
Chapter 455: The Ming Dynasty also has a royal guard

Chapter 455: The Ming Dynasty also has a royal guard
When the tributes suddenly faced such a major choice, it was inevitable that they would discuss it.

The experiences of this year's Gongshi will naturally serve as a benchmark for young scholars in the future, so the scope of discussion will naturally become wider and wider rapidly.

For thousands of years, the only thing that people have been able to do is to study well, because if you study well, you will be able to enter the court and become an official.

When you become an official, you become a master, and you are more than just a superior person?
Not to mention the many practical benefits behind the scenes.

Now, even if you are already a top student in the examination, you still have to "volunteer" to choose whether to become an official in the government?

It is said to be voluntary and not forced, but since the directions have been divided, if no one or only a few people choose the other two directions, wouldn't it be a slap in the emperor's face?
What was said in the residences of the important ministers actually spread throughout the Xinke Gongshi circle in just two or three days.

Those who have no connections will naturally ask those who have connections.Among the people who had the means to visit and ask for advice, there were also many who had doubts or simply didn't know much about the city.

It was passed down to ten, and everyone knew: It turned out that many important ministers were really trying to persuade some people to choose the direction of enterprises or the Academy of Sciences.

This has caused many people to have a strange imbalance in their hearts: I don’t even have the ability to be persuaded when I co-author?

Because there were two city officials who proudly said: Your Majesty Zhu Bi Yu Gou, they are already in the emperor's heart, they are the people's economics or the genius of heaven and earth!
"Is it possible that when you hold an official position, to support the emperor and your father, and to provide peace of mind to the people, you are not qualified to manage the world and benefit the people, but instead delve into business, play tricks and greed for money in order to manage the world and benefit the people?"

"...Isn't there a better name for this before, which is to stabilize the country and the people."

"Then why only two subjects are opened, and the Jingguo Martial Arts and Dingguo Ancivilian subjects are no longer open?"

"...Your Majesty is wise and has profound meaning."

"But if you choose the direction of the government, what if you will be despised by the Holy Will in the future?"

"...Your Majesty has a broad mind, how could he be like this? Brother, be careful what you say."

"Brother Xuefu, are you still in trouble?"

Wang Chonggu came back to his senses after hearing this, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Tang Shunzhi and Yang Bo both visited and indeed suggested him to choose the direction of the enterprise.

However, the only way out for enterprises is through the enterprises under the Huangming Assets Bureau, at least for the next ten years or so.

And in such a long period of time, there is still a lot of room for maneuver in matters in the government.When it comes to business, money is really the only rope, and there is very little room for maneuver.If someone fails to do a good job, it will be decided by the emperor. There will never be room for superiors and colleagues to explain the difficulties and ask for mercy in the government.

The most important thing is that if you serve as an official in a company, although the Wang family can get opportunities for faster development, the bond will be more clear and obvious.If something happens, it will definitely involve the Wang family.

How is this comparable to being an official in the government, where you only need to point the direction in certain areas and introduce some people?
"Isn't this a rush to decide the future in one fell swoop?" Someone said angrily, "How could the court only give me more than half a month to make a decision? How will the company and the Academy of Sciences be appointed and transferred in the future? There should be a charter for me to consider carefully!"

"Brother Bo Zai, you are Huiyuan, what do you think?"

After hearing this, Wang Chonggu also looked at someone.

This person's surname is Shen Mingkun, and he is 35 this year.In the recent examinations for these subjects, he is considered to be the oldest among those who won the first place in the examinations.

After the examination syllabus is changed, those who can adapt to the new examination syllabus are often those who are really talented and easy to accept new things.

Those who are older are indeed at a disadvantage in this regard.

And this Shen Kun won the exam when he was almost 30 years old.

Before the examination, many people did not expect that he would eventually win the title.A few days ago, he, who has been living in Huai'an, also visited Liu Tianhe, who used to be the general manager and stayed in Huai'an for many years.

Unlike Wang Chonggu, Liu Tianhe's advice to Shen Kun actually suggested that he choose the direction of the Academy of Sciences.

The first choice of this direction was to let him lead others, or was he really valued by the emperor in these aspects?And if he can win the first place in the examination, I am afraid it will also indicate the direction of the questions in the palace examination.

Shen Kun replied happily: "I have mixed joys, and I have always been upright. What Liu Guolao said makes sense, and I am indeed more suitable to do some learning."

