
Chapter 418 The power of God is unpredictable

Chapter 418 The power of God is unpredictable
Ten or twenty years later, this statement is a bit scary.

Yan Songzhan said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. The late emperor passed away without any heirs. Fortunately, your Majesty was wise and unparalleled, so the Ming Dynasty was not in chaos, and the Ming Dynasty returned to prosperity. Now that your Majesty is prosperous in the Spring and Autumn Period, I only hope that your Majesty will live forever, and I originally thought that the East Palace would be opened. There is no need to rush to establish a government office. Although it is natural, but the prince is young, it will not be too late to wait for another six or seven years to discuss the prince's concubine. I was shocked to hear that your majesty wanted to choose the prince to accompany you. I was confused for a moment and did not know that your majesty was a prince. I have worked so hard to let the prince know more about the sufferings of the people, and I am extremely ashamed."

"What are you ashamed of?" Zhu Houcong sneered, "You asked Xu Jie to find out my true attitude, and what else did you do?"

"I..." Yan Song hesitated for a moment and immediately answered, "I advised Mr. Zhang to just run the imperial school well. There is no need to worry about opening the East Palace and building a government office..."

That day, when Zhang Fujing talked about this matter in front of the Meridian Gate, Yan Song felt that he was very brave and that His Majesty might think too much about it.

At that time, it was only said that the Imperial Academy should be moved from the Zhongyuan Hall to the Former Dynasty, and more civil servants should be arranged as teachers in the Imperial Academy.

Who knew that in the plan that he, Zhang Bi, the Ministry of Literary Affairs, and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce came up with later, they also mentioned the establishment of a government office in the East Palace?

In the east of the Forbidden City, south of the Fengxian Hall and northeast of the Wen Building, today's Yuanhui Hall, together with the imperial treasury and the duty room of the imperial horse supervisor, became the Imperial Academy.Both the imperial prison and the imperial duty room can be moved to the Waidong Yuku courtyard in the north.

On the east side of the imperial school, separated by a wall, at least nine courtyards can be built, one large, eight small, etc., which will be used as residences for the older princes and princes who are no longer suitable to live in the harem.

The largest courtyard among them is naturally the Prince's East Palace.

In the early years, Wenhua Palace was the Prince's East Palace.As for the newly built Prince's East Palace, the Ministry of Etiquette and Communications has also proposed a name called Duanben Palace.

Yan Song actively answered the call that day, emphasizing imperial studies, which indeed helped him play the role of the Ministry of Culture and Education.

However, Yan Song was even more excited when he wanted to build the Duan Palace and let the East Palace open a palace and build a government office.

Knowing that Zhu Houcong had some thoughts on choosing the prince to accompany him as a reading companion, Yan Song may have left the imperial study and spent less time with the emperor. Perhaps the emperor had been unsure about his ideas for more than ten years, so he thought this was an opportunity.

"To advise them, if I am really not happy to let the East Palace open a government office now, then you, Yan Weizhong, really know the Holy Heart well and remind them to stop at the brink? After this, then next year, I will elect the state affairs, and you will be with me. Wenhua Palace, Mao Gong feels more at ease?"

After hearing the emperor's words, Yan Song immediately prostrated on the ground: "I don't dare to have such thoughts, I am just worried that this will cause a rift between the emperor and his ministers, which will harm the state affairs."

Zhu Houcong remained silent.

Yan Song is 54 years old, and he has been in the second rank position for ten years.

Of course he has this thought in his heart. After all, he is getting older and older. If he takes a step earlier, he will have more opportunities.

Zhu Houcong didn't believe that he hadn't thought about it this way. He probably didn't agree with letting the East Palace open a government office now.

Because Yan Song only had one son, his son was still disabled and had only a martial arts background.

Instead of trying to surround the prince, he might as well figure out the emperor's thoughts and handle the things the emperor asked him to do.

In the silence, Xu Jie felt more clearly that the emperor was "wary" of Yan Song, or unfair.

After being in the imperial study for so long, he had seen the emperor summon many important ministers.

There are very few situations where Yan Song is questioned directly and in a harsh tone like this.

In Xu Jie's view, it is normal for courtiers to think more about matters surrounding the throne and the crown prince.

