
Chapter 439 The world can all look like the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 439 The world can all look like the Ming Dynasty
In the midsummer of Jiajing 19, the afternoon sun in June shone from the direction of the Forbidden City to the peak of the Long Live Mountain. In front of His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire and his son His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the 16-year-old Zhang Juzheng was dumbfounded.

Years later, these words will continue to linger in his ears.

But at this moment, there is only the quiet wind in the afternoon, and there are many ancient locust trees in the mountains here and the chirping of cicadas in the northern orchard at the foot of the mountain.

During the Yuan Dynasty, this place was the center of the imperial palace and was called Qingshan.Yanchun Pavilion, the central building of Mengyuan Palace, is located south of Qingshan.There are many flowers and trees planted in the Qingshan area, which was the back garden of the Mongolian and Yuan emperors.

During the Yongle period, Beijing carried out large-scale construction projects. The soil excavated from the moats around the Forbidden City, Taiye Pond, and Nanhai were piled here, forming five peaks, firmly suppressing the foundation of Yanchun Pavilion at the foot of the mountain, including the influence of the Mongolian Yuan "Dragon Qi" suppresses the will.

And of course there is a practical use: stacking coal.In order to prevent fuel shortages caused by the remnants' counterattack and siege of Beijing, a large amount of coal was stored here for a long time, which is also the origin of the folk name "Coal Mountain".

Nowadays, this Long Live Mountain cannot be called a garden, there are not so many pavilions and pavilions.

Zhu Houcong thought that some of them were probably built after Jiajing. He didn't know that it was Wanli who started to build some palaces, and it was only in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties that major construction projects were really carried out here.

Long live mountain in the Ming Dynasty, at this time, people only knew that there was a hundred orchards here, also called North Orchards.

There is now only a small pavilion on the top of Zhongfeng.

Under Zhang Juzheng's shocked and dull gaze, Zhu Houcong smiled, walked back to the pavilion and sat down.

"The First Emperor's writings have the same text, the carriages follow the same track, the degrees have the same system, and the practices have the same principles. China has a unified rule. The trend of the times is vast, and now, the Ming Dynasty also has the same opportunity. The world you know is much bigger than that of the First Emperor. There are many. In this world, it is extremely difficult to think of all the land of the Ming Dynasty. But the world can be all like the Ming Dynasty and its standards!"

Two children stood in front of them. Zhu Houcong's voice was not loud, but it was deafening.

Although the emperor's idea of ​​world harmony was different from Zhang Juzheng's impression, it was still an unimaginable achievement.

Take the First Emperor's writings, carriages, systems, and practices as an example. Zhang Juzheng already knew how big the world was, so he asked the world to follow the same system as the Ming Dynasty. Taking the Ming Dynasty as the criterion, a thousand years later, there will be another world. What's the general scene like?
His Majesty said that such achievements will hopefully be completed in his generation in the future.

The emperor sighed softly: "The Ming Dynasty's true strength has not yet been fully utilized..."

The two teenagers discovered that the emperor was looking at the capital in the distance. They looked at each other: Could such a powerful Ming Dynasty only exert one or two percent of its strength?

Zhu Houcong felt so sincerely.

Of course the Ming Dynasty was powerful, but its monarchs and ministers all thought that the reason why the Ming Dynasty existed today was because of its wise monarchs and wise ministers, which were not objective or continuous.

The monarchs and ministers are still confused about the real reason for Ming Dynasty's strength, and Ming Dynasty's strength has not yet been fully demonstrated.

Staying in one-third of an acre and guarding the old distinction between Chinese and Yi hindered too many possibilities and formed an invisible ceiling for the Eastern Empire.

There has always been such a big cake, which has caused China's internal strife to never end.Aren't the most powerful people in the Ming Dynasty the wealthy officials, gentry, and wealthy households?
For a long time, without proper understanding, everyone just instinctively invested their wealth and energy in the empire's most valuable hard assets, land and soft assets, science and career.

How are the land annexation and the large number of tenant farmers different from the migrant workers of later generations?No wonder the great man believed that the peasants of the Chinese Dynasty were naturally the ones to unite with.

At the end of each dynasty, how many of the people who revolted were proletarians?
But before the conflicts accumulated to that level, China had no desire to expand its territory for a long time due to limited transportation and communication conditions and being accustomed to the weak position of industry and commerce for thousands of years.

