
Chapter 459: The clan’s geniuses emerge in large numbers

Chapter 459: The clan’s geniuses emerge in large numbers
  Faced with Kamran's insult, Anda's subordinates were naturally the first to scold him.

Once someone spoke, the already tense relations between the parties would naturally become tense, and the generals who were guarding them all immediately became nervous.

Anda raised his hand and asked his people to shut up first.

After quietly looking at the left and right fronts, both sides finally signaled or spoke, making the scene quiet again.

Ida then looked at Kamran: "I know you. Babur is a hero, but I don't understand what you said. Is your father the conqueror of India and the emperor of the Mughal Empire, or does he call himself that?" "

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they recalled that when he introduced himself just now, he just said "Kamran, the conqueror of India and the son of Babur, the Mughal Emperor."

Kamran thought that what he said he couldn't understand was his own accusation against him, but to his surprise, it was the first half of the sentence.

He didn't react for a moment, but Anda had already spoken again: "If you want to be the emperor of the Mughals, that's fine. I appreciate people who are ambitious and ambitious. This at least proves that you are worthy of the blood flowing in your body. The grassland bloodline. Besides, now that your brother has been defeated and exiled to Persia, you do have a great chance."

These words made Rexide and Mansu'er feel a chill in their hearts.

The news from the south should have been blocked by Turpan and Yarkant. Did I know so clearly?

Their eyes unanimously looked at the Tibetan monk behind Anda.

Mansu'er felt bitter: to the north was Anda, to the east was the Ming Dynasty, and to the south was Tubo.

"Everyone in the world says that I am a traitor who usurped the throne and a demon who slaughtered my people." Ida looked at Rexide and said, "Khan of Yerqiang, you should know very well that the army of the Khan's court can easily wipe out all of you. A member of the royal family, have I done this?"

Residera lost her dignity and just replied coldly: "You have been trying for many years. If you can do it, why don't you wait until today? The Yarkand warriors will naturally pick up the sword and defend their homeland!"

"Sword?" Anda sneered and looked at Mansu'er again, "Mansu'er Khan, you have gone through several eras. From the time when we, the grassland tribes who are descendants of Genghis Khan, could treat the Han people like cattle and sheep, to now we We have to drive the Khan's horses to the west, what do you think?"

Mansu'er was silent for a long time, and then said in a calm and vicissitudes of voice: "The ambition of Tuxie Tuchechen Khan is praised on the grassland. I heard that when you brandished your sword to the Khan's court, you said you wanted to lead the tribes of the grassland. Survive the attack of the Han people and eventually regain the glory of the former steppe empire. However, no matter how powerful the Han people's firearms are, each ethnic group can still have its own way of survival. You have not completely conquered the territory of the former Chagatai Khanate. , isn’t it also because of various concerns?”

"Each ethnic group naturally has its own way of survival." Anda sneered, "Serving as cattle and sheep, pulling goods for the Ming Dynasty; as slaves, grazing, mining, and doing hard work for the Ming Dynasty. In the Hetao, in Fengzhou Beach, in Daning, isn't that just like this? What a pity it would be to kill ordinary foreigners? But what about you lords and clan leaders? Where is your own way of survival?"

Rexide didn't respond, just looked at me quietly.

Daming was far away from Ye Erqiang. Over the years, he couldn't care about Daming, and Daming couldn't care about Ye Erqiang.

Kamran, on the other hand, said teasingly: "Mughals often have merchants from the east and west arriving by boat. They all praise the Ming Emperor's wisdom and generosity. Between the various ethnic groups and the Ming Dynasty, there is only one Peaceful trade has not been conquered by the Ming Dynasty. On the contrary, it is you who frequently bring suffering to all races. I think wise people should not force potential allies to become mortal enemies."

After saying that, he looked at Mansuer: "Dear King of Turpan, in the face of the common enemy, there should be a complete Chagatai. You and Rexid are uncles and nephews, plus I have the full support of Kabul , don’t worry about Anda’s threats.”

"I'm not here to threaten you." Anda once again stared at Kamran who was stirring up trouble here, and said slowly and unhurriedly, "What you said is exactly my idea. The Chagatai Khanate back then It's time to reappear. If I hadn't wiped out the other small tribes in the north of the Tianshan Mountains for you, if I hadn't come here, it would be your uncle and nephew who are fighting you to death here."

