
Chapter 374: Outer Yunnan Communist Leader

Chapter 374: Outer Yunnan Communist Leader
From the 26th of the first lunar month to the 23rd of the second lunar month, the war ended.

Except Silun is still hiding in Meng Yangcheng - he is the strongest, and the strategy there may not necessarily work.

But it was only a matter of time after the news from Ava City spread back.

In fact, for nearly a month, this "blitzkrieg" only took place in a small area with a radius of more than a hundred miles.

The one that rushed further was the Mang Rui Ti.

Poor Mang Rui Ti, brave Mang Rui Ti.

Mu Shaoxun and Wu Wending saw this young man outside the south city of Ava City.

After being defeated by the Allied Forces of the Three Divisions, only a few elite soldiers fled to Toungoo.Most of the army behind him were hastily recruited after returning from Kunming's "defense" last year with news.In the past, maybe it was a farmer or a hunter.

Their clothes, weapons, heights, and postures were in sharp contrast to the Ming army behind Wu Wending and Mu Shaoxun.

At this moment, the Three-Chen Flag of the Ming Dynasty was flying on Ava City. As the King of Dongyu, Mang Ruiti was not only far apart in age, but also far apart in strength.

There was caution in his eyes, but he had to hide it.

Turning over and dismounting, he took off his helmet, turned back to stop the others from making any changes, and walked forward alone to kneel down and salute: "The Heavenly Kingdom has kept its promise and helped me return to my country. I am so grateful!"

Wu Wending couldn't help but look at each other and Mu Shaoxun, then looked at him deeply.

This is a junior, and he is indeed the one who was invited to be canonized as a minister of the Ming Dynasty, but in the eyes of the soldiers behind him, he is a king after all.

Wu Wending and Mu Shaoxun also dismounted. After walking forward, Wu Wending reached out to help him up: "Your Majesty, please rise. The Ming Dynasty sent troops to uphold justice. Now that the king's army has arrived, the generals in the city have tied up the thieves and opened the city. Please surrender, so I first sent generals into the city to calm people's hearts. Now that the scholars have arrived, let's lead the personal guards into the city first. After waiting in the car for the arrival of Si Xuanwei's envoy, we made a new agreement. Your Majesty's canonization decree has arrived. The king The teacher will return north."

Mang Ruiti was a little surprised and a little surprised, but he still opened his mouth to test: "Now that I have returned to the old place, and the defensive capabilities of the cities are not enough, I still have to ask the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty to do the work for Ava City. In terms of food and salary, I should worship myself... …”

"Your Majesty, there is no need to believe it. I have said that the Ming Dynasty sent troops only to uphold justice and make a new treaty. It had no intention of occupying Burma. Now the people in the city are waiting eagerly for it, so I'd better enter the city first."

Mang Ruiti looked at the Ming army in front and the city gate they were guarding on both sides. He nodded after not thinking for a long time: "I will obey your order and lead one hundred personal guards into the city."

"One hundred is a little less, let's say five hundred." Wu Wending's words surprised Mang Ruiti.

"...God's grace is so great, I am so grateful that I shed tears of gratitude."

Wu Wending only smiled slightly.

Outer Yunnan is much more difficult to govern than inner Yunnan. In His Majesty's words, the image of Ming Dynasty in the minds of the people in outer Yunnan is more important.

In this battle, it is more important to achieve actual benefits later.

The report was to be delivered to the capital, and the decision to confer Mang Ruiti on the throne had come a long time ago. However, the new leaders of Mubang and Mengyang decided to see who was more obedient as the war progressed.

In the city of Ava, Ji Weimin repeatedly restrained his generals.

"When I received the order in Sichuan, His Majesty made it clear that whether I committed any crime with the people after entering the city after performing meritorious services will determine whether I can be granted a title of marquis when I report my meritorious service!" Ji Weimin gritted his teeth, "Don't go looking for fun just because you don't have to fight now. Do something that should be reported to the people sent by the General Military Discipline Department! Even if it costs a little money! The reward will not be small, I just want to be made a marquis, and I will not deduct you!"

