Chapter 173
As night fell, the world became quiet. In the caravan, the family sat together for dinner. Li Ming smiled and looked at the girls beside him, and made an important decision.

Grant abilities!

In fact, Li Ming loves every woman very much, but after all, Zhang Yuan and Xu Yunyun represent different meanings, so they always occupy Li Ming's right-hand man.

The dinner went on as usual. During the meal, Li Ming said something with a different meaning: "Everyone, don't rush to leave after dinner. I have something to say."

"What does uncle want to say, can Yinyin stay too?"

Hearing Li Ming's words, Xiao Yinyin asked quickly, for fear that she would not be able to participate in such an important event, which would make her seem unimportant.

"Of course, Yinyin is our little baby, so important matters must be left behind."

Li Ming said with a smile, Yinyin immediately became happy, and then quickly sat down on the chair and ate a big mouthful. She wanted to finish the meal quickly so that she could participate in the next major family event.

"What's the matter, Yinyin can also participate?"

Chen Li touched her daughter's head with a smile, and then asked curiously.

The method of obtaining the supernatural power was too intense, and they were exhausted immediately after absorbing the rich energy. It was Li Ming who cleaned them up and hugged them on the bed to rest again.

Moreover, although ordinary people suffer extreme pain after awakening their abilities, even to the extent that they can turn people into lunatics, they can also obtain corresponding powerful power at the same moment of awakening, but Li Ming's pure abilities Crystallization does not.

It is precisely this reason that after Li Ming's ability crystal is triggered, even if the ability is awakened, it will not be particularly obvious, and he needs to be reminded to notice it, while the former can have a very intuitive feeling.

"Everyone is a family, why do you say these out-of-the-ordinary things?"

Seeing Liu Fang's appearance, Li Ming smiled and opened his mouth, and then pressed on the back of her palm without waiting for her to agree.

Yinyin exclaimed and couldn't wait to try.

Li Ming opened his mouth with a smile. Hearing the sound, Yinyin opened her eyes again and again, her little face turned red: "Uncle, has Yinyin obtained a supernatural power?"

"I've got it, Yinyin, hurry up and feel how you feel now?"

Zhang Yuan also touched her head with a smile, and said, Yinyin naturally nodded happily.

"Husband, are you talking about the supernatural powers of those supernatural beings?"

"Ah, really, Yin Yin try."

After Liu Fang left, Chen Li couldn't help but kissed Li Ming on the mouth, and entangled him fiercely, and after a long time she panted and said: "Husband, thank you, I also saved it for Yinyin and my mother. "

Yinyin couldn't figure out why the aunts had to take a bath first, but it didn't stop her excitedly wanting to get the supernatural power. Li Ming pampered her head, and after thinking about it, he took out a [Comprehensive Body Enhancement] from the backpack. The pure supernatural crystal nucleus swayed in front of Yin Yin.

Just imagine, when one day you learn that you will get supernatural powers, who can understand the happiness and excitement?

"Auntie, this is a power ability. After you get it, you can continue to increase your strength as long as you exercise. You can also exercise with Yinyin in the future."

At night, Li Ming took a look at the proficiency of the secret scriptures, and couldn't help but let out a long breath, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, open your mouth to eat, oops, I'm so excited."

"Yes, it is those magical abilities."

With diligent practice, especially with the existence of Zhao Mei's special physique, the degree of proficiency in the secret scriptures has increased gratifyingly.

Zhao Mei and Xu Xiu who were sleeping on their upper bunk also fell asleep slowly.

The night passed quietly.

Zhang Yuan and Chen Li know this kind of feeling best, so they can feel the most --- in this life, it is really a lucky opportunity for three lives to meet someone like her husband!

"Do you want to have supernatural powers?"

"Auntie, don't worry, since you are ready, everyone must have it, and the supernatural power may prolong your life in the future, or reduce the probability of injury, this piece is for you prepare."

Yinyin nodded repeatedly, and closed her eyes obediently.

Xu Yunyun, who was sitting next to Li Ming, couldn't sit still for a while, and couldn't help but opened her eyes wide and couldn't wait to ask in surprise.

Liu Minying, steel defense ability.

Liu Fang felt her body heat up, and her strength seemed to increase a lot in the next moment. She struggled in place for a while, and then thanked Li Ming. Seeing the situation of several young people, she took the initiative to take Yin Yin back rest.

Li Ming was afraid that the scene of the crystal melting into the body would leave a psychological shadow on the child, so he said this purposely.

Xu Yunyun jumped up and down excitedly on the spot, and Li Ming, who had the same small and well-proportioned ass like Xu Xiu, smiled. Hold back the excitement and eat quickly.


【Secretly Passed on to the Scriptures (Perfect 30%)】

Liu Fang looked at this scene kindly, seeing that her granddaughter also got the supernatural power, she was about to drag Yin Yin back to sleep, but she was called to stop by Li Ming when she made a move just now.

