
Chapter 366 South and North of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 366 South and North of Ming Dynasty
In the 21st year of Hongwu's reign, "the country of eight hundred daughters-in-law sent people to pay tribute, so the Xuanwei Department was established."

Starting from the earliest [-] Xuanwei Division - this is just one, not [-] - the Yunnan Border Region has successively established many Xuanwei Divisions, Xuanfu Divisions, Anfu Divisions, Changguan Divisions, Tufu Divisions, etc.

At this time, the Myanmar Xuanwei Division, which was merged into one by the original Myanmar-Chinese and Myanmar Xuanwei Divisions, was facing a joint attack from the Mubang Xuanwei Division, the Mengmi Appeasement Division, and the Mengyang Xuanwei Division.The son of Mang Ji Sui, the original owner of the Burmese Xuanwei Division, led his troops to invade the Diwula Xuanwei Division and the Dakura Xuanwei Division with the intention of making a comeback.

In addition, there are Demasas Xuanwei Division, Babaidaidian Xuanwei Division, and Lao Xuanwei Division.Among these big forces, there are also various small forces such as Menggen Tufu and Chashan Chief Suisi.

Generally speaking, the chieftain pattern in Yunnan at this time was called three Xuan and six lieutenants.

According to the Ming Dynasty, these chieftains were all part of the Ming Dynasty, and all the chieftains and officials were given seals, crowns, letters, and gold-lettered red cards by the Ming Dynasty.The chieftains could have troops, but they could only guard the borders and must obey the Ming Dynasty's dispatch.Every three years, they also participated in paying tribute and conferring rights.

In Mu Shaoxun's study, not only Yang Bo, but also Wu Wending was finally able to learn more complicated situations from the "serious old Yunnan citizen", Duke Qian.

"In recent years, there has been a lot of movement among the chieftains, and it is because of the collapse of the Naava Dynasty in Myanmar. In the past, the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty defeated the Bagan Dynasty in Myanmar, and then Myanmar had the two countries of Ava and Bago. The original Mubang and Mongolian Dynasties in Myanmar Only then did Burma, including the Yang, Mengmi and other royal tribes, including the Ava dynasty, surrender to the Ming Dynasty. Now, the Mang Rui people are running eastward to Dongwu. The upper Burmese dynasty has been broken, and the Bago dynasty in lower Burma has only It’s also worrying.”

"……Been taught a lesson."

After Mu Shaoxun corrected his understanding of Yunnan, Wu Wending bowed solemnly.

Yang Bo murmured: "So, now the Spring and Autumn Period in Myanmar has passed, and the Warring States Period is coming?"

"That's right! Mengyang Xuanwei's envoy Silun, Mubang's Xuanwei envoy Hanlie, and Mengmi's pacification envoy Sizhen have made Mang Buxin the King of Ava, and have also asked for the title of Myanmar's Xuanwei envoy on his behalf. In fact, The three chieftains have all divided the land of the Ava Dynasty in Myanmar. Although the Bago Dynasty is still there, it has long existed in name only after the war for forty years in the past. Silun has a grand plan. I am afraid he wants to unify the upper and lower Myanmar and create a new dynasty!"

Wu Wending said thoughtfully: "Mang Rui asked to seal the letter, and Mang Rui cried bitterly, but the court has never given a final conclusion. Now it seems that His Majesty and Yang Gong have considered everything... Mu Gong, in your opinion, thinking Can Lun make it happen?"

"It's hard to say!" Mu Shaoxun said truthfully, and then said with certainty, "However, since the disputes have arisen, even if Silun can't make it happen, then sooner or later someone from the Myanmar states will make it happen. Myanmar has been divided for nearly 200 years, and it must be reunited after a long period of separation! With the combination of Burma and Burma, Yunnan no longer has the three propaganda and six captains of Wai Yunnan."

His judgment was correct, but not only did he not expect it, Zhu Houcong also had no impression. The gears of Myanmar's history began to turn from this incident.It was the now inconspicuous 14-year-old boy Mang Ruiti and his son Mang Yinglong who finally unified Myanmar.The dynasty he established was called the Toungoo Dynasty.

