistance to their continuous reform in the future.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a prince.

Apart from the gentry, the strength of the industrial and commercial class was still too weak to shake the order of the auxiliary monarchs who ruled the entire Ming Dynasty, which was still established by Confucian scholars.

In the Kunning Palace, there was only harmony overnight, but Tana couldn't sleep for a long time in the Zhongcui Palace: Could it be that Your Majesty doesn't like herself?

In her understanding, since Aries has arrived at Longkou, it should be eaten immediately, right?

Not so.

The next day, a certain concubine who was in the so-called "easy pregnancy" time was summoned to sleep in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Two days later, when the emperor was on his way back from Qin'an Hall to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, when he saw a few talented people spending time in the imperial garden, he showed interest and love to one of them.

It was not until half a month later that the emperor appeared in Zhongcui Palace.

When the provincial armies competed for the championship, the emperor even brought all the beauties out of the city to watch the competition together in a specially arranged area.

One month passed like this, and one day in the imperial study, when Yang Shen came to report the disaster relief in Huguang and other places, after talking about the business, he said in a serious voice: "I have something else to report!"

Looking at his serious appearance, Zhu Houcong felt a little uncomfortable: "Tell me."

"For more than a month now, I have noticed that His Majesty is not as diligent as before. A few days ago, the provincial armies competed for the championship, and His Majesty brought the harem to watch the battle, which was even more impressive! Just now, I have been waiting for Your Majesty for half an hour. Such a situation has never happened before. Your Majesty's dragon body is important, and you must not be indulged in female sex and waste the government!"

Huang Jin looked at Yang Shen blankly.

Zhu Houcong was also numb.

Recently, Yang Shen has spent more time taking care of the psyche problems of the existing concubines, nobles and talented people in the harem to avoid psychological abnormalities. He has also spent more time in the Zhongyuan Hall to educate a group of young people. Yang Shen has something to say again.

"I know."

"Your Majesty! After the great sorrow, you must not easily fall into the path of desire and indulge your mind. Your Majesty's next generation of Mingjun, now internal and external troubles..."

"Okay, okay." Zhu Houcong interrupted him angrily, "I seem to have become the licentious king you worry about. I can't rub the sand in my eyes. Although I know that there is room for everything in the world, once I know Some things are still unbearable. Isn't this for Qing and others to deal with it safely, so that I won't make a big fuss?"

Yang Shen's eyes suddenly changed, he knelt down and said: "What I have discussed before is for the sake of state affairs, and there is no other intention."

Zhu Houcong let out a long sigh: "Are you finished? I've already told you about this. Be smart and use cultivation. Why are you so stupid?"

"...I don't understand."

"Go and do your errands. I have a sense of discretion. If you don't understand, just go back and think about it."

Yang Shen scratched his head and left, Zhu Houcong rolled his eyes.

Didn't Yang Tinghe tell him that he had suggested that the emperor establish a prince?

This silly boy, seeing the emperor indulge in slack in the harem, why didn't he think of this move?
For things like the establishment of a prince, if there are ministers who stand up and ask for it, then it will be obvious that there will be great achievements in the future, and some people will naturally gather together.

Among the officials who may become more and more integrated and form a new set of rules to carve up the benefits of the new law without changing the rules, only such a major event as the establishment of a prince will give Zhu Houcong room to break the rule in the future.

 make up

(End of this chapter)

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