
Chapter 444 The king and his ministers are all praying mantises

Chapter 444 The king and his ministers are all praying mantises
Historically, the emperor was majestic and solemn on the chariot pulled by the horse.

Now, behind the steam locomotive with the deafening smoke billowing, the emperor felt a little silly with joy.

Everyone's joys and sorrows are not the same. The ministers only felt mixed emotions.

Everyone was still anxiously waiting for the statistical results of the so-called "official standards", and then they were pulled here to see the emperor getting carried away and having fun, and to see the craftsman who had been ennobled standing beside the emperor as a coroner.

In the history of Qing Dynasty, apart from Cai Lun, who improved papermaking and was awarded the title of Marquis of Longting, this is the only one, right?

But that’s paper!Closely related to culture and education.Before Cai Lun was granted the title of Marquis, he was already a regular servant and minister of official orders, and he was a prominent figure among the ministers.

Where is Zheng Kui?
Truly pure craftsmanship.

Although the steam engine that Zhu Houconn was obsessed with had an obvious application in "pulling carts" when it first came out, the reaction of the calm officials to this incident was generally absurd.

If His Majesty the Emperor's achievements in the past had not left anyone speechless, his behavior today would be an act of indulging in fun and rewarding sycophants for their uncanny skills.

Of course, most people at the moment do not understand the true power of this machine.

The emperor's performance was too grandiose.

Lu Bing's heart didn't relax until the steam train really stopped completely. He ignored Zhu Houcong and said, "I will go to greet His Highness the Crown Prince."

The father and son did not dare to let them all sit on it. Zhu Zaiyi and others were still far behind, returning in a more reliable way.

Zhu Houcong waved his hand and was still smiling after coming in front of the ministers.

It was very good. I could really pull the car and arrived at Jingshi Station from Liangxiang Station smoothly.

Along the way, he looked at the black smoke coming out of the chimney, and listened to the nearby roar and the mechanical sound of the crankshaft driving the wheels to roll over the rails. Zhu Houcong felt more intimate, and it seemed that he had been ignited with some long-lost passion.

The empire's growing strength seemed to him a matter of course, but the steam engine made him feel more concretely and clearly that he had indeed brought about some more profound changes.

But this is just the beginning. It will take time, further research, and many obstacles to be truly applied to many fields.

"When this important weapon comes to the world, I asked you to come and welcome it, so that you can share the joy with me." Zhu Houcong glanced over, "Everything has pros and cons. Since agriculture, industry and commerce are the foundation of the country, it is naturally the same. Grand inspection of industry and commerce, It is to eliminate disadvantages. I made Zheng Kui the new prince of the world because of its benefits for the future. I know that you still have many things you don’t understand, but I can tell you."

Everyone looked up at the emperor, thinking that he was going to explain the magic of this so-called "heavy weapon".

Unexpectedly, the emperor raised his finger and circled: "In the future history books, Zheng Kui will be more famous than most of you. In the future, everyone who is literate will learn this period of history: Jiajing 19th year , Zheng Kui successfully invented the steam engine and was awarded the title of New Prince for his merits. Since then, a new era has officially begun."

Zhang Bi and Xia Yan, as well as Yang Shen and Yan Song, who were standing at the front, all looked at the emperor in amazement.

Even though they had been temporarily pulled here to greet him, they still underestimated the importance the emperor attached to this matter.

What does it mean to be more famous than most of us?
In other words, in front of Zheng Kui, those of us who are below the first rank are basically just passers-by like the people in the capital far away, A, B, B, D?
impossible!Absolutely impossible!
This thing... can really start a new era?
Zheng Kui was uneasy and said restrainedly: "How dare I say meritorious service..."

Your Majesty, you make me so scared!The eyes of some Wenquxing masters seem to have murderous intent!
In front of the most outstanding group of so many scholars, Zhu Houcong said this sentence.

"The Dacha Industry and Commerce started because of the Pujin Bridge incident. Now that my Wanshou Festival is approaching, this steam engine is really a footnote to end the writing." Zhu Houcong paused for a moment and raised his steps, "No matter what you are waiting for, I think, a new era has begun. My three questions are for your own good. If you cannot prepare yourself to adapt to the new era, your rulers and ministers will be like mantises in front of the steel locomotive!"

