Hogwarts: Harry Returns from the Witcher.

Chapter 38 Come out, I will never lie to you

Chapter 38 Come out, I will never lie to you (please read more, please vote~)

"Why did you cast a spell outside the school?" Pisgood said, his voice was the same as his face, with a deep sense of fatigue, "And he made such a big commotion."

He looked down the alley.

Large and small, dozens of trash cans were upside down, and the things that should be in them were scattered all over the floor.

"Gryffindor?" he added.

Harry nodded: "Yes, I belong to Gryffindor, but I didn't cast the spell, it was a house elf."

"House-elf?" Peasegood said without any twists and turns, "Don't lie, as far as I know, it's a very well-behaved creature, and they won't play tricks."

Harry took out his wand: "Maybe you can use the Flashback Charm."

Pisgood shook his head, waved his wand, and uttered the Muggle Repelling Curse: "No, that's troublesome. Before I deal with the scene, you have to tell me, did any Muggles see it?"

"Tell the truth, little wizard."

Harry shook his head, "No."

"Really?" He didn't quite believe it.

Harry nodded, a little helplessly: "No."

"That's good." Pisgood muttered, "Don't lie to me, it will be very troublesome if you don't clear your memory in time if you are seen by a Muggle."

"I've been working overtime for three consecutive weeks, please don't make me work overtime for a month."

Harry made a request: "Can I ask you one thing."

Pisgood waved his wand weakly: "Send you home? You can..."

"Send me a letter to Professor Flitwick at Hogwarts." Harry interrupted him, succinctly, "saying that Harry Potter is waiting for him at the Leaky Cauldron."

"Why don't you..." He complained and asked back, he was stunned in the middle of speaking, he looked at Harry in astonishment, "Harry Potter?"

"The Harry Potter Who Lived?"

Harry nodded.

"You are?" He was puzzled and his tone became agitated. He waved his other hand and touched his forehead.

"I think I can prove my identity by asking you to send a letter to Professor Flitwick." Harry didn't want to raise his hand, and put the knife back on his waist again.

"So you really didn't do it, it was a house-elf?" Pisgood began to believe Harry now.

"Please hurry up and send the letter," Harry urged.

Pisgood swung his wand quickly. He used the cleansing spell and the floating spell very well, even to the point of no spells. In less than 10 minutes, the alley was cleaned up—maybe from its birth until now, there has been no so clean.

After packing up, they went to the Leaky Cauldron together.

Borrow an owl and send a letter to Flitwick.

Less than an hour.

The fireplace in the bar burst into flames, and Flitwick came out anxiously.

"Harry?" He saw the bar at a glance, and Harry, who was drinking whiskey, walked over quickly, "What's the matter? You have to ask someone to contact me."

Pisgood stood up drunk and hiccupped: "My dear Professor Flitwick, long time no see."

"Yes, you already have..." Flitwick responded to him.

Pisgood made a long belch: "You are still so short. I thought you should grow up after all these years."

Harry's eyelids twitched.

Flitwick gritted his teeth and waved his wand: "Lock the tongue and seal the throat!"

Pisgood opened his mouth in vain, and continued to speak, but could not utter a single word.

"Very well, drunkards should be quiet." Flitwick climbed into the chair next to Harry. "Now it's time for us to talk. Why did you ask someone to send me a letter?"

"I'm being targeted by house-elves." Harry lowered his voice.

Flitwick opened his mouth in surprise.

"The Malfoys," Harry continued.

Flitwick frowned: "Although...their family is not a good person, they probably wouldn't do such a stupid thing."

"Yes, the house-elf was being stupid on his own terms." Harry nodded.

Flitwick was even more surprised: "Without the master's order, they will not take the initiative to do anything."

Harry took a sip of his wine: "I don't know what happened, but it intercepted my letter and threatened me not to go back to Hogwarts next semester."

"It also said...the Malfoy family is brewing a conspiracy that can affect the entire Hogwarts."

Flitwick frowned: "I'll go and tell Dumbledore about it."

"Don't worry." Harry shook his head and took his hand, "Please ask the professor to help me catch that house-elf."

"I've been pissed off enough."

"It will have a very strange magic that can disappear instantly..."

Flitwick explained: "That's Apparition, a dangerous but convenient charm that can only be learned when you're 17."

"House-elves are masters at apparating, and they're good at this kind of spell."

Harry frowned: "Is there a way to catch it?"

"Of course, any spell has a counterspell." Flitwick nodded, "but I have to remind you that ordinary Apparating counterspells won't work on them."

"Since they were slaves, wizards have never seen such poor, miserable scumbags as a threat."

"Just changed the spell a little so that they won't be affected by the anti-spell effect, so that they can enjoy better services from them."

