
Chapter 495 Hero, destiny

Chapter 495 Hero, destiny

In the west, the Ouchi clan defeated the Nizi clan and dominated China and Kyushu in the name of the general of the imperial guard.

And Hosokawa Harumoto, who already dominated the shogunate, gained even more than him.

Originally, after being appointed as Ukyo doctor and able to control the shogunate, as long as the Muromachi shogunate was still there, the benefits that Hosokawa Harumoto could control and share with his retainers had hit the ceiling.

Afterwards, the Hosokawa clan gradually began to rebel due to conflicts of interest. Hosokawa Harumoto was finally defeated by his retainer Miyoshi Nagakei, leading to his decline and eventual demise.

Things are different now. With the banner of the general who respects the emperor and fights the barbarians established, the ambitious Mihao Changqing sees a greater opportunity.

The crusade against Ashikaga Yoshiharu, who fled to Omi Sakamoto, was a great success, and the joint battle had just been won.

Miyoshi Nagakei's current suggestion is: "Shogun, it's time to officially open the palace! Everyone in Kanto, don't want to lose your current status, right? Respect His Majesty the Emperor and obtain the official title of great shogun. Now you can be like back then." The only one who stood up like Lord Hojo Tokimune!"

"Ouchi Yoshitaka..." Hosokawa Harumoto judged, "That guy..."

"I heard that the crusade against Tsushima was defeated!" Miyoshi Nagakei shook his head repeatedly, "Now as long as the interests of Gyeonggi, Shikoku, and Kanto are divided, we can safely wait for Ouchi Yoshitaka to ask for help! By then, he You should understand the reality, right? As long as I respect you as the only general, what if he can still be China's imperial guard general?"

The situation in Japan is changing rapidly.

Ashikaga Yoshiharu's last ditch effort fell on the strength disadvantage accumulated over the years. The powerful powers in Kanto sat on the mountain and watched the fight between the tigers. The Ming Dynasty was far away from them anyway, and Ashikaga Yoshiharu's attempt to use the Ming Dynasty to cut off the Ouchi and Hosokawa clans was also despised by them.

The reality now is that Ashikaga Yoshiharu is dead, including his youngest son Ashikaga Yoshiteru who left behind the name "Swordsman General". The Muromachi Shogunate died more than forty years in advance.

Hosokawa Harumoto was also moved by what Miyoshi Nagakei said.

However, Daming is still the sharp sword hanging above his head, and Ouchi Yoshitaka is the powerful enemy that must be faced later.

"Sir General, no matter what, you should use the prestige after the Sakamoto War to invite heroes from all over the world to join the alliance! Is there any more just name than this to fight against foreign enemies together?"

Hosokawa Harumoto looked at his fiery eyes, then looked at the other retainers who were also looking forward to it, and finally nodded: "Okay! That's exactly what it should be!"

"Lord General! Here comes the three good friends!"

All of a sudden, the retainers paid homage one after another.

This was not a visit, but signing up in person with courtesy was a declaration of loyalty - in the name of respecting him as the new shogun.

It's different to go from being a mere retainer of a powerful hero to being a retainer of a shogun.

The biggest advantage of Hosokawa Harumoto is that he is near Gyeonggi, where Kyoto is.

Similarly, from the beginning, he claimed to respect the emperor and fight against the barbarians, and he had great righteousness.

No matter how declining the Emperor's lineage is now, he is still the source of the legal system and has his own role.

The alliance in Kyoto to resist the Ming Dynasty began. There were some twists and turns in being the first to be recognized by Emperor Chihito, who is now in power, but not major.

This twist and turn was due to the fact that when Chihito held the enthronement ceremony, Ouchi Yoshitaka alone made a huge donation of 2,200 kan.

When Zhiren buried his father and Jian Zuo, he only had 600 guan of money at his disposal. He was forced to go into exile due to the war that year. It was not until ten years later, thanks to a donation from Yoshitaka Ouchi, that he held an enthronement ceremony.

Now he also knows that Ouchi Yoshitaka is also strong. What if he recognizes Hosokawa Harumoto's authority and Ouchi Yoshitaka defeats Hosokawa Harumoto in the future?

However, the situation is stronger than the people. Yoshitaka Ouchi is temporarily far away, while Hosokawa Harumoto is very close.

Fortunately, soon, news came from the west that made Hosokawa Harumoto extremely happy.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"This is a letter jointly signed by Lord Tao, Lord Naito, and Lord Sugigi. Don't you believe it, Lord General?"

Hosokawa Harumoto was in disbelief. Was it really destiny?

Three very important retainers of the martial arts faction of the Ouchi family sent him a very important message: Ouchi Yoshitaka had fallen and was afraid of eventual defeat by the Ming Dynasty. Since he has no intention of competing for supremacy and still wants to be comfortable, then...

It can be said that they hit it off immediately.

Hosokawa Harumoto calculated that the letter of alliance he sent to the west should not have arrived so soon. It can be seen that their decision was made before they heard about the death of Ashikaga Yoshiharu and saw the letter of alliance.

