
Chapter 467 Why not eat rice?

Chapter 467 Why not eat rice?

In front of the envoys from various countries who had been to the Ming Dynasty several times, Yan Song was already an old acquaintance.

In my impression, this important minister of the Ming Dynasty never left the center of the Ming Dynasty.

This is indeed the case. After returning to Beijing from Zhejiang, Yan Song served as Minister of State for three terms, State Councilor for two terms, and now he is his third Minister of State.

The one I received was from the Ministry of Ceremony.

There will be no Longevity Ceremony this year. The theme this year is that the Ming Dynasty, as the suzerain state, invites envoys from various vassals to sign a convention.

Therefore, a special venue was chosen: the Temple of Heaven and Earth.

Different from the impression of later generations, the Temple of Heaven and Earth was not separated at this time.

Because the emperor is different.

Historically, due to Emperor Jiajing's great ceremonial discussion, the old system of separate offerings in the Temple of Heaven and Earth was restored. So in the Jiajing Dynasty, the later Temple of Earth was built, and a circular mound was built in the original Temple of Heaven and Earth. The sacrifices to heaven were held in the circular mound, so the Temple of Heaven and Earth was renamed the Temple of Heaven.

Now, although the Temple of Heaven and Earth is still not small, it is far less big than it was later.

The east, north and west are all called Tianmen, but the south gate is named Yong'an. The original main building, the Great Sacrifice Hall, was named Qinian.

This was also the result of that round of re-planning and construction of the imperial city.

Similarly, the original Zhaigong complex in the southwest corner of the Temple of Heaven and Earth has been enlarged.

In the past, this was the emperor's palace dedicated to fasting. Built in the 18th year of Yongle, the Zhai Palace covers a total area of ​​nearly 40,000 square meters. It was specially designed for the emperor to come here to fast for three days in advance when he personally offered sacrifices to heaven.

On the southwest side of the Zhai Palace, there is also the Kagura Department. This Divine Music Department was built at the same time as the Zhai Palace. It was originally called Shen Guangtan. It was a place for practicing rituals and music.

Nowadays, there is a Department of Folk Arts under the Ministry of Etiquette, and the Divine Music Department has a new purpose: Tongyi Bureau's most upscale hotel now: Datong Hall.

There is no other reason: in the process of expanding the city of Beijing, the land around the Temple of Heaven and Earth can be sold, and a group of the richest dignitaries in the Ming Dynasty actually live in this area.

People like them often come from nowhere. Generally speaking, distinguished guests should be invited to stay in the house. But similarly, there are also people who come to Beijing specifically to make friends with dignitaries. It would be much more convenient if they could stay somewhere nearby.

Therefore, not far after entering from Yongding Gate in the south of Beijing, there is a street to the east that leads directly to Yong'an Gate of the Temple of Heaven and Earth.

And this street has become a new "luxury street" in Beijing.

There are many boutiques, high-end restaurants, teahouses, and theaters in the north and south on this street.

Now that the Datong Pavilion has been secured by the Ministry of Etiquette, envoys from various vassal states have begun to stay in the Pavilion: only principal envoys and deputy envoys are allowed to stay, while the entourage is arranged in the old Huitong Pavilion.

On Ding'an Street, there were many envoys from foreign vassals in strange clothes.

They were dazzled by the dazzling array of goods, and when they were watching the lively second-generation relatives or descendants of important ministers passing the time in the teahouses and theaters on Ding'an Street, someone laughed and joked: "Old Yan Guo is also good at financial planning. Ah. Although letting these envoys from foreign vassals live in Datong Pavilion, the Ministry of Ceremony will have to spend more money. But when these country bumpkins come to Ding'an Street, can they still keep gold and silver in their pockets?"

"You can't say that. In recent years, whenever envoys from foreign vassals came to the capital, no matter where they lived, who didn't go back after spending all their money? In the capital, as long as you have silver in your pocket, you don't have to worry about having nowhere to spend it. Besides, it’s always some kind of prince, important minister or even the king himself who comes, who is the frugal master?”