If you don't talk about it, you can't beat Zhao Song.

What about Daming?In fact, the old lands of the Han and Tang dynasties cannot be said to have been completely restored.

After opening up territory and expanding the territory, the gains and losses are always outweighed by the management. So it is actually because the understanding is not in place and the method is wrong, right?

Zhu Houcong looked around and looked for a tree with a suspected crooked neck.

After thinking for a while, he stood up and waved: "Let's go back to the palace, I know what to do."

Zhu Houcong led the two ignorant and inexplicably excited boys towards his loyal palace.

True world unity is naturally far away, but since he has to go through that transitional stage first no matter what, what worries does Zhu Houcong have?
Even if the Great Wall is built on the sea, it is only a stable fence.

But it's not like Zhu Houcong has never seen more advanced forms.

On the contrary, in today's era, Ming Dynasty is already the strongest, and there is no need to get dirty and do too much plundering and colonization.

After making it clear that he was the largest agricultural capitalist, Zhu Houcong was no longer so entangled in the issue of the barbaric growth of industrial and commercial capital.

To explain the essence clearly, what is the difference between gentry and factory owners and businessmen?
They are all things that control key things and allow wealth to be doubled.

It is better for everyone to work together and blossom both internally and externally.

As long as we treat the new class as human beings and the foreign people as human beings, we will find vast opportunities.

The premise is to do it from the bottom of your heart, and be willing to let the foreign people live well first, so that they can aspire to the Ming Dynasty and become... a larger consumer group.

Why has the most profound reform in all countries and dynasties always been land reform?

Because it concerns everyone, especially ordinary people.

If the Ming Dynasty wanted to go to the outer vassal to conquer local tyrants and divide their fields, wouldn't the common people in the outer vassal support this with both hands and feet and welcome Master Wang?
The heads of the foreign vassal states are all ministers canonized by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Are the people of the outer vassal kingdom not the subjects of the Ming Dynasty?
Zhu Houcong decided to care for his people, starting with North Korea and Japan, which were in constant conflict.

He loved those people who were living in dire straits so much.


"Ah! Capital Master, I'm finally back!"

To the east of Beijing, one of Yan Shifan's eyes was filled with tears.

Letters have gone back and forth, and it has not been that long since I went to Tsushima.

In midsummer and July, Yan Shifan traveled through mountains and rivers and finally returned to the capital of the Ming Dynasty, which he had been away from for a long time.

With the status of earl.

Now his superficial identity is the general manager of the Japanese subcolon of Huizhou Maritime Trading Company, his hidden identity is the major officer of Maritime Great Wall Company, and his actual identity is Xiao Guolao and Dongying Bo!

"Send the two little ones back to the house first, and I will go to see Your Majesty!"

Yan Shifan waved his hand, and naturally the concubines he brought over from the Ming Dynasty, the new concubines in Japan, and the son and daughter they gave birth to were sent home first.

Yan Song naturally knew about the addition of a new child to Lao Yan's family.

The second child had been sent back the year before last, and this time it was the third child and the eldest daughter.

Yan Shifan walked into the east wall of Beijing with high spirits.

Seeing the bustling fireworks, he sighed: "This is where people stay!"

Tsushima is a big place, even if Yan Shifan's status is very important now, it is still like the countryside.

Can a place where you pee once you urinate be called a city?
Yan Shifan was already hungry and thirsty. He felt that His Majesty had too high a view of Japan.

He didn't even need the Ming Dynasty to give him power, and gave him three to five thousand. He felt that he could push through and catch all the girls from the royal family who had overstepped their bounds and send them to the bed of the real emperor.

Hey, don’t tell me, this Japanese girl is more obedient than the one from Cochin!

Yan Shifan looked around and came to the outside of Chengtian Gate, and said in shock: "Has the Five Prefectures and Six Ministries turned into this?"

"...Uncle, it's the Eight Divisions. It's been the Eight Divisions for a long time."

"Hey, that's right." Yan Shifan looked at the library and then at Daming Bank in surprise.

When he arrived outside the Meridian Gate, he looked at the forest of steles again, then looked up at the Hall of Heroes: "I don't know when it will be erected here."

"Hurry to death?"