And Yan Song has been in the second rank for ten years. He has the qualifications of a governor, a minister of the Ministry of Rites and a minister of culture and education. He was the second chief of the imperial study after Wang Shouren and has been a consultant for many years.Even if he wants to show his foresight in this matter and do some work in advance to be elected as a state minister next year, that is perfectly normal.

This incident did not harm anyone, it was indeed to help Zhang Fujing and the others, lest they really offend the emperor.

If the monarch and his ministers actually disagree on this matter, it is no different from other state affairs. This is a major issue related to imperial power.If Zhang Fujing and others are uneasy and restrained from now on, state affairs will indeed be affected.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie also felt a little confused: Why is His Majesty always vigilant and teaching me a lesson?
"Never mind."

While thinking wildly, Xu Jie heard the emperor speak again.

Zhu Houcong sighed: "I can't tell you everything and explain the reasons in detail. As ministers, it is human nature to think about your superiors. But this time you guessed wrong. As a prince, you have to learn something. More. To run the Imperial Academy well, it is also important to learn how to deal with subordinates when setting up a government office. What is learned in the Imperial Academy is purely knowledge, while what is learned in the Eastern Palace is the analysis of current realities and the way to serve as emperor. Two Without delay, go to the Wenhua Palace and explain things clearly to Mao Gong and the others."

"Your Majesty's sage is magnanimous and magnanimous, and I can't match it..."

Zhu Houcong waved his hand: "I asked you to come and tell you to deliver the message. You must understand in your heart. What are you anxious about? How young were you when I came to the throne? You climbed too fast, so you should feel at ease now. Speaking of the Spring and Autumn Festival, , so are you. I look at your body, you will have no problem living to eighty."

Yan Song couldn't help but was stunned, and then said happily: "Your Majesty, a heavenly being, came to this world and said that I can live to eighty, so I am overjoyed! Don't be anxious, I am not asking you to straighten out the affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Education." Is it done?"

Of course, he would not really believe that he could live to be eighty just because of the emperor's words. He just read a hint from this sentence: the emperor still supported him or had the intention to let him be listed in the palace of state in the future.

This is enough.

The performance just now was right, it was too scary in the front, but it was so sweet in the back.

Zhu Houcong asked Yan Song to pass on the message, then looked at Gao Gong and the others, and finally at Xu Jie.

"In the Imperial Study Room, what you need to practice is not how to figure out what I mean, but how to discuss matters." Zhu Houcong said lightly, "Now it is no better than when I first came to the throne. Some of you go to the Imperial Study Room to practice first, and some of you first served as local officials before coming to me to get familiar with me. Characters and principles. But without exception, those who have stayed in my imperial study are all valued by me. Be careful of arrogance and impetuosity, improve your awareness, and accumulate with heart, and you will always achieve something in the future."

The new little transparent person in the Royal Study looked at the emperor with excited eyes: Am I also valued?
Xu Jie was Tanhualang and the chief; although Gao Gong was one class behind him, he was the one who accompanied him on the Northern Expedition.

Only I, although I was a Jinshi in the [-]th year of Jiajing reign, first I observed government affairs in the Ministry of Household Affairs and then worked as a minor director. Only recently was I appointed to the Imperial Study Room.

After the emperor gave them some encouragement, he actually said to him directly: "Bohua, come with me to the atrium to play chess to dissipate your depression."

It can be seen that the emperor is still in a bad mood.

Li Kai first looked at Xu Jie and Gao Gong, and then had to follow the emperor to the atrium between the imperial study room and the sleeping hall at the back of the Yangxin Hall.

"You can surprise the crowd with your cannons, and you can break out of the encirclement by hiding your chariots. I have learned a little bit about it. Today you will teach me how to use pawns."

"...Yes." Li Kaixian said while placing the chess pieces, "According to what I have obtained, this pawn takes the lead. The enemy obstructs it, and our teacher uses it to block it. Keep moving forward, seeking the first step. The more revenge you get, the more revenge you will get. , Xing Qian is weak. When you see the sun in the dusk, lotuses grow from the sparks. When you go out, you can break the gate, and when you enter, you can cut off the pass. A child who is imprisoned is like the pressure of Mount Tai, and a family is as safe as a rock."

"...As you go on, please slow down."

