
Chapter 478: Heartache from being involved

Chapter 478: Heartache from being involved

The scene not long ago reappeared, Li knelt down and cried at the Meridian Gate.

The difference is that he was far away from Elder Yin, and he was still crying and pointing at him and howling miserably: "Your Majesty, please kill this traitor for the foreign minister and avenge the father for the foreign minister!"

Old man Yin Yuan was confused.

When he left Korea, there were only occasional Japanese invasions in the south, and his younger brother Yin Yuanheng wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to control the Japanese military.

How did it happen that in such a short period of time, Li Geng passed away and North Korea was already at war?

People like Xia Yan and Yan Song naturally spread the news as soon as they received it: let the people know what kind of virtue the North Korean monarchs and ministers are now, and how miserable the North Korean people are.

Yan Song himself went to express his condolences to Li, the North Korean prince, with a "sad" mood.

Now, Li and Yuanlao Yin came out just outside the Meridian Gate.

To get to the Meridian Gate, you have to cross the Waijinshui Bridge.

And around the Waijinshui Bridge, there were all the imperial offices.

This is not a place for people to watch, but it does not prevent everyone from gathering at the door of Daming Bank to "redeeming treasure tickets".

The sound could be heard faintly.

"He is also a filial son, really pitiful..."

"Have you heard? It's already freezing cold in Liaodong. There was a military disaster. I don't know how many people from North Korea came to Ming Dynasty to escape the disaster by flowing down the unfrozen Yalu River. I don't know how many people fell into the water and froze to death, dragging their families with them. Tragic!"

"Which side do you think is true?"

"Look, they are not good things! Dear friends, where did you say that the King of North Korea is ill? You can't even pretend to be so!"

"No wonder this North Korean prince is crying so miserably, filial son..."

"Are you really here to redeem your treasure tickets?" A voice said, "I have to send a message from the Daming Bank. The Director-General of Public Security is here! Is this such an important place a place to join in the fun?"

"...It's Uncle Guo."

Regardless of Sun Yuan's official uniform and the crown on his head, anyone who dares to come to Daming Bank at this time can at least actually go to the head office to do business in Beijing.

Of course they all recognize Sun Yuan.

"Don't be ridiculous! Do you want to exchange gold for some jewelry before the Chinese New Year? If you are just buying things, it's not like you can't use the treasure tickets." Sun Yuan started to drive away, with a serious face, "When the people saw it, they thought the bank did not have enough gold and silver. If there is a lot of competition, who can afford this heavy crime?"

"...Uncle Guo has taught you a lesson."

Immediately some young-looking people escaped first.

Sun Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at the remaining people.

At this time, Cui Yuancai appeared here. In the room behind the iron railing, he saw two cars being pushed behind him, each with a large box on top.


After Cui Yuan finished giving instructions, the two box lids were opened, and the room suddenly became brighter.

The golden ones are all neatly cast gold bars.

"Since the treasure ticket was issued by the Ming Dynasty, it is naturally allowed to be redeemed." Cui Yuan looked at Sun Yuan from behind the railing, nodded and continued, "It's just that the people who came to redeem it today have to go to the treasury to transport more Come, so we delayed some time. Now line up and come one by one."

If there were just people joining in the fun, there would be no need for both Cui Yuan and Sun Yuan to come.

What happened today happened by chance.

In fact, it should be because there were so many people coming to redeem their treasure tickets that some uninformed rich kids thought they could join in the fun here.

In this way, Cui Yuan had an excuse to send a message to Sun Yuan and ask him to come over.

"Why is no one here first?" Cui Yuan came closer, looked over from behind the counter, and looked at one of the middle-aged men, "I recognize you. You are the housekeeper of Duke Chengguo's house, right? You should come first. .”

"...Cui Counselor, if my father-in-law wants to take a concubine, he must make some gold objects..."

"Just redeem it with the ticket."

Cui Yuan just stood aside. He was sixty-five and had been in a high position in the new dynasty for twenty-one years. He had always been one of the emperor's most trusted ministers. Currently in charge of the Daming Bank, his majesty is not something ordinary people can resist.

Now, he just stood there, watching everyone take turns to cash in the gold.

And Sun Yuan has been waiting here, as if he was afraid that something would happen here.

The people who really came to exchange gold began to beat their hearts.