A voice sounded, and Yan Shifan became furious, and then he smiled when he saw the smiling face: "Brother Lu!"

Then he gave a big bow.

"Ouch! Have you forgotten the etiquette of the Celestial Empire?" Lu Bing couldn't help laughing.

As a senior official of the Ming Dynasty, he naturally knew how to salute the Japanese people.

Yan Shifan's posture is standard!

After standing up straight, Yan Shifan walked over with a wink: "Long time no see, let Brother Lu have fun. Why did you come to greet me in person?"

"Your Majesty naturally knows how the Earl of Japan is strutting through the market and making noises. Anyway, your father is also in the imperial study, so Your Majesty asked me to come and pick you up and comfort you after you have been in a foreign country for many years."

"...Your Majesty, I am so kind to you, sir..." Yan Shifan almost burst into tears.

"Stop pretending, let's go. You haven't seen the driver since you were granted the title. Your Majesty, the rules must not be lost!"

He said this because he found that Yan Shifan wanted to hook up with him.

Under the Forbidden Palace, things are a bit more careless.

Goodbye Gongque, Yan Shifan asked curious questions along the way, and Lu Bing explained naturally.

When he arrived at the door of the imperial study room and heard the emperor's voice inside, he found that the feeling was very familiar, so he asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty is giving a lecture again?"

Lu Bing smiled half-heartedly: "I've been talking about it for almost a month, every day. Now there are rumors in the court, and those who can come to the lectures will hopefully be able to participate in the strategy this time."

"...Is it so important?"

After Huang Jin came out, he made sure.

"The elders are still here. Your Majesty has a decree. Uncle Dong Ying should wait in Zhiyuan Zhai first."

"I accept the order. Eunuch Huang, I haven't seen you for many years. Your body and bones are getting stronger and stronger."

"...Japan Bomo is joking." Huang Jin's voice was low and he just motioned for him to come over.

"I won't accompany you anymore. We still have to make arrangements for the security of the Wanshou Ceremony."

"...Then wouldn't it be possible for me to wait alone?"

"Otherwise? You go in and drive your father and the others away?"

The two people who had known each other since childhood talked casually, and Lu Bing left alone.Yan Shifan walked into Zhiyuanzhai and found that there was another person waiting inside.

"His Royal Highness Prince Rui?"

Yan Shifan was surprised and met him first.

Zhu Zaiyan was not too arrogant, but humbly returned the gift, and then said: "Uncle Dong Ying has come back from a long way, has the journey been smooth?"

"...That is to say, I am more worried when I am at sea."

Yan Shifan chatted with him, and he was surprised. What did Prince Rui want to do when he came to see His Majesty at this time?
Based on his status, he naturally wanted to see the emperor first before Yan Shifan.

Yan Shifan didn't hide it and asked him directly.Zhu Zaiyan replied: "Now I am concentrating on studying the avenue of physics, and I was ordered to assist in the construction of the steam engine. Recently, I have made some discoveries on another matter, and I am here to report it to Your Majesty."

"Oh? What discovery?"

"I have nothing to do, and I have been working with Master Tao to study the kind of mirror that can see more clearly. His Majesty said it can be called a microscope..."

So not long after, Yan Song, who was listening attentively in the imperial study room, suddenly heard his son screaming loudly: "What? There are many invisible bugs in the water?"

His face trembled, and he left his seat and bent down: "The dog is shapeless, Your Majesty, please forgive me..."

Zhu Houcong was stunned.

He naturally understood what Yan Shifan said.Zhu Zaiyan was here, and he knew it.

connect together……

Zhu Houcong suddenly looked serious: "Let's stop talking today."


The old men were not in trouble. During this period, many of the views expressed by the emperor inspired them.

Although novel, it does address many important points.

I can't say I'm relieved right now, but I feel like I'm still unfinished.

The recent round of His Majesty's talks has been more focused on academic exchanges.

In the past month, everyone talked privately and felt that the emperor seemed to have gained a concentrated understanding of the path of human ethics.

Now that he had resigned from the royal study, Yan Song stayed for a while and stared at his son with complicated eyes.

"...Father." Yan Shifan's eyes turned red.

Yan Song's expression softened, and then he just said: "See you first, and we'll talk about it when we get home at night."