What is said here cannot be heard by the common people, nor can it be heard by the envoys from foreign vassals who are on the edge.

But these words fell in the ears of many important ministers, like a bolt from the blue.

The amount of information is just too much.

What does it mean that the king and his ministers are all praying mantises?

Of course, everyone understands this term.

The emperor went to the people of the capital, and Zheng Kui stayed here for now.

He was even more frightened and uneasy. The officials were now looking at the steam locomotive, as if they were looking at some terrifying monster.

Zheng Kui didn't know anything else, he just had cold hands and feet.

But Your Majesty, the steel locomotive that you mentioned can "crushes the emperor and his ministers to death" was developed under your orders. I am wronged!
This is something Zhang Bi and the others couldn't figure out.

Even though I have been taking new courses for a long time, I can understand from the emperor's mouth how the exploration and progress of the avenue of physics affects the change and adaptation of the human system.

So can't it just stay like this?
Seeing that the emperor showed his face in front of the people, said a few words and then entered the city on a large chariot carried over, the officials were collectively silenced.

Calling everyone here in great force just to say these few words?

Everyone lined up to go to the city gate, and Huang Jin turned around and returned here: "Your Majesty has a decree. All the ministers of the State Palace, the General Staff of the Military Affairs Council, and the new prince will go to the imperial study to discuss matters. Tonight, I will give you a banquet for the new prince. Congratulations."

Everyone knows that this is the real show, and they did what they did just now, just to get a head start, right?

Zheng Kui, who was frightened just now, is really confused now. The emperor gave him a banquet, and the general assistant, general staff and eight ministers of state congratulated him. Is there any grander event in the world than this?

The emperor looked really happy.

Then you still say that we built this steam engine to crush the Tian family and the ministers to death?

The "farce" outside the city is not over yet. The people are still waiting for the steam train to be carried in another direction and restarted to return to the good hometown - there is no way, there is only one experimental locomotive now.

This excitement can last for a while.

Over at Yangxin Hall, after the emperor had washed himself and changed into his regular clothes, the prince and Zhang Juzheng also returned.

Coupled with the three members of the royal study, Zheng Kui felt even more uneasy.

With so many people crammed into the not-so-large royal study, Zhu Houcong thought for a while and then said: "The autumn weather is crisp and clear. Bring some stools and sit in the courtyard. Tonight, the king and his ministers will have a good conversation around the fire."

Soon after, the seats were arranged, and Zheng Kui was still the most eye-catching one - he was a newly appointed marquis, but he didn't have a new official uniform yet.He had never expected this scene before, and he was only wearing cloth clothes that were convenient for work.

Zhu Houcong sorted out his thoughts and then said: "In the ancient wilderness, there were saints among the ancestors. Cangjie created characters, Shennong tasted herbs, built nests and built wooden houses, and Sui people drilled wood to make fire. They made pottery, tamed domestic animals, By cultivating crops, our Chinese ancestors can thrive and grow stronger."

Hearing the emperor suddenly talk about things passed down from ancient times, the emphasis was on some technical matters, so everyone listened first. "Then iron smelting, papermaking, sinan, printing, gunpowder..." Zhu Houcong looked at them, "For thousands of years, it has been said that these various crafts and skills are not elegant, but here today, you are all officials of the imperial court. Sir, you naturally know how important these products of the physical avenue are. For thousands of years, our Chinese dynasties have been able to thrive in this land. It is not because of the kindness of foreigners, but because we have always walked on the physical avenue. Farther away.”

"When it comes to grain and grass, farming is better than herding, hunting, and fishing. Supplemented by water conservancy, farm tools, and calendars, although you still have to depend on the weather, the harvest is generally better than that of the northern tribes on the grassland. When it comes to transportation, Qin Youchidao, Sui The Cao River was dug, and Taizu built a large number of post roads and post stations before the founding of the country. In terms of soldiers and armor, the Ming Dynasty iron pots are now in great need of all tribes outside the region. "

Zheng Kui had never heard of these big principles, but now he could vaguely hear that the emperor was not going to tell him anything today.These words were spoken to the prince and the important officials in the court.