Kamran was stunned again. What did he mean?
  But Rexide glanced at his uncle and knew that I was right. If Anda hadn't attacked that year, the Yarkand Khanate, which he had just succeeded to the throne and had only passed to the second generation, would have been the one Man Su'er wanted to disintegrate the most.

Man Su'er frowned.

"Now I have eliminated hidden dangers and created opportunities for you. My purpose is to restore the glory of the past empire. The existence of the Chagatai Khanate is naturally an important step. The territory of Chagatai belongs to Chagatai, and I have no intention of doing so. No!" Anda looked at them, "I don't need you to be loyal to the Central Khan Court now, I just want to remind you: look what Ming Dynasty will do next!"

Man Su'er looked at his son and was about to refuse An Da's "kindness".

Now, Anda naturally wants to rely on his support and the nominal relationship in the past to let him do this Chagatai Khan as quickly as possible. But the lands he relinquishes will become the source of conflicts within Chagatai. And in a few years, if he dies, how can Shahan resist Resid and Kamran who have already united?
  If Shah Khan wants to stabilize his position, the most direct and effective way is to completely surrender to Anda, so that both Tibet and Kabul can obtain greater benefits from Chagatai than they currently do, so that the Yarkand can be completely eliminated.

The key issue is that if the Chagatai Khanate reappears in the west of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty will not ignore it.

At this time, Anda continued to speak: "Kamran, if you want to reconquer India, I can help you with the help of elite cavalry. I hope you know that everything I do is to resist the growing power of the enemy. The Han people. Don’t think that the Han people are far away from you. If the news I got is correct, Goa in India is now occupied by barbarians from further west, right?"

Kamran's heart trembled, of course he knew this.

Babur conquered northern India, but Goa was further south. In that area, Babur was unable to conquer the past. The local natives are naturally vulnerable, but in Goa, there is a stronger army.

"Central Khan Court, Chagatai, India." Ida pointed to Rigzin Gongpo again, "plus Tubo. How can I conquer such a vast land with one force? But if we can understand the common enemy Who is it, then no matter how powerful the Ming Dynasty's firearms are, it cannot completely resist the north, west and southwest. Now the ambition of the Ming Emperor must be curbed, and if we can become allies, then when the Han people show their flaws again, they The vast land, wealthy people, skilled craftsmen, and delicate beauties will all be ours!"

After telling his plan, Anda looked at them proudly: "Only those who do not look forward to this great future for future generations are our real enemies. Today, I am here to help Chagatai Khan The country will reappear. Who is willing to do this Chagatai Khan?"

Mansu'er was shocked and felt that the most difficult situation was coming.

If the long-divided Chagatai were to reappear, it would naturally have to be cleansed with iron and blood.

Now, I ask them to make a choice. It will be Chagatai Khan who takes the initiative to make a "future covenant" with the Central Khan Court. And Anda's army will naturally point to the other side and sweep them all away.

Resid couldn't help but look at Mansu'er.

How many blood feuds have there been between Ye Erqiang and An Da? Am I really going to help him?

Kamlan, on the other hand, kept his head down and didn't know what he was thinking after hearing that I was willing to lend him troops.

Mansuer looked at his son again.

...That's all, maybe, while I'm still alive, it's the best choice to use my last few years to help him make the road ahead easier.

Rexide regretted it greatly. He did not expect that Anda would spend so many years preparing to give up the captured land and even offer the bait of rebuilding Chagatai.

I originally thought that his many years of conquest could not be fully accomplished. In this border area, each side only led a thousand people. Turpan and Yarkand should have the same hatred and advance and retreat together. Considering various reasons, and with Kamran's promise and the three hundred guards he brought behind him, Rexid came here.

The situation is not good now.

He didn't believe that Anda would trust him and help him, so he immediately shouted: "Guard! Guard! Protect me from here, this is a trap!"

But Anda laughed: "It seems that Ye Erqiang has made a choice and must be my enemy. Sultan Mansu'er, you don't have to worry too much. How to face the Ming Dynasty, how to maintain trade routes, and how to protect you These are all trivial matters. Now... let’s keep Residu for now. Son of Babur, let me show you what kind of elite power I will lend you!”

