Chapter 176
"There is a supermarket outside the campus, and there are no mutant zombies or monsters nearby, but they seem to be very short of food... Is it because there are no supernatural powers or special warriors?"

Now that the world has changed drastically, if one has been studying martial arts in depth before the doomsday, and can still get the true biography, then after the doomsday comes, he can also have extraordinary power.

Li Ming, who was practicing martial arts by himself, did not underestimate the martial artists. Except for himself, the martial arts in the hands of Li Dingguo and the Shanwu monk were brilliant, and naturally this special force was included in the calculation.

In addition, it is currently known that the supernatural beings can cause fatal and effective damage to zombies alone. It goes without saying, but at present, judging from the situation of the cafeteria gathering place, it seems that no one in the school does not exist.

So here comes the question... Under such circumstances, how did they gather here, and how did they survive for so long in the apocalypse?
Li Ming was a little puzzled, but seeing that apart from the unfamiliar students, there were basically familiar teachers here, especially Teacher Zhang Nana, so he was a little confused, and planned to ask about it later.

Looking at the second floor of the cafeteria through the modified RV, many people were attracted by the movement of the modified RV, including Zhang Nana, a young teacher whom Li Ming missed when he was in college.

Li Ming didn't know if the other party could see him, but he looked at her with a smile on his face, and then drove the modified RV and slowly parked at the entrance of the cafeteria.


The howling of the zombies became weaker and weaker, accompanied by a terrifying howling sound, as if some monster was constantly devouring those monsters.

The movement from outside the campus made everyone feel a little joy in their hearts, and they were all looking forward to whether Master Li Dingguo had gone and returned, and returned here again.

The hope of life is in front of your eyes for a moment, and no one can help being excited about it.

Finally, the roar of the zombies was completely cleared up. Under the nervous gaze of everyone in the cafeteria, a modified RV, which looked like an extended version of a large heavy truck and equipped with tracks, drove in while everyone was stunned.

"Master Li Dingguo came back in a car?"

"I'll go, what an awesome RV."

"This RV looks really safe!"

The moment they saw the RV, although they were not sure if Li Dingguo was coming, at least they could be sure that it was a human being and not a monster. Everyone felt a little more relaxed, and suddenly they couldn't control their joy. Express your excitement.

As long as it's human, not monsters.

Zhang Nana was also watching the RV approaching slowly, her mood was the same as that of the cheering people around, but she didn't speak, but was watching the RV below closely.

Under the sunshine, she stood on a high place again, and she couldn't see who was sitting in the driving seat at all, but this did not hinder Zhang Nana's determination to slowly firm up in her heart.

This time, she must seize the opportunity to get out from here!

There are no supernatural beings, no food, if you stay here, you will die! sure to seize the opportunity and get out there.

And the owner of the caravan in front of him may be the only chance.

Zhang Nana pursed her lips and was looking at the RV below when the crowd around her suddenly swarmed away.

Zhang Nana couldn't help looking back, and was shocked to find that they had all surrounded the stairs of the cafeteria with enthusiasm.

"The owner of this caravan is our only chance. Everyone must please him later. Whether we can get out alive depends on this one time."

"Enthusiasm, must be enthusiasm!"

Excited shouts came from around, and Zhang Nana froze in place for a moment, unexpectedly, everyone had the same thoughts as her!
Yes, being stuck here for so long is enough to prove that staying here can only wait for death.

The only hope before, Master Li Dingguo left, and now they are in a desperate situation, and this modified RV that can break through the siege of zombies will be their only hope, a life-saving straw!
At this point in my mind, I realized that Zhang Nana also wanted to go to the stairs like them, so that the man who drove the RV could see herself as soon as she came up, which would definitely help her further contact and understanding in the future.

Thinking of this in Zhang Nana's mind, she couldn't help but wanted to go to the stairs, but the crowd was already crowded, and her weak body couldn't squeeze in at all.