"...Brother Shen, do you really don't want to become an official anymore?"

"Entering the Academy of Sciences as a doctorate also has an official title."

"...How can that be..."

Faced with many disappointed expressions, Shen Kun stood up and handed over his hands: "The Ministry of Culture and Education has made it clear that the questions for the palace examination are different for each direction. Now that I have made up my mind, I will go back and make more preparations. Please wait."

This is a hotel, and all the talk here is about people staying here to take exams.

Shen Kun was summoned by someone knocking on the door and had to attend.

Now that he has taken a stand, he has gone back.

Wang Chonggu looked at his back thoughtfully.

After a while, he stood up firmly: "Since Your Majesty and the princes have decided on this system, I think you don't have to worry about anything, and you should make a decision early. The imperial examination is around the corner, how can you change your mind? ?”

"Xuefu has made a decision?"

Wang Chonggu pretended to smile bitterly: "I visited and asked for advice but didn't listen to it. Doesn't it mean that I can't be taught?"

When he said this, more people were disappointed.

Everyone is so keen on discussing this matter, isn't it because they want to see if they can unify their opinions and let the court see the criticism among the tributes?
But what Wang Chonggu said was very true: The important officials of the imperial court specially pointed out the way for you, but you didn't listen. Didn't that make the emperor and the princes who now look at you differently have a grudge in their hearts?

This move is really damaging...

Since ancient times, it has been said that those who have learned literary and martial arts will bring their goods to the emperor's family.

Now that they are in high school, they will not be expelled from the exams. They must all have the best backgrounds. How can the emperor and the court arrange for them? Do they still allow them to comment?
If you are not satisfied, just resign and go home.

It’s not that you are forced to choose which direction. Can’t you volunteer to serve in the government?
Now, it's just that they are a little confused by this sudden arrangement, and they instinctively want to stick together and resist changes.

Wang Chonggu looked at the direction of Shen Kun's door again and walked into his room.

His family was very rich, and he could have paid a high price to go to Tongyi Bureau's Zhuangyuan residence next to Gongyuan.There are children from very good families who are either rich or noble. It is a higher-end circle.

But Huiyuan showed up at his hotel.

what's next?

With the palace examination having three directions, will the previous Three Tripod Armor also have a new meaning?

No longer just a top pick.

The test questions are all different, so what should we compare?

What's the first, second, third and third grade... After passing the test, they are all just tributes.

How does the country use scholars? In the future, we should no longer rely on how many officers and soldiers we have.
Maybe, many people who originally could only get the top three are happy to see this happen.

Is it because everyone is the same? They all just know how to pass the test.

As for the rankings in the same direction, I am afraid that when my official career is not smooth in the future, I can also say with regret: It took me half my life to realize that I am more suitable for another direction.

Just like if you had chosen another direction in the palace trial, your destiny would have been different.

Wang Chonggu opened the door.

Now that my mind has been made up, there is no need to hide the imprint of my background as a wealthy businessman.

If you do a good job in doing business so that the emperor can't live without it, you can also have huge influence.

He believes he has the potential.

In another room, where is Shen Kun reviewing his homework?He is writing a letter.

[You are loyal to my brother, your talent is greater than that of ten continents.For many years, my brother has been obsessed with Your Majesty's great way of physics, while you have been fascinated by your ideas and written romantic works.Now that the examination system is undergoing major changes, I have made up my mind to find the right path.Now that your great system has been completed, you can try your scientific career again.I have heard what Liu Guolao said and His Majesty’s great ambition, that Chinese culture should be promoted to the world, and great talents like your loyal brother are needed.In the past, His Majesty approved the Three Kingdoms...]

The person he wrote to was a friend who was slightly older than him, named Wu Chengen.And Shen Kun himself was actually the number one scholar in this subject in Jiajing for 20 years.

As the number one scholar, his reputation in later generations was far less great than that of Wu Cheng'en, but his most important deeds during his lifetime were: In order to fight against the Japanese, he personally recruited and trained local warriors, called the number one scholar soldiers.

He was obviously a Wen Zhuangyuan, but he was known as a Wu Zhuangyuan among the people.

Shen Kun said that he had mixed joys, and that was absolutely true.His talent is actually very high, but the things he likes are too complicated.When he was young, he read everything from Shi Zi Le and other scholars, and was extremely smart. Otherwise, how could he become good friends with Wu Cheng'en, who had the same scattered thoughts?