"I heard that this time, Your Majesty will personally offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth, and then hold talks with envoys from various countries at the Temple of Heaven and Earth?"

"So what exactly is the agreement?"

On Ding'an Street, Shang Yuan and Mao Longyin were strolling.

They arrived yesterday, and on the way they were wondering if they could try out the steam train that the envoy who returned last year told them about. However, they arrived in Beijing via the canal. From Tongzhou to Beijing, we only took a horse-drawn carriage.

Now on the street, the two of them stopped in front of a store called "Jinji Zhenliang".

They stopped here because they discovered that there were many stores selling all kinds of exquisite Kit Kat goods on this street, but the grain store was the first one.

Knowing that the people living in this area are either rich or noble, with large homes and many servants, there is no need to go through such a grain store to buy food, but someone should deliver it directly to the house.

"Two distinguished guests, please come into the store and take a closer look. The food sold in our Jinji Precious Grain Store is not ordinary grains. They are carefully grown by the priests of the Agricultural College in Huangzhuang and then served by our Jinji Grain and Oil Factory. This is the only company in the Ming Dynasty that was commissioned for trial production, there is no other semicolon!"

Mao Longyin walked in first, taking Shang Yuan with him like a grandson.

The words "trial production under orders" carry a lot of weight.

As soon as they entered the door, another man who looked like a butler walked into the store and said directly: "Shopkeeper Jin, my master tried the corn soup you mentioned yesterday and was full of praise. How many more do you have? We have The Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion wants them all!"

Mao Longyin was shocked after hearing this.

If the homework he did on the road was correct, the so-called Zhenyuan Marquis was the one who helped the emperor of the Ming Dynasty put down the family that rebelled when he first succeeded to the throne. At that time, he was promoted to the title of Duke and was the first new Duke of the Jiajing Dynasty.

Also, what is corn?

Behind the counter, a man came over: "Hey, Butler Gu, this corn was brought back with the ship when the Portuguese ambassador came to the capital last year. After a long time, the Huangzhuang side has only produced a little bit now. . If my master hadn’t worked hard to provide fertilizer to Huangzhuang for so many years, how could he have got some. To be honest, those are just defective products that are not suitable for making seeds. I just gave some to all the masters first. I don’t dare to talk about it. Price. No matter how much I ask for, where can I find more?"

"There are new seeds that only came out last year... Then there are still potato starches and potatoes, right? Now there is no shortage of seeds in all provinces."

"That's quite a lot." The shopkeeper laughed, and then said with some pride, "But with regard to the technology of making powder into powder, as well as the quantity, only our Jinji Precious Grain has the most."

"...Take a hundred pounds first." The butler sighed, "President Jin can still do business. Originally it was just a fertilizer factory, but now he has found a new way and became a grain merchant."

"Hey! Isn't this a new type of fertilizer factory built according to the decree and a lot of machinery purchased? Besides, His Majesty's Imperial Mansion has only been going in and out over the years, cultivating new grain varieties and pondering new techniques. My master I only got this favor after petitioning, and it also gave the imperial village more income. Naturally, the most important thing is to let you masters try the benefits of the new grain. Rich people like to eat it, and it will be easier to promote it then..."

Mao Longyin just listened to the two chatting there, while the person who greeted them before went to the backyard to arrange the weighing of potato starch and potatoes.

He was curious, so he couldn't help but stepped forward, bowed, and asked in somewhat unfamiliar "standard" Chinese: "You two are invited! I wonder what these potatoes, potatoes, corn... are all?"

"Your driver is..."

"Oh... presumptuous. This is Prince Shomoto Nao, the legitimate son of our Lord of Ryukyu. I, Ryukyu Maolongyin, am the deputy envoy."

"It turns out that the two envoys neglected His Highness and your Majesty." Shopkeeper Jin saluted, and then said, "These things..." After that, he gave a brief introduction.

