
Chapter 400

Chapter 400

Only taking the cavalry to join his son Noyendala in the east, Ordos Wanhu's combat power can be preserved the most.

But then, in order to break through Fengzhoutan and Datong North, which were already full of Ming troops, they had to pass through the flanks of Yong Xiebu's army from the Daqing Mountain area.At the same time, so many people from ten thousand households in Ordos can only be abandoned.

Can the son escape alone by taking the clansmen here?
Gunbilik didn't spend much time hesitating: "Break through to Yinshan Mountain!"

The Ming army could not pursue him for too long. Noyendala had crossed the Yellow River, and the Ming army had to divide its forces to encircle and suppress him.

Gunbilik suppressed the grief in his heart and shouted loudly: "Protect the two wings and cut off the way back, Ordos will not be destroyed!"

No tribe is purely a warrior, it must have tribesmen.The more women and children who survive, the greater the tribe's hope for the future.

With the sound of horns and shouts, the vast area of ​​[-] to [-] miles by the Yellow River entered the most tragic state.

"We can't leave, quickly pack up the tent and take care of the children!"

The instinct of survival is in conflict with the instinct of family continuation. The number of [-] to [-] old, young, women and children has been greatly reduced. When they heard the order to break out of Yinshan, many old people took out wooden spears, or bows and arrows that were used for self-defense.

They were once warriors of the tribe, but they were already old.

Now, this is probably where they return to the embrace of Changshengtian.

In the formation on the west side of the battlefield, Tang Shunzhi watched through the telescope as more people emerged from the Taolu camp and spread out to the two wings with weapons.He couldn't see the faces of those people from here, but he could see their shorter, some of them very slender bodies.

It was very tragic, but Tang Shunzhi did not forget the suffering of the Han people on the border for thousands of years.

He calmly issued the order: "The Tatars are ready to retreat, take another five hundred steps to the northeast!"

He had already seen this scene when he broke through Dengkou.

Now, it's just a bigger scale.

From there, they received a supply of food and allowed the captured Tatars to begin building Dengkou City under the supervision of the border troops rushing from Ningxia.

Tang Shunzhi not only wanted to defeat the Taolu, but also wanted to secure the Loop and manage the Loop well in the future.

Therefore, he needs more prisoners.There are still many defense projects to be completed in the city, the pass, the fortress, and the Hetao behind.

"Dutai, there are too many Tatars. Can Zhen'anbo be able to withstand them?"

Zhang Jing felt his scalp numb as he looked at the tens of thousands of captives moving northward.

Even if Yan Chunsheng is a divine general, can he really stop so many fleeing Tatars?

Tang Shunzhi already knew Yan Chunsheng's record, but he could only say: "Zhen'an Bo is not a reckless person, Ting Yi does not need to worry."

It is indeed difficult for Yan Chunsheng to resist, even though the total number of cavalry under his command exceeds three thousand.

But there were too many captives, and there were almost several times the number of cattle, sheep, and horses.

Just like what Zhu Qi encountered that day, they could only rely on their own horses to fight this battle, but the Taolu cavalry could go to the camp to change horses.

But this time, Yan Chunsheng couldn't make them all surrender just by talking.

The desperate Taoluo wanted to break through the tenacious Ming cavalry in the north.

But their fighting methods are also very strange.

All this time, they were probably just stuck in place like nails, shooting from a distance.But for about [-] to [-]% of them, the range and accuracy of their arrows frightened even the Taolu cavalry.When a charge passes by the outside, only about [-] to [-]% of the people will speed up their horses and get close to pursue them.

When the captives needed to return to the camp to change their horses, they also went back and exchanged horses with others, taking turns to rest their horses.

That's how they persist until now.

But, there’s no way to hold on anymore, right?
Yan Chunsheng also knew that he could not hold on much longer, and the horse rations he had brought with him had been exhausted.

There was no grass to feed the horses under the snow in winter.Although people are not made of iron, there will be some tacit truce moments in the middle, which allows them to kill some injured horses and cook and eat the meat, but this will not work anymore.

"Move! Everyone move! Drive the sheep! Cut them off! Circle them! Keep as many as you can and drive them towards the Yellow River!"

Yan Chunsheng issued the order: "Raise the flag! Blow the brass horn!"

Bronze horns have been around for a long time, and suona is one of them.The news spread among the army, and now the new system also stipulates blowing the trumpet and charging to let the friendly forces know.

Each commander has only one brass trumpet with a loud sound.

Now, Yan Chunsheng's charge horn sounded.

