
Chapter 446 Create a prosperous future together

Chapter 446 Create a prosperous future together
Yan Song was still in a daze when he returned to his house, and Yan Shifan was waiting for him.

"Dad, what's so magical about that steam engine? It's so grand today?" Yan Shifan waited until now just to ask this question, "My son worked hard in Cochin and Japan for so many years before he was granted the title of earl. How about Zheng Kui?" My son has been made a marquis!"

Yan Song looked at him with complicated emotions and said nothing.

Yes, many generals and soldiers have been through life and death without ever being able to see the edge of their title.

It is conceivable that Zheng Kui was granted the title of Marquis, and the impact was huge.

But now Yan Song will naturally not act indignant like his son. Instead, he said leisurely: "What's so strange? Change the world!"

"...Dad, is it allowed to say such things?" Yan Shifan was startled, "These are treasonous words!"

The tea cup Yan Song was holding shook and he almost wanted to smash it over.

Indeed, he was still immersed in the atmosphere of the previous night talk around the fire. Although the emperor was the emperor, he only talked about the great road tonight, and Yan Song could not change his state for a while.

"That's wrong... In short, the truth is very simple. Everything requires effort. And this steam engine is the beginning. As long as the idea is clever, it can be useful in all walks of life. Use machines to do things tirelessly, regardless of the situation, the situation, the weather, or the weather. . For example, the bus carriage on the straight road originally required at least eight strong horses to pull, but now the steam engine is no less powerful than eight strong horses."

Yan Shifan nodded, that's true.Today, the steam locomotive actually pulled the car while smoking. It was really jaw-dropping to watch.

And Yan Song continued: "Your Majesty said that the word horsepower is easy to understand, and everyone will understand it as soon as it is heard. And if we continue to improve, the steam engine can be made smaller, but in the future it will have dozens of horsepower, hundreds of horsepower or even thousands of horsepower. Woolen cloth?"

"...Thousands?!" Yan Shifan was shocked, "When the smoke comes out, it's like thousands of strong horses working together?"

Yan Song sighed: "His Majesty said that as long as the monarch and his ministers continue to pay attention to this physical avenue, one day, it will be no problem to go from Beijing to Guangzhou in the morning and evening. That is really... unbelievable..."

He was responsible for narrating, and Yan Shifan was responsible for matching the expressions.

"How is that possible?! If this is true, wherever there is chaos, it will be settled in an instant!"

At any rate, now that he is a military attache, he already understands the military value of this thing.

"...Who says it's not the case? Xia Gongjin's eyes almost popped out when he heard His Majesty say that although steel is heavy, if the machine power is powerful enough, an armored chariot can run faster than a strong horse on wheels. If this is really possible, why worry about the northern barbarians? Just chase and fight. There are also sea hazards. It is already true that iron ships can float on the water. It is just that they are extremely heavy and cannot be pushed by sails. But if they are used, there are thousands of them. Where’s the machine with the power of a healthy horse for paddling?”

Yan Shifan was stunned.

If this steam engine is really so powerful, then Zheng Kui's title of Marquis... would be a great military achievement.

"Mining, iron smelting, milling, plowing... it can be used in any place that requires a lot of animal power and water power." Yan Song's eyes were still in a daze, "If it is really of such great use, what is it if it doesn't turn the world upside down?"

"...If that's the case, what's the point of bringing the Loop back? Aren't the Tatars who surrender no longer have to raise horses for the Ming Dynasty?"

Yan Song glanced at his son: "What the hell are you talking about? At that time, His Majesty was not sure whether a steam engine could be made. Besides, horses are naturally useful. Even if they are not used so much, can't they be raised for meat? ?”

Yan Shifan started to look forward to it: "When will my son take the smoking iron ship to Japan?"

"Let's wait until you are dad's age."


"The road is so long, how can it be so fast?" Yan Song paused, "This is also the reason why your majesty decided to confer Zheng Kui as a marquis today and summon all the important ministers to discuss the matter. Your majesty is wise and powerful, and those scenes are certainly true. It just needs to continue to develop and improve. Just like doing business, the more capital invested, the more likely it will be returned. Money, people, and materials are all needed, and there is one more item in the financial plan. The most important thing is, We need to make talented people feel that this is a good path, not just becoming an official."

"...Marquis, is that not enough?"

Yan Song was silent for a while, and then said: "Your Majesty said that the Ming Dynasty can only have hundreds of thousands of civil and military officials, but it needs millions or even tens of millions of doctors, master craftsmen, and small workers. People like Xin Shihou Only if there is an endless stream of thousands of people like this can one day Beijing and Guangzhou be prosperous and the world be united."