And since the new knowledge "Physics Avenue" appeared, he became addicted to it again.

For his own liking, his father, who had no knowledge of learning and only knew how to do business to earn money to educate his son, used to use the money he earned to buy books and cultural relics for him to study, and later he wanted to buy all kinds of new things.

For example, the first bicycle in Huai'an.

Now Shen Kun started to tease Wu Chengen, and he meant the same thing: you have always failed the examination in the past few years, not because you are not good, but because like me, you have not found the right direction and are too distracted.Look at me, brother, I'm the first to try!
Shen Kun knew that Wu Chengen would be a little bitter, because he knew that guy still wanted to get ahead.

Sour is just right.

All in all, Liu Tianhe said to him: Now there are only three directions, so what are they?In the future, there will probably be many more directions, such as those specializing in literary and artistic creation.

After changing the Yuan Dynasty and AD, it was renamed China. Your Majesty's grand plan also included cultural prosperity.

Otherwise, why would the Ministry of Etiquette and Communications have a separate Department of Folk Arts?

The first people to be affected by the new rules of the palace examination knew that Ming Dynasty was planning an updated examination system and syllabus.The study of imperial examinations, which will be called science from now on, has many subjects.

Being an official is just one of the subjects.

But the official subject is still the most attractive.

Among the Xinke Gongshi, 22-year-old Tan Lun still chose the direction of the government without hesitation.

This is not only because he is really not very interested in the direction of enterprises and the Academy of Sciences, but also because when he visited Yan Song, a fellow from Jiangxi, Yan Song received him warmly and said that His Majesty knows your name and hopes that you will do well in the future. official.

Why did the emperor know Tan Lun's name? Tan Lun didn't know.

But most of the people whose names were known to the emperor in advance had extraordinary achievements, so Tan Lun understood Yan Song's enthusiasm for him.

Now, he has a lot more expectations for his future.

In the palace, Zhu Houcong just smiled after listening to Lu Bingchen report the movements of the tributes.

"It is a good thing to have discussions. Let the scholars all over the world remember why they study and take the imperial examination. This is the country's talent promotion ceremony. The purpose of selecting scholars is for the needs of the country. For hundreds of thousands of years, the purpose of achieving success in the imperial examination is to become an official. The sooner The better the change.”

Lu Bing didn't care about this, he just said: "According to the current momentum, if the examination syllabus and examination system strategy are promulgated to the world, there will be more discussions. Can I make some preparations first?"

"No special preparation is needed." Zhu Houcong shook his head, "The world's elites gathered in Ketu, and I changed the final way out from one to multiple. I am born with talents, one is short and the other is good, and those who only aim to be an official The competition for one road has become more intense, but other roads are more relaxed? There are more people who feel that they are more likely to stand out if they try another road. They say it with their mouths, but they will be very honest with their bodies. From now on, before the provincial examination or graduation from middle school, students will only study Basics. Then choose a direction and specialize in one. It will be easier to succeed. It is better than everyone just studying the four books and five classics."

"The minister obeys the order."

Since the emperor said so, he would not take any action.

According to Lu Bing's understanding, such a large-scale impact on the future of scholars all over the world was unimaginable in the past.

But now, the emperor really seems to care less and less about the scholars' discussions.

Zhu Houcong looked at Lu Bing: "You are in charge of the royal guards, and you also pay attention to the words and deeds of the officials and gentry for me. You must understand that the public opinion in the world has pros and cons, and some are light and heavy. For some new things, the process of discussion is also a process of publicity. In this process, There are those who are in favor and those who are against. And when it comes to something, those who are in favor often cannot argue against those who are against it, because approval needs to be supported by the future, while objections only need to cite past examples.”

"...What His Majesty said is very true."

"Those who object, let them object. If they are just talking, what's the worry? As long as they don't do anything to hinder governance or even plot subversion because of their opposition, then they just need to watch patiently from the sidelines. Remember, today Although the Jin Yiwei is not as powerful as before, the Jin Yiwei who have been standing still are more terrifying than the Jin Yiwei who storms into the house from time to time." Zhu Houcong said lightly, "You don't have to show your authority, but you know everything. In this case, only officials with a clear mind will be more capable. Always keep in mind 'The Ming Dynasty still has a royal guard'."

Lu Bing thought to himself, there is also an internal inspection factory.

One is bright, one is dark.

