Chapter 186 Fuck With Me?
Wan Fang was dripping with cold sweat as he looked at the giant bull slowly passing under the defensive barrier wall, and the man beside him who also exuded a terrifying aura.

Just now he wanted to stop this cow from entering the city, but in an instant he saw Li Ming frowning, and in that instant Wan Fang felt his heart was going to burst.

A supernatural person must be a supernatural person!
Raising mutant beasts has such power and influence, apart from supernatural beings, Wan Fang can't think of any other possibilities!
Li Ming is the first supernatural person that Wan Fang has known in this world other than the two chiefs, and when he thinks that the other party has broken the rules as soon as he enters the city, especially when he has to meet with the chief in charge of the management department later. When the relatives were looking for someone, Wan Fang was even more muttering in his heart.

After the mutated buffalo entered the city, he realized that this man would not succumb to the power of lust. The relative of the head of the management department is notoriously troublesome...

"Nothing will happen."

Wan Fang murmured in his heart and couldn't help thinking of this. He looked at the parking lot on the side, and there were a few cars parked here and there. When the county town just started to gather survivors to set up a gathering place, there were also a few people who came from the road. They came back, but without exception, all their properties were confiscated, and then they were brought in personally.

As for those oil trucks, those that can still be used are dismantled, and the remaining frames are just thrown outside.

Like this master, he just drove the car in, didn't turn in a single thing, and even violated the rules and brought out the mutant beast, which Wanfang had never seen before.

But... It seems that such a scary guy has never come in before, right?
Wan Fang murmured in his heart, when he saw the big cart and giant bull coming in, he quickly waved for someone to close the passage.

During the process, he carefully observed the huge buffalo, and saw that its eyes were calm and docile, and he was really relieved.

'Don't let any dangerous things enter the gathering place' is the rule of the commander... Shouldn't this cow be counted?

"Do you know where the people from the Tudian are? If you know, take me there. If you don't know, take me to see the people in the management office."

Seeing that the RV and the mutated buffalo had entered the gathering place, Li Ming nodded in satisfaction, and then asked the man beside him.

In fact, his heart is far from being as calm as he appears to be. Many people in the Tudian survived, especially the mutated yellow dog that Wan Fang said was protecting the safety of one party, which made him suddenly think of Ah Huang who was raised in his hometown. .


Thinking of this possibility, Li Ming's heart thumped, and a sense of joy soared to the sky, but he couldn't help but feel a faint sense of worry.

The beating speed of the heart increased slightly, and Li Ming almost couldn't wait to go back and see if there were any survivors in the Tudian, including his parents and relatives!
He suppressed the excitement, tried his best to appear calm, and said to the man beside him.

"I really don't know where the Tudian is. I belong to the Yedian, but I know where the management office is. Please, please."

Wan Fang was all smiles, he quickly pointed to the steps leading down from upstairs, and respectfully asked Li Ming to go down.

Li Ming leaped and jumped directly from the city wall. Amid Wan Fang's astonished expression, he calmly jumped to the ground and looked back at him.

It was only then that Wan Fang remembered that the other party jumped up suddenly, he suddenly woke up, and asked the people around him to look at the door, he hurried down the stairs, and then boarded a tram to lead the way.

Li Ming didn't go back to the RV either. When he walked to the window, he saw that Zhang Yuan told her to drive carefully and keep up with her in the cab. Move forward slowly.

He looked at the tram the other party was riding, his eyes moved slightly.

From the doomsday to now, the power of any tram should have been gone long ago, but the other party was able to use something like a tram, which only proves one thing - this gathering place also has the means of generating electricity, and the power output has not been stopped due to power outages.

And if there is electricity, everyone's life will be much more convenient.

The food.

"They're all farming..."

Li Ming thought about what the man said just now, and silently scanned his surroundings.

Pieces of farmland have been recultivated and sown. Obviously, the farming industry here has been guaranteed, but I don't know... how ordinary people live.

He followed the man for more than ten kilometers, and finally saw the existence of living people. Groups of farmers with hoes and shovels began to go down to the fields to drain water while the weather was slightly clear.

In the front, there is another reinforced concrete city wall under construction, but due to the heavy rain, the construction on the construction site has stopped, and it is empty.

Li Mingnian glanced at the group of farmers vigorously, but found that he did not see any acquaintances. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then rode the mutated buffalo to the outside of the inner city wall blocking the road.

"Wan Fang, what's the matter with your mother, I don't know that dangerous things are not allowed to be brought in, you can get this fucking gram to get me here, and you even lead such a big buffalo, the one with the fur I'm going to roll down, do I have eyes, I'm so impatient to live so arrogantly in the city, Temal Gobi."