"That means the supernatural ability has entered Yinyin's body. Come on, Yinyin will try to see if her strength has become stronger than before."

Li Ming smoothly pressed the purification power crystal onto Yinyin's small hand, and the crystal dissipated instantly, sinking into Yinyin's body.

Not long after, the meal was finished quickly, Xu Yunyun went directly to the bathroom to take a shower, and followed Xu Xiu to a bathroom, where Liu Minying and Zhao Mei simply squeezed together in their bathroom and washed together.

"Ah, me too?"

"Twenty-one, all right, Yinyin quickly opens her eyes."

The restaurant was so sensational that it was about to explode. Li Ming was kissed mercilessly by several women, even Zhao Mei was no exception. She was so moved that she shed tears.

Liu Fang was taken aback, and couldn't help but said in astonishment, and then waved her hand in embarrassment: "Well, I'm quite old, so let's leave this thing for you young people, how can I use this."

When Xu Yunyun, Xu Xiu, Liu Minying, and Zhao Mei came out after cleaning up, the ability granting began to unfold.

Only Zhang Yuan and Chen Li looked at each other and smiled, knowing clearly.

"Then Yinyin will also exercise with the aunts in the future."

"Okay, listen to uncle, three..."

Why rush to take a bath?
"Yinyin needs to awaken her abilities first!"

This thought flashed through his mind, and Li Ming glanced at [Iron Cloth Shirt] whose proficiency had stagnated because he hadn't practiced and shook his head. Yunyun and Zhang Yuan fell asleep.

Li Ming ate several lipsticks of different flavors, lifted Zhang Yuan's leg and rubbed it, and then said helplessly.

"Husband, don't talk nonsense about the fact that I can help people obtain supernatural powers. The price is very high. If it is spread, it will inevitably arouse the covetousness of those who are interested. It will not be a good thing then."

"Yinyin, this is the supernatural crystal nucleus, do you want it?"

Li Ming smiled, looked around, and spoke softly.

Li Ming asked with a smile, Yinyin nodded excitedly, bouncing up and down: "I want, Yinyin wants."

In the living room, Li Ming watched with a smile as Yinyin moved the dumbbell, and then amidst the exclamation that she couldn't believe herself, she really picked up the ten-pound dumbbell.

Li Ming spoke with a smile, and then took an iron block that Yinyin could not hold at all, and handed it to Yinyin.

The girls were taken aback for a moment, and all of them focused their eyes on him.

Zhao Mei, the power-enhancing ability.

"Generally, a five-year-old child can lift about five catties at most. Yinyin used to have this strength, but now that she can lift a dumbbell weighing ten catties, her strength has doubled... Maybe it's because of the child's strength. s reason."

Li Ming understood in his heart, and then rubbed Yinyin's head with a smile: "How about it, Yinyin, your strength has become stronger. This is just the beginning. Next, as long as Yinyin works hard every day, your strength will increase." It's getting bigger and bigger, and the speed will be faster and faster, how about it, can't you drive happily."


Yinyin, who had great fantasies about these abilities, was a little disappointed when she saw that she could only lift such a small piece, but now she became happy after hearing what Li Ming said, and nodded with a smile: "Happy!" ,happy!"

Li Ming smiled and took out a piece of [Power Crystal] and said to Liu Fang.

And... a strong sense of surprise.

Xu Xiu has the ability to comprehensively strengthen her body.

Li Ming's power crystallization is different from the feeling of ordinary people when they awaken their powers. Ordinary people's awakening power factors will suffer pain comparable to ancient torture due to the existence of chaos factors, but Li Ming's power-inducing factors are pure and completely free. feel.

Xu Yunyun has the ability to comprehensively strengthen her body.

Li Ming spoke with a smile, Chen Li's eyes were blurred, she looked at him seriously, and said in a soft voice: "Husband~ want me~"

Zhang Yuan ate up the leftover residue from her husband's mouth, wiped off the lipstick on her legs, put her back into Li Ming's arms, and said with a smile.

"If everything goes well, you should be able to get home tomorrow."

"Let's eat quickly, no matter how excited you are, you have to eat."

"Alright then, Yinyin closes her eyes, gets ready, and listen to uncle say three two one is good."

Li Ming spoke with a smile, and Yinyin said quickly: "Yinyin felt hot all over her body, but she recovered soon."

Li Ming touched Xu Yunyun's head with a smile, and said with a smile, the girls around the dining table immediately exclaimed in disbelief.

The next morning, all the girls who had obtained supernatural powers happily went out to exercise together, taking advantage of the morning time to squander their energy.

And the way to squander energy is——a very effective Tai Chi 24 posture!
They have practiced this kung fu so far, and they have already developed a little bit of this kung fu. At least when they fight, they can have a very strong exercise effect on the whole body.

It is conceivable that in time, there will be more surprises waiting for them.

Li Ming looked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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