The trumpet sounded, causing chaos in the peaceful river valley.

Next to the eyes of the Tianshan Mountains, this time, it will only be a war in which Yerkang returned to the rule of Eastern Chagatai after only a generation and a half.

As for whether Ming Dynasty will accept it... Next, I will return to the north of Xuanning, Hetao, so that Ming Dynasty must still maintain smooth trade with Turpan.

He believed that even if the Ming Dynasty was strong now, it would not be able to cope with the pressure from enemy countries with thousands of miles of borders.

In these directions, maintaining the current situation is the best result I can achieve.

Opportunities can only be in the future.

Or wait until the current emperor dies, or there are problems that are difficult to solve in Ming Dynasty.


Zhu Houcong was not aware of what was happening around him.

At this moment, Ming Dynasty is holding the palace examination.

Inside the Fengtian Gate and outside the Guoyi Hall, the tributes were treated equally and they all answered questions on the flat ground under Danqi.

Nowadays, with the Institute of Polytechnics, it is possible to make a rough estimate of the weather.

Even if it is not accurate, with the current production capacity of the Beijing Light Industry Park and the private industry and commerce of the Ming Dynasty, we can still make preparations - for example, the examination area is currently divided into three major areas, each area separated by wooden frames and gauze curtains. , examination position.

With their sight blocked, the tributes felt good.

Although I don't know if others are as uneasy as me, at least I won't let my ugly appearance be seen by the emperor or important ministers. The question is too difficult.

Maybe candidates from the government sector won't think so, but candidates from the enterprise and academy of sciences sectors have never taken such a question.

But actually, that's not the case.

Candidates who chose the government direction, when they returned to their examination seats, they were shocked to see that each of them had an abacus and several sheets of manuscript paper prepared on their desks.

Their exam questions also include many practical questions.

There were at least three questions that required them to use an abacus, related to projects, tax calculations, official salaries and public expenditures. In addition, there are some additional questions.

It's still spring, but I don't know how many people are sweating.

Their parents often said that the imperial examination was difficult, so it wasn't that difficult, right? Aren’t they all calm and elegant?
  The other examiners are now sitting together in the National Assembly Hall, and many of them have just seen the questions.

At this time, they couldn't help but look at Yang Shen and Yang Bo.

"General Assistant, Chief, Tang Guolao, this question... is really too difficult, isn't it?"

Yang Shen said calmly: "The questions for the enterprise and the Academy of Sciences were all proposed by His Majesty. For the questions for the government, although a few of us drafted a petition first and asked for a verdict, Your Majesty agreed. If the candidates are not eliminated in the imperial examination, then the questions The harder it is, the easier it will be to differentiate. If my subject was also difficult in the past, I wouldn't be arrogant and consider myself to be extremely intelligent, wasting more than ten years."

Others were just speechless.

Is it appropriate for you, the top scholar, to say such a thing?

However, making new scholars feel "difficult" does seem to help them be more cautious and lower their posture after becoming official.

Similarly, if you can still stand out from such a difficult question, it is indeed an extraordinary talent, and you can focus on observation.

In the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart, Zhu Houcong was also watching someone doing a question.

The person who wrote the question was Prince Rui Zhu Zaiyan.

His biological parents, brothers and sisters have already arrived in Beijing. Now that he has received special attention from Zhu Houcong, he does not need to take the imperial examination to gain favor.

But since the imperial examination determined that there were three directions to choose from, including the Academy of Sciences, Zhu Zaiyan still took the initiative to ask, saying that he wanted to take the test together with the emperor and the academicians.

Now there is a child next to Zhu Houcong.

The child was only five or six years old. He watched Prince Rui answer the questions curiously, and then looked at the emperor in confusion.

The person who answered the questions was his distant cousin, and the person who invigilated the exam was his distant uncle.

As the eldest son of King Zheng, Zhu Zaiyu was called into the palace by the emperor for some unknown reason.

Zhu Houcong made arrangements that day and actually found Zhu Zaiyu.

When I called him, he turned out to be extremely smart.

Since he is a rare scientific research seedling with such outstanding achievements in history, Zhu Houcong naturally wants to bring him around to train him well.