Naturally, this is not a place to say goodbye. Yan Song also bowed to Zhu Zaiyan and left first.

Seeing that his father had more white hair on his head and a slightly bent waist, Yan Shifan raised his sleeves and touched his eyes.

"His Royal Highness Prince Rui, Uncle Dongying, Your Majesty is still waiting."


Yan Shifan asked and Huang Jin nodded.

"Your Majesty Prince Rui, Your Majesty knows that the microscope was probably made. Where is it? I'll send someone to bring it over."

"...it's right at the little prince's house. Eunuch Huang can just go and get it."

He couldn't help but look at Yan Shifan. Just because of his exclamation, His Majesty knew that it was made of a microscope?
When I came to see him before, I only mentioned it was about the steam engine.Zhu Zaiyan wanted to surprise the emperor with the construction of this microscope, and see if there was any chance of rescuing his biological parents from the high walls of Fengyang.

Nowadays, if you want to be less conspicuous, taking the Jinshi examination would be too conspicuous.

Entering the Imperial Study Room with Yan Shifan, they naturally bowed first.

Yan Shifan's movements were too exaggerated: "Your Majesty, Yan Shifan, is here to thank you for your kindness. Long live your Majesty! Long live! Long live your Majesty!"

"We'll talk about your business later." Zhu Houcong asked him to get up casually, and then showed some urgency, "Zai Yan, that microscope, after you grind out suitable lenses, can it still be aligned?"

"...Your Majesty, that's right. I also studied some Western expositions translated by the Ministry of Rites and Communications, and then calculated it carefully many times, and this time I grinded out a suitable lens. In addition, now Baojin Bureau's The threads were carved more and more finely, and then it was made."

Zhu Zaiyan felt the emperor's surprise about this matter, and couldn't help but have more expectations in his heart.

He immediately added: "The condenser that Your Majesty mentioned on the steam engine, Chen, Tao Zhenren, and Zheng Dajiang drew a new shape. They tried it alone before, with some results. We need to observe whether it can be used when the steam engine is started. Let’s make a real thing and experiment again…”

"I will give the order."

After saying this, Zhu Houcong looked at Zhu Zaiyan.

He was not the actual person in charge of the steam engine project team. He was the one to report. Moreover, he hid the matter of the microscope first. Zhu Houcong also guessed what the child was thinking.

It seems that Tao Zhongwen now understands the emperor and appreciates this wise prince, so he wants to help him, right?

After asking them again about their detailed considerations and process for solving the two problems this time, Zhu Houcong ordered to call Tao Zhongwen.

After asking carefully, he read the records of "Jianwa" and "Jiantuan" in "Mo Jing". The so-called "Jianwa" and "Jiantuan" are concave mirrors and convex mirrors respectively.

In addition, Ptolemy's books collected from Lewis contain detailed explanations of the refraction of light.

There are not many scientific talents in the Ming Dynasty. Tao Zhongwen was purely fed by him and became an elder in this field. However, Zhu Zaiyan was able to take the initiative to study the Eastern and Western experience summarizing certain phenomena. Even if there was an emperor, although it was not specific, Guidance with clear direction is also a rare and good seedling.

The newly-feng Dongbo Bo who returned home to see his father was just left aside, feeling aggrieved by being left out.

But he also wanted to see if what Prince Rui said was true.

Prince Rui's Mansion was not far from the palace. The prototype of the microscope was quickly brought over, and Tao Zhongwen was also called here from the Polytechnic Institute.

"Go to the yard and pick a leaf."

Zhu Houcong ordered Huang Jin again, and then tried it himself.

Through the small viewing hole, you turn the fine threaded knob that has been carved by masters for more than ten years. In the small cup of raw water in your sight, many microorganisms are revealed.

Zhu Houcong couldn't help but feel a little excited.

It has been so long since I came to this world, and I finally saw a scene like this again.

This was the first step for scientific research to enter the microscopic field. From then on, Ming Dynasty had a new tool.

"What a great achievement!" Zhu Houcong spoke first, and then said to Huang Jin who came back, "Give me the leaves."

This time, he also peeled off the outer layer of the leaf to expose the delicate mesophyll, and then placed it on the microscope stage.

The outlines of the cells in the leaves can be roughly seen, but the internal structure is not very clear yet.

After thinking about it, it should be because the multiple is not enough.

