
Chapter 470 Where is the prince?

Chapter 470 Where is the prince?

It was night again, and Zhu Houcong, who returned to Qianqing Palace, sat on the throne in Xinuang Pavilion. The three people in front of him, Xia Yan, Yan Song, and Tang Shunzhi, were all familiar with these situations.

Zhu Houcong raised his own question: "In Tubo, the Yellow Sect does not say the same thing. Besides, they definitely did not decide on these methods before arriving in Beijing. Otherwise, why would they have to wait until these days? They can spread these words along the way. There are three major Dharma laws there. The king, the five kings, the two governors, and the military and civilian marshal's office have all sent envoys to the capital. Do these envoys dare to act on their own without asking Tibet for instructions while Gendun Gyatso is still alive?"

The entire Tibet area is very vast. Although the Ming Dynasty did not have actual control and only sent one propaganda envoy, they can not be called a unified regime now.

Although there is a Pamudlupa dynasty, it is the powerful Renbungpa family that actually controls the political power now.

Tang Shunzhi thought for a while and then said: "During the Hongwu, Yongle, and Renxuan years, the Ming Dynasty's canonization of Tubo was generally based on the situation at that time. Most of the people who were canonized at that time were old people under the Meng Yuan rule. Anyone who surrendered During the Ming Dynasty, everyone asked for the title, and they all agreed. At that time, the leader of Pamudlupa Kingdom was named King Chanhua. However, the most powerful Buddhist sect in Tibet at that time was the Red Sect, so Taizu and Taizong strongly supported the Yellow Sect and granted the title of King Chanhua. To the great compassionate Dharma King.”

He was telling the story and thinking about new clues.

"The present Sera Temple, a great temple of the Yellow Sect, was built by Sakyamuni, Tsongkhapa's eldest disciple at that time, using the property he brought back as a reward from Emperor Taizong." Tang Shunzhi saluted, "Your Majesty, I have asked you to use Tibetan as the temple. The bait is precisely because Tubo has a lot of internal information and hidden worries. Although it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it can be set up. Now I think that the Yellow Sect is also happy to see this matter."

Zhu Houcong was a little surprised: "Oh? Please tell me in detail."

Xia Yan and Yan Song couldn't help but look at Tang Shunzhi.

This guy has stayed in Sanbiang and Hetao for so many years. Does his research on Tibet have such depth? Or is he so talented that he has to accept it?

Tang Shunzhi then looked serious and said: "Although I don't know the inside story of Tubo, the current situation in Tubo is somewhat similar to that of North Korea. The powerful officials of Tubo, the Renbengba clan, have been relatives for several generations. The lineage of King Chanhua is only Marry a daughter of the Renbengba clan. The Renbengba clan, which does not usurp the throne of King Chanhua but has been able to remain a powerful minister for several generations, naturally wants to raise its profile and be aggressive for the Red Sect, which has been weakened by the rise of the Yellow Sect in recent years."

He said meaningfully: "In the past, Taizu and Taizong attached great importance to the yellow-hatted Gaju. It was precisely because the lineage of King Chanhua relied on the red-hatted Gaju. Now, I am afraid it has been reversed. Powerful ministers win over Gaju, and only then will their status Stable; King Chanhua's lineage relies heavily on Gelu and strives to make a comeback."

When Zhu Houcong heard this, he felt much clearer and suddenly said: "They deliberately spread these words in the capital, but do they want to use the help of the Ming Dynasty to eliminate the Renbengba clan?"

"Your Majesty, if it is true, you are also the Emperor Manjusri of the Ming Dynasty."

Tang Shunzhi talked about lightheartedness again, but it was true. In Zhu Yuanzhang's edict to award rewards to Tibet, it was written that officials there "can report to Emperor Manjusri of the Ming Dynasty on all matters, no matter how big or small."

Zhu Houcong had another title, and he was in a weird mood.

"Can they have so many wishful thinking?"