"The general is joking, humble men dare not..."

"It's time to start talking ugly, even if it costs a little money!"

How many years has it been since the Ming Dynasty's generals really attacked the city where foreigners "refused to accept the king's rule", even though this place was nominally under the control of the Ming Dynasty.

However, the emperor clearly reminded him in his decree, and Ji Weimin did not dare to make any mistakes.

Your Majesty clearly has a big plan for foreign affairs in Yunnan and cannot allow the Ming generals to be ruined.

Ji Weimin's mission has been completed, and his next mission is to restrain his generals from getting carried away and robbing women and property in the city of Ava.

For this reason, he was worried and could only patrol over and over again, muttering about his Marquis everywhere he went.

This behavior of the Ming army fell into the eyes of Mang Ruiti, which only made him feel heavier.

This kind of Da Ming made him feel even more terrifying.

After entering the city, we still have to wait for Meng Yang to end the chaos, and Silun himself and his blood relatives can be sent. We have to wait for the Xuanwei envoys from the car, Babaidadian, and Laos or their envoys to come.

And Mang Ruiti himself has accepted the decree. Now, he has officially been canonized as the Xuanwei Envoy of the Myanmar Xuanwei Division of the Ming Dynasty, and he has all the official uniforms, gold-lettered red cards, etc.

This is a good thing, but it also limits his future: the Emperor of Heaven reiterated his request to him. After this agreement and demarcation, no one is allowed to invade other people's land.As the co-leader, Daming will stand up and uphold justice as long as anyone breaks the rules.

Therefore, Mang Rui Ti, who has greater ambitions, feels terrible about the Ming army and Ming Dynasty he sees now - they are trusting and making the other divisions both fearful and dependent on them if anything happens in the future.

If this is just a rule, what else is there to discuss?

Laos is not involved in this dispute, they are the farthest away.

When the news reached Nanzhang, Xuanwei of Laos was too shocked by his sword.

"So quickly, you captured the city of Ava and captured the sons of Sizhen, Hanlie and Silun?"

"What should I do? Go or not?"

Facing his brother's question, Dao Lanzhang was still in a daze.

"...It's natural to go. You go." Dao Lanzhang said, "Let's hear what you have to say first."

"Brother, I want you to go in person, and I said it is closely related to the interests of Laos." His younger brother was a little reluctant, "Even if I can't go, it would be more appropriate for Xigan to go than for me to go, right?"

"He..." Dao Lanzhang was naturally worried about his son's safety.

Dao Lanzhang was terrified that Ming Dynasty defeated the three divisions who had conquered Ava City so simply.

After spending a lot of time in these mountains, he finally sent his son Dao Xigan there.

Even if something happens to his son, at least it's not to him. Anyway, he has more than one son.

After many mountains and rivers separated him, he couldn't figure out what Ming's attitude was.

The situation in Outer Yunnan, blocked by mountains and rivers, seemed to have undergone huge changes in an instant, and Wang Zhi had been exploring the mountains to the west of Qinghua for a long time.

After Tan Yuancai was "accidentally lost", it took Wang Zhi a long time to accidentally find them again, exhausted and in ragged clothes.

"Thankfully I met them, otherwise my life would have been lost here. Master Wang, have you found the spiritual tree?"

"It seems that there are endless wars here, the aura of heaven and earth has changed, and the spiritual tree is no longer as long as this." Wang Zhi laid out the chart, "There are several other spiritual objects, I think the master can be of use. I made an elixir and presented it to you. Your Majesty, this is also a great achievement."

"...Still can't find it? What kind of spiritual thing is it?"

Wang Zhi talked about a few things that he had gotten from the guide during this period, which were probably only produced in this area, and they left.

In short, it is called a trade route. As long as the news is brought and there is an excuse to make purchases in the future, the mission is completed.

Now, he was eager to go back with Tan Yuancai and try to borrow two or three warships from them for the next step.

The group of people traveled through mountains and rivers and returned to Qinghua City before hearing the news.