Wu Wending frowned and thought, and after a while he said: "The imperial court has only set four major strategies: promoting culture and education, opening border markets, opening up trade routes, and reforming the land and returning it to the local people. The secret decree is here to ask you and me to tell you the truth. Change. Tuguiliu means to solidify more soil. The three Xuan and six lieutenants of Outer Yunnan are all chieftains of the Ming Dynasty! In the long run, they are all within the scope of change. Mr. Mu, you can't hide your clumsiness. We have been busy discussing these days. , please come up with a practical plan to deal with it!"

"...What the governor said is true? Your Majesty wants us to thoroughly understand the strategy and come up with practical strategies to deal with it?"

"There are only strategies but no practical strategies. Naturally, you have to trust me. Even the guarding eunuchs have withdrawn. What is this but trusting you and me? The situation is complicated, and His Majesty wants you and me to act accordingly. Mr. Mu knows that. The three announcements and the six lieutenants have reached the time when they must reunite after being separated for a long time. This is the place where achievements are made! The imperial court does not deal with matters such as Mang Bu Xin and Mang Rui Ti. Naturally, it wants to hear what you and I have to say!"

Mu Shaoxun was still very cautious: "If you want to interfere in this matter, you must send troops! This is not a counter-insurgency and suppression campaign. Once the troops and horses are mobilized, food and grass are not a trivial matter!"

Wu Wending was confident: "That's why your majesty asked my father-in-law to go to Huangmingji for transfer! Mr. Mu, you know the chieftains of Yunnan better. Now you and I can make a bold plan. Whether it is feasible or not, your majesty and the court will judge for themselves!" In my opinion, this soldier must be sent out, even if it is to knock down the mountain and shake the tiger!"

"Knocking on the mountain will shock the tiger? Who will be shocked?"

Wu Wending smiled meaningfully: "Mo Dengyong!"

Yang Bo brought up another matter: "Dutai, Your Majesty ordered me to be the magistrate of Kunming. However, when it was about to be liberated, there was another decree to order me to go to Chengdu with His Royal Highness, the eldest son of the emperor. How to deal with this matter?"

Wu Wending was silent for a while, and then his eyes lit up: "Secret message first! I still want you to go to Chengdu, as promised, and that means you have to go with a mission! Don't worry, we will discuss the actual strategy first and deliver it urgently. If Beijing sends a secret order to Sichuan, you should know what to do when you arrive in Chengdu. If Yunnan wants to send troops to advise the Three Propaganda and Six Lieutenants, and Sichuan to transfer grain and grass, they must make preparations first!"

"……I see."

Mu Shaoxun's heart beat a little faster when Yang Bo suddenly realized what he said.

From this point of view, the four things in the secret order are all interrelated, and His Majesty really means to send troops to break up the fight.

No matter how much he was persuaded, His Majesty chose to pay attention to the opinions of the chief civil and military officials of Yunnan.

Yang Bo built primary schools, middle schools, and universities, just to put into practice the "etiquette classes" that all local officials must take before taking over.

The new law in this special place of Yunnan has only really begun now.


The changes in this corner of the southwest are unknown to the grassland today.

After traveling for several months, Tang Shunzhi finally arrived in Guyuan.

Guyuan also has the place of Jingping and Longhui, and is located in the middle of Suide, Gansu, Ningxia, and Xi'an. Because of this, the trilateral general system is located in Guyuan.

Under the three sides, Yansui Town is located in Yulin, Ningxia Town is located in Yinchuan, and Gansu Town is located in Zhangye.

Now, there are Guyuan Guards in Guyuan, which have jurisdiction over three garrison stations of Xi'an Prefecture, Zhenrong and Pinglu.Naturally, there are more than just this amount of troops under the Trilateral General System.

Currently, Guyuan has more than [-] troops in actual terms.There are more than [-] in Yansui, more than [-] in Ningxia, and more than [-] in Gansu.

Of course, these are just numbers on the books and should not be taken seriously.

"Since I am here to take charge of the three sides, I must have a clear idea." Tang Shunzhi sat in the main seat and looked at the civil and military forces of the three towns. "Let me explain one by one where the actual combatable troops on the three sides are deployed."

On the surface, there seemed to be more than [-] troops on three sides, but Tang Shunzhi estimated that the situation here was worse than that in Xuanda, and he didn't know if there could actually be [-] to [-] percent.

In the lobby of the governor's three ministries, the civil and military officials looked at the overly young governor, but no one spoke immediately.

Tang Shunzhi looked at them, clasped his hands together above his head and saluted eastward: "By His Majesty's holy grace, I accept the invitation of the 24-year-old Governor. I understand that you all have doubts."