Yan Shifan couldn't imagine that the Marquis had thousands of Ming Dynasties.

Then who am I, Uncle Dongying?


To do this is by no means easy.

We want to prevent talented people in the world from thinking that being an official is the only good way, and make it difficult to bypass the powerful position of the imperial examination in everyone's mind.

The best way is naturally to use the imperial examination to make a fuss.

"It is now clear that if a scholar is to get to the bottom of his studies, he should study things to gain knowledge." Zhu Houcong continued to express his opinion, "The study of imperial examinations should not just be about obtaining Jinshi. Therefore, it is only natural that the imperial examinations should include various subjects as when they were first established. The imperial court looks for talents, and all kinds of talents are needed."

Now, it is time to cultivate, select and build systems for scientific research and engineering talents.

At the same time, it also involves the benefits and benefits of this way out.

If you succeed in your studies and stand out, you will naturally have opportunities in many companies, including official positions and salaries.

But this is not rich enough and lacks the appeal effect of top-level treatment.

Zhu Houcong formally put forward that concept: "When it comes to practical learning and new learning, it is better to call it science! Read the classics of the sages and seek the road of heavenly principles, in order to serve the country with enlightenment. All roads lead to heavenly principles, and different paths lead to the same goal. In the name of science, change Under the imperial examination system, those who stand out are all the scholars we need. In the past dynasties, talents were stored in the Hanlin Academy. In my opinion, in the future, only those who are knowledgeable can be called academicians!"

The appeal he wants to give is to build the most cutting-edge scientific research system.

The word science really meant "the study of imperial examinations" in Chinese history.Since people now have the inherent impression that the imperial examination is the best way out, why wouldn't Zhu Houcong use it to elaborate on it and smoothly attract more people to choose a new path?

Anyway, if you tell the outside world, you are still from the imperial examination.The older generation does not need to hesitate too much. In short, they are still training their children to take the imperial examination.

"Change the Hanlin Academy to the Academy of Sciences, and merge it with the Institute of Polytechnic Studies. We will establish Wenhua Academicians, who will be awarded to the great talents of literature and art in the Ming Dynasty. We will set up Academicians of Economics and History, which will be awarded to the great talents of the Ming Dynasty's economic governance. We will set up the Academicians of Polytechnic Research, which will be awarded to the great talents of the Ming Dynasty in physics. Academicians of Engineering are awarded to the skilled craftsmen of the Ming Dynasty. Academicians receive salary allowances from the State Council to serve as advisors on state affairs in the Ming Dynasty. The Academy of Science and other universities set up projects for Dao Studies, and the State Council pays for them to ensure that they can study the Dao without any distractions. .”

"From now on, the Minister of State in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Education will specifically instruct the Ministry of Culture and Education to handle this matter." Zhu Houcong looked at Zhu Wan and said, "Zichun, you and Jiuhe will come up with a strategy with the Ministry of Culture and Education first. Also listen to Ying De’s opinion.”

"The minister leads the order!"

The counselors in the National Policy Hall couldn't help but look at Zhu Wan, as did Gu Dingchen, the Minister of State in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Education.

Yang Shen was appointed as the general assistant, and Gu Dingchen, who was already 68, also let out a sigh of relief.If there was hope for him to sit in that position, then Gu Dingchen felt that he could still last three years, just like Zhang Bi.But there was no hope, so it was time for him to resign and become an official. He knew his own body well.Now that the emperor has made such an arrangement, everyone with a discerning eye knows that Zhu Wan should be the next minister of the Ministry of Culture and Education.From the third grade to the second grade, Zhu Wan at 47 is already qualified.

As for the new Minister of State for Education, Culture and Education, everyone already knows who he will be.

The 34-year-old Jingbian Hou Tang Shunzhi.

He's coming back, early.

Instead of waiting to pick up the 59-year-old Xia Yan, he went to the State Palace to receive the Ministry of Culture and Education.

Tang Shunzhi, who was capable of both literary and martial arts, was obviously going to succeed Xia Yan in the end.This means that he will occupy the position of minister of state for several years and focus on only one area.

Zhu Houcong looked at Liu Tianhe again: "Yanghe is getting older, so this time he will only take charge of the Ministry of Industry. The Ministry of Commerce will be set up separately, let Cai Bo take charge of it. The Ministry of Agriculture, let Wei Zhong take charge of both."

