
Chapter 497 Use this to test the Ming surname?

Chapter 497: Use this to test the people of Ming Dynasty?

Throughout the year, Yang Shen's core job was military logistics.

He was responsible for paying attention to taxes and preparing for military production, while Yan Song was responsible for sea and land transportation.

This is a good match, because Yan Shifan's achievements depend on this. How can he "deprive the front of military supplies and let his son suffer defeat"?

"With the support of national debt, the imperial court can temporarily support it. I ask that the southeastern grain taxes and taxes and silver do not have to be transported to the capital this year. Instead, we can collect Japanese military expenses on the spot and purchase new grain to ship to Ryukyu!"

Facing Yan Song's petition, Zhu Houcong thought for a while and then looked at Yang Shen and Cui Yuan: "What are your opinions?"

"...It's not impossible, but." Cui Yuan thought carefully and then gave his opinion, "It is necessary to send important personnel to lead the various ministries and government agencies to clarify the accounts."

"Yongxiu, what do you think?"

At this time, Yang Shen nodded simply: "I have discussed this matter with the other ministers first. The losses caused by transshipment, coming and going, are not good for the war. However, the amount is huge and the wealth is impressive, so it is not a trivial matter. Please follow the Korean rules first. , select the important ministers who will assist the king in the future. The future depends on it, so as not to enrich one's own pockets and delay the war."

"In this case..." Zhu Houcong looked at them, "Xia Yan plans to stay there, and Tang Shunzhi will come back. Besides Zhu Wan, which other important minister intends to go to Japan from now on?"

"Wen Wei is new to the state affairs, and he is willing to ask for help."

"Nie Bao?" Zhu Houcong couldn't help but look at Yan Song, and then started thinking.

This is Yan Song's disciple. After going to Japan, he and Yan Shifan will naturally take care of each other in the future.

For the fourth child, there is no need to worry about the younger generation such as Hu Zongxian who Zhu Houcong wants to arrange there. He will be controlled by Yan Shifan and Nie Bao in the future.

Moreover, although Nie Bao was a disciple of Yan Song, he also formally worshiped Wang Shouren as his teacher, so he did not necessarily listen to Yan Song completely.

Xia Yan is over sixty, Nie Bao is almost sixty, Zhu Wan is just over fifty, and with Hu Zongxian behind him, this is indeed a more reasonable echelon.

"If you have this kind of spirit, it's natural to use it." Zhu Houcong nodded, "In addition to Nie Bao, each of the ministries should choose a right minister, a patrol officer sent by the Imperial Procuratorate, and the Daming Bank to handle it together. "

At this moment, he only knew that according to the plan, the other side should have launched, and the results of the battle were not yet known.

But apart from the combat power of the army itself, the expedition was essentially about logistics.

Fortunately, it seems that everyone is optimistic about the outcome of this battle. Even Yang Shen, who has always been very careful with his calculations, now no longer creates any obstacles. He seems to just hope that the war against Japanese invaders will end smoothly as soon as possible, so he is also making arrangements in advance on how to control Japanese invaders in the future.

This issue is different from North Korea.

Officials who aided the DPRK would be given a salary by the Ming Dynasty, and those who passed the examination would also be considered.

And if you want to go to Japan, you will be relocating in the future.

There will be far fewer people in Ming Dynasty who are willing to go to Japan than those who are willing to go to North Korea.

For such a large and isolated overseas country, even the court will be dominated by locals in the future.

The governance wisdom required was extremely high, and Zhu Houcong never stopped teaching Zhu Zaiqi.

"Japan's territory is much larger than North Korea, but it has been war-torn for years, and now its population is probably not much larger. Although it is narrow and mountainous, it has a vast territory, but in the past, transportation was inconvenient and governance was poor..."

Different from the foundation laid by China over thousands of years, Japan's current development situation is actually worse than that of North Korea.

Due to its mountainous terrain, there were many small countries in the Middle Ages and their development lacked planning.