Gunbilik made a decision, and the Ming army will also make a decision.

It is impossible to keep them all here, so now we must create the greatest chaos and cut off more people.

Amidst the sound of charge, the Ming cavalry in the north no longer conserved their horsepower. More than [-] people formed a torrent and cut straight through the middle of the large team in the Taolu camp to the north like a blade.

As Yan Chunsheng said, drive sheep.When pressure comes from any aspect, humans and animals will adjust their direction instinctively.

This is something Yan Chunsheng also learned while "migrating" with Duoyanbu.

Now when he heard the sound of brass horns coming from the battlefield to the north and saw the direction they were heading, Tang Shunzhi ordered without hesitation: "Xu Qianhu, your people stay behind to block the enemies who have not yet crossed the river. The rest of the people charge into the formation, Divide the captives!"

With the sounds of the battlefield in the west, Zhu Qi, who was in the battlefield in the east, couldn't care less: "The Shenwei Artillery Battalion continues to bombard the river. Shen Qianhu, you leave the guard. For the rest, the sword player is in the front, the bird gun player is in the middle, and the tiger crouching cannon From behind, go northwest and encircle us!"

This tacit understanding is Tang Shunzhi's judgment of the battle situation, Yan Chunsheng's decisive penetration into the center of the most dangerous captive army, and Zhu Qi's almost blind trust in Yan Chunsheng and Tang Shunzhi.

In any case, the Ming army tried to encircle nearly [-] Taolu soldiers and civilians from three directions without the main force of the Taolu cavalry collapsing.

Appearing on the outermost edge of the two wings of the Taolu were actually old men wildly waving wooden spears, inferior bows, and old knives. They rushed towards them risking their lives.We don't want to defeat the enemy, but we want to stop the Ming army's footsteps and consume some of their arrows and projectiles.

The speed of infantry cannot keep up with cavalry, but Yan Chunsheng's troops are invincible.They first cut through the captives and headed west, then rode their horses in a circle to the southeast. They cut through the already defenseless women and children again, and then continued to circle north.

More than [-]% of the Taolu cavalry no longer care about the rear wings, leaving only a small number to block Tang Shunzhi and Zhu Qi's infantry.The main force only pursued Yan Chunsheng's cavalry, hoping to completely clear the tribe's path to escape north.

Behind Yan Chunsheng, the cavalry outside the special operations camp were shot and fell from their horses much faster.

"Outside of the special operations camp, go directly to the captive women and children to shoot and cause chaos! Other brothers, capture the thief first, capture the king, or find the leader!"

Yan Chunsheng changed his routine, and the team of women and children trapped in captivity was penetrated twice, which was already a bit chaotic.Now the Ming cavalry has divided on the way to the north. One group of 2000 people is heading to the southwest, and the other group of more than [-] people is heading to the northwest.

In the rapid interlacing, it is also difficult to find the leader of the captives and kill them.

In this current situation, even if you kill some bosses, it won't be of much use.The Tatars had two clear goals in mind: to remove the Ming cavalry and flee north.

But if we kill some of the leaders, more cavalry may forget one of their goals and flee north with the clansmen who have been divided by Yan Chunsheng and others.

At this time, Gunbilik and his bodyguard cavalry were passing through the people, trying to run to the north.It not only brings a clearer direction, but also makes it safer.

Yan Chunsheng again dug through the more scattered northern captives along the northwest direction and shot a round of western captives. After that, the two sides had passed each other.

He took a look, and sure enough, more than two hundred riders fled north.He couldn't hear the noisy shouts over there, and he thought some people would turn around and come back to kill them.

At this time, chaos broke out among the Taolu group in the south.

Yan Chunsheng glanced over and saw only a mass of chaotic lines and three lines appearing in the dark tide, like a black pool.

The chaotic pattern was the cavalry brought by Zhu Qi. They clashed and caused chaos in the center of the Taolu.

And those three lines come from the south.The middle one went straight towards the Ming cavalry, while the two sides flanked it.As they marched, the Taolu women and children took the initiative to make way for them in panic.

With Yan Chunsheng's eyesight, he saw the large banner at the front of the middle line, and his eyes lit up.

"Go over quickly! We need to save the brothers in Taiyuan Town! Take out the last remaining grenades, wait for my order, and throw them to the south!"

The remaining nearly [-] riders of the special operations battalion speeded up again, heading straight from the northwest to the southeast.Judging by the momentum, it’s another penetration.