He put down his hand and continued: "Before I resign, I confess my feelings to Your Majesty. I can stay in these three countries for 20 years, 30 years or even a lifetime! The North is in constant trouble, and I, Tang Shunzhi, have no face to return to Beijing! I will deal with you in the future. The days are still long, and since I have the imperial mandate, I ask you all to work together to relieve your worries."

It sounded as if they were going to use the emperor's letter to pressure them to tell the truth, but Tang Shunzhi then said: "Before I left the capital, I asked for a holy favor."

Facing everyone's gaze, Tang Shunzhi spoke slowly: "Before I take office, I will not care about your right or wrong! Within three years of my taking office, the three sides will not be held responsible for the defeat."

These two sentences caused some small commotion, and there was some restlessness in the lobby.

Tang Shunzhi smiled again: "What is the real situation on the three sides? General Staff Xia has also told this to me. Why do you need to worry? When I come to these three sides, I will always make Uncle Jingbian worthy of his name. I am not afraid that you will laugh. I still want to see it." Let's see if we can make great achievements in these three areas. Bos will be promoted to marquises, and marquises will be promoted to dukes. If this governor can achieve this, how can the Ming Dynasty not add more dukes and princes?"

He stood up and reached out to untie his official robe: "It's really awkward to be controlled by a young superior. On the way to Guyuan, I was also thinking about how to make the civil servants and generals on the three sides believe that I didn't mean any harm. It can make you rise higher and higher step by step. After thinking about it, I just don’t want to fight or get to know each other for now.”

Mao Bowen and others, as well as the generals and generals of the three towns, all watched in astonishment as Tang Shunzhi took off his official robe in front of the audience, revealing the powerful clothes underneath.

"Gun here!"

Tang Shunzhi stretched out his hand, and Bao Zhengchuan suddenly handed him the spear with some excitement.

In the eyes of everyone, Tang Shunzhi shook out a beautiful and powerful gunshot as if he was trying it out, and then introduced with a smile: "This is the governor's pacesetter battalion commander Bao Zhengchuan. Let's get to know each other. Mr. Bao Previously, under Yu Dayou, he was the commander-in-chief of Yuanyang Camp." Those people all looked at Bao Zhengchuan with stern eyes.

Bao Zhengchuan, on the other hand, held his head high and his chest high.

Tang Shunzhi came to three places, but he didn't ask Yu Dayou to come, but he wanted to leave Bao Zhengchuan.

From Beijing Camp to here, Bao Zhengchuan can be regarded as someone who has followed the number one civil and military scholar in Jiajing for five years.

Now he was also able to praise him. He first clasped his fists and got to know them, and then said: "You don't know, the Yuanyang Camp was first created by Tang Dutai and was tested by General Yu. In the battle of Huangya Mountain, a certain man led the Yuanyang Camp. Behead nearly a thousand people!”

Tang Shunzhi looked at the military generals: "Ignore the war-ready soldiers for now, I will first get to know the generals with martial arts. If the Japanese governor wants to lead you on the battlefield, he must teach you to believe that I know the troops and can fight! Come, practice martial arts. Compete first on the field, then drink at night!"

When he came to Shaanxi, he, a native of Jiangnan in southern Zhili, seemed to become more heroic.

At this moment, no one in the three sides is older than him, but all the civil servants and generals are older than him.

This situation is extremely rare, so Tang Shunzhi cannot take the ordinary path.

It's better to be honest and direct without using so many official tactics.

Since he has extraordinary literary, Taoist and military skills, there is no need to cover up his glory.

Let them know that the emperor's extraordinary appointment is justified.

On this day, at the Governor's Trilateral Branch in Guyuan City, the new Governor was completely different from the original Governor Xia.He had just accepted an interview with the civil and military officials of the three sides, and then he picked on the generals and personal guards of the three sides.

After successive battles and victories, civil servants and generals from three sides all felt the huge shock that Yu Dayou, the champion of martial arts, suffered in the past.

Then he put on the official robe of a civil servant, and before the banquet started in the evening, he talked about the numbers that Xia Yan had mastered after more than a year here, and they were all treasures.

Taolu, Qinghai, Anda... He knew more about the situation outside the border wall than the sentry troops on the three sides had retrieved.