If the Ming Dynasty wanted to spread the word, how could it not spread to Jiaozhi?
Wang Shi respected the orthodoxy and helped the Burmese regain their country. Within ten months, they defeated the coalition forces of the three divisions that usurped the Ava Dynasty, and captured the blood relatives of the three tribes and the thieves of the three divisions.

They left Qinghua City under the vigilant and fearful eyes of Qinghua Civil and Military Officers. Wang Zhi on the boat was a little confused: "Isn't this an attack on Mo Dengyong? If our whereabouts are reported, we can secretly communicate with Ailao later. Border trade?”

"You and I don't need to worry about these things. Jiaozhi is different from the other Yunnan provinces. The people there are canonized as Xuanwei envoys and Xuanfu envoys. The ones conferred in Jiaozhi are kings. We can't generalize." Tan Yuancai smiled and said, "Now It depends on which one, Mo Dengyong or Ruan Gan, offers more to His Majesty. Ming Dynasty will naturally wait and see what happens and see who the people of Cochin are."

"...Your Majesty is truly...a saint."

Wang Zhi wanted to say that the emperor was playing dirty tricks.

Mo Dengyong killed all members of the Li Dynasty clan. This was a blood feud.Since he could no longer win the hearts of the people of Jiaozhi by appointing officials and making wishes, he had to expend food and military forces as quickly as possible to exterminate the rebels under the watchful eye of the Ming Dynasty, in order to "return to his destiny."

But Daming was thinking of ways to support Ruan Gan.

The higher-ups are constantly fighting for power, and it is natural that the people are suffering.Maybe while fighting, they will ask the Celestial Empire to calm down the war and restore peace.

Is it important to have a famous and righteous teacher?

Returning to Cat Ba Island, Peng Yue said to Wang Zhi simply: "Don't even think about lending you a warship, but His Majesty has a purpose. You wait here. I will send you an errand later."

"Ah? Your Majesty has a decree... for me?"

Wang was stunned.

Peng Yue also looked at him with complicated emotions, and then smiled very kindly: "His Majesty personally ordered the name of Shopkeeper Wang."

"...Eunuch Peng, do you know what is going on?"

Peng Yue shook his head repeatedly: "Shopkeeper Wang, just wait here, someone will come looking for you. Congratulations to Shopkeeper Wang, Jane is in the emperor's heart."

Wang Zhi thought about it, and I'm afraid it wasn't because he sacrificed his life for the sea trade company on this trip, but maybe because he wanted to use the warship to pretend to be a pirate to attack Thanh Hoa.

Could it be that His Majesty's heart is so dirty, and the hero and the hero think the same thing?
The April sea breeze is blowing, and some of the foreign ministers in Yunnan have sent their envoys to visit, some have sent their heirs, and negotiations in Ava City are finally about to begin.The place of discussion was the original palace of the Ava Dynasty, but now it is naturally the palace of the Toungu Dynasty.

The first item is that Gao Shangxian who came to Ava City from Kunming read out the canonization decree for Mengyang and Mubang.

There is no Meng Mi.

"Do you all understand?" Wu Wending said with a smile, "Burning Cao Qianhu and killing the generals who sent orders to the Ming Dynasty. Although Silun and Hanlie were involved in the matter, it was Sizhen and his generals who did it. . Meng Mi was so bold that in addition to the pacification department, he established Meng Mi's mansion, and then selected good and obedient ministers to appoint chieftains to govern their own people."

Mang Ruiti understood and remained silent.

The new Mubang Xuanwei envoy immediately praised the good deeds: "Meng Mi rebelled against Mubang in the past and has always been disloyal!"

Wu Wending nodded: "The Mengmi Mansion was not established to occupy the chieftain's land. It's just that the people outside Yunnan are also subjects of the Ming Dynasty. For many years, various divisions have been fighting endlessly, so why should the people deserve it? The Luchuan Rebellion was put down in the past, and the old rule was Silun and the others did not abide by the agreement. After establishing Mengmi Mansion, the Ming Dynasty will set up a Weiyuan camp here."