Li Kaixian sighed in his heart: I was asked to come to the Imperial Study Room because my reputation for playing chess has spread. Your Majesty just wants to find a chess partner?
After working as an official in the capital for five years, Li Kaixian's reputation for political achievements was not very good, but he was vaguely invincible in chess games in the capital.

But chess is only one of his hobbies. He is also good at opera, good at collecting books, good at making friends, and knows everything about music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

When he arrived at the imperial study, his task was not heavy, and the emperor did not ask him for anything.What he was told to talk about more was these miscellaneous things.

Li Kaixian secretly felt that many people would like to come to the Imperial Study Room to accompany the bachelor's degree students.And most of my reputation lies in these aspects.If you want to put it bluntly, it means that you are not doing your job properly, you are not doing your job well, and you are too playful.

Could it be that His Majesty really just wanted to play with me?
After playing two games of chess, the emperor really said: "I heard that you are good at playing the guqin. Can you give me a try?"

"...Your Majesty, isn't this inappropriate? I'm just entertaining myself..."

Zhu Houcong looked at him with a smile: "Don't you call yourself a guest at Zhonglu? You have been in the imperial study for a few months, but you are very reserved every day. You are not as comfortable as you are in the household department?"

Li Kaixian felt a sudden change in his heart. He left his seat and bent down: "Although I am not dedicated to official duties, I dare not interfere with my affairs. I know that my official reputation is somewhat unsightly, so I still ask your Majesty to punish me."

"If you are guilty, why do I want you to come to the imperial study? Sit down." Zhu Houxun pointed to the opposite side, "Play a piece of music and try it. I am not asking you to play the piano and be charming. This matter is related to the national economy that I have always considered."

Li Kaixian was stunned: National economy?
Speaking of which, I couldn’t refuse.

As expected, Huang Jin found a guqin.

The melodious sound of the piano sounded in the atrium of Yangxin Hall, and Zhu Houcong closed his eyes and listened slowly.

In the imperial study room to the south, Xu Jie and Gao Gong looked at each other: His majesty's inner depression was actually calmed by the music of the piano.Could it be that the ministers were originally unhappy with the emperor's attitude towards the establishment of a government office in the East Palace, and Li Kaixian didn't know how to pretend to be confused and let the emperor win?

They are all colleagues in the imperial study room. Of course, they are very aware of Li Kaixian's chess skills.

Based on the emperor's recent interest in chess, Li Kaixian allowed His Majesty to win with both horses and cannons.

Over in the atrium, Zhu Houcong waited for him to finish playing, and then drank tea: "Yangchun Baixue, isn't this your usual hobby of Sanqu?"

"...I am ashamed." Li Kaixian was very embarrassed. Your Majesty knew about his little hobby.

Zhu Houcong laughed: "Butterhouses and restaurants are liked by both scholars and common people. It is not a bad thing. I can publish the Three Kingdoms in Ming Pao with royal approval. In the eyes of Bo Hua, will I not be happy about it?"

Li Kaixian's heart moved: "Your Majesty said that this matter is related to the national economy, could it be... related to the things that I like in my daily life?"

Zhu Houcong nodded: "Wang Shenzhong went to Mingbao Bank, and he also stayed in the Imperial Study Room. Over the past few years, the Three Kingdoms publication has been completed, and some other words have been selected for publication. In the market, whether scholars or ordinary people, they read "Ming Pao", these words are a novel, no one will miss it." "...I understand. It turns out that your Majesty ordered me to enter the imperial study precisely for this "Ming Pao".

Lin Xiyuan was transferred from Mingbao Bank to the third-rank official of Hetao Border District, and Wang Shenzhong went to take over.It seems that this is also the path behind him.

"No, you don't understand." Zhu Houcong said this, and then stood up, "Printing technology is now better than before, and books are just one of them. Nowadays, both inside and outside the Ming Dynasty are more stable. People in the Ming Dynasty like it, and people in foreign vassals do not like it. The reason is that I don’t like it. The envoys have already set off, some are almost home, and some are still on the way.”

He took two steps away and looked back. Li Kaixian had already stood up.

After looking at him, Zhu Houcong said: "Poetry, storybooks, drama, music, fine wine and food, chess, and painting, how can there be a prosperous age without a prosperous culture? Someone has to do this."

Li Kaixian looked at him blankly.