Finally, someone was halfway through the queue, and suddenly he said with a pale face: "Cui Zongling, Xiao Wangxu has a bad stomach. He must go to see a doctor..."

"Here, I am the president of Daming Bank. I am neither a counselor nor a clan official. His Royal Highness can go as he pleases, no need to be formal."

With the first person, there will soon be the second, third...

Zhu Houcong already knew what happened at Daming Bank.

To Lu Bing, he just said with a sinking face: "Let's get started! These bastards are getting bolder and bolder!"

From the time of the sacrifice to heaven and earth to now, the time has indeed been enough for some people to "feel bad", or perhaps the secret investigation during this period has finally been noticed by some people, so it happened to happen today.

The Ming Dynasty had the possibility of "challenging the people and conquering crimes" and "conquering all directions". Some people who did not want to make progress played these tricks together with all kinds of worries and unclear minds.

Of course, war costs money, but with the Ming Dynasty's current foundation and the emperor's ability, can it be possible that the treasure tickets won in this battle can be transformed into treasure coins?

Now that the trade agreement has been signed, will the current border trade be completely cut off because of the war?

I'm afraid that after all, there are still many people who think that this is good!

If there is a war, other consequences are unpredictable, but at least among the generals who join the army, I am afraid that many new ministers will emerge this time.

He doesn't seek to improve himself, but wants to cut off the newcomers' path to advancement in order to keep his position.

Do you really think that if you each find some reason to redeem the treasure ticket together, the gold and silver plan planned to be used as military pay will be disturbed? Or was this method used to convey resistance from certain groups to the emperor overtly or covertly?

Zhu Houcong felt that he might have been too kind in the past seven or eight years.

Lu Bing took the order and went out, passing by Elders Li and Yin who were led over by Yan Song.

When he nodded to say hello to Yan Song, Li, and Yuanlao Yin, he also had a serious look on his face.

The expression on the emperor's brother-in-law and the leader of the Imperial Guard made Elder Yin panic in his heart.

The situation suddenly changed. He was originally the deputy envoy to the Ming Dynasty appointed by the leader of North Korea. However, now that Yin Ren and Yin Yuanheng were in North Korea and did not know the true situation, he was accused by Li as an "accomplice of the traitor" and "the enemy who killed his father."

When they arrived in front of Zhu Houcong, Elder Yin was about to argue first, and Li was about to cry and accuse again, but he didn't expect the Ming Emperor to speak directly: "The truth is still unclear, Li, you are not an ungrateful person. Go cry outside the Meridian Gate. Howl, how dignified are you? I just listen to your words, and you are 99% sure to succeed as the leader of North Korea. Don't make this calculation in front of me!"

Li suddenly froze, and Elder Yin was also stunned for a moment.


Perhaps the news was too shocking. As a "foreign relative and a powerful minister", his own level was limited, and he did not expect this level in his confusion.

But now with the "standard answer" given by Emperor Ming, he finally came to his senses.

Yes, if the younger brother can take action to poison Li Yi, then he will naturally need the help of Queen Wen Ding.

And since you have dared to do this, how can you let the current prince go?

Maybe there is already a "legendary edict" to change the second son to the heir apparent.

With Queen Wen Ding here, her two brothers were already stronger than Yin Ren, so the Crown Prince's faction was bound to be in trouble.

Under such circumstances, if Li Yiyi believes that the Xiao Yin brothers collaborated with Queen Wending to harm Li Yi, then what qualifications does Queen Wending's biological son have to inherit the throne?

Even though the crown prince was in trouble and the eldest son of the concubine had been deposed for crimes, Li, who had the help of the Ming Dynasty to "rectify the chaos", was very likely to succeed to the throne.

By the way, let’s discuss everything about fighting the Japanese together!

Zhu Houcong looked at Li, who had an uncertain expression, and said coldly: "If a king is not a king, his ministers will not be ministers, and if a father is not a father, then a son is not a son. Suddenly, upon hearing of the drastic change, your performance is even worse than that of Shang Yuan and Mao Longyin. How can you talk about loyalty and filial piety? Up and down North Korea, It really sucks, it only hurts the people, and they have to run for their lives in the freezing cold!"

Li Tongren shrank, lowered his head and his heart beat wildly.