His eyes became stern: "We have made a new covenant. Anyone who fails to protect the land and the people or obey the orders of the Ming Dynasty will be punished!"

After a few dares, the hall became extremely quiet.

Only then did Wu Wending laugh: "After setting up Mengmi Mansion, we will also open a border market in Mengmi Mansion to see if there is any traffic. The Ming Dynasty still doesn't care how your people are governed. They only set up propaganda envoys to take care of it. City trade matters.”

"Opening a border market?" Mang Ruiti felt something bad in his heart, "I would like to hear the details."

"It is also of great benefit to you. Ming Dynasty ironware, farm tools, cloth, tea salt and other good things, you have a lot of food, gems, wood..."

Wu Wending began to introduce the rules of Ming Dynasty's border market, and the purchase price given was indeed fair.At the same time, what Daming is willing to sell does have what they need.

"There will be no tribute from now on, it will all be trade." Wu Wending paused and said, "Tribute is still required, otherwise why would I be a minister? It's just that Your Majesty's grace has reduced the arrears of previous years and the tribute in the future to half. I don't know what this means. Are you willing to follow the rules?"

We don’t want to comply. Otherwise, why didn’t we pay in arrears before?
But the city of Ava was still under the control of the Ming Dynasty, and their cannons were thick and long.

"If you don't want to comply, that's okay." Wu Wending added, "Then they will not be protected by the Ming Dynasty. If there is an invasion of the Ming Dynasty's territory, the Weiyuan camp can ask them to help them conquer it. The tribute will be cut in half. , God’s grace is so great. If the Ming Dynasty does not regard you as its ministers, how can Master Wang not do anything wrong in the autumn?"

Meng Yang and Mu Bang, the two new lieutenants, expressed their willingness to comply with fear. Just now, they all saw the expectant eyes of the man.

Wu Wending looked at them and said quietly: "The Mengyang and Mubang divisions should be punished for usurping Burma this time; the Che and Babai Dadian divisions have meritorious service in dispatching troops from the Ming Dynasty. There should also be rewards. Today, we have to draw the line again. If there are any disputes in the future, it will be the same for those who started the fight and those who made meritorious deeds!"

The next step is to complete the previous strategic purpose: the good land east of Gangao Mountain and west of Jinsha River that originally belonged to Mengyang was allocated to some chieftains such as Manmo who sent troops to Inner Yunnan, while Mubang's land north of the Ava River The land, and some land in the east and south, were allotted to Che and [-] Dadian.

Dao Xigen was furious. Although Laos sent troops, it was of no use. Do they want an enclave?
However, Mang Ruiti's heart became increasingly heavy - Babai Dadian and the car were both stronger. Even if he wanted to use any tricks to expand Myanmar's territory in the future, he would have to be wary of the Weiyuan Camp located in Mengmi Mansion in the north of Myanmar.

In less than a month, the Ming army captured the city of Ava from the northernmost part of Mengmi.

Mang Ruiti soon returned to the country, but he also became one of the people guarded by the Ming Dynasty.

Diwu La and Da Gu La, who sent people from the south and belonged to the Bago dynasty, felt a lot more relieved. After all, the risklessness and potential shown by Taungu during the northern attack made them worried.

They received little benefit, but had to pay something: owed tribute and future tribute.

But if it is not given, what will happen if the Ming Dynasty helps Upper Burma destroy Lower Burma?
"This battle is not only to help Burma regain its orthodoxy, but also to punish Mengyang, Mubang, and Mengmi. The soldiers went out to fight, and the divisions assisted in boxing. The Ming Dynasty provided half of the money and food, and the three divisions of Mengyang, Mubang, and Myanmar contributed the other half. Can there be any objection?"

These three families are silent. How much should I pay?If you include it, it’s not less than the debt accumulated by the other half who was cut off in previous years, right?
It was Mang Ruiti who said first: "I made a promise before, so I should shoulder the responsibility."