Supporting the emperor's need to pay attention to science and technology and the application of steam engines, coupled with the current needs of sea trade and land frontier markets, internal commerce and the need to pay more attention to commerce in the future, Ming Dynasty added a Ministry of Commerce.Under the guidance of the ideal of world harmony, agriculture and agriculture-related water conservancy projects have also been established as a separate Ministry of Agriculture.

This is a signal that Ming Dynasty has added two more movies and gained a lot of votes.Some officials and gentry may feel uneasy because His Majesty pays more attention to agriculture, industry and commerce, but the increase in official positions is also a kind of comfort.

The amount of the minister of state will not increase, but the future potential will be seen from who will receive more in the future.

In addition, veterans of the second grade or above who have become official are awarded a new title of "pension" by being awarded the title of Academician of Economics and History or Academician of Wenhua of the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences begins to prepare journals and periodicals, and the selection of academicians, doctorates, and bachelors...

These are specific matters and should be discussed slowly.

As the advisers gathered together today, the most important task was to discuss the "Constitution of the Ming Dynasty" and the purpose and program of the World Datong Party.

The results compiled by the General Affairs Office, the Imperial Study Office and the Internal Affairs Office together from the written memorials of more than [-] officials from all over the country were presented to the public.

"After becoming an official, how should I continue to cultivate myself, how should I manage my family under my new identity, and what should be the starting point for me to govern the country to truly help me manage the Ming Dynasty." In response to these three questions, Ming officials The statistical hot words are reflected one by one.

This is a very complicated form. For this reason, many petty officials and ministers in the General Affairs Department and the Internal Affairs Department have been busy day and night for more than two months.

They didn't dare to delay, but the most concentrated ones were sent to the capital in the last month before the Emperor's Longevity Festival.

How to cultivate yourself and your family? The counselors looked at the one item marked "Integrity" that was [-]%, and they couldn't help but feel strange.

And nearly 60.00% of the people clearly mentioned that they would not be greedy for a penny of public funds - it was really just to show their loyalty, and they told lies without conscience. Are they really not afraid of the truth after the fall?
It can only be said that everyone knows how to be an official. There are many things that are really loud and clear, and it is better to be vigilant.It may be possible to settle accounts after the fall, but the lack of positive attitude may make the higher-ups think that "my family has 300 taels of silver"?
Reading them one by one, some copied the rules and regulations, and some quoted the scriptures and excerpted the teachings of the sages.

The counselors each read it carefully for a long time. The whole article was full of righteous words and big words that were well received by the public. Looking at it, they could only see two words between the words: I am good.

And the emperor spoke: "Officials in the world are all deeply aware of righteousness. It can be seen that these standards and requirements are also recognized by most people. As long as the officials in the world can remember these at all times, they will all be the same as the monarchs and ministers working together to create the great cause of great harmony in the world." Party. Before discussing the constitution and the purpose of the Datong Party, I would like to express my views."

So the "cut scene" of watching the statistics of hot words ended like this, and all the counselors fell silent and listened to the emperor's words.

Zhu Houcong lowered his head and looked at the statistical results again. When he raised his head, his face was serious.

"Throughout the ages, dynasties have changed. Today, the Ming Dynasty is the lord of China, and foreign vassals are mostly called it by the Celestial Kingdom. Our country is called the Ming Dynasty, also known as China." Zhu Houcong said slowly, "From the time of Taishi Gong, after the first year of the Republic, the chronology It’s clear. Before that, it could only be summarized. Even counting from the first year of the Republic, it’s only been two thousand three hundred and eighty years.”

Everyone was a little stunned for a moment when the emperor mentioned it so far away.

It is true to say that there is a clear and trustworthy history recorded year by year in the land of China, which indeed began in the first year of the Republic.Before that, although there were still three emperors and five emperors of Xia, Shang and Zhou, many of their deeds could not be pinpointed to a certain year from written historical materials.

Zhu Houcong stated his purpose for mentioning this: "For 380 years, no matter who dominates this land, China has always existed clearly. For 380 years, Chinese sages and heroes have emerged in large numbers, and people of various ethnic groups have multiplied to this day. There are more than ten million, and there is no one in the world whose culture is more brilliant than China's. The world should clearly know the powerful existence of China. Starting from the 20th year of Jiajing, there is no era name, and it is called AD [-]."

This is the first standard that Ming Dynasty wants to export to the world: chronology and calendar.

