Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 189 The Admired Neighbor and Acquaintance

Chapter 189 The Admired Neighbor and Acquaintance

Marriage and love are difficult problems that many people have to face. Although Li Ming is young, his parents' ideas are still very old, especially his mother, who worries about how to find a daughter-in-law every day.

Originally, the end was coming, and Li Ming's parents didn't think about these things anymore, but when Li Ming took the initiative to say it, they also remembered it instantly. They were very happy to hear that their son had found a wife.

But what they never expected was...there are many daughter-in-laws!
Both Liu Jianyun and Li Chengshu were a little dazed, until Li Ming opened the car door and saw all the women standing in the RV before they realized it.

"Son, you mean...they are all your daughters-in-law?"

Li Ming's mother looked around and saw that these women were all very beautiful, she couldn't help being a little dazed, and asked her son in astonishment.

Li Chengshu on the side opened his eyes wide, looking straight at his son.

"Hey, mom, let me introduce you to each other."

Li Ming chuckled, knowing that this was something he would have to face sooner or later, so he got into the car first and pulled out Zhang Yuan, who had obviously been carefully dressed.

"Mom and Dad, this is your son's first woman named Zhang Yuan."

Li Ming pulled Zhang Yuan in front of his parents and said with a smile.

"Hello, uncle, auntie."

Zhang Yuan was a little overwhelmed by Li Ming's actions, but she still came to her senses and said with some embarrassment on her face.

"Uh, hello girl, hello girl."

Liu Jianyun and Li Chengshu were taken aback by Li Ming's manipulation. Seeing such a beautiful woman greeting them at this moment, they were stunned for a moment before they quickly reacted and responded.

This is not over yet.

"This is Chen Li, my second woman, and now my second daughter-in-law."

Liu Jianyun and Li Chengshu looked at it and found that he was a playboy, just like the first one.

"This is Xu Xiu, my third woman, and now my third daughter-in-law."

Liu Jianyun and Li Chengshu looked at it, and they were also successful players.

"This is Xu Yunyun, my fourth woman, by the way, she is also Xu Xiu's younger sister."

Liu Jianyun and Li Chengshu took a second look, this should be someone who didn't make it.

"This is Liu Minying, doctor, my fifth woman. Our family can always find her if we have any headaches in the future."

Liu Jianyun and Li Chengshu nodded with a smile. Seeing the woman's demeanor, she knew she was stable.

"This is Zhao Mei, my sixth woman."

Liu Jianyun and Li Chengshu took a look. This girl is... a little older.

"This is Zhang Nana, my college English teacher and my seventh woman."

Liu Jianyun and Li Chengshu smiled, this is a man of culture.

"This is Deng Yu, the teacher in the class next door to me when I was in college. She mainly helped out with some chores at home, and she was also my woman."

Liu Jianyun and Li Chengshu nodded, this is also a play.

"This is Wen Yan'er, my junior, who hasn't officially started yet."

Liu Jianyun and Li Chengshu took a closer look, and saw that the girl's legs were tight and her face was flushed, but she didn't show any resistance.

"This is Run Yuyu, who is also my junior, but she is already your daughter-in-law."

Liu Jianyun took a closer look, it doesn't look like it has been eaten?

"This is Mu Qingqing, my school girl, and my daughter-in-law."

Liu Jianyun is sure this time that neither of these two girls has been eaten, so are they keeping it?

Before she could figure this out, Liu Jianyun watched a woman about her own age walk out of the car with a little girl in her arms.

Liu Jianyun suddenly turned pale with shock: "Son, this is also your woman, right?"

"Ahem, this isn't it. Her name is Liu Fang, she is my mother-in-law, and Chen Li's mother. This cutie is Xiao Yinyin, Chen Li's daughter."

Li Ming coughed dryly and quickly explained.

Only then did Liu Jianyun heave a sigh of relief, and then saw Liu Fang, who was blushing, hastily went to make amends, and at the same time took the initiative to take Xiao Yinyin enthusiastically, and hugged her intimately.

The atmosphere on the court was a bit inexplicable, more than a dozen women surrounded Li Ming's parents, and they were a little unexpected for such a scene.

But at the same time, there was an inexplicable sense of relief—the barrier was opened, and they could appear openly!
Zhang Yuan accompanied Li Ming's mother, watching this scene with a smile on her face.

She knew that they had completely become a family now.

"Son, put these daughter-in-laws aside for now. Tell Dad, what's the matter with such a big cow?"

When all the girls were bustling around, Li Ming's father approached him and couldn't help but ask the mutated buffalo standing leisurely beside him.

"It, it is the mutant beast I tamed. On the way back, I saw that it was frightened, and there was no living person around, so I brought it back."

Li Ming smiled, then looked at the sky, and then said: "Let's not stay here, let's go home first."

"Ah yes, I was so busy talking, I didn't think about it, what