Zhu Houcong said this, took a sip of tea, and then continued: "Without these, the monarch and his ministers would not be able to sit quietly in the capital, discussing how to set taxes, promote talents, and manage the world. For thousands of years, everyone has Everyone has become accustomed to the fact that we are generally in the front. Since the one who is in the front is always the dynasty, why should we pay more attention to these things? Therefore, in the past, there were low-level craftsmen, and everything else was of inferior quality, except for reading. "

After the conversation came around, Zhang Bi and Xia Yan remained silent.

Are we still talking about "official standards"?But it seems like it's more than that.

"But now the emperor and his ministers all know how big the world is. At the beginning of my reign, a small country like Portugal only came with a few warships. How miserable was Wang Hong's defeat in the first battle at that time? Today's Tiger Crouching Cannon, how was it improved?"

Bringing up old events again, Yang Shen once again recalled the emperor's anger when he could only stand in the imperial study.

At that time, his father faced the emperor's cold expression in astonishment and heard him ask those words solemnly: Yang Tinghe, whose land is it?
Yang Tinghe, who said that Portugal was in Java, has now entered the temple and the Hall of Heroes, but he should still make a note of it in his daily life.

"In the past 20 years, you may not have thought about this, but since then, I have often had nightmares."

Zhu Houcong's eyes were dazed for a moment and he was silent for a while.

"Can China, which has always been inferior in everything, really always have more advanced technology? What if there is no more advanced technology? In my nightmare, one day, in a remote place that I have never paid attention to since the Ming Dynasty, those in the hearts of my Chinese monarchs and ministers The Western barbarians, who were more hairy and bloodthirsty than the Northern tribe, came to the waters of the Ming Dynasty in steel battleships that were faster, bigger, and more powerful. With cession of land, indemnities, and slavery, the land of China was destroyed, and the culture and education of the sages were almost cut off."

"That's not Meng Yuan taking over, that's not a temporary disadvantage that everyone is not far apart from each other, that's a backwardness that makes people even more hopeless. If you fight a war, it's like waving a wooden stick to meet the rain of arrows without armor. Yan Song, You accept the gift and give it to the ministers, and tell everyone what Alfonso relayed about Spain in the so-called New World."

"...I obey the decree." Yan Song recalled it and began to talk.

At this moment, he naturally understood what the emperor wanted to emphasize.

Spain's great success in the Aztec Empire was already a sensation among the upper echelons of Europe. It was close to a myth that just a few people could completely enslave the vast Aztec Empire.

But this is what is happening.

"Perhaps there was internal fighting there, or perhaps they were cowardly. However, it is a fact that the Europeans used their more advanced guns and artillery to expand their territory in all parts of the world. How was Manchuria destroyed? And the Portuguese You all already know how to covet the Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Houcong said solemnly: "You may think that my worries are unfounded, or you may think that the Ming Dynasty's guns and cannons are still better than them. However, if the Ming Dynasty has always been inferior in everything, and the Europeans have tasted the sweetness and praised new things and new technologies, this will continue for 100 years. , 200 years, 300 years, what will happen? The Portuguese ruler suffered a loss, and now he has sent his own brothers to the Ming Dynasty to learn many useful techniques of the Ming Dynasty. I value practicality, and they value it even more!"

Zhang Bi said: "Your Majesty is deeply concerned about the country, and I admire you endlessly. Now your Majesty's sage is far better than the previous kings, and the Ming Dynasty will never have worries. Today's steam engine is made. Your Majesty is very happy. I have been waiting for a long time. This Since the thing is of great use, I would like to ask Your Majesty to dissect it, and I will do as I please."

He thought that the foreshadowing should be enough, and while flattering him, he wanted to lead to the main topic.

Zhu Houcong only glanced at him and continued: "What's the use of relying on me alone or one or two generations?"

Zhang Bi couldn't help but open his mouth slightly and his beard trembled.