Although the other two families were deprived of their territory, they felt bitter, but without this incident, Meng Yang and Mubang would not be able to enjoy the benefits.

However, Silun and Hanlie's family fortune became theirs, and they felt a little sad.

Others have more hardships, but they can still get a little bit of food and salary from Cheche, Babai Dadian, etc. Naturally, they laugh.

After eating the naka, Wu Wending smiled again: "Now that we have made a new covenant, not only Mengmi, but also Lin'an Prefecture will open a border market. In addition, His Majesty's grace has invited famous teachers to set up primary schools, middle schools, and universities in Kunming. You can go and study. As a dynasty in the Ming Dynasty, there is still a lot of knowledge worth learning about how to govern the environment and bring peace to the people. This will also help you..."

The establishment of the New Covenant presided over by the Ming Dynasty was definitely not a good thing for the foreign affairs in Yunnan.

They just want to continue as before, nominally obeying Ming Dynasty, but in fact Ming Dynasty will not care about them.

But now because of the destruction of the Ava Dynasty, the balance of Outer Yunnan has been broken.After the First World War, the new leaders of Meng Yang and Mubang conquered the people and guarded against Burma. Mangrui quickly restored the country and also needed to reintegrate Burma.Pegu, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Mang Ruiti, who rushed to them and then walked away, was really a person with unlimited potential in the future.

As for Cheche, Babaidaidian, and Laos, although they have to implement tribute from now on, they have also taken advantage of this time. Especially Lin'an Prefecture in the east also has to open a border market. It will be more convenient for them. You can buy good things from Ming Dynasty.Southern Yunnan is rich in products, and Daming's purchase price is quite reasonable.

After all things have been discussed, it is natural to draw up a document, stamp each one, and then have a good time over wine.

In the middle of the banquet, Phraya Gesethara, the commander of the Eight Hundred Dadian, said respectfully: "Dear Governor Wu, in the past ten years or so, Ayutthaya in the south has been attacking our Lanna. No. Do you know if the Chinese government can appoint an envoy as soon as possible to bring [-] elite troops to Chiang Mai? In addition, the minister’s grandmother, the Queen Mother of Lanna, asked the minister to report to the Ming Dynasty envoy, and Wang Mei felt happy about the Ming Dynasty. His Majesty the Emperor is so heroic, I wonder if he is lucky enough to serve in the palace?"

Wu Wending and others were stunned.

What's the situation in Babaidadian now?
Mang Ruiti then lowered his head, and his back teeth were almost broken: he must have been in danger of destruction, so he did this.

That was originally a place that could be captured in the future!
"The Queen Mother?" Wu Wending asked Mu Shaoxun.

Even Mu Shaoxun was a little embarrassed: "It was indeed the country of Eight Hundred Daughters in the past, but over the years, it has been renamed Eight Hundred Dadian."

After saying that, he asked Phrayag Sethara: "If my father-in-law remembers correctly, your lineage is called Lanna, right? It has been called Babai Dadian for many years. In the past, the Lanna lineage is still there?"

Wu Wending was a little dizzy: Wasn't it about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

"I have never stopped reporting back to the Duke. It's just that Lanna is weak. Fortunately, thanks to the Ming Dynasty's canonization, he was able to seek peace."

"...If this is the case, why do you still owe tribute and not ask Ming Dynasty for help?" Wu Wending asked.

Phyag Setara was hesitant, just complaining about poverty and being unable to bear the heavy burden. He even asked for forgiveness for the debt this time and other things, boasted about how beautiful his sister was, and looked forward to the coming of the Ming Dynasty.

When it came to this kind of thing, Wu Wending hesitated for a moment. Seeing that there seemed to be something going on, the other ministers immediately complained about their suffering and were willing to offer their daughters to the Ming Emperor to pay off their debts.

"... Ridiculous!" Wu Wending said with a straight face, "This governor... will ask your Majesty first. It is the right thing to pay tribute to a minister, how can it be like this? Is your Majesty willing to show his affection to Nal and other daughters of each department? Righteousness, that only makes you feel at ease in the future. The debts accumulated in the past cannot be dealt with one by one!"