"Start working in this direction." Zhu Houcong laughed, "Your preferences are exactly the reason why I asked you to go to the Imperial Study Room. I heard that you are particularly good at collecting books, so I will use this as a clue first. "Yongle Dadian" should be analyzed After that, I am determined to build a library not only in the palace, but also in various provincial universities and cities. In this process, the Ming Dynasty’s culture must find a way to spread it to foreign countries and make them yearn for it.”

"Rebuilding the "Yongle Dadian"?" Li Kaixian became excited, "How can I be so virtuous and capable as to host this matter?"

"Of course you are not qualified now, but how can this be accomplished overnight? Moreover, this matter cannot be like the past, which cost an unknown amount of money and manpower, just compiled and shelved in a high cabinet, so that no one can easily see it. Go back and talk to Liu Long first to see the current situation at the Publication and Publishing Department. Remember, I am not asking for a Jiajing ceremony to show off the merits of civil rule, but to make it easier for the people of the Ming Dynasty to see more books. The Ming Dynasty's people live and work in peace and contentment, and the colorful scene spreads to foreign countries. This matter must be profitable."

When it comes to having a cultural army, of course we must start working on this aspect.

Next, he will focus on domestic affairs. Zhu Houcong is still confident that the new law will be effective and the country and people will be richer than before.

When people live a better life, they will naturally pursue spiritual life.

There are indeed few cultural carriers that can easily influence the outside world, but it is not impossible to try.

Zhu Houcong already has some ideas, but he needs someone to concentrate on this matter and start doing it more systematically and with purpose.

With Ming's current status, there are some things that can naturally be done, such as...

Li Kaixian was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear: "Chess game?"

Zhu Houcong nodded: "You might as well win the title. The chess game is easy to organize. Later, various rules can be set for foreigners to send people to participate. This time they came to celebrate their birthdays, but in the future, Once every few years, they can bring money and leaders from all walks of life to participate in competitions, buy many Ming Dynasty books, play with things, and go back with possible honors and novel experiences."

The idea was a bit advanced, so Li Kaixian worked hard to digest it.

Today I am just imagining, so Zhu Houcong will talk more.

"The big stadium is now just a competition between provincial military teams, and other competitions are held on weekdays. Why can't we push this kind of thing to foreign countries and let them try it too?" Zhu Houcong said, "Just remember one thing, if it is true If you have a skill, you will have the opportunity to become famous in the Ming Dynasty, and you can live a better life in the Ming Dynasty, and foreign heroes will gradually be attracted to the Ming Dynasty."

He grinned: "Nowadays, foreign missions to the Ming Dynasty are all suitable, and the number of people, dates, and routes have been determined. But in the future, the diplomatic missions in various places can only target individuals. If they can speak our language and be familiar with our country, If he knows the writings, knows the laws of the Ming Dynasty, and has a certain skill, he can give him a visa and allow him to come to the Ming Dynasty. Either to stay or to live for a long time. And as time goes by, if more and more talents from various countries come to the Ming Dynasty, wouldn't it mean that those who stay in foreign countries will not go to the Ming Dynasty? Fewer and fewer?"

Li Kaixian murmured to himself in shock: "This is also a strategy to weaken the foreign enemy..."

Zhu Houcong nodded with satisfaction: "Think more about it. I have high expectations for you to enter the imperial study. Don't feel ashamed."

Li Kaixian had an extraordinary experience today, and he could not help but have a bit more of his usual temperament: "Your Majesty, although I am not as talented as Chief Xu or Gao Suqing, I have never underestimated myself!"

"That's good, I'm just going to give you a hint and let you know that there is a path that is more suitable for you to display your talents and preferences!"

Zhu Houcong patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go, I'm afraid Zhang Fujing and the others will all come to apologize."

Staying with Xu Jie and Gao Gong, two guys with high talents and strong political literacy, it's strange that Li Kaixian doesn't feel inferior.

Liu Long, who was in the imperial study room with Yan Song at the time, although he wanted to keep a low profile mainly because of Cui Yuan's reminder, he still acted two beats slow when he encountered many situations, just like Guo Xun at the national policy meeting. There is a clear and innocent beauty.

What Zhu Houcong had in mind was the long-term strategy of the Ming Dynasty, and he also had his own special views on such a sensitive matter as the opening of the East Palace and the establishment of a government office.