He only knew the general principles of things like microscopes, and now that he had the first one was progress.

In history, the fierce man Leeuwenhoek ground a perfectly curved one-way mirror, which allowed his lens to have a magnification of nearly three hundred times, allowing him to see bacteria, yeast, and more microorganisms in the water.Later, after improvements and further increase in magnification, the door to the microscopic world was pushed open further and further.

There are many kinds of cells. Zhu Houcong didn't know how many times it would take to see large cells clearly, but now that he can see the small grids in the leaves, it really proves the usefulness of this microscope.

"What a great achievement!" Zhu Houcong laughed happily again and waved to Tao Zhongwen, "Come and take a look."

"...Your Majesty, I have naturally seen them all." Tao Zhongwen didn't hide anything, and said with a smile, "I have really seen the cells that your Majesty was talking about back then. This microscope has only been made now, and your Majesty is so pioneering." See, I admire you so much..."

"...That's what I thought."

Zhu Houcong fooled him, and Yan Shifan tried to find a sense of presence: "Your Majesty, can you also let me take a look?"

"Look, look at the water."

Yan Shifan walked over curiously and brought his eyes closer.

He has the "unique" advantage of not having to close his other eye tightly.

Because of this, he saw it more clearly and was immediately startled.

"There really are bugs! There really are!" Yan Shifan's voice trembled, "In the water I drink every day..."

From the emperor to Tao Zhongwen and then to Prince Rui, three people looked at him with half-smiling expressions.

Yan Shifan was still frightened and looked over again. This time his face turned paler.

In the water, there are some small bugs with many legs swimming around, some with a lot of hair, some with tails, and some that look like balls of thread...

He moved his eyes away in disbelief and looked at the clean and clear water again.

"This...this..." Yan Shifan looked at the emperor blankly.

"Look at the leaves again."

Yan Shifan shook his head: "I don't want to read anymore!"

He was afraid of seeing dirty things again.

"Your Majesty, there are worms in the water, how can you drink them into your belly?"

"This ancient ancestor told you to boil the water before drinking it?" Zhu Houcong smiled, then waved his hand, "Not all of these small living creatures are harmful."

After saying that, he stared at Zhu Zaiyan: "Zaiyan, this microscope is far more important than you think! Everything in the world, birth, old age, illness and death, many things are known but not known. This is because the naked eye is mortal, and some things do not require the help of tools. , cannot be seen clearly. With this microscope, the path of physics has taken another big step forward! You have made great contributions, and I cannot but reward you!"

Zhu Zaiyan knelt down and said, "I don't dare to express my merits. Your Majesty pointed out the direction and made the merits of skillful craftsmen."

Zhu Houcong just smiled: "I am hereby issuing a decree to pardon your biological parents and family, and come to the capital to reunite. Zai Yan, you have chosen this path very well! Continue to concentrate on this path, and thousands of years later, you will be here Among the Chinese sages!”

The relationship between Zhu Zaiyan and his biological parents is actually very unfamiliar, after all, he was adopted at such a young age.

But the blood and family ties were in turmoil back then, and his biological parents were imprisoned behind high walls. How could he let go?

Now, the emperor finally granted him this favor, and also made it clear that he would be called a sage and leave a name in history in the future. Zhu Zaiyan was so excited that he cried and thanked him.

"I have been looking forward to this day for so long!" Zhu Houcong was also excited. "If the steam engine is also made, and Ming Dynasty is at the forefront of physics and human science, why worry about the day when the world will not be unified? This year there will be There are a lot of things to do, so you two should first conduct experiments on improving the steam engine. According to the decree, everyone who develops a microscope will be rewarded for their merit."

In these short two months, new doors to the real world and the microscopic world in science have been opened.

Yan Shifan was robbed of the limelight as soon as he returned to the capital, and His Majesty was obviously much more excited by the microscope's reaction.

What about Japan?Didn’t you say that the world is unified?
Wait...the world is unified...

Yan Shifan was stunned.

He was also a good scholar among scholars at that time, but because he was blind in one eye, this honor was difficult to achieve in science, but he was not very dignified in the military.

He also understands the world's great unity.

Are you kidding me?
After Prince Rui thanked him and left, the emperor said to him seriously: "I'm not kidding."

(End of this chapter)

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