The distance was too far, Zhu Qi couldn't see clearly in the southeast, and Tang Shunzhi didn't notice it for a while.

But they all saw the captives fleeing northward at a faster pace, whether it was the cavalry who stayed behind to stop them, or the women and children.

"Get over it! Speed ​​up your pace, work harder, and those with cannons will also run!"

Under their feet, there was already a purgatory, and countless old Taolu people fell in this area.

The Crouching Tiger Cannon is very heavy, but now that the decisive moment has come, they can only pay attention to their steps so as not to fall, draining all the energy in their bodies and forcing them to rush forward with the military formation.

On the entire battlefield, only the Ming Dynasty cavalry, which had only about two thousand soldiers left in the north, was trying to slow down their flight north.

Suddenly, rumbling sounds could be heard.

After the special operations team once again dug into the large group of captives from the west, a burst of fire mixed with blood exploded intensively in an area, just like purgatory on earth.

Gunbilik looked westward in the formation, his pupils shrinking.

How come there are such powerful firearms on the cavalry? "Jinong, be careful!"

The general only had time to remind him that a group of cavalry was also separated from the center line to intercept them northwest.

However, Yan Chunsheng's subordinates were like gods of death, rushing straight towards this direction from that direction, not caring about how many women, children, cars and other debris were blocking the way.

The group of cavalry that Gunbilik wanted to outflank in the west had been blown away. The tribesmen near them were crying in fear and turned into directionless zombies. The whole area was in chaos.

But the Taolu women and children standing in front of Yan Chunsheng could clearly see their armor and their faces.They have no weapons and just instinctively get out of the way.

There are carts, cattle and sheep, and obstacles, which are no longer a problem for the special operations battalion. They have cut through them several times.

Yan Chunsheng only had eyes for the big banner.

Five hundred steps, he searched for the target, holding the reins in one hand to adjust the direction to avoid obstacles, and holding the bow in the other hand.

"Thirty steps behind me, 130 steps forward, projectile!"

The men in the special operations battalion are already very sensitive to the boss's voice.As soon as the order was given, several riders within thirty steps behind Yan Chunsheng immediately subconsciously opened their bows, raised their arrows, and threw them high.

During the march, when the arrows rained down, the nearest arrow was less than fifty steps away from Yan Chunsheng.

"Shoot again! Fifty steps back, 150 steps forward!"

Four hundred steps later, Gunbilik looked timidly at the cavalry in the northwest who was clearing the way with arrows.With so many tribesmen in chaos, their speed did not slow down.

Yan Chunsheng made a move, and as fast as lightning, the general of the cavalry who rushed out to protect him was hit by an arrow in the face, and was carried by the horse for more than ten steps before falling to the ground.

"Eighty steps back, 180 steps forward, and then shoot!"

This time it was a larger-scale projectile, and the soldiers at the end who were not within the scope of Yan Chunsheng's order each shot the people next to them.The soldiers of the special operations battalion within the command range gritted their teeth and drew their bows to full capacity.

It's very dangerous. If the force is not enough, the last arrow may be stuck in the boss's Tianling Cap when it falls.

That's not a joke.

The buzzing sound of bow strings urged people to die, and Yan Chunsheng saw the strange movement ahead.The arrows scattered from only a dozen steps in front of him to a place sixty or seventy steps away, nailing some people to death and inserting some into the ground.

But after these three rounds, the women and children in front had completely dispersed.Some people are reluctant to part with their family wealth, and they don't know where the energy comes from, and they pull the car away a little.

The panicked cattle and sheep rushed around. Yan Chunsheng saw the large banner subconsciously moving to the northeast, and the cavalry escort that had re-divided to intercept him.

Almost enough.

Yan Chunsheng took a deep breath.

This time, he was watching from outside Zhen'an Fort.

This time he was in the midst of enemy lines, galloping on horseback.

However, there is only one chance.

The horse couldn't hold on anymore, and neither could his brother.

This time, Yan Chunsheng, who only shot one arrow during the attack, still had the strength of his arms to shoot out arrows continuously.

With the first arrow, Gunbilik's large banner broke the top rope.

With the second arrow, a guard looked up subconsciously under the banner and his imagination was widened.

For the third arrow, Gunbilik, who heard the screams of the guards around him, turned his head subconsciously and opened his mouth when he looked at Yan Chunsheng.

There were actually guards beside him, but another one fell down.

"One hundred steps back! Two hundred steps forward! Shoot!"

After adjusting his direction, Yan Chunsheng finally shouted, and the response was a deafening roar: "Kill!"