At the dinner, he stood up, picked up the wine, and said loudly: "Don't worry about whether the three sides can be defended after Qinghai changes hands. I came to the three sides, not to defend it. Bodi died in Xuanfu, Beilu and I The next battle of the Ming Dynasty will be on three sides! First, retrace the attack, then take back Qinghai and the Western Regions, and finally destroy the Khan Court! Today, I am not afraid to tell you about this ambition, and I am not afraid that the Northern Captives will also know it! Your Majesty, trust me, Tang Shunzhi, You will gradually start to trust me, Tang Shunzhi!"

"The Dutai is mighty!"

Whether it was flattery or a little bit of admiration at the moment, Ming Dynasty did select a very extraordinary figure in the first system, and now they have an intuitive feeling.

In terms of martial arts, he defeated everyone today.Regardless of whether anyone lets it slip, Tang Shunzhidu is probably the most skilled in martial arts among civil servants.

Essay...he is the number one scholar in essays!
The most important thing is that he is so young. He said that he has made it clear to His Majesty that he can stay on the three sides for the rest of his life.If the troubles in Beijing continue, he will not return to Beijing.

Thinking about his Holy Dragon... If he really wants to mess with people on three sides, whoever he messes with will be finished.

Don't let bygones be bygones, and don't ask for the crime of defeat in three years?

On the three sides of Shaanxi, the period belonging to Tang Shunzhi has just begun.In this first stage, he had to hold on, train his troops, and sort out the many chores related to food, grass and weapons.

And Xia Yan, who suddenly became the general staff officer of the Military Affairs Council, is still on the way.

After he handed over to Tang Shunzhi, he entered Shanxi from Shaanxi and passed through Datong to Xuanfu.Except for Jizhou and Liaodong, he had visited the border.

To be honest, although he had been to the three western regions, he had not thought that he would become an important military minister in the future.His original goal was to be the general manager of civil affairs.

But it makes sense to think about it. Why was Xia Yan promoted when His Majesty first ascended the throne?

Now, he wants to devote his energy to this area more specifically.

Xia Yan is still young, he is 49 years old this year.

In the courtyard of the Huai Lai Governor-General Xuan Da's Ministry, he saluted Wang Shouren solemnly: "Wang Dutai, after I return to Beijing, I will receive letters from time to time. Please give me your advice."

"Gong Jin is humbled."

"Now that Mr. Yang is gone, Wang Dutai is the best choice as general staff officer." Xia Yan said truthfully.

Wang Shouren shook his head: "I am old, and I was seriously ill last year. Gong Jin is in his prime and knows the affairs of the world. Your Majesty will never make a mistake in entrusting you with a heavy responsibility."

"Dutai needs to take good care of his students and generals to maintain their health. The two towns of Xuanda and Da are now connected to Dutai."

"It's somewhat of a bad name. As long as I'm not dead, Xuanda will be fine." Wang Shouren smiled, "It's also a strange thing. Last year it was like a threshold. This spring and summer, it seems to be healthier than in previous years. some."

"What a blessing for the Ming Dynasty! When I return to Beijing to report to your majesty, your majesty will be safe."

"There is no need to delay the General Staff. General Staff Xia is at the center, and I will definitely find a way to hold on for a few more years. Even if we don't see the day when the Ming Dynasty is really free from the North's troubles, it can be regarded as a small contribution to side affairs, and it will live up to this life."

Xia Yan said goodbye to Wang Shouren, and then said with high spirits: "Go back to Beijing!"

Looking at his retreating back, Wang Shouren had a smile on his face, and then he thought of Yang Yiqing and Yang Tinghe who had just passed away, and there was a little loneliness and emotion on his lips.

In the past, I spent too much energy and energy studying spiritual studies. Now, when it comes to knowledge, I feel more and more that practical studies and dialectics are unfathomable.

Last year, when I was thinking about knowledge day and night, I suddenly felt that my body and bones were getting worse and worse, and I fell seriously ill.

After returning to the house, he opened Yang Tinghe's "Practice Collection" and took a look at it. He suddenly put it down freely.

It is serious to live a few more years. In this life, he is dedicated to learning. With the "Examination of Practical Studies and Dialectics", he can be considered to have gained something from his words.

In terms of culture and education, let Fei Hong and Yan Song worry about it.

Meritorious service is no small matter, and virtue...Wang Shouren lived a life full of guilt.

Now I just want to live a few more years and see what difference this Ming Dynasty will have.

Perhaps, this northern disaster can really be eradicated?

(End of this chapter)

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