As soon as the group of people walked outside the gate of the inner city wall that had just been built, a man with a whip came forward with a fierce expression on his face, and reprimanded the man leading the way. Shen, holding a long whip, came over.

The veins on Li Ming's forehead twitched, and he looked at the man walking in front of him and muttered to himself: "Really, I haven't seen such an arrogant person in front of me for a long time..."

"What the hell am I talking about, you bastard, you can't hear me, right? Get the hell out of here."

The ruthless man put his foot up to stop Wan Fang, who was about to say something, and strode up to Li Ming's mutated cow, only to find that the cow was a bit big, and felt a little palpitated for a while, but he felt relieved when he saw the cow's "honesty" He breathed a sigh of relief, and then seeing that the young man sitting on the back of the bull hadn't moved, his eyes were hardened, and he raised his whip and whipped it up.

"You don't fucking know that I'm a city guard..."


Li Ming took the whip with one hand, and then grabbed the whip into his hand. The man who was pulling staggered and nearly fell, and then walked down slowly.

"On the contrary, you dare to take..."

The man with the whip was full of anger, and suddenly pulled out the knife pinned to his waist. Li Ming calmly stepped forward, snatched the knife from his hand, and chopped off his arm holding the whip just now.


"How dare you hurt me, I'll let you down... ah!"

The man with a sinister face screamed in an instant, and Li Ming chopped off his other hand with a knife, and then slapped him on the face.


There was a dull sound, all the teeth in the man's mouth were smashed, and he fell to the ground in an instant. The severe pain caused his legs to struggle continuously, but he couldn't utter a word, he could only let out a sound from his throat. Shouts of unknown meaning.

"When someone is dead, burn it with fire. No one is allowed to touch him without me."

Li Ming casually inserted a knife into the man's toenails to wake him up, then he stood up lightly, said something lightly to the man who was kicked by the man in the middle of the vagina and still struggling to get up, and then looked at the man. to the front.

"You dare to kill the city guard!"

Several men guarding the gate were full of anger at Li Ming. Perhaps they were domineering and used to seeing men on the ground miserable. This group of men was not afraid to run away, but charged forward aggressively with weapons.

Li Ming sneered at the corner of his mouth, strode forward, and slapped one hand over the other. With his speed, those people had no time to react, their teeth were smashed, their legs were broken, and their arms twitched and fell to the ground. on the ground.

"It seems that the atmosphere in this gathering place in my hometown is not very friendly. Why are they all so violent?"

Li Ming then shook his hands, walked up to the man who had forgotten the pain in his genitals and stood up tremblingly, and asked doubtfully, "Are they usually this violent?"

The lower yin was attacked, and Wan Fang was in pain.

There was cold sweat on his forehead, but he knew that it was not because of pain, but because of fear.

There was only one thought in his mind—bad!
The two chiefs regained the world and established the city. After the initial panic, these fellows who were originally the chiefs of the Xiangdang found that there was a chief sheltering in this unruly world, and they could almost do whatever they wanted by relying on their relationship with the chief.

Their IQ drops sharply when they are used to committing crimes, and the habits they have developed over the past few days have already formed them. As long as they are not the leader's relatives, or even the leader himself, they can do whatever they want.

No matter how big things are done, there is nothing wrong with having leaders take care of them, they just can play with them at will, without any scruples.

But now... Wan Fang knows that they hit the iron plate!
The leader of the gathering place has extraordinary abilities, and this young man is no different. These idiots have brought disaster to the gathering place!
As a member of the county gathering place, Wan Fang has no other ideas, only the idea that a gathering place can develop steadily and ordinary people like himself can live safely under this doomsday.

At this moment, under Li Ming's questioning, his brain was full of thoughts, but before he could think of the answer, he heard the man in front of him speak again.

"By the way, no one is allowed to help them. Since you have the idea of ​​killing, then you should taste the taste of being killed. After they die, they will be burned as well, so as not to pollute one side."

Li Ming suddenly smiled and said, with a flash of light like a god in his eyes: "Such a person can be a city guard in a grand manner. I feel sincerely worried about the security of the gathering place."

"Now, take me to the management office immediately to meet the person who can find the information of the survivors of the registered earthen store, and lead me to find them, and then take me to meet the city leaders. I will punish them with an incurable crime."

Li Ming's heart was as cold as the way he killed people, that there were such people in the gathering place of his hometown. He looked at Wan Fang, and the other party trembled three times.

"Okay, okay, this way please, this way please..."

Thousands of words flashed in Wan Fang's mind, and finally the corners of his mouth twitched, leading the way.

(End of this chapter)

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