From the very beginning, the sweet potato was found, and the word "foreign potato" was attached to it, which inspired Yang Tinghe at that time to promote this stuff. Over the years, with the footsteps of Huangmingji Sea Trading Company, the search for high-quality foreign grains and new species has never stopped.

After searching carefully, I extended my tentacles directly to Portugal through Alfonso, and many things arrived earlier.

Potatoes, corn, rubber... If it weren't for these new things, Portugal's compensation to the Ming Dynasty would not have been completed so early - they enthusiastically searched for these for Zhu Houcong, as well as European books, and Zhu Houcong finally gave them the discount. Some prices include discounts.

Originally, it would take decades for the two new species, potatoes and corn, to spread to the East.

But now, the powerful family in the capital has tasted it in advance, and it is still a defective product that shopkeeper Jin said cannot be used as a seed.

In front of the foreign envoy, the two of them didn't say much. On the other hand, the steward of Zhenyuan Marquis' Mansion once again praised the emperor's long-lasting achievements. The yam and potatoes were drought-tolerant and high-yielding, with countless living beings, and their merits were truly immeasurable. Now there are still extra fruits that can be boiled into powder, each with its own delicious flavor. He just wants to buy some for Marquis Zhenyuan to cook back and make meals that cannot be bought in ordinary restaurants.

When Mao Longyin heard this, he finally understood why this grain store could be opened in such a place where land is so valuable.

He said sincerely: "My country is isolated overseas, and the land is barren. The people can only feed on cycads. I wonder if there are seeds of this magical thing that can be sold? If it can be tried in Ryukyu, the people of Ryukyu will be grateful for the kindness of our country, day and night. Pray and wish His Majesty the Ming Emperor a long life!"

"Su Tieguo?" Zhenyuan Hou's housekeeper was stunned for a moment, "What do the people of your country eat as food?"

Unexpectedly, the king's son also asked: "Maofasi, why don't the people eat rice?"

Mao Longyin looked at the three jars, two large and one small, that the waiter and two other helpers brought from the backyard. The jars were transparent and made of glass. The jar is filled with fine white powder.

"Butler Gu, can I weigh you?"

"No, no, no, President Jin only has this store. How can we, the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion, not trust it? Just send it to the house. Shopkeeper Jin, please do the calculations and keep them in mind. I'll make a deposit first and settle the bill at the house at the end of the month."


Mao Longyin looked at Shang Yuan at this time, and then sighed: "I'll make you two laugh. This cycad is also found in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas of the country. If it hadn't been for a major disaster, I'm afraid the people of the country wouldn't have to use it to survive the hunger. . However, the land in my country is barren and the territory is small, but it is not easy to grow rice. There are not many people who can eat rice. Your Highness, Prince Zhi, grew up in the palace and does not know the difficulties of the people. I was surprised when I suddenly heard that the country above has such drought-resistant and high-yielding grain seeds. It’s a sacred object. If you can bring some back to Ryukyu to try out the seeds, it would be of great merit. I would also like to ask shopkeeper Jin to give you some advice.”

Cycad fruit is mainly used as medicine in China to dispel wind and dredge collaterals, activate blood circulation and stop bleeding.

And Mao Longyin's words showed his level. He not only knew that the Ming Dynasty also had this kind of plant, but also knew that the people of the Ming Dynasty only looked for these things to satisfy their hunger during disaster years. This also showed his loyalty to the Ryukyu king and concern for the Ryukyu people as the deputy envoy of Ryukyu.

It's a pity that shopkeeper Jin said: "I don't know whether it can grow well in Ryukyu. I, Jin Ji Zhenliang, am not qualified to sell seeds. Your envoy also saw that the products sold in this store are all newly produced from many crops. Grow refined grains. According to my master, your majesty calls it reprocessing. Nowadays, the newly established Ministry of Agriculture is in charge of grain planting. If you are interested, you can ask your majesty this time. If your majesty agrees, I will The Ministry of Agriculture will handle it.”