The generation that has grown up now has Zhu Zaiyan, and the next generation has Zhu Zaiyu. Zhu Houcong feels that the clan children can really try to cultivate this kind of atmosphere.

Not only do they enjoy the clan salary, but they also have a grain reserve number and some dividends from the Huangming Assets Bureau. Compared with ordinary families, the clan children still have a better foundation for scientific research.

In this era, scientific research has always been an interest of the rich. What should I do if I don’t have any financial foundation?
  If it weren't for the resources provided by Zhu Houcong, and Tao Zhongwen didn't have so many things to burn, how would he have accumulated the knowledge he has today?

Zhu Zaiyan wrote vigorously and quickly. He took the initiative to petition, not to invite favors, but to once again express his feelings to the emperor: he likes this and is good at this. Although his parents had been trapped in a high wall for more than ten years because of the emperor, he had no resentment and would not get involved in future disputes.

With the resources that Zhu Zaiyan had access to, as well as his years of experience in specializing in this field and front-line research and development experience, it took him less than four hours to answer this set of palace examination questions.

"Over at the National Assembly Hall, is there anyone from the Academy of Sciences who can submit papers?" Zhu Houcong asked.

Huang Jin replied helplessly: "Your Majesty, this is a palace examination! Even if they finish the exam in advance, how many people will hand in the paper in advance and gain a reputation of arrogance?"

Zhu Houcong laughed: "That's right."

After that, he first looked at Zhu Zaiyan's answer sheet.

He was one of the people who asked these questions. In order to encourage those who chose the direction of the Academy of Sciences later, Zhu Houcong naturally had to clarify this set of questions first.

He has the ability to grade papers.

After reading it, Zhu Houcong felt a little emotional.

"Excellent answer."

"Your Majesty is ridiculous. I have been studying in the palace since I was a child, and your Majesty has taught me for many years. If my answers are not bad, it is only hard work that can make up for my shortcomings."

Zhu Houcong looked at him deeply: "Interests and ambitions are the best teachers. Zai Yan, you developed microscopes and participated in the development of steam engines. I only gave you a favor, but it was not enough. Zheng Kui got the new world Hou, you have become a prince, and now that you can answer this question, I will give you an honor."

"I dare not..."

"No, this is also a mission."

Zhu Zaiyan then said: "Please give me your Majesty's instructions."

"In the clan, you are the first academician of the Academy of Sciences. This is the honor I give you." Zhu Houcong looked at him, "There will be people who are not convinced, but competing with each other and chasing each other is also the way to move forward on the path of physics. Motivation. Zai Yan, and then produce results, let the world know that among the descendants of the Zhu family there are not only wise kings, but also sages with outstanding talents who can benefit all people!"

Zhu Zaiyan was startled: "How dare I..."

"What are you afraid of about your posthumous name?" Zhu Houcong laughed, and then said leisurely, "Your life has been changed because of my brother and me. You have gone through many ups and downs and are often uneasy. Now that you have achieved success in your studies, you have left your name in history. My heart is actually very relieved. Keep going. In the future, the souls of the emperor’s brother and his wife in heaven will be proud of you as their heir, and your biological parents will not blame me for separating your flesh and blood and making you mediocre. "

"Your Majesty..." Zhu Zaiyan choked up a little.

Zhu Houcong looked at him and let out a long sigh: "You don't know how much I wish I had a son like you who has such achievements and potential on the avenue of science."

After saying that, he looked at Zhu Zaiyu: "However, it doesn't matter. I am the co-owner of the clan and the Ming Dynasty. If you have achievements, it is the same to me. Zaiyu, you are also very talented, learn from King Rui! I I look forward to seeing many talented people emerge from the clan."

"...Yes." Zhu Zaiyu, who was only six years old, replied in a sweet voice.

After standing for a long time, my legs are sore!
  As the day went by, the tributes walked out of Fengtian Gate in a state of confusion.

The last answer sheet on the way to the imperial examination is finished, and then all I have to do is wait for the results.

In a few days, who will be able to leave the palace from the royal road?

Tan Lun looked back at Fengtianmen again, his eyes far-reaching.

When the papers were finally handed in, the emperor appeared in the National Assembly Hall.

The emperor glanced at him.

(End of this chapter)

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