So when he returned to the imperial study room, he saw Zhang Fuking and the others coming over in unison. Zhu Houcong just glanced at them: "Has Yan Song made it clear?"

Zhang Fujing awkwardly bent down and saluted: "I know this, I am ashamed."

Zhu Houcong raised his head and said: "Send it over. I'm afraid you have discussed this list of candidates for the East Palace officials many times, so why are you hiding it?"

"...Your Majesty is holy."

As expected, Zhang Fujing took out a memorial and presented it.

This is just a recommended list. Each of the East Palace subordinate officials who should be appointed as a rule has provided at least two people for the emperor to choose.

Why is the issue of East Palace subordinate officials so sensitive?

Because after becoming official officials of the East Palace, they have a very clear identity: princelings!

This is an opportunity for courtiers to express their loyalty to the current emperor and to cut ties with the sensitive issue of succession; it is also an opportunity to prepare for the future and recommend friends, disciples, and children to become officials in the East Palace.

The emperor said that it had been discussed long ago, and everyone knew that there were both open discussions and secret discussions and requests.

Zhu Houcong opened the memorial and read it carefully, and finally closed it: "Duanben Palace has not been built yet, so I will first get to know some of the people on the list who I am not familiar with yet. During the Zhengdan Festival, we will decide on the candidates. First add the official title of East Palace."

"I heard from Wei Zhong that Your Majesty intends to select a group of people from among the people to accompany the prince, so that the prince can know more about the sufferings of the people?" Zhang Fujing asked again.

"No need to make a big show of it." Zhu Houcong replied calmly, "I have asked Lu Bing to handle this matter."

"I understand."

"Next time if you have anything to say, just ask directly." Zhu Houxuan glanced at them, and finally looked at Zhang Fujing, "Although in the past, Grand Master Yang only dared to ask for a crown prince after he became an official, after all, he said it in front of me. You want to ask the East Palace? Why open a government office and hide it in the new plan of the imperial city? What? Could it be that I am getting older and have become smaller-minded and often jealous?"

Zhang Fujing bowed his head in embarrassment and knelt down: "I am ashamed. Your Majesty is as generous as the sea and has a broad mind. He is suspicious and hesitant. It is my incompetence in doing things."

"Okay, don't waste your energy on this matter and don't care about state affairs." Zhu Houcong lowered his head and read the memorial, "I know you must come here, just come and do it. Go back and perform your duties."

"...The minister waits to leave."

To put it bluntly, the more I think about this matter, the more complicated it becomes and my judgment is wrong.

I came here to listen to the emperor teach me a few words, and I felt a lot more relaxed.

Yan Song was a little embarrassed among the crowd leaving the Yangxin Hall.

Zhang Fujing, who had the courage to bring up this suggestion, later became really worried that he had overestimated the emperor's ambition, but Yan Song also made a mistake.

Zhang Fujing's judgment was right at the beginning, and the emperor would not be in trouble.

I think back then, when he said that the emperor was the powerful medicine of Huguang, the emperor was quite happy, wasn't he?

And Yan Song was exposed: he didn't understand the emperor's thoughts that well.

After sitting on the throne for more than ten years, an unintentional move by the emperor could become a major event, so he reminded the courtiers.

But then again, who knows that the emperor didn't pretend to be "just in time for the meeting" and secretly put forward the key points to choose the prince to accompany him?

The purpose of the emperor's director's performance was to remind the courtiers that he knew very well that princelings might become a hidden danger to the government in the future.The courtiers who become subordinate officials of the East Palace must remember that before the prince ascends the throne normally, they are actually just teachers, another kind of "accompanying readers".

The person responsible for secretly selecting the prince’s companion is Lu Bing!

This little turmoil is just a daily routine of being with you like a tiger, and the power of God is unpredictable.

Yan Song has said that His Majesty was very angry before.

Whether he exposes it lightly or uses the topic to make a fuss, isn't it all because of one intention?

In the past few years, the emperor's attention has been outside, focusing on the north and Southeast Asia.

Now, the emperor's attention will be more on domestic affairs. This time of thinking about his wishes and trembling with fear is just the beginning.

Yan Song suddenly felt that it would be better to enter the State Palace later, preferably when the emperor wanted to fight against the North again and concentrate on foreign affairs, so that he would only be physically tired every day, but not mentally tired.

If he could really live that long...

(End of this chapter)

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