The real AD calendar has not been in use around the world for a long time.From Lewis, Zhu Houcong learned that the European Vatican only began to call the year of Jesus' birth as the first year of AD 1000 years ago, based on the Julian calendar of ancient Greece.Portugal, on the other hand, did not start using this dating system until 100 years ago.

The pace of European colonization eventually brought this dating method to the whole world. In the background of the AD calendar, the first year of the AD will always be associated with the religious belief of Jesus.

Now that the Ming Dynasty is the strongest in the world, why can’t the world’s concept of time be linked to China’s history?
Since that year, only in China, every year of history has been handed down in written records.

However, the emperor now said that there will be no era names from next year.

The counselors looked at the emperor in even more astonishment.

Zhu Houcong faced their eyes and said calmly: "I want to cancel the reign name because I want you and the world to understand a truth. The reason why a country is a country is because the people of the dynasty live here, and they need officials to guard the land. To stabilize the people. To stabilize the government, it is necessary to have upper and lower positions, each performing their own duties. Nowadays, the emperor has a holy authority, important ministers assist, and officials are transferred to all directions. This is the best way based on the experience left today. "

"Although I am the lord of the Ming Dynasty, I am different from the Qing Dynasty. However, discussing matters is not the reality of a republic? I really rely on the Qing Dynasty and others to rule the world together, so that the people of the Ming Dynasty can live in peace and security. The act of naming the year further shows that I am an emperor; I am now I wish you and others to work together to establish the great unity of the world, starting from the first year of the Republic. I hope that all the people in the world will know that China has gone through more than 380 years of history, and the establishment of great harmony has not yet been completed, and the monarchs and ministers still need to work hard."

In this case, Zhu Zaiyi, who was listening on the sidelines, had mixed feelings: So, when I succeed to the throne in the future, I won’t have my own reign title?

Zhu Houcong ignored his thoughts and just continued: "The great truth is the most simple, so that everyone can count less numbers. And the people of the world have to understand one thing from these more than 2000 years of trustworthy history: I, the great China, although all the The clans come and go, but now Han people are not the only citizens. If you have registered as a Ming Dynasty household registration, are willing to abide by the laws of the imperial court, and take pride in the vastness of China, you are a Chinese citizen."

He only expressed his complete thoughts at this point: "In establishing the Constitution, one thing needs to be understood: the monarch and his ministers are establishing the Constitution for the new generation of China. They must understand the origin and take a long-term view. The Constitution is establishing the Constitution for the future of China." Until the world is unified."

"To achieve great harmony in the world, we need to put the people first. The territory is used to raise and protect the people; the government is used to manage and serve the people. Parents who love their children have far-reaching plans, care for them, and admonish them. Love the people like Son, how can you only know how to control and not know that working hard all your life is for the sake of future generations?"

"For the great cause of great unity under heaven, the monarch, his subjects, and all the people must know from the constitution: China is now called the Ming Dynasty, which means that the monarch and his ministers love the people like their own children, and govern the country for the great Ming Dynasty of the Chinese people! All ethnic groups are harmonious, and future generations will live in the Ming Dynasty. The territory has a stable tomorrow for the Ming Dynasty! All for the sake of the people, for the sake of the people whose children can prosper and live in peace, and for the sake of foreign countries who respect the prosperous and powerful Ming Dynasty!"

"For this reason, I am willing to give up my reign title so that all my subjects will know my ambition and the ambition of the royal family. Taizu was born among the people, determined the world, and laid the foundation of the Ming Dynasty. Since me, all those who have been emperors from the royal family have Don’t forget Taizu’s original intention to serve the people! For the sake of the great unity of the world, why should the royal family regret that the subjects have an era name to pay tribute to? The monarchs and ministers say that it has been more than [-] and [-] years ago, but ask whether the world has been unified ?”

In the Palace of National Policy, the emperor's voice echoed.

Thinking of the 20 years of hard work since he succeeded to the throne, the ministers felt in a trance that there was more than just light in his eyes.

No one had to admit that he really thought so in his heart and he had never forgotten it over the years.

That is the ideal light.

The statistics of the attitudes of the world's officials are still on record. The world's great unity should be the ideal of everyone who has read the names on the classic gold list.

Now, who can not be a comrade of the emperor to pick up the glory of China?
There was a sound gradually. Zhang Juzheng stood nearby and saw all the ministers in the National Policy Palace standing up and speaking the same chapter:
"Your Majesty has such an ambition. How can I not dedicate myself to creating a prosperous Ming Dynasty?"

(End of this chapter)

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