Chapter 12 Request
"Yes, I plan to go out to find something to eat in two days. I have to train my body first in the past few days."

Li Ming didn't dare to look at the woman's body, so he simply replied, thinking that they still had something to eat, and returned to his room with a gun in his hand.

Zhang Yuan from outside the room passed by.

Now it's time for Li Ming to exercise. After returning home, he stretches his muscles, drinks water, and rests as usual.

By the time she took the green peppers and eggs to the kitchen to cook, Zhang Yuan had already fried a plate of shredded potatoes and brought them out.

"Come cook."

After the last two potatoes were finished, Zhang Yuan had a sad face on her face. Seeing Li Ming entering the kitchen with green pepper eggs, she couldn't help but speak.

"Yes, it's time for lunch, I just put the rice in the pot."

Li Ming responded with a smile and began to wash the peppers. Zhang Yuan sighed behind him: "The last two potatoes at home, I don't know when the rescue will come."

"It should be soon."

Li Ming responded with a smile. Zhang Yuan looked at the fried shredded potatoes and pursed her lips: "Then I'll go eat first. When I run out of food tomorrow, I have to ask you to borrow it."

"Ah, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth with a dry smile, Zhang Yuan was stupefied, pursed her lips, and left with the shredded potatoes.

Li Ming didn't speak, but felt a little restless when he smelled the woman's body odor in the kitchen. He hurriedly washed the green peppers a few times to regain his thoughts and start cooking.

When the rest after lunch is over, he will continue to exercise.





At noon, Li Ming lay down on the bed, feeling uncomfortable in his crotch, his heart was pounding, and desire kept surging in his heart.

Under the strong desire, some of his thoughts also loosened.

"Other people's wives are also women."

"As long as you don't tear your face, maybe it's okay."

"And, isn't it just for this thing, maybe the other party doesn't care?"

The appearance of Zhang Yuan kept flashing in my heart, with long legs and shorts...

Li Ming turned over and forced himself to rest.

He has an inexplicable feeling that the opportunity may be just around the corner.

"What a beast I am."

Li Ming scolded himself secretly, but the next moment, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but smile again.

But it's cool, isn't it?
After struggling with each thought in his mind for a long time, Li Ming sighed.

"Forget it, let's go with the flow."

As a normal person, it would be too perverted and low-end for him to plan this wholeheartedly.

It's the end, women are so easy to get, he doesn't need to change his mind just because of a wife, and plan something for this matter.

As for Zhang Yuan...

Let it go...

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and Li Ming finally fell asleep.

In the scorching air, after sleeping for half an hour, Li Ming felt refreshed after waking up.

The desire that surged in his body before going to bed disappeared, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Then he went to the living room to start training, carrying a long sword and a long gun as in the morning.

Stop, take, stick!
One shot, one turn, all with care and force.

Practice until four o'clock in the afternoon.

Block (0% for beginners)

Take it (0% for beginners)

Blocking the gun, holding the gun and both advanced, Li Ming used it again, trained according to the information emerging in his mind, and his body was indeed more flexible.

Satisfied, Li Ming continued training without stopping.

It went on until ten o'clock at night.

Tie (Proficiency at Heart 0%)

The gun is advanced again!

"It turns out that the key to piercing a gun lies in the crotch."

Li Ming realized in his heart that he held the gun and carefully felt the feeling of using his crotch, but his body was so exhausted that he didn't have the strength to test it, so he had to stop first, drink salt water to replenish water, and then began to stretch his muscles. By making dinner.

"After the physical strength has improved, the progress of training has also accelerated a lot."

[Spearmanship—blocking (45% for beginners) taking (45% for beginners) stabbing (0% for proficiency)]

While eating, Li Ming glanced at his panel. He was very satisfied with the progress he made today. After he finished his meal, he made milk powder as usual and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a bath, he subconsciously went out to look in the direction of Zhang Yuan's house, and suddenly he noticed the smell of rice in the smell, and he realized that he had reheated the leftovers in the bedroom and ate them.