Later, although there was a so-called emperor who "unified the world", in fact, his governance capabilities were far inferior to those of China's unified dynasties. In addition, the shogunate era soon entered, and the "regent" shogun also achieved superficial "unification" by stitching together local princes, and most places were autonomous.

In this case, most of the powerful were those families, with their retainers and warriors in the middle, and at the bottom were farmers, fishermen, craftsmen, traders, and untouchables.

"Although the people of the Ming Dynasty are still not as noble as the officials, gentry and wealthy households, they are much better than the people of Japan. When you go to Japan, what you need to break is the situation where some powerful families have been superior for thousands of years. Can you break this situation? , the people will wholeheartedly support you..."

Zhu Houcong naturally knew that even hundreds of years later, the clans that had been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years would still control the core power and wealth.

From this point of view, what Ming Dynasty will bring to the ordinary poor people in Japan is definitely a better future.

Going to Japan, the entire powerful class there must be strongly suppressed and more channels for class advancement must be created. Only in this way can we avoid future counterattacks by local forces.

To this end, Zhu Zaiqi and his future ministers must not only seek a stable transition, but also retain too many of the existing dignitaries and institutions there.

"Believe in the advancement of the Ming Dynasty's system, don't be afraid of the people's enlightenment." Zhu Houxun taught earnestly, "We must not continue to replace aristocratic families in Japan. We must establish culture and education, hold imperial examinations, and select officials among the people. During the transition period, there will be a shortage of people. You must not stick to trivial matters and cannot just choose from aristocratic families without compromising. Dad will spread the word in the Ming Dynasty and let as many people as possible feel that it is good to spread the branches."

"And the religion they believe in..."

Xia Yan, Tang Shunzhi, and Yan Chunsheng were all sent by Zhu Houcong. He thought that as long as there were no major accidents, the time to teach the fourth child would not be too long.

What Zhu Houcong said about publicizing more has actually begun at this moment.

The target is the already larger business family in Ming Dynasty.

Yu Chengye has already given clear information to countless cooperative firms in the periphery through the network of enterprises under the Huangming Assets Bureau: Tsushima Island will be established as the Protectorate of the East, and it will still be a major sea trade city. As for Japan, in the future, according to a country's material resources, the license qualification for border trade with the Ming Dynasty is to move to Japan.

Over the years, with the changes in the imperial examination and official system, the next generation cultivated by merchant families has begun to take shape.

With the virtual "bulldozing" of the powerful class in Japan, completely overthrowing their stable status that has been stable for more than a thousand years, Japan does not know how many opportunities there are to rise to the upper class. Go there to be an official, go there to do business, go there to settle down and establish a career, and when you go there you will become a master.

going or not?

After all, businessmen are more willing to take risks. Whether they move their families or spread their branches, it is only this group that Ming Dynasty is mobilizing now.

But this is not enough, after all, it is not yet known how the war will progress.

Things soon started to look different.

By the twelfth lunar month, whether it was from Tsushima or Ryukyu, the merchant ships that helped the imperial court transport food, grass and military supplies no longer returned empty.

On the other side of Dagu Port and Shuangyu Port, the dock workers first stared blankly at the women coming off one boat after another.

They are not tall, but most of them have thin skin and tender flesh. Although he lowered his head, felt uneasy and was about to cry, he showed a different kind of tenderness and charm.

Then in the dead of winter, the news spread like wildfire.

Before the winter moon arrived, Master Wang had already conquered the so-called Nine Kingdoms over there. Now, the giant island with the land of the Four Kingdoms is under the control of Master Wang, and the Yin Mountain, which produces millions of taels of silver annually, has also fallen into the hands of the Ming Dynasty.

These Japanese women are divided into two categories.

One category was those princes, retainers and warriors who resisted the king's division. The king's division killed all these dignitaries who used to prey on the common people and fought endlessly for their own selfish interests, leaving only the female family members and sent them back to the Ming Dynasty as maids.

One type is the daughters of good families who have been in hardship and war for a long time and have loyally surrendered. They were sent to the Ming Dynasty to borrow seeds for their husbands. If it succeeds, they can take the United States to Japan, where they will be put to great use.