"The news has just come! Why did Li Yi pass away? Where is the prince of North Korea? What is the current situation in North Korea? You don't know, and I don't know either! The matter is now here, what's the use of hurrying?" Zhu Houcong looked at it coldly. Looking at the two of them, "I have already said that from now on, we are just a country of brothers. I am not your judge in North Korea, so what is the use of judging your family? Now there is civil strife, and the plan to defeat the Japanese is really going to be delayed!"

Ming Dynasty's attitude toward North Korea at this stage is: the situation is unclear, so don't care!

Ming Dynasty is not in a hurry, but Elder Yin is very anxious.

Li calmed down and just stayed in the guest room of the Datong Pavilion to pay homage to his father.

Mao Longyin was also very anxious.

In this way, when will the Ming Dynasty officially send troops to defeat the Japanese and help Ryukyu expel the Japanese pirates and restore the country?

"Your Highness, although Zhu Nu has been gathering her subjects, she is now short of soldiers and food..." Mao Longyin walked around the room, worried, "What should we do..."

After such a long time, Shang Yuan's mood has already calmed down.

At this time, he was a little naive and said simply: "Then we can only wait. My sister wrote that there is no fear of life now, and I am living well here."

Mao Longyin looked at Shang Yuan with complicated emotions.

"Isn't His Highness eager to restore the country? If the country is not restored, Your Highness will not be able to collect the remains of the king and queen, bury them and succeed to the throne."

"...But there is nothing we can do. My sister only hides in the villagers' village. To drive away the thieves, we can only rely on Ming Dynasty."

"If it's too late, there will be a civil uprising. If they drive away the Japanese pirates, or if the Japanese pirates retreat on their own, someone in Ryukyu will be able to proclaim himself the king!"

At this time, whoever comes forward and gets things done will naturally be welcomed by everyone.

They didn't know what the situation in Ryukyu, which had been fermenting for several months, was like now - the islands were separated by the sea. And Shang Qing's eldest daughter, who hid in the extreme southwest near Taiwan, only recently finally knew exactly what kind of purgatory the archipelago surrounding the main island of Shuri was.

A bloody letter is being sent across the ocean to Ningbo. On the Yalu River on the Liaodong border, reconnaissance cavalry are constantly crossing the river, and fleeing North Korean people are also constantly crossing the river - it has been frozen, but it is still not strong. Due to the tide, it is not easy for the Yalu River to completely freeze. Complete freezing is only possible when the temperature reaches about minus 20 degrees continuously.

It is such a cold winter this year, so the misery of the refugees in northern North Korea is even more apparent.

The relatives are ambitious, and the border troops with military power are also ambitious.

There was such a big incident in the capital, and now all forces in North Korea have taken the stage and are using their own methods.

Gong Yongqing was busy taking care of the refugees and trying his best to collect information.

The chief military officer in Liaodong was Song Liangchen, the Marquis of Xining.

The year Zhu Houcong succeeded to the throne, he had just ascended the throne.

When Guo Xun went to Nanjing, he did not know the emperor well enough at that time.

Later, he served as an admiral in the training of Nanjing Zhenwu Camp, and he listened to Guo Xun's advice and continued to make meritorious service in the army.

Now Song Liangchen specially came to Jiuliancheng.

"Mr. Gong, you have been serving as an envoy in North Korea for a long time and are familiar with the inside story. Now my sentries have also found out a lot of information. In your opinion, what is going on in North Korea? What decision will your Majesty make?"

Gong Yongqing lamented being "exiled" back then, but now he has become a key figure.

"God will take the blame if he refuses to do so!" Gong Yongqing said categorically, "Song Hou, I am drafting a report. The information I asked from the refugees is best matched with the information you found out. Now with my In my opinion, this matter should be because Xiao Yin did not handle the matter carefully, leaving a clue for Dayin, or Dayin was prepared in advance. He could not get things done in one fell swoop, which caused a great chaos and caused the North Korean border generals to rise up. Got your mind!"

For a coup like this, the most important thing is to be quick, accurate and ruthless!

If you fail to do it right the first time, and then order all parties to provide generous rewards to calm people's hearts, wouldn't it lead to rebellion?

"All I can find out is what's going on with their generals. The first thing is not to harm Liaodong..." Song Liangchen decisively exchanged information with him.