Although it seems that His Majesty is not targeting anyone, but that everyone present... there is no point in following the instructions.

What is so difficult to do?
Yang Shen also didn't understand: "Your Majesty is wise and powerful, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince teaches you by words and deeds, and his ministers obey their orders. The younger generations like Zhang Bundu, Hu Bundu, and Shen Bundu are also loyal to the emperor. Can't it solve your Majesty's worries?"

Zhu Houcong pointed to his head: "It's a matter of thought."


"Those three questions I asked, do you all think that I just want the world's officials to be honest and honest?"

Zhu Houcong looked at Yan Song emphatically, because his clear message was correct, and his purpose was to be honest and serve the public.I can’t be wrong, but in some of the answers I’ve read so far, no one has touched the fundamentals.

"The hearts of the people are destiny. Loving the people like your own children is the right way to help your majesty forever." Zhang Bi began to make amends, and he was right.

But Zhu Houcong frightened them again: "So it's a matter of thought. I've already said that monarchs and ministers are like praying mantises in front of steel locomotives. Do you think I'm alarmist?"

The courtyard of Yangxin Hall was extremely silent. The emperor was sitting in his palace and said such words to the most prominent ministers. Who answered?How to pick up?
"The avenue of physics is there. No matter how much you and your ministers despise businessmen, craftsmen, and farmers, technology will advance. It's just a matter of speed." Zhu Houcong said leisurely, "Although there are some differences now, except for me, who else is still the same?" Do you feel arrogant? If you have an official position, you should be rich and prominent. If you want to earn more, you have to get involved with the government. Of course it is no problem now, but what about the future? We are still changing the soup without changing the medicine. There is no such burden in Europe. "

"In 100, 200, 300 years, the difference between speed and speed will become wider and wider. My nightmare will definitely come true one day."

Zhu Houcong said this with great certainty and sincerity.

But no one could imagine that the Western Europa they knew now would one day become an enemy that would make Ming Dynasty despair.

Especially at this moment when the steam engine, which the emperor valued very much, had just been built.

Zhu Houcong looked at his son and sighed silently.

He knew that he seemed to be worrying unreasonably now, but were there many things that were reversed in history?
He has always advocated and supported some of the achievements that have been made today.

He is motivated because he knows that what he said in the name of nightmare is true.

He is still worried now because he knows that self-reform will definitely not be as thorough as it will be after the bourgeois revolution breaks out in Europe in the future.

What if we plowed Europe just to eliminate future troubles?That would be an underestimation of the power of some inherent laws.

After being in power for twenty years, he has become a paper framer. He can only try his best to provide solutions based on his own understanding, both internally and externally.

Externally, we must start planning to roll out Ming Dynasty's standards and try our best to build a global economic and trade system and inter-country relations with Ming Dynasty as the core.Is there really only one Ming Dynasty on earth?If productivity doesn’t support it, it’s too much of a gamble.

Internally, it is natural to try to loosen the stranglehold of the landlord class on the overall progress of productive forces that has been so firmly established by the system.

Businessmen are the lubricant of the economy. Craftsmen and scientists must be truly valued. Bureaucrats must not be afraid of the expansion of power of the "low-grade" people in the past.

Otherwise, today's Polytechnic Research Institute and some scientific research and basic projects will still be Zhu Houcong's version of the "Leopard Room."There will be some achievements, but not enough to start a prairie fire.

The progress of productivity and the comprehensive rollout of new productivity tools cannot be achieved without the understanding and support of bureaucrats.

Zhu Houcong said the real purpose of so many arrangements today: "This year's major national policy conference must establish a constitution and truly clarify the purpose of the Datong Party. In the constitution and purpose, the interests of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce must be recognized!" If our thoughts do not change, I will disappear in a hundred years. If we say that when I implemented the new law, it was just a group of officials and gentry who left and a group came up. So now, the officials and gentry should know that they have to change their identity and identity. If you look at agriculture, industry and commerce with a healthy attitude, don’t wait until you become that praying mantis before you regret it!”

(End of this chapter)

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