How had the people of the Ming Dynasty ever seen such a formation?

Now it is not only the great emperor of tomorrow who enjoys the side benefits of opening up new territories, but now it is the obvious temptation!

The area in the north and south Beijing, which was the first to know the news, immediately became agitated.

"Have you heard? Most of those ancestors were princes, generals and ministers. Not long ago, most of them were pampered. All of them were wealthy ladies. No wonder they had tender skin and tender flesh!" "This is just the first batch? God, it's really a gift. The music is so bad, Master Wang is now selling Japanese women?"

"Hey! You can't say that! How many years have you been beating me and me beating you there? Think about how miserable the people there are. Are there any poor girls who were brought back by Master Wang? These powerful people have made it difficult for the people to live for many years. When you were so pampered, why did you ever think about today? This is the way of heaven and reincarnation!"

"...I heard that the son-in-law is the head of the etiquette department, but I don't know what the conditions are. Don't tell me, I made a special trip to Dagu to see it, and he looks good..."

Closer to Beijing is Tongyiguan on the other side of Dagu Port.

Now, several large courtyards have been specially arranged in this Tongyi Hall to house the daughters of these powerful Japanese people.

"...The decree hasn't come down yet!"

The person in charge here is numb. He didn't know that this was happening.

After those sinful enemies, this time they did something a little more reckless. As a maidservant, the merchants who help the imperial court transfer her are bought and taken away, and then it depends on which family wants the noble and wealthy family.

There is no need to think about it. It is natural to teach Chinese and etiquette first.

This routine has become very proficient. Originally, there were Silla maids in the Tang Dynasty, but now they just add Japanese maids.

What the King of the Ming Dynasty is doing in Japan now is nothing more than robbing people from their homes, and they are the enemies of the Ming Dynasty.

This can be seen just from their skin: Who from a poor family can raise their daughter like this? Which one is not weather-skinned, dark, thin and rough?

So it’s nothing more than a “landed phoenix”.

But those who are still in Tongyi Hall are of a different nature.

Hit some and pull some, these are the people who have sincerely knelt down.

They are the ones sent back by the important ministers who are now conquering Japan to seduce and win over the team that will conquer Japan in the future!

To put it more elegantly: marry each other and become one.

To put it crudely: I got a wife!

Therefore, the director of the Dagutong Post House could only say helplessly when some friends came to inquire and inquire about the news: "After all, you need to have a reputation, right? There are conditions for marrying these Japanese ladies. You have to go to Japan to become an official. How can you not have fame?"

"Of course it's okay to be a scholar? I heard that Japan is bigger, so will the conditions be lower? Is it okay for those who didn't pass the exam?"

"I've said it all, but the decree hasn't come down yet! By the way, you don't say you have a fortune, but you have a thousand fortunes, right? Isn't your son taking the imperial examination? Why are you so anxious?"

"Hey! If the third child in my family is expected to win the election, he will naturally stay in the Ming Dynasty. But the second child in my family has never been able to pass the exam! I just do some small business, and it is not easy for him to get a good marriage. Now at least If after that Japanese people can still go to Japan to serve as officials..."

Due to the huge population base of the Ming Dynasty and the new academic system that has been implemented for so many years, the number of literate people is constantly increasing, but the number of admission places at all levels of the imperial examination is limited after all.

Nowadays, there are many situations like this: whether you are high or low, should you live an ordinary life in the Ming Dynasty, or should you seize the opportunity to stand out among the dwarfs?

Over in the Forbidden City, Zhu Houcong did not expect that Xia Yan and Tang Shunzhi would come to him like this.

This is actually not in the plan.

The situation was determined by the situation, and Zhu Houcong was a little bit dumbfounded.

"...This is also a helpless move." Yan Song also sighed with emotion, "Unexpectedly, this small and remote country has cultivated many die-hard warriors who are not afraid of the dead. Master Wang wants to cut through the mess quickly, but this is the only way."

Zhu Houcong did know something about the so-called "bushido", and the Ming Dynasty's soldiers were ruthless, and they were indeed rushing to destroy the foundation of Japan's current powerful people.