Tang Shunzhi talked about a very important topic: "The people who say it must be called a pure Buddha land are not false. In this bitter cold land, the people believe in Buddhism. Both the Red Sect and the Yellow Sect claim to be not secular people. If weapons are used, the Renbengba clan in power will naturally bear the burden. If Renbengba wants to resist Wang Shi, he is afraid that he will have to change his face to the Huang Jiao again. After all, the Huang Jiao and Anda have a good relationship."

"And even if the Ming Dynasty wins, how will they appease the people who firmly believe in Buddhism in the future? Your Majesty, I thought that they are just ready and will just give you... no, it is the prince who will be enthroned in Tibet in the future, a hat that will save the future Buddha. .After all, at that time, Tibet was different from other vassal states. The roots of the Buddhist sect were too strong, so we still had to rely on a sect to govern Tibet. As for the Buddhist land being in trouble, this ambiguous statement could also refer to the Rinbungba clan. The lineage of King Chanhua and the Yellow Sect are pressing harder and harder."

"...Are they also making double plans?"

Tang Shunzhi replied matter-of-factly: "Given the current national strength of the Ming Dynasty, others have to make two plans for whoever they target. To be honest, I know what I know about the Ming Dynasty, and I am afraid that most of it depends on the Tibetan monks in the Ming Dynasty. If we talk about understanding the strength of the Ming Dynasty, The Tibetan monks should be at the forefront. I want to use the Yellow Sect as foreign aid. For the Yellow Sect, it is fundamental for Tubo to fully believe in the Yellow Sect. Outside, we can only do our best to promote it. Moreover, if we can use this matter to make the Ming Dynasty We, the people of Ming Dynasty, are more dependent on and respect the Yellow Sect than those in the grassland. Your Majesty places great importance on Tao Zhenren, and the Buddhist sect in the country is also looking forward to your help, which will increase the popularity of Buddhism."

Yan Song was a little shocked inside.

Tang Shunzhi actually saw the great events and conspiracies that seemed to him like this.

But he still spoke: "Your Majesty! Those Tibetan monks claimed that the Buddhist land was in trouble. We must be careful to see if some important ministers leaked the news! At the moment, we don't know how much has been leaked. Did they just say that the Ming Dynasty intended to invade Tibet, or did they Even the news that Tibet was used as bait to plot against the main force was leaked!"

Zhu Houcong nodded: "I have arrangements."

After saying that, he looked at Xia Yan: "Gong Jin, what do you think?"

Xia Yan said in a deep voice: "No matter what their plans are, Ming Dynasty does not need to pay attention to it. We cannot directly ask about this matter at the moment. After all, it is still a Buddhist story. I agree with what Yan Guowu said. The top priority is to find out whether he really participated in the previous military affairs. The most important minister leaked information, and how much he leaked depends on whether the strategy will be easier or not."

Zhu Houcong finally looked at Tang Shunzhi.

"Ying De, do you think that the Nagelu faction, which has been in contact with Anda, is now making two preparations?"

"The road is not easy to build. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. This is the truth. This is the biggest support of the Gelug sect. As long as they have no intention of becoming the earthly kings of Tubo, they will be invincible." Tang Shunzhi said solemnly, "My lord, I think His Majesty will just follow the path they envisioned. It took so many years for Yungui to change his official position, let alone Tubo?"

Zhu Houcong began to think carefully.

If there was no convenient transportation, it would indeed be called a place outside the country, with its own system.

How to govern there? The Ming Dynasty had its own answers, and the Qing Dynasty had theirs.

Even in Zhu Houcong's familiar memory, there has always been a system there, and monks have a special status.

What matters is how secular power is allocated to avoid excessive influence of sects on governance.

Completely eradicate the influence of Buddhism there? Zhu Houcong had never considered such an unrealistic issue.