Just kidding, His Majesty promised to make money in this battle!

It was only after the banquet was over that he asked Mu Shaoxun: "What is the Kingdom of Eight Hundred Daughters? Why is the name so weird?"

"... I also heard jokes passed down from my ancestors, saying that they were not civilized many years ago, and women have always made the decisions in the clan. Is this still the case now, or is it because the envoys who canonize military titles only canonize men, then I don't know . The Ming Dynasty will not take care of matters outside Yunnan for a long time."

"...It must be different, right?" Wu Wending found it a bit hard to imagine. Could it be that women have always made the decisions in such a large country?

They really don't know that the northern part of Thailand occupied by Lanna has stayed in the matrilineal clan for a long time, so it is called the country of eight hundred daughters-in-law by the outside world.

But that was also a long time ago. Many matrilineal clan villages got together and got this title.The Lanna Dynasty was a feudal dynasty established after unifying northern Thailand, and it had a king.Lanna means millions of rice fields.

It can only be said that since then, the Central Plains dynasty did not care about their history or anything, and Outer Yunnan had no intention of governing it well, as long as they submitted in name and did not cause trouble.

Now the request made by Babai Dadian made Wu Wending unable to make the decision on his own. After all, he mentioned the invasion of Babai Dadian by the Ayutthaya Dynasty of Siam in the south, which did not belong to the Ming Dynasty.Whether there will be any changes in His Majesty's southwest plan, Wu Wen cannot say.

Not only did he want to offer the king's sister, but he also wanted the Ming Dynasty's envoy to bring [-] elite soldiers to stand up for him, as if he was already in danger.

On the second day, Wu Wending summoned Na Phya Gesethara alone and asked him to tell the truth.

In the past, maybe he felt that the Ming Dynasty could not be counted on, or maybe the situation was not critical yet, so Babai Dadian never had this idea.

But now... after Phyago Sethara's statement, Wu Wending finally understood why.

In a sentence: Since more than 40 years ago, there has been a struggle for the throne in Lanna, and there has been a mutual attack with Ayutthaya outside.

Nowadays, Phyag Setara can still maintain his position only because of the support of his grandmother. However, his grandmother is already old and will die at some point.In the family, there is more than one powerful minister who is eyeing the throne covetously. There are three factions of powerful ministers working together.

He was moved by the Ming Dynasty's attitude of calling the shots for orthodoxy. The Ming Dynasty's military power probably made the powerful ministers dare not move.

Wu Wending was a little emotional: I didn't expect that this battle would really establish some actual status as the leader of the Yunnan Communist Party.

Lanna has been in chaos for decades, why didn't we ask Daming to help before?
For no other reason than the Ming Dynasty was in chaos before.

"I will report to Your Majesty first. In addition, I will also send someone to go there first to clarify the real situation."

"Thank you very much, little minister!"

Then the noble sage became numb: Why is it me again?
"... Dutai, what if the three powerful ministers he mentioned are really taking risks?"

"What are the three powerful ministers? Since they are Xuanweisi of the Ming Dynasty, they are just his retainers, and you are older than him! Besides, how dare you do this, Master Wang hasn't left yet." Wu Wending rolled his eyes, "Besides...his... How about Sister Wang, you naturally want to take a look first."


Wu Wending was also unsure.

Doesn’t His Majesty want that Duoyan Trilogy Daughter?
Since there are precedents, it’s impossible to tell.

"What do you think, the official?" He was actually more worried about safety.

"Please ask General Qu to bring someone to accompany you. Are you relieved now? Now that the new treaty has been agreed, all the ministers will also send envoys to go with you." Wu Wending saw through him at a glance, "I heard that guy spent a lot of time with you. I got some money and took a new concubine."


Gao Shangxian sighed: Can I go back to Kunming in time for this business trip to see my son off and go to the capital to try out next year?
 make up the day before yesterday

(End of this chapter)

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