"Thank you!" Mao Long said with a long bow, "But Shopkeeper Jin must know the habits of these good grain seeds, please give me some advice..."

Mao Longyin felt that he had gained a lot today.

No matter what impact the Ming Dynasty will have on Ryukyu after its conquest of Japan, the situation in Ryukyu that relies on maritime trade to make profits is already changing.

Nowadays, it is true that only the rich and powerful can afford rice because they can earn money and buy it.

The ordinary people in Ryukyu can only find ways to catch fish, rely on low harvests to survive, or pick some wild fruits such as cycads that are easy to grow there.

In that Datong Hall, he knew what Datong was. And the diplomatic envoys of various countries visited the political conduct and people's livelihood in return for the Emperor of Ming Dynasty. I think the Emperor of Ming Dynasty also looked forward to seeing the officials of the vassals working for the people.

To be able to reach the position of an important minister of the vassal state, it is not that he has not made the worst guess.

But no matter what, the vassal country still needs someone to govern it, right?

Today, Mao Longyin said that the heir of the Ryukyu Kingdom "why not eat rice" was just "laughing", and he was afraid that it would be spread later.

In fact, this was indeed the case. That night, Yan Song received the news compiled by the Ministry of Etiquette and Communications.

This year, envoys from various vassals gathered in the capital. The emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty had important things to do.

Naturally, the emperor had people on hand to do the work, and the Ministry of Liturgy and Communications was the yamen that directly handled this matter. Since the envoys and attachés of the vassals had already arrived in Beijing, it was natural to pay attention to their movements.

The outside is loose and the inside is tight. Even if there is a superficial escort of officials, there will be no more this year.

The purpose is to allow them to move freely in the capital first.

If someone causes trouble, it will only give Daming more leverage.

If someone is unwilling to be lonely and moves around, you can also get a glimpse of their thoughts.

The behavior of the Ryukyu mission was not at all important to Yan Song. He was now more concerned about the Tibetan mission.

Similarly, Zhu Houcong in the palace also received daily reports from the Jinyiwei and the Internal Inspectorate.

After reading it, Zhu Houcong just sneered: "There are still so many idiots. Mansu'er rebuilt Chagatai, and Ida promoted the Yellow religion under the Khan's court. Do these people still not know this news? I heard that the Tibetan monks visited, Just rush to invite him into the mansion?"

Lu Bing held his breath and remained silent.

Since Tubo and Anda got involved, the emperor paid more attention to Tibetan monks, so Lu Bing naturally had to work hard in these aspects.

In fact, Tibetan monks have always been very active in the Ming Dynasty and even in the capital, and there is quite a feeling that foreign monks like to chant sutras.

It is said that during the Xuanzong period, there were too many Tibetan monks stranded in the capital, and more than a thousand Tibetan monks were invited to return. However, these Tibetan monks have so many contacts with powerful officials that it has always been unavoidable. In addition, the relationship between the Ming Dynasty and Tubo has been apparently stable for more than a hundred years. No one has an accurate number of the total number of Tibetan monks operating within the actual territory of the Ming Dynasty.

Not to mention the distant past, Emperor Zhengde also had close contacts with Tibetan monks.

This time, Tubo sent envoys to Beijing, and several eminent monks came.

Since there were no stricter and clearer restrictions on their behavior, they naturally began to use various methods, either by being invited, or by taking the initiative to visit, and seized various opportunities to carry out activities, such as when the elderly in the homes of some powerful people were sick.

Zhu Houcong read the list, and then said to Lu Bing: "Forget about the civil servants for now, you can go to the homes of these honorary relatives on the list for me and care about them on my behalf. Ask, what difficulties are difficult to solve, and what kind of difficulties should be solved? Please ask the monks to do something to help you overcome the tribulation?"

(End of this chapter)

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