"Buzz!" After a louder bowstring sound, the arrows slid through an arc in the air and nailed around the large banner that was floating randomly.

The instinct of survival made the soldiers who had heard this buzzing sound several times try to hide on the sides of their horses to avoid it, and Gombrick did the same.

But he has been exposed, and there is no barrier between him and Yan Chunsheng.

Yan Chunsheng couldn't aim at his head, which was hiding on the side of the horse's neck. However, as long as a person is riding a horse, more than half of his buttocks and legs must rest on the horse's back.

The last three arrows were shot together, and Yan Chunsheng immediately shouted loudly in Mongolian: "Gunbilik has been captured alive, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

The brothers in the special operations battalion know what the boss likes to hear, and they also know what to shout at this time.

"Kill Bodie first, and then capture Gunbilik! Zhen Amber is mighty!"

"Kill Bodie first, and then capture Gunbilik! Zhen Amber is mighty!"

The voices of hundreds of people were insignificant among the noisy cries and whistlings of the captives, but a mere hundred steps was not that far away.

Gunbilik, who was hit by three arrows in the buttocks and left leg, fell off his horse. The guards around him were busy snatching him up. Yan Chunsheng and the nearest Ming army could now kill him more calmly.

With their abilities, and with the adrenaline rush of achieving another amazing feat at this moment, everyone seemed invincible.

When Yan Chunsheng arrived first, he even flew to seize an ownerless horse, then bent down and snatched Gunbilik from the arm of the guard next to him who had an arrow in his throat, and then killed him with one arm on the horse. Gunbilik raised it up in front of him and turned his horse around.

"Dismount! Descend!"

He pulled out the dagger from his waist with his other hand, and with a single stroke from left to right, he had severed the tendons in Gunbilik's hands.

In the blink of an eye, the generals of the special operations battalion stopped running and formed a circle around Yan Chunsheng.

"Surrender or not!" Yan Chunsheng cut off the three arrow shafts on Gunbilik's body, lifted him to sit in front of him, and put the dagger across his throat.

There were still clusters of arrows on his butt and legs. Yan Chunsheng was so rough now that Gunbilik screamed in agony.With the coldness in his throat, what else did Gunbilik think about?
"Down! Down!"

"shout out!"

"I! The lord of Ordos, Khan Ting Jinong Gunbilik, orders you to put down your weapons, dismount and surrender!"

"Let your bodyguards shout together!"

To the east and west, Tang Shunzhi and Zhu Qi were still five or six miles away, and they only heard noisy but sad and angry sounds from the north.

Then, the women and children in the second half of the captive army that they could see gradually knelt down, like waves on the grassland.Some of the many cavalrymen fled north, while others dismounted.

There are only less than two thousand of the special operations battalion and the cavalry brought by Zhu Qi.

But they were already very skilled. First, the special operations battalion quickly captured the horses of the Gunbilik Guards Cavalry, and then taught Zhu Qi's men to do the same.

Then, they assigned more than 300 people to guard Yan Chunsheng, while the rest began to circle and drive away.

The Taolu in the south were at a loss, and the Taolu in the north didn't care what happened behind them.

Amid the huge chaos, the infantry led by Tang Shunzhi and Zhu Qi were approaching.

Yan Chunsheng had the courage to hold Gunbilik hostage: "The [-] tribesmen to the east of you have surrendered to me. If you surrender, you can survive. If your son still wants to save you, it will depend on whether my sword is fast or not. The arrow is accurate!"

Gombrick has already deeply felt how accurate his arrows are.

With his life in his hands, Gunbilik burst into tears, regretting that he should not have crossed the river so late.

"Bodie...you killed him too..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yan Chunsheng pinched the horse's belly, "While walking, shout, make your subordinates and clansmen kneel down!"

Gunbilik, who had an arrow in his butt, was riding a bumpy horse and just wanted to end this nightmare as soon as possible.

I said he is greedy for pleasure, how long has it been since he suffered like this?

More than 1000 Ming cavalrymen who had captured the enemy's horses were vigilantly collecting the weapons of the surrendered Gunbilik guards. Yan Chunsheng only escorted Gunbilik and walked in the formation of the captive women and children.

Those who still want to escape cannot be stopped.

Let’s leave as much as we can.

When Tang Shunzhi, Zhu Qi and others arrived, what they saw was Yan Chunsheng holding the half-dead Gunbilik everywhere to recruit surrender.

I know he is fierce, but people can't be so fierce, right?

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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