The local tentacles of Jinyiwei are the local special service teams deployed by the special service under the system of the Department of Public Security.Their role, in addition to helping the Public Security Department handle major cases, is to arrange them in important local offices in the name of protecting important officials.

As for the internal inspection factory, they are either a small shop owner, a small businessman, or a servant or housekeeper of someone else's family, who knows?

For all the officials who have committed crimes over the years and were eventually punished, none of them were directly punished solely for the reasons of "secret conversations" and "conspiracies", but for official mistakes and crimes.Search according to the picture, and with the power of factory guards, what evidence can't be found?What can't be derived from the beginning?
A small case turned into a major case.

As for the citizen who finally went to sue something, who knew if he was an informant from the Internal Affairs Bureau?
It's just that if the Directorate-General of Public Security finally dispatches a special service team to arrest someone, some people will realize in hindsight: This is a decision from above, the emperor's decision.

Zhu Houcong once again shared some thoughts with Lu Bing, and then arranged: "Let the special service teams in various places open their eyes wider. On the contrary, the new measurement standards that will be implemented this year may be used by local officials to harm people. Let the common people accept these. , there needs to be a group of models to let them know that this is good governance. The standards in various parts of the Ming Dynasty are more unified and precise, which is the necessary foundation for the further development of all walks of life."

"I know, I will go back and make arrangements immediately."

Zhu Houcong paused, and then asked: "How many days have you been watching Qingyi and the two of them?"

Lu Bing smiled when he heard this: "It's not easy if you want to see more. The eldest princess is someone who has been there before, so she will be able to give you good advice."

Zhu Houcong sighed: "In the blink of an eye, I will have to worry about my children's marriage. I hope they can agree with me. When they are satisfied, you can help me check my behavior and character."

Lu Bing said: "I have already checked everything. Your Majesty wants to take a look at it. I can go back and get it now."

Zhu Houcong picked up the imperial pen and nodded at him with a smile.

As a father, it is time for his two older daughters to consider marriage.

Although the eldest is only 17 years old now, she only tries once every three years, and this is undoubtedly the best opportunity for them to choose for themselves.

If not, then he still has to take care of it.

The inertia of the times is here, and it is difficult for Zhu Houcong to let them engage in free love.If they are not allowed to have a choice now, wouldn't it be a worry for middle-aged and elderly people to complain about him as the inhuman person chosen by their father in the future?
After thinking about it, Zhu Houcong said: "Let Qingyi tell you that those who choose the direction of the Academy of Sciences are better and will be in Beijing in the future. Those who are officials and companies will naturally have to move around in the future. After all, they are tributes I am a scholar who came from a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops, so I can’t just leave him in the capital. Without experience, it is difficult to become a great person. They really like scholars, and they don’t like you from the royal guards. After thinking about it, I might be able to concentrate on studying physics. The one on the avenue is better.”

"I will turn around and convey the holy message to the eldest princess."

Zhu Houcong nodded and asked, "Where is the prince?"

"In Xuzhou, we arrived at the Fengxian river embankment construction site."

"Going there?" Zhu Houcong was a little surprised, "What are you doing there?"

"Three people came to the construction site to help. The one who did the paperwork did the paperwork, and the one who went to the construction site went to the construction site."

"...Qi Jiguang is going to the construction site?" Zhu Houcong laughed dumbly, "Okay, let them contribute a little bit."

After saying that, he stood up and said, "I want to move around too. You have finished your official duties today, so you can go for a run with me."

The number of concubines in the harem has increased again, and the age has increased, so it is even more necessary to exercise.

In the newly planned and renovated palace, there is now a dedicated space in the northwest corner of the palace area where the previous emperor's concubines lived.When running here, you don't have to always cross some doors with thresholds.

Lu Bing felt a little weird. After all, every time he accompanied the emperor, there were always concubines and their young children nearby.

Sure enough, the same is true today.

Zhu Houcong was wearing the changed clothes and trousers. He looked at the boys and waved his hands: "Don't rush to run. Just practice. The most important thing is persistence."

In the Ming Dynasty, there were emperors who loved running, and there were princes who loved running.

Lu Bing followed beside him, listening to the princesses over there shouting "brother, work harder" and "brother, hurry up", and could only look at the emperor's back in front of him speechlessly.

Your words are of no use, you are still encouraging the princes to compete.

Zhu Houcong just laughed and watched his cubs chasing each other.

How wonderful it is to be full of life.

(End of this chapter)

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