Chapter 171 Leaving
A monster that only Lei Ming could hurt was killed by Li Ming on the way to escape.

Such a simple matter directly divided Li Ming into a class that surpassed other supernatural beings in the base city. When he learned that he was leaving, he had different thoughts.

"This Li Ming usually doesn't show his face, but he didn't expect to have such an ability. Could it be him who killed the supernatural being?"

In the command center, Adjutant Song squinted his eyes at the burly man in front of him, and couldn't help but speak.

"Their two villas have no traces of switches, and there is no movement of entering or leaving. Although Li Ming is powerful, it is difficult to do this... Whether it is him or not, this matter is over, so don't pursue it anymore."

Lei Ming paused for a moment, then shook his head: "Continue to inform, after Li Ming stays in his house, all the women will take good care of him, and no bullying or exploitation is allowed, and no one is allowed to get close to his women."

Adjutant Song nodded quickly, then turned to notify.

"By the way, doesn't he still have a gathering place of his own? Let someone help to take care of it. If he detects danger in advance, he will take the people there and leave as quickly as possible."

Lei Ming thought of something, and hurriedly ordered.



Tie Jun villa, Tie Jun, Zhao Sunwu, and Short Monkey gathered together, thinking of what happened in the morning, their eyes were a little horrified.

"I never expected that Li Ming would have such ability."

Tie Jun sighed, and then thought of something, couldn't help but said: "You said, that time when hunting wild boars and encountering those four supernatural beings blocking the road and robbing, could it be that Li Ming noticed it first, and then notified Zhao Sunwu to go To check the situation?"

When Tie Jun said this, Zhao Sunwu and Dwarf Monkey both thought of this and couldn't help but looked at each other, and then they were all silent.

"Thinking about it carefully, Li Ming always seems to have a sense of calmness, maybe it is because of his extraordinary strength, after all, even Chief Lei Ming looks at him with admiration."

Tie Jun understood that he couldn't say much about this matter, but he opened his mouth with emotion.

"I should have thought that he is not simple, since he can kill a steel defense ability user without injury at the same time, I should have thought of it."

The dwarf monkey shook his head with a wry smile, touched his newly recovered waist, and sighed.

Fortunately, the recovery ability of the supernatural being is also strong, otherwise he might not be able to recover from the damage he received while hunting mutant beasts.

"Li Ming is on the same team as us. It is a good thing that he is strong. After all, he is the only strong man in the entire base city who can be at the same level as Lei Ming."

Zhao Sunwu didn't open his mouth all the time, and this meeting quickly brought out a thought that he had held back for a long time: "Now Li Ming is a privileged person of the red rank, how is he different from the master of the base city?"

"In my opinion, we might as well focus on him in the future, follow him, and have him protect us on the bright side, and things will be much more convenient. After all, we have the experience of forming a team with Li Ming, so we naturally have this foundation."

Both Dwarf Monkey and Tie Jun's eyes lit up, they couldn't help but nodded, and then they felt rather regretful.

"Unfortunately, Li Ming is not here now, I don't know when he will come back..."

Tie Jun shook his head and spoke, and the dwarf monkey nodded silently.

"No matter when he comes back, he will always come back. Relying on his vigilance, I think the possibility of coming back is very high."

Zhao Sunwu shook his head, his eyes flickered: "These days, let's pay attention to the beauties first, and prepare them for Li Ming, so that when he comes back, we can wash him off."

"It seems to me that Li Ming likes mature women very much. There happened to be quite a few women after the death of those two supernatural beings, and they haven't been properly settled yet. How about..."

Tie Jun's eyes moved, and he spoke with a smile.

"Good idea, I guess Li Ming must like married women."

Zhao Sunwu thought about Qian Ling, then looked at Tie Jun, and spoke seriously.


Next to Li Ming's villa, groups of soldiers were stationed near his villa, setting up defensive positions with steel guns and live ammunition.

Shui Shui consultant's beautiful eyes moved lightly, and his status has risen with Li Ming's promotion, and he has become one of the most privileged ordinary people in the entire base city.

And her task is to serve her master Li Ming well.

Of course, how to serve you will have to wait until the master comes back~~
In the villa area, Qian Ling, Zhou Qian and the other women around were relieved to see the soldiers outside who had built a defensive line around the villa, and felt much more at ease.

"Sisters, these days when my husband is away, we must keep our chastity. Everyone has to wear clothes to cover their skin when they go out, and don't let any man look at it. Wait for him to come back so that he can enjoy it..."

Qian Ling turned her head and said to the woman beside her with a smile, her words immediately received strong support.

"My husband is now a red privileged person in the base city, and our safety is guaranteed. Everyone should be grateful to my husband..."