Some people even deliberately control not to let others squeeze in, as if to seize more advantages for themselves.

Under such circumstances, the stairs were full of people at once, and Zhang Nana only felt that the human wall standing in front of her was more difficult to break through than the iron wall.

The only hope, the straw of life-saving is in front of you, but you can't even get close, Zhang Nana jumps anxiously and is about to cry, but there is nothing to do with this human wall, she can only stand outside in a hurry .

It came from downstairs when the brakes were on. Zhang Nana knew that the one who was driving a caravan was the only one who could leave here. The one who survived might have already got out of the car and was about to come here.

Thinking of this, Zhang Nana became even more anxious, and the crowd became more excited and crowded even tighter. Zhang Nana couldn't squeeze in even more, so she could only stand behind the crowd anxiously.

After being anxious for a while, footsteps suddenly came from the stairs. Everyone looked down, and saw a sunny and strong man with a high figure, a handsome face, and very three-dimensional features coming from downstairs.

An inexplicable aura rose from the strong man, making people unable to help but want to cast their eyes on him, and what was even more shocking was the feeling of palpitations that rushed to their faces.

It's like... meeting a hungry tiger in the wilderness.

"Dong dong dong..."

Everyone in the crowd felt their heart beating in an instant, but was overwhelmed by excitement in the next instant.

"Brother, can you take us out of here, please!"

"Brother, please, take us out of here, there are too many zombies outside, and we are desperate, we don't even have a gun, we can't fight, and we don't dare to get food, now the food is fast It’s all eaten up, there’s nothing I can do!”

"We can't live here anymore, take us away, thank you!"

"Handsome guy, take me away, I'll give myself to you."

In an instant, the crowd was in a state of commotion, and the faces of the people in the front row almost immediately revealed a look of uncontrollable bitterness. Everyone couldn't help begging, and kept begging the man in front of him in various ways.

"Get up, everyone, he is mine, my student, and I should be the one who welcomes him!"

Suddenly, excited shouts came from behind, maybe they were so excited that the voice was so loud that everyone could understand what Zhang Nana said, and everyone couldn't help looking behind but saw Zhang Nana The teacher jumped up and down excitedly and kept waving his arms, trying to make himself more noticeable.

The newcomer, the straw to save the people, is teacher Zhang Nana's student?
This message flashed in her mind, and the crowd couldn't help but disperse in astonishment. Zhang Nana seized the opportunity to squeeze out from the back of the crowd, and then saw the student she was very familiar with at a glance.

Familiarity with Gein was impressive, because Li Ming was the first student she met over the years to pick on her.

She felt a little ridiculous before, but now seeing this student who used to study in her class, she was so excited that she wanted to cry.

"Li Ming, do you remember me? I'm Zhang Nana, your college English teacher."

At this moment, Zhang Nana seemed to have a thousand words in her heart, but considering that the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, Zhang Nana still suppressed her excitement, was very nervous, asked hesitantly, and looked at him closely with her beautiful eyes .




Hearing, vision, smell, taste, and touch are the five senses of the human body, and all human information perception of the outside world basically comes from these five senses.

However, after becoming a supernatural person, Li Ming's senses, especially those of Li Ming, who became more and more powerful under the practice of martial arts, became stronger, especially when he deliberately perceived something.

Just like now, walking from downstairs to upstairs is only in the process, although Li Ming has not seen anyone yet, Li Ming has already heard and felt that the stairs are full of people.

There is no need to think about motivation.

After using telekinetic power, this feeling became clearer, but what made him raise his eyebrows was that his English teacher Zhang Nana was squeezed out of the crowd.

"Are you glad I came?"

Li Ming thought about it, but then shook his head again. He could feel that Teacher Zhang Nana probably didn't recognize him. After all, it was really hard to tell him from upstairs in the car just now.