Thinking that they had begun to worry about the unborn "Buddha Land Savior Maitreya Buddha", Zhu Houcong couldn't help but sigh that the rising yellow sect elites really have a few tricks up their sleeves.

Or maybe someone has said something to them that they shouldn't have said.

Thinking of this, he nodded: "Everything you think about makes sense. There is no need to move in the grand strategy. There are so many things in the outer vassal, and they are nothing more than the general direction set before. Things in the southwest are not the most important. Next, You can continue to observe. There is no need to ban them, but let me see how they are connected and who are the people in the Ming Dynasty who are connected with them!"


They still don't know what kind of convention they will make when envoys from various countries come to Beijing.

During this waiting time, the ignorant Ryukyu prince Shang Yuan was only intoxicated with the prosperity and wealth of the Ming Dynasty, while Mao Longyin, who was "worried about the king and the people", visited many ministers in the name of asking for favors for the country.

One is not thinking about the future fate of Ryukyu at all, while the other is making his own plans.

But Ryukyu's current fate arrived in Beijing on the day of the martial arts examination and literary examination. In front of a group of Wu Jinshi waiting to be ranked, Zhu Houhuang stood up after seeing the urgent report and walked towards the Qianqing Palace.

"Xuan Yang Shen, Xia Yan, Yan Song, Tang Shunzhi, Guo Xun, Lu Bing."

At this moment, Yan Song was still working outside.

When he arrived at the Meridian Gate, he saw Mao Longyin, Shang Yuan and other attachés from the Ryukyu Mission kneeling outside the Meridian Gate and crying.

"Lao Yan! Lao Yan!"

Seeing Yan Song's figure, Mao Longyin knelt over and the tears in his eyes were serious: "Please help Ryukyu! From the king, to my family, to the people of Ryukyu, we have suffered this disaster. The Japanese pirates are so rampant that they even destroyed my family. Our country must take the final decision to rob and destroy Ryukyu! Prince Nao is young, so I ask Your Majesty to take pity on his suffering, summon foreign ministers and others, allow him to express his sorrow, and be kind to the people!"

Yan Song held his hand and his eyes were slightly red: "After hearing the sad news, I, Mengxuan, have come to see your majesty. Your majesty already knows about this matter. When I arrive in front of the emperor..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Huang Jin coming out of the Meridian Gate. When he saw them, he came over and said: "Your Majesty has a decree. The Ryukyu envoy suddenly heard of the national mourning and asked to see him in tears. Please go to the forbidden palace to rest for a while. I will make an audience with you after the ceremony at the Wuju Palace!"

Yan Song met Huang Jin first and then said to Mao Longyin: "Your Majesty, you see, I am right. Your Majesty naturally cares about the well-being of the people of the vassal country. Let's enter the palace first."

The reason why he moved out that the martial arts examination was still going on, and he didn't see them immediately, but Yan Song entered the palace for this matter.

Mao Longyin knew in his heart that they had to discuss how to deal with this sudden news, but he could only take Shang Yuan and wait in a small courtyard whose name they did not know.

"Fushi, Ryukyu... was it really destroyed by Japanese pirates?" Shang Yuan still can't accept this reality, "Father, king, mother, sister, brother..."

Mao Long lamented: "Zhu Nu was outside praying for good fishing, so she escaped from danger. Your Highness' sister's handwritten letter, how can it still be fake? My family... My family are all in Shuli..."

So his tears were not fake. At this moment, as the leader of the Ryukyu Ikuri army, he felt deeply hatred and powerlessness.

Over the years, although Japanese pirates who did not dare to plunder the Ming Dynasty also invaded Ryukyu merchant ships, how could they have such power to destroy the country?

This is unless one or even several RB countries mobilize their troops.

Or, is there anyone who should be in harmony with the outside?

They didn't know what the current situation in Ryukyu was like. They only knew that Shuri had fallen, and the king's daughter who was the congratulatory woman said in a letter that there was a fire over there.