Li Ming shook his head, suppressed the thoughts that popped up in his heart, went back to the room and began to sleep.

"Tomorrow, they should be out of things, right?"

Some desires arose in Li Ming's heart, but he quickly suppressed them and began to fall into a deep sleep.


The eighth day of the end.

The sun still rose as usual. Li Ming got up very early in the morning, ate two eggs, warmed the leftovers for breakfast, and then went to the living room to practice marksmanship.

When the end comes, force is the cornerstone of standing!

During the training, his marksmanship was also constantly improving, and he didn't let out a sigh of relief until the end of the morning.

Block (proficient at heart 0%)

Take (Proficient at Heart 0%)

Tie (Proficiency at Heart 45%)

Stop the gun, take the gun, advance again, and the gun has also made great progress!
Li Ming took a sip of salt water and began to do stretching exercises.



Having not left the bedroom for eight consecutive days, Peng Zhi and Zhang Yuan's life clocks became more and more chaotic. Last night they didn't go to bed until [-]:[-] am, and today they didn't wake up until [-]:[-] noon.

After washing up, the two had to face a problem.

"There's only half a bowl of rice left, the vegetables are finished, and there's nothing to eat at home. What should I do?"

Zhang Yuan put the last rice in a small bowl on the table, and asked her husband involuntarily.

Peng Zhi rubbed his belly, the irregular life made him very listless, but now he was also very hungry, he thought for a while, a light flashed in his eyes: "Look for Li Ming to borrow, he still has something to eat! "

"After so many days, how much is left in his house, would you like to lend it to us?"

Zhang Yuan pursed her lips and couldn't help asking.

"Don't borrow food directly. Doesn't he have to exercise every day? Anyway, he has to cook every day. There will definitely be a little left over from each meal. Go and tell him that you will cook for him in the future and serve him when it is ready. Let him eat first, and give us the leftovers after each meal."

The light in Peng Zhi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a good idea: "Just tell him that we really don't have anything to eat, and every time you cook for him, add a little more, enough for the two of us to eat twice." Just do it."

"It's the end of the day, are we all helping each other? Besides, when the rescue team arrives, we'll pay back twice as much as we eat in the future!"

Peng Zhili spoke uprightly, Zhang Yuan paused when he heard that, looked at the home where there was no food at all, and hesitated: "Is this really possible? The food we both eat is better than..."

"Oh, hurry up, you will delay his training by cooking for him. At worst, you can go to his house to massage and soothe his muscles after he finishes training. It's not in vain."

Before Zhang Yuan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Peng Zhi, who stood up and urged: "Go and have a look, don't wait for him to eat before you go, you won't have a chance."

Seeing that Peng Zhi was in a hurry, Zhang Yuan opened her mouth, got up and went out. She found nothing in the living room except the sweat stains left by Li Ming. She pursed her lips and walked to the door of Li Ming's house to see that Li Ming was sitting on a chair. Drink water.

Zhang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and walked into the room with her mouth pursed.

Behind Zhang Yuan, seeing his wife walked into Li Ming's house, Peng Zhi heaved a sigh of relief, closed the door, and lay down on the bed to rest, hoping that his wife could borrow something to eat.


In the bedroom, Li Ming, who had just finished exercising and was about to rest and take a shower to clean up his sweat, suddenly heard soft footsteps coming from lunch. He turned his head and saw that Zhang Yuan was walking up to him wearing sandals, shorts, and short sleeves. in the room.

"Li Ming, can I discuss something with you?"

Li Ming stopped drinking water, his eyes moved slightly to look at the woman in front of him, he seemed to be able to smell the fragrance at the tip of his nose, he swallowed the water in his mouth, and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"I'm a little tired from exercising, so I don't stand up."

Li Ming pointed to the bench for her and said with a smile.

Unhealthy for eight consecutive days, abnormal diet and work and rest made Zhang Yuan's physical strength very poor now, and she didn't want to stand, so she sat down when she heard the words, and then looked at Li Mingyi bit her lip and said what her husband told her out.

(End of this chapter)

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