Tao Longfang and the others directly revealed the bottom line of Ouchi Yoshitaka in the letter: This guy actually had the idea of ​​​​exchanging the land of a stone for a place of peace and security!

"God-given opportunity, General!"

The retainers immediately spoke up one after another.

"Invite Lord Ouchi to Kyoto to discuss plans to defend against the enemy."

"The countries in China are the interests of Tao Longfang and his retainers, so there is no need to get involved!"

"There are these heroes who are willing to fight to the death to defend the enemy. For the sake of justice, the shogun and all the heroes in Kanto should come to your aid. Shogun, this is your best opportunity to establish your prestige. Stand up as resolutely as Hojo Tokimune!"

"If we can make Ouchi Yoshitaka willing to surrender, the world will be settled!"

In the midst of the commotion, Hosokawa Harumoto was filled with great joy and excitement.

At least at this moment, the shogun's power seems to be within easy reach, and his "only remaining" powerful enemy is so easily depressed by defeat.

"That's right!" Hosokawa Harumoto became proud, "Let me carry out my will to respect the emperor and fight against foreigners, so that the name of this great general will be worthy of all countries!"

To the west, in front of Ouchi Yoshitaka, the retainers fell into silence.

The news that Shogun Muromachi was defeated and killed had a huge impact.

And Hosokawa Harumoto was appointed by Chihito, and he was ordered to become a general to resist the barbarians, with the power to set up guards and territories.

The word "respect the emperor" has been removed. If the emperor can get the emperor's permission, the word "respect the emperor" has been put into practice.

Now, the new shogun has asked the guards of all countries to come to the capital to form an alliance and discuss plans to defend against the enemy. How should Yoshitaka Ouchi, who still wears the title of general of the guards, choose?

What about the gross profit? Where is Shimazu Takahisa?

"Maybe this is an opportunity." Ouchi Yoshitaka muttered in a low voice, as if talking to himself, "The Imperial Guard Alliance Army is on the front line, so as a condition..."

He looked at Sagara Takeomi: "Perhaps we can...discuss with Hosokawa Harumoto first. Their reinforcements are on their way to Kyushu, and first deal with Motonari Mouri, a possible traitor? I will move to Aki Yoshida Gunyama Castle..."

Tao Longfang lowered his head, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

From Zhoufang to Anyi, how far is it from the front line?

He finally asked: "Ouchi-sama, if you recognize the status of Hosokawa Harumoto, will the Shimazu family and the Kyushu families still respect our military orders?"

"Guijiu has already entered into a marriage agreement with me, it doesn't matter."

Under the change of situation, Ouchi Yoshitaka felt that the burden on his shoulders was lighter, so he regained some of his energy: "To resist the Ming army, even if the Gyeonggi and Kwantung rebels come over, they will naturally have to do it under the orders of you, the general." This is the condition for me to recognize his status! In addition, their more help should be food and navy. With Iwami Ginzan here, Hosokawa Harumoto is in need of money now!" Tao Long Fang Wenyan nodded and said no more.

How could the newly established shogunate allow a super hero like Yoshitaka Ouchi to exist in the local area?

On the contrary, his old retainers are all available.

Now, just respond flexibly as the situation changes.

No matter what, since the Ming army is about to attack, no one can shake him as the general!


During the period when the Ming army appeared off the coastline of Japan's main island, Japan seemed to be twisted into a rope again because of the pressure brought by the Ming Dynasty.

With a new shogunate that was nominally recognized by everyone, it began to be encouraged by the new shogunate to recruit rebels, food and weapons, and prepare to go to Kyushu and China to defend the enemy.

In the tacit understanding between Tao Longfang and Hosokawa Harumoto, the rebels who went there were dispatched by the guard general who was more familiar with the situation there. In essence, Tao Longfang made the arrangements.

The gross profit margin is even more difficult.

He already felt a huge crisis.

Kobayakawa Shohei looked at his solemn expression and couldn't help but asked anxiously: "The movements from Iwami, Izumo, Bingo and Shubo are not very right. Lord Motonari, are they really going to attack us first?"

"Hosokawa Harumoto..." Mourimoto said faintly, "How did the situation become like this so quickly..."

"What should we do?" Seeing his reaction, Kobayakawa Shohei became even more worried, "When will the Ming Dynasty attack?"

Mao Liyuan shook his head: "I can't wait for them any longer. I'm afraid my head will be the first sacrifice."

Then he sneered again: "This idiot Ouchi Yoshitaka is probably the next sacrifice after Hosokawa Harumoto's plan to defeat the Ming army. How can the new shogunate allow Iwami Ginzan to be completely out of control?"

"...Is this the end?"

"No!" Mao Liyuan gritted his teeth, "No matter what, we must hold on. When the autumn comes, the Ming army will definitely arrive! They are all idiots. Do they think they can get rid of me calmly first and still defeat the Ming army in time? ? Do they think, why do I, a majestic man with the most intelligent general in the Western Kingdom, make such a decision and why can it be so easily erased?"