So, is it because you feel anxious because you can't better grasp this chance of survival?
So, when she knew that her only life-saving straw was would she choose?
Thinking in his heart, Li Ming also walked up the stairs boldly, and climbed the stairs in a short time. In front of his eyes, there were a group of ordinary survivors, and the exit of the stairs was full of people.

"Brother, can you take us out of here, please!"

"Brother, please, take us out of here, there are too many zombies outside, and we are desperate, we don't even have a gun, we can't fight, and we don't dare to get food, now the food is fast It’s all eaten up, there’s nothing I can do!”


The moment they came out, one after another voices came from the mouths surrounding the stairway in front of them. They tried their best and couldn't wait to use up their subjective momentum to confide to the man in front.

Li Ming frowned when he heard that, he automatically blocked the information, and looked at Teacher Zhang Nana's position, and as his gaze moved, a voice sounded from the front.

"Get up, all of you, he is mine, my student, and I should be the one who welcomes him!"

Teacher Zhang Nana's excited voice came from the front, and the crowd relaxed after hearing her voice. She immediately seized the opportunity to walk from the outside to the inside. in front of you.

"Li Ming, do you remember me? I'm Zhang Nana, your college English teacher."

These eyes were full of hesitation, nervousness and anticipation. Li Ming met her gaze and smiled on his face: "Of course I remember, Teacher Zhang Nana, long time no see."

"Long time no see, long time no see."

When Zhang Nana heard Li Ming's voice, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. She couldn't help wiping it away, and stared blankly at the man in front of her: "Li Ming, can you... take me away?"

"Mr. Zhang wants to go with me?"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "To be honest, Teacher Zhang, I am taking the women back to my hometown now. If you follow me, you will follow me back to my hometown. Why, would you like to go back to my hometown?" ?"

Li Ming opened his mouth with a smile, followed him and looked at Zhang Nana who opened her mouth to answer, but raised her hand to stop her: "Mr. Zhang, please don't rush to answer my questions, I just have some doubts that need to be answered in the gathering place If someone answered, why don't you come and have a chat with me first?"

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

Zhang Nana nodded quickly, then took a step forward obediently, and walked to the nearest position inside.

Li Ming looked at Zhang Nana's eyes, smiled, then looked at the other people in front of them who were staring blankly at them, and opened his mouth to say: "It's already noon now, you should eat your lunch first, as for other things , I will talk about it after I finish talking with my teacher Zhang Nana."

After finishing speaking, Li Ming took Mr. Zhang Nana downstairs amidst the enthusiasm of the crowd, and let them chatter upstairs. Some people wanted to follow but he stopped them, and finally walked down from the second floor Only Li Ming and Teacher Zhang Nana.

When she came down from the upstairs, Zhang Nana followed Li Ming closely, as if she wanted to stick to him. She didn't stop until she stopped outside the cafeteria. Zhang Nana almost bumped into him.

"Why do the people in the gathering place stay here all the time? No one wants to collect food?"

Li Ming turned around with a smile, looked at her and asked softly.

"Yes, but they are all dead. There were male students who wanted to go before, but they couldn't stand the attack of zombies at all. If it weren't for a martial arts master who came to help us collect food later, we might not be able to resist the present at all."

Zhang Nana nodded quickly, and then said with a sigh.

"Oh? Martial arts master? Doesn't anyone suddenly have a lot of power to show off?"

Li Ming was a little depressed, and then he couldn't help asking, to make sure if there were really supernatural beings here.

"Yes, that martial arts master is called Li Dingguo, and no one has shown any strong power. You are talking about supernatural beings. Master Li Dingguo said it, but unfortunately none of us have it."

Zhang Nana nodded seriously, Qiongbai's jade head shook, and the familiar voice brought Li Ming directly to the English class he remembered.

Li Ming couldn't help looking at Zhang Nana, front, back, left, right... These were the places he wanted to find out most when he was in college.

'The places I once wanted to see, I still want to see now, I am really a good boy who never changes his mind and sticks to it! '



(End of this chapter)

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