"If you want to learn, I can teach you later."

"Then let's do it tonight." Harry drank the wine in one gulp, "But Professor, I'm afraid you have to hide, do you need me to lend you the Invisibility Cloak?"

"The one from the Potters?" Flitwick raised his eyebrows, "No, I use the Disillusionment Charm very well."

That night.

On Privet Drive, Harry releases Hedwig.

10 minutes passed, and the little girl did not come back.

Apparently Dobby didn't intercept.

Is... give up?

Because I got a warning from the Ministry of Magic and thought I was expelled?

It can't go on like this.

I don't know if it's useful to call it by name...

"Dobby!" Harry yelled, taking a deep breath, "I know you can hear that the Ministry only gave me a warning, not expulsion."

no respond.

Harry didn't give up, and continued to shout, "Dobby, you come out!"

"As long as you come out, I promise you not to go to Hogwarts."

Still no response.

Harry felt like an idiot, maybe... he should do it differently and send the letter directly to the Malfoys?
Just then.

snap --

Dobby appeared in front of Harry, looking at him with surprise on his face: "Harry Potter finally figured it out? Dobby is for Harry Potter..."

It couldn't finish its words.

Flitwick leaped aside, waving his wand.

Lock shadow lock shape!

The magic power surged and diffused in all directions, and a jelly-like stagnation surged in the space.

Dobby snapped his fingers.

But its magic failed and it failed to Apparate away, which made its eyes panic and screamed: "Harry Potter deceived Dobby!"

Both of them were expressionless.

Flitwick waved his wand, and the rope was summoned, binding Dobby tightly, and then cast a spell to seal the magic power in his body.

"I'd love to chop off its head." Harry sighed.

Flitwick expresses no opinion.

"But obviously, handing it over to Dumbledore is the best choice." Harry looked at Dobby with deep eyes, "He should have a way to pry a lot of things out of this house elf's mouth."

Crisis at Hogwarts.

Most of them are directed at themselves.

It's not too late to solve it when you ask.

"The house elf's contract is a bit troublesome." Flitwick scratched his head, "But Dumbledore is a very good mind reader, it's really not good, and Snape's Veritaserum."

Then, he paused: "Aren't you going to vent your anger?"

Harry shook his head: "I'm afraid if I hit it, I won't be able to resist killing it."

"Well, I'll take it to find Dumbledore." Flitwick waved his wand, and the sense of stagnation in the space gradually faded, "See you in half a month, Harry."

snap --

He apparated away with Dobby.

Harry smacked his lips, what a handy ability, I don't know how it compares to Warlock's teleportation, I really hope there won't be that disgusting dizziness.

Wait for him to go back to the bedroom.

Hedwig finally came back with a letter back - from Hermione.

"Harry? Thank God, you finally wrote me back, but why did you only send a blank sheet of paper? What did I do wrong to make you angry?"

The reply is very fast.

At this point, he turned his head to look at the alarm clock, it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

"I'm sorry, something happened during this time, just resolved, I encountered a creature called a house elf..." Harry wrote back.

Hedwig ran back and forth eight times a night.

It didn't rest until the first ray of sunlight came in from the window, pecked Harry a few times in dissatisfaction, flapped its wings, and flew into Petunia's bedroom.

It worked hard all night not to eat those dry owl food.

It prefers Penny's cooking.

Amidst the noise of chattering, Petunia woke up unbearably disturbed—even though it was summer vacation, she still had to serve a young lady.

Lily's owl isn't so annoying!

Without the harassment of the house-elf, with half a month left, it finally returned to normal.

On the morning of the first day of the third week in July.

Flitwick showed up at Harry's door on time.

"Harry, I'm here to pick you up." Flitwick looked at Dudley who opened the door for him, walked around him and walked into the house.

Fernon rolled his eyes: "Thank God, the freak is finally leaving our house."

Harry packed his luggage and went out with Professor Flitwick: "Professor, did you find out about that Dobby?"

"Of course." Flitwick nodded, "Professor Dumbledore is very good at reading minds."

"Old Malfoy wants to stuff a black magic item left by the mysterious man into the school, and it may cause a big mess."

"But don't worry, when the time comes, the professors will check at the station, and all the black magic props will be thrown out. Those Slytherins, and you Gryffindors, should calm down."

Harry looked at Flitwick: "Professor, I've actually wanted to ask for a long time."

"You should be much braver than your head, why are you also called Voldemort Mysterious Man?"

 Three more today!Continue tomorrow!

  Thanks to Jiuluo Xingyu for the reward.

  Thanks to the sardines in the catfish school for the reward!
  Thank you for your votes~ Come on more.

(End of this chapter)

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