The Ming army sentry riding across the river was originally a very sensitive matter.

It's just that it's already a mess now, everything happened for a reason, and the three or five sentries are not conspicuous.

But the refugee camp, which has reached a scale of six to seven thousand, is different, and various rumors are gathering.

Gong Yongqing was familiar with Korean, and he heard all kinds of rumors while "asking for help".

"Some say that Prince Wang was not poisoned to death, some say that Dayin and Prince Wang fled to Pyongyang, Ping'an Road. Some say that the guards of Yiju and Shuoju, who were already members of Xiaoyin because of border trade, are looking around Recruiting young men and grain and preparing to go south to encircle Dayin..."

This Ping An Road is one of the eight Korean roads bordering the Ming Dynasty, and Yiju is on the edge of Jiuliancheng.

"...No wonder so many refugees fled here so quickly." Song Liangchen thought thoughtfully, "It seems like this..."

"Song Hou! You still have to keep an eye on Jianzhou!" Gong Yongqing said solemnly, "There are also refugees who escaped from the Changjin area of ​​Xianjing Road in the northeast. The Jurchens are not sure whether they are Xianzhou or not. The guard of Jingdao has known about it for a long time and has ambitions!"

Song Liangchen was stunned: "Are the Jurchens also involved?"

Gong Yongqing sneered: "I have been in North Korea for so many years. The North Korean leader has been in chaos for many years. Xunjiu, powerful ministers, and Shilin, you just have to sing and I wait, and you have long lost the support of the people. If you can use it in the bitter cold land of Xianjing Road, With the help of Jurchens, it is not surprising that the civil and military forces who have suffered there for many years have different intentions. I am afraid that Xiao Yin did not do things well before, and when he won over the civil and military forces from various places, some thoughtful people guessed that things were going to change!"

"...Okay! Minister Gong, I'm afraid that His Majesty and the princes in the court are also waiting for a more detailed report. Without further delay..."

In this cold winter month, more information is gathering.

The necessary momentum building is also underway.

In the first issue of Ming Pao in December, two things were published.

One of them was a blood letter submitted to the capital by the Ryukyu princess.

"Ryukyu regards the princess as a congratulatory daughter, who will remain chaste throughout her life and serve the gods. When the Japanese pirates ravaged Ryukyu, the princess happened to be out sacrificing to the gods and praying for a smooth fishing trip. Fortunately, she escaped with her life..."

In the cold winter, people in the capital drank hot tea and ate dried fruits in teahouses, and listened with great interest to the stories told by scholars there.

"...The bad news came. I heard that the princess was crying and her blood was so deep that her skirt was stained! Hey, who knew that the Japanese pirates were cruel, this was just the beginning! Now, like an animal, on the fairy island-like Ryukyu Kyoto... Kill them all, burn them all, rob them all! Except for some strong men and beautiful girls, they are taken away as slaves, the old and the young..."

The storyteller salivated, his expressions were wonderful, and the listeners were speechless.

"This Japanese is really worse than a beast!"

"They are just barbarians..."

"Poor that chaste princess... she cried three liters of blood and returned the blood letter to beg the Ming Dynasty to send troops. I'm afraid she doesn't have two ounces of blood left in her body..."

The Japanese pirates massacred the fairy island on the sea, and the Ryukyu princess wrote a blood letter asking the Ming Dynasty to send troops to help. The other thing is naturally that traitors are everywhere in North Korea and the people are in dire straits.

"I heard that there are more than 20,000 people fleeing in Jiulian City now. I thought I had to sell my sons and daughters to survive, but who would have thought that Liaodong will carry out large-scale relief and porridge factories... Rich families are not allowed to buy some slaves. What's the point? So? How much money does it cost to raise multiple people every day?"

If the experience in Ryukyu is pitiful and lamentable, then the Ming Dynasty’s decision in Liaodong made the people of the Ming Dynasty puzzled and dissatisfied.

"This is not the way to go! If you ask me, if those dignitaries in North Korea don't take the people seriously, the court should send troops to suppress them! It is best to let those people go back to find a way to survive early. Otherwise, if there is a disaster next year in Ming Dynasty, , isn’t the disaster relief food not enough?”

"Hey, Your Majesty loves the people the most. Think about it, you are really lucky to be born in the Ming Dynasty. Otherwise, look at it, how can you survive in those messy places?"