In the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Houcong looked at Lu Bing and asked with an extremely ugly face: "The news about the prince hasn't come yet?"

Lu Bing felt cold sweat break out on his head: "I have already made arrangements. Your Majesty, don't worry, the prince will be safe and sound!"

"What do you want to eat in Zhejiang! How could the Shuangyu Port, a major port city, allow Japanese pirates to invade the port? How could you let people on the island take advantage of the chaos to burn, kill, and loot? After a long period of peace, are you just busy making money?"

The emperor is furious! What Mao Longyin and Shang Yuan didn't know was that Japanese pirates reappeared on Shuangyu Island just a little later than what happened in Ryukyu.

And in a place that has been stable for a long time but has the strongest atmosphere of profit-seeking, when there are Japanese pirates looting at night, there are also some people on the island who are daring and take advantage of the chaos to fish in the muddy waters.

Things happened in the two places one after another, but they are also far away from the capital. The news has been reported today.

The reason why the emperor urgently summoned all the important ministers was not only the matter of Ryukyu, but also the following: Prince Zhu Zaiyi of the Ming Dynasty happened to be traveling to Shuangyu at that time and had not yet left the island.

Guo Xun, Yan Song and others realized at this time that the prince was not in the imperial mausoleum in the western suburbs, but had been traveling to various places for almost a year.

They were shocked, and Yang Shen's face was as deep as water: "Your Majesty, in the news reported to me every month, in the travel arrangements previously made, there is no such thing as going to sea! Not to mention this change, even if it is just a sea trip The ship has entered the sea, how can the prince's body of thousands of gold be put in danger? Whoever seduces the prince will be dealt with severely!"

Xia Yan and Tang Shunzhi both looked at Yang Shen: The first assistant was still different. The emperor had actually told him about this before.

Zhu Houcong was in a very bad mood now: "Now is not the time to talk about this! The monarchs and ministers are still here planning how to manage foreign vassals, but now it's good that the Japanese pirates have returned to the Ming Dynasty to cause chaos! Not only are important ministers collaborating with the enemy, but local governance is even more difficult. It’s full of flaws! How can things like this be improved in the future?”

It would be understandable if a small group of Japanese pirates took advantage of the situation, but the mess on the island later showed that they were at a loss to deal with it.

This is not only because he is worried about his son's safety, but also because the things that have happened one after another these days make him feel angry.

Lu Bing scolded Zhang Juzheng in his heart, and now in Taiwan, Xue Han was also on pins and needles.

The Japanese pirates had not dared to intrude on the Ming Dynasty for a long time. If something unexpected happened, the source would probably have to be traced to him.

It was probably the people who had successfully escaped from Taiwan in the first half of the year who brought out some news, which triggered the reaction from RB.

The key is that now the troops that Dongyang and Beiyang will send to RB will be commanded by him, and the fleets located at Ningbo Military Port are also responsible for this matter!

More importantly: why is the prince in Shuangyu Port?

At this moment, all the officials on Shuangyu Island and Ningbo were frightened.

When the prince's secret guard force directly found someone in desperation, and asked them to mobilize manpower to help find "two young scholars and a young guard", although the people working underneath did not know, the official in charge of the matter naturally I found out who one of the young scholars was.

The local officials knew about it, and naturally all the important officials in Zhejiang also knew about it.

They had been looking for him for five days, but there was no sign of him.

This gave everyone the creeps.

Could it be that someone actually knew that the prince was here, that the Japanese pirates who attacked that night were fake, and that there was a reason for the chaos?

An invisible storm swept across Zhejiang, and Fei Maozhong, the current governor of Zhejiang, was almost in tears.

Two young scholars, one is a prince, who else could the other be?

Zhang Juzheng belongs to your uncle! I helped you make a name for yourself in front of the emperor, and now you are taking the prince to Zhejiang to kill me? If the prince has something wrong with Shuangyu Island, this... this...

Where has the prince gone? still there?

(End of this chapter)

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