People know that there will be no luck, so naturally there are only two choices left: either fight to the end, or be willing to surrender and let yourself be manipulated like the Zong family.

"Why not reward the obedient heroes among the poor?"

"Your Majesty... these are naturally the remnants, or some important families that must be controlled by the Ming Dynasty." Yan Song explained to Xia Yan and the others, "Didn't Xia Gongjin say it? That Japanese adopted sons and adopted sons are prevalent , can pass on the family business. If the son of a poor family in Japan is the son-in-law, according to their customs, they will regard themselves as their sons. It will not be easy to change their minds in the future. On the contrary, if the Ming people are the son-in-law, they can entrust the family business to them. , but the Ming Dynasty’s son-in-law will not change his surname or religion!”

"...Yes." Zhu Houcong shook his head, "Then let the Ministry of Etiquette and Communications handle this matter."

"The report said that after decades of war, the number of men in Japan was far less than the number of women. Nowadays, the only people brought in by sea ships can only be these local masters who can temporarily govern the conquered country. Minister I thought that I could publish a good news in Ming Pao again, detailing the miserable situation of the Japanese people after years of war. The fields are barren, there are few men, and there are too many women to marry..."

Zhu Houcong was also a little numb: "You figure it out..."

I'm afraid it's indeed the truth.

How many people died during the "Warring States" in the past hundred years?

If the whole thing is taken down later and the world is stable, of course we will have to restart production on a large scale.

Xia Yan and the others saw the truth there, so it was normal for them to use this trick.

Some aristocratic families who surrendered and needed to be digested by Ming Dynasty heroes directly sent their people to be married to sons-in-law and borrow seeds.

There are also a large number of private families and women from poor families who do not need to spend this cost. Once word of this situation spreads, it will be completely unconditional.

Even if you just want to go there and farm, that's fine. It's easy to find a wife there anyway.

Most of the people who were sent here were beautiful, with fine skin and tender meat. When the news came to those bachelor farmers, they probably imagined that they would also have beautiful wives after they left?

And because of his Han identity, he will naturally be extremely popular there in the future. Children who stick out will be given priority in studying and taking exams, right?

Needless to say, the war went smoothly. Although the victory was not yet final, Xia Yan, who was already preparing to stay there, took the lead in using Japan's "human resources" to unleash the "big seduction technique" on the entire Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Houcong looked at Yang Shen again and laughed: "In extraordinary times, it is an unprecedented achievement. You don't have to worry about these details. On the contrary, Shi Jian Yinshan has been obtained, and he can transport military supplies there next." I'm here to bring in money. The new country of Japan has not yet been established, but this business can be done first. This year, can you live more peacefully with Xiu?"

Yang Shen was greatly affected. After all, he was planning to "traffick Japanese maidservants."

Although they are all powerful queens who are directly enemies of the Ming Dynasty, they are against "benevolence and righteousness" after all.

But what the emperor said was true. Master Wang had entered the stage of supporting war with war. Although food and grass cannot be completely self-sufficient due to the efficiency of management in the occupied area, the Yinshan can be kept at all times, and business can already begin.

Naturally, in the army that conquered Japan, there must have been some generals who were ready to stay there.

From now on, they are also fighting for their own future interests.

At this moment, Yan Shifan had just arrived at Osaka Bay, which His Majesty mentioned, which is now mainly called Namba by the locals.

He was very regretful, tightened his winter clothes and said: "The bombing is over. I originally wanted to go straight to Kyoto before the Chinese New Year, but now Xia Zhi Tai and Tang Zhi Tai are just trying to suppress Kyushu. After the bombing is over, , go back to Kyushu!"

Apart from anything else, he really wanted to capture Emperor Lao Shizi and some general who resisted the barbarians.

He is the so-called emperor. If he has a suitable daughter, he will be suitable as a concubine in the future, which will make governance less difficult.

The most important thing is that Xue Han and the others found a pair of sisters in North Korea. After hearing that His Majesty got it, they were quite fond of them!

How could he, Yan Shifan, lag behind others?

(End of this chapter)

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