In the midst of these heated discussions about the latest major events, someone suddenly broke into the teahouse.

"Everyone, go out and take a look! Marquis Xianning is being held in a prison car and has entered through the south gate!"

"What? Marquis Xianning? What did he do?"

"I don't know! Also, the royal guards surrounded the Duke Cheng's mansion!"


At the end of the first year after the change to the Christian era, the top fun in the capital came.

No matter what happened outside the Ming Dynasty, it would not be as sensational as the punishment of the Ming Dynasty's own prince.

Amidst the snowflakes, Qiu Luan was actually being held in a prison car, returning to the capital with sad and angry eyes.

He still can't figure it out.

As for?

At the Duke Chengguo's residence, although Zhu Xizhong was kneeling on the ground, he looked up at Lu Bing with the same sorrow and anger: "Although I have made some small mistakes, I am loyal, and the sun can show it! Your Majesty knows it clearly, why is he punished so severely?!"

Lu Bing just waved his hand: "Take them away. If you have anything to say, you can talk to the emperor. I am only responsible for arresting people. I have nothing to do with the trial of the case!"

Because of their status as first-level honorable ministers, Jin Yiwei was required to take action to arrest them.

But they were caught by Jin Yiwei, and the next step they will face is the new Sanfa Division of the Ming Dynasty.

Overnight, the news was actually released.

In fact, their crimes were not serious: they invaded land, took bribes, and evaded taxes.

That’s all?

In the end, Zhu Houcong only used these charges to deal with them.

"...It's really different."

This is the first batch of honorable ministers who have been severely punished since the new dynasty, except for some honorable ministers who rebelled and rebelled.

Among them were two vassal kings.

It's really different.

Insightful people can't help but think: If you have sacrificed your life for the emperor and committed such a "mistake", you will be severely punished. Then what role does a talisman like a title have?

Although the final punishment has not yet been decided, when they were taken away by the Jin Yiwei in full view of the public, it was equivalent to killing them.

Isn't the emperor worried that his ministers' loyalty will be shaken?

"Twenty-two years! I've been talking about it for twenty-two years!" In the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Houxuan's face was full of anger. "Even pigs should understand! The noble ministers of the clan also receive national stipends! I will give you a salary Do you have the right to break the law by getting paid with food and money? I have to pamper you in order to buy my loyalty? What kind of nonsense is this?"

On a wonderful New Year's Eve, the emperor gave a banquet to family members and relatives, and it turned into a themed education after all.

Zhu Zaiyi looked at his father.

That's you. If you can hold it down, you can do whatever you want.

What can I do in the future?

"Have princes and generals been willing to be together? Who among you has never heard of this sentence? Those who have done meritorious service are truly worry-free. Which family is recorded in the history books like this? We are riding in the same boat, even if we cannot contribute, we must share the same. You must be clear about what is breaking this boat! You are not the one who broke this boat, so it’s okay to scratch it a little bit? This boat was built by our ancestors together! It’s disloyal and unfilial to scratch it!”

After Zhu Houcong finished cursing, he finally came to the most important point. After calming down, he said solemnly: "The crime that the clan and relatives should not commit the most is stupidity! Answer me, what is the name of the country now?"

"...the Chinese people...the Imperial Constitution of the Ming Dynasty."

"The constitution has been stipulated, and no one must violate it, even I must not violate it! Under the constitution, there are laws and regulations! If you violate the constitution and regulations, even if you are a member of the clan or a high-ranking civil and military official, you must not violate it! Punishment. Otherwise, sooner or later, the people's hearts will be scattered, and this ship will sink! On that day, you will never see it again, but wouldn't most of the former ministers and their descendants be wiped out? If you really can't help being greedy, then that's it too It’s inevitable, but don’t mutter in your heart why I don’t miss my old relationship!”

"You are loyal to the king, why do you want to embarrass me? Why do you want me to reminisce about old friendships?"

There was total silence in the Qianqing Palace, with almost everyone bowing their heads.

Working under this man is really stressful and it is heartbreaking to be involved.

But you can't say he is wrong.

To be honest, I miss the past a little bit.

It's a pity that I can't go back.

However, with the way the emperor treated his clan officials, they really knew that the emperor was more popular among the people.

Where does this make sense?

(End of this chapter)

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