Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 165 The Proficiency of Passive Growth

Chapter 165 The Proficiency of Passive Growth
"That's right, the person who can kill these two guys is really wise and powerful."

Li Ming smiled and praised, and then said enviously: "I don't know what kind of supernatural ability can kill people so invisible, it's amazing."

"It's really awesome. The two who died were yellow-haired and blue-haired. I, like an idiot, didn't like them a long time ago. It's good to be killed this time!"

Zhao Sunwu also laughed, and even the dwarf monkey couldn't help interjecting, and there were many discussions.

Li Ming was listening in his seat with a smile all over his face, and the carriage was filled with cheerful atmosphere for a while.

"However, after this incident, the governance of the base city has become stricter, which is a good thing."

Tie Jun answered with a smile to make a conclusion, then sighed and said, "But I heard that Lei Ming has decided to speed up cleaning up the mutant beasts and mutant zombies around him. It seems that he can't wait to attack that monster in the north of the city."

"The monster in the north of the city, is this an accident outside the city?"

Hearing this, Li Ming raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking.

"Yes, that is a strange mutant monster that can become stronger by devouring all kinds of life continuously. Lei Ming fought with it several times but failed to kill it. It is still wandering in the north of the city, but its speed is not fast. , someone is always monitoring, so the danger is actually not particularly high for a while.”

Tie Jun nodded, and then looked a little dignified: "But the current danger is not high, which does not mean that the future danger will not be high. If the monster is allowed to develop, it may be a mobile natural disaster."

"Lei Ming took the initiative to encourage everyone to quickly clear the mutant beasts around him, so there is no need to worry about it. He is trying to break through now, and he has already consulted the martial arts masters in the base city. He will find him and kill it as soon as he breaks through."

"What I'm afraid of is that before that, the monster broke through first."

Tie Jun shook his head, with worry in his expression, but the dwarf monkey was still a little dazed, and now he couldn't feel the horror of these monsters through these dictations.

"Lei Ming took the initiative to speed up the cleanup of the north of the city, which proves that we are about to break through. We finished sweeping the south of the city today, and we should go to the north of the city. There was a zoo over there before, and many mutant beasts ran out. If these mutant beasts are given by that monster It will be troublesome if you swallow it."

Tie Jun shook his head, and drove the car towards the border of the last exploration.

Li Ming sat in the car and looked at the scenery on both sides, feeling a little thoughtful in his heart.

It seems that there is indeed no absolute safety zone in this doomsday. When he returns from hunting this time, he must hurry up to practice [Secret Passage] and study other skills [Comprehension] to a level above.

In addition, the practice of [Iron Cloth Shirt] is also on the agenda.

As for this side... When there is a result between Lei Ming and the monster, he will go back immediately.

At that time, regardless of whether Lei Ming wins or loses, he will have a more secure plan. If Lei Ming loses, then everything here will be abandoned, and he will leave here and go to other places with what he can bring.

With the proficiency panel, he will be able to transform to the peak sooner or later.

Even if the skills cannot break through to the [integration] level, he can still train his basic abilities.

Such as running, jumping, climbing, reaction force, telekinetic power, strength training, physical training, speed training... etc. According to Li Ming's current feelings, there is no limit to these physical abilities, and his strength can still be unlimited. promote.

However, these will take time to polish slowly.

However, [Secret Biography] It is becoming more and more difficult to increase the proficiency level. The joy last night did not increase a few proficiency levels. In the future, I have to find a way to find a way to break through again.

For example... like Xu Yunyun.

Thinking in his heart, when he reached the boundary of yesterday's search range, Li Ming got out of the car with his weapon in hand, watched Zhao Sunwu get off the car and fly up to search for the target, and waited calmly.

There are really not many mutant beasts in the south of the city. After two days of searching, Zhao Sun Wufei only found one mutant beast today, which was a mutant hedgehog.

None of the mutant hedgehogs could kill it. It was Li Ming who kept flying a kite from a long distance with a bow and arrow to kill it. Afterwards, he took the thorns all over his body as his trophy. Each hard thorn was one meter long. Tough as steel.

As for the meat, each person got [-] kilograms, which was pitifully small, but it was better than going all the way for nothing.

The final meritorious service was discussed and given to Li Ming first, and then distributed to other members of the team after obtaining other things later.

"I'm going to the north of the city tomorrow, and everyone has a good rest tonight."

After sorting out the things on the mutant hedgehog, Tie Jun patted the shoulders of several people and said.

Li Ming nodded, then went back with the dwarf monkey, and parted from the dwarf monkey at the gate of his own villa, carrying a large bunch of hedgehog spines that he specially tied up with ropes, and [-] kilograms of hedgehog meat, and went as usual Checked the progress of the transformation, let Scarface and the others get off work first.