Zhou Qian, a young woman, followed suit, her face flushed a little as she thought about how Li Ming would hug her without saying a word.

All the girls looked at the direction he left, and they all looked forward to his continued return.




A modified caravan that looks like a large super long truck is driving on the road, and a few women in the caravan are walking around with their cool clothes showing their white skin, showing the novelty of going to a new place.

Xiao Yinyin also ran around in the RV, smiling all over her face, she didn't know what she was having fun with.

"The construction of the Linjiang villa area should have been completed. We have to go there before we leave. According to what we said before, organize a celebration banquet and wait until the banquet is over before we leave."

In the driver's seat, Li Ming looked at the cross-river bridge in front of him, touched Zhang Yuan's head, and said with a smile.

Zhang Yuan's mouth was full and it was inconvenient to speak, so she just nodded vigorously to show she knew.

Li Ming smiled, looked at the vaguely visible outline of Hope Base City in the rear mirror, let out a sigh of relief, and drove the RV to his Linjiang villa area.

Before leaving, he had to take a look at his own base, so that he knew it well.

When Zhang Yuan got up to wash her mouth, the RV also arrived outside this outpost city. The gentle sister Liu Minying took a towel to clean up. The intellectual and charming aura on her body was fully revealed. Her cleaning movements were as gentle and comfortable as human beings.

She looked at the city while cleaning up, and secretly sighed: "I didn't expect to turn around and follow my husband out of here, and now I have a chance to come back. I don't know what happened to those people in Qingfenghaojing before. .”

"They are all busy with the development and construction of Hope Base City, why don't you thank me for saving you from suffering."

Li Ming smiled, looked at the gentle Liu Minying, and wanted to get close to her, so he said.

Liu Minying approached with a smile, her lips touched, and had a gentle interaction~
The city under the sun is very hot, but because there are fewer people and less mental impatience, it seems that it is not as hot as before the end.

This once prosperous city has experienced the great desolation of the doomsday, and also experienced the base city of Hope sending troops to clear up and garrison. It has regained some popularity, but it is still very rare.

Apart from the clan, that is, some folk adventure teams, scattered and hiding in some corners of the city.

With the development of the city, the important supplies were naturally taken away by the people of Hope Base City, but there were always some things that they didn't like, but were very important to the common people. These were the vitality of these adventure groups.

The huge caravan slowly walked into the city, heading all the way to the destination. After a while, the Linjiang villa area appeared in sight.

The towering sentry tower on the roof of the villa area seems to have been rebuilt and turned into a brick wall style. In addition to repelling horses, a very tall iron gate was added at the entrance, and a section of the wall was also heightened and reinforced.

It can be seen that as the dangers of the city have been eliminated, Linjiang Villa District, which has seized the opportunity, has developed fairly well during this period of time.

All the defensive measures were opened after Li Ming got off the car. Zhou Cheng, Chen Qiang, Liu Li, and Yang Ruo went out to greet them with everyone in the gathering place in surprise.

"Boss, I can't even recognize your car. The paint on the outside has been changed to a protective color. If you didn't get down, I would have thought it was someone who came. It made the guards vigilant."

Zhou Cheng followed Li Ming, couldn't help smiling, but couldn't help looking at Li Ming's car, secretly feeling this giant steel like a moving castle.

This is just like a big tantalum.

"It is safe to change the car, and the ability to deal with various accidents will also be strengthened."

Li Ming smiled, and then looked around, and found that the villa area was planted with seeds and vegetables except for the road and some particularly precious trees, and there was even a canal leading from the Huajiang River. Come and irrigate around through ditches.

"It's been doing well these days. I see that the sentry towers have been replaced with brick walls, and a section of the fence has begun to be thickened and raised. How about the crops in the field? Is it okay?"

Li Ming looked at the surrounding environment and said with a smile.

"During the days you left, Zhou Cheng and we worked together to cut down some unimportant trees, and even dug out the roots, and then went outside to find a soil rotary machine, and quickly turned over all the ground. Once again, and then planted the land together, with food and vegetables.”

"Later, we got rid of those management teams and found an excavator to dig the canals. We often carried fertilizers on the water. All the crops and vegetables in the field were well taken care of. Zhou Cheng took the men to find the bricks and whistles in his free time. The tower was newly built."

Yang Ruo followed closely beside Li Ming, smiled sweetly, and looked at Zhang Yuan on the other side frequently: "You brought your wife, do you want to stay here for a while?"

"No way, my husband wants to go home and have a look. Time is tight. I am here this time to think of everyone's hard work in building the base city. Let me organize a celebration party to reward everyone."

Zhang Yuan can be said to be well dressed today, her already more beautiful body is even more beautiful, she said with a smile after hearing Yang Ruo's words.

 wait for another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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