In the past few months when the situation in Japan has changed dramatically, Yan Chunsheng has already set off from Gyeongsang Province.

His special operations force has less than two hundred people in total.

They took five ships and did not go to Tsushima.

"The front is not far from Japan's big island. Except for Oki Island, which is larger, there are only Noto Peninsula and Sado Island further east."

Li Yuan introduced Yan Chunsheng with a map in front of him.

Zong Qingkang has surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty at least knows a lot of geographical information about Japan. In addition, merchant ships have been coming for many years. Yan Chunsheng looked at the map and nodded: "Passing by this Oki Island, kill it, supply it, and let them send us to Wakasa. This is closer to what they call Kyoto, and we are behind it. of heaven and earth!”

"...It's a long journey, and I'm afraid it's easy to encounter a big storm on the way."

"If that's the case, it's life." Yan Chunsheng didn't care. "I've had enough in this life, and I also have a son. What, are you afraid?"

Li Yuan looked at him and laughed: "Master, I have a younger brother."

"Okay!" Yan Chunsheng patted him on the shoulder, "That's OK. Don't worry, if I hadn't been lucky, I would have died countless times in Huguang, Chicheng, and Hetao!"

None of the five ships were warships, they just looked like merchant ships.

But on the five boats, in addition to the boatman who was familiar with the route to the port city in the northern bay of Kyoto, there were more than 170 men dressed like Japanese ronin warriors.

Not all of them carried muskets. They went deep behind enemy lines and lacked ammunition supplies.

But that doesn't matter much. Yan Chunsheng only selected more than 170 people. Who is not the god of terror and death?

Even if they are also cold weapons, their martial arts, archery skills, physical strength, and tacit understanding of joint attacks are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

As the boat sailed on the sea, Yan Chunsheng and Li Yuan were indeed gambling with their lives.

In their view, the most dangerous thing is the sea journey before landing.

When they really got to the shore, there were only a hundred people there, how could they hide their whereabouts?

Before the main force of the Ming Dynasty launched an offensive, a demon special force was about to start from Wakasa, northeast of Kyoto, and go to Kyoto and Kanto, randomly calling names.

Now Yan Chunsheng does not know that Hosokawa Harumoto has just been recognized as the new shogun and is trying to balance the interests of heroes from various countries.

Between the old and the new, there are many contradictions that need to be reconciled and tried to establish his authority.

At this time, this phenomenon was about to appear in the rear: some powerful people, even city lords, generals, and daimyo, were suddenly attacked and killed by ronin warriors who appeared out of nowhere. The people who took action were all great swordsmen and sharp archers, and some were directly blown up by the gunpowder collected from unknown places.

That is a matter of the future. For now, everyone is still willing to give it a try: Can Hosokawa Harumoto admit that the essence of protecting the countries now is to separate the princes, establish an order that everyone is satisfied with, and protect everyone’s common destiny under the threat of the Ming Dynasty. Benefit?

Aki's Maori Yuan was already in a tough battle, but he was indeed worthy of his reputation as the most intelligent general in the Western Kingdom.

In fact, if it were not for "bad luck", in front of Motonaki Motonori, temporary heroes such as Ouchi Yoshitaka, Hosokawa Harumoto, Nizi Haruhisa, and Tao Takafusa would indeed not be enough.

But there is no if.

Mao Liyuan had no regrets, he could only sigh at destiny.

"Before destiny, the power of a hero is so insignificant..."

He persisted until early autumn, but under the encirclement of the Ouchi Army and the Shogunate Army, his strength was really far behind.

This time, Maori Yuan did not create his hegemony in the Western Kingdom, but hated Koriyama City.

He didn't know that at the moment of his death, Yan Chunsheng had just landed in Wakasa. After hearing some of the latest news, he looked to the southwest.

"Master, the emperor is just like a puppet, and he doesn't have many people to protect him. Otherwise..."

Yan Chunsheng shook his head when he heard this: "I shot a king, and my father died on the battlefield. This time, let's talk about fate. Besides, we want to create chaos for a long time, so don't be watched too closely from the beginning. .Then the leader of their country dies as soon as Hosokawa Harumoto takes the position. Although the chaos will be huge, he will go crazy."

Looking at the people behind him, Yan Chunsheng said: "You come here with me, I can take as much back as I can. Let's go!"

More than a hundred people disappeared into the night and began to take action.

On Tsushima Island, Xia Yan looked at the direction in which the flag was flying and whispered: "The wind direction has begun to change..."

It's autumn, and although I'm hanging alone in the sea, the wind direction has changed after all.

On the other side of Ryukyu, Tang Shunzhi also said: "Admiral Yan, it is already autumn, and the Eastern Navy can set off first!"

Yan Shifan was overjoyed when he heard this: "I've been waiting impatiently for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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