Those metal control abilities in the base city made Li Ming feel a little cautious, so these hedgehog spines were carefully put away like the mutated lobster carapace, mutated chameleon skin, and mutated giant rabbit skin.

Looking at the tissues of these mutant beasts, Li Ming always felt that these things might be the real valuable things in the future.

After all, many things may be manipulated to increase combat effectiveness, but the parts of these mutant beasts are difficult to be directly used.

Then thinking of the two trashes being so dead, Li Ming smiled, and then thought of other things.

"The monster in the north of the city."

Li Ming thought lightly in his heart, and then asked everyone to go to his bedroom to rest after dinner like yesterday, and he went to the practice room to exercise first.

In the blink of an eye, it was late at night.

[Tong Arm Fist (Slightly 15% success)]

Li Ming glanced at the proficiency, let out a breath, and then returned to his bedroom, practicing diligently [Secret to the Sutra]




In the blink of an eye, four days passed.

Hope base city, north of the city.


A huge mutated crocodile roared like a beast, but the voice was full of weakness.

Next to it, Tie Jun with a body of steel was panting heavily, and was already paralyzed on the ground, while Li Ming stopped his gun and plunged into the body of the mutated crocodile, then drew his gun and thoroughly understood the situation. The mutated crocodile that has been entangled and killed for a whole day.

"Fuck, it's finally solved. This guy is too difficult to deal with. If the trading center doesn't give us twelve credits, I won't even want to!"

Zhao Sunwu sat aside cursing, looked at the mutant crocodile that died by the river, and opened his mouth with lingering fear.

In order to prevent this mutated crocodile from going back, he hit its tail and was about to hit it on the head, and now he is still a little scared.

"Today is also the last day of such desperate hunting. I heard that the eight supernatural beings from the City Defense Army and the Scouting Army have been cleaning up the mutated zombies. Lei Ming will attack the mutated monster tomorrow. We can relax now."

Tie Jun, who was lying on the ground and was the main force being beaten, grinned, but he couldn't help but smile when he thought that the hunt that had lasted for several days was finally over, and said solemnly.

"The crocodile's scale armor and four long teeth are good. They can be made into armor and daggers. When we get back, we will each share one. Eat more mutated animal meat tonight and have a good rest."

Li Ming wiped the tip of the gun in his hand, and looked at the huge mutated crocodile with a satisfied smile on his lips.

Compared with four days ago, the muscles on his arms and back are obviously more developed. With the continuous hunting these days, he has also practiced [Tongbiquan] in his spare time to master it. the realm.

This made his whole body stronger. When he was fighting the mutated crocodile just now, he relied on even stronger strength to successfully restrain it.

And now, the frenzied hunting that lasted for several days has gradually ended with the injuries and recuperation of several supernatural beings in the base city, such as the dwarf monkey in their team.

As well as other teams, some supernatural beings were injured and rested, and the result was the mutant beasts around the base city. The number of mutant zombies dropped sharply, and the monster Li Ming had met before also failed to recover from his injuries.

It was a black monster with five legs and could not walk smoothly. He noticed that three of the legs were obviously damaged by someone, and he knew it was the result of thunder. He only looked at it from a distance and left. .

But now Lei Ming's strength has been broken through, I'm afraid that tomorrow will be its death date.

Li Ming's words were unanimously agreed by Zhao Sunwu and Tie Jun. The two immediately got up and disassembled the huge mutant crocodile, and then loaded part of it into three vehicles, each of which drove back to the base city.

"If this mutant crocodile counts as twelve meritorious service, then each of us has ten meritorious service. Unfortunately, we can only buy the lowest level."

On the way back, Tie Jun saw the car next to Li Ming's car, driving side by side with emotion: "It's not enough for us to add one piece of that supernatural crystal, but I predict that the base city will definitely trade meritorious service privately in the future, and then go to the trading center to exchange for it." Crystal, you can't take it lightly."

"Don't worry, it will definitely sell for a good price."

Li Ming smiled and responded calmly. Hearing this, Tie Jun smiled and drove past him and chatted with Zhao Sunwu before driving to the front.

Li Ming shook his head in the car. He didn't expect that he couldn't accumulate enough meritorious service in the past few days. Not too big.

Anyway, as long as he is willing to exercise, he can do what this level of supernatural power crystallization can do, sooner or later.

"Tomorrow the RV can be refitted."

Li Ming thought of another matter in his mind, and then couldn't help but look at the message in front of him, with a smile on his face.

[Iron Cloth Shirt (Proficiency 80%)]

"If I had known that fighting and being beaten could increase so quickly, I would have trained you first."

 I can’t find the book, and many brothers should have noticed. During this period of time, let’s take it easy and update [-] a day. You can still read the bookmarked ones. It is recommended to collect and pay attention to old books, just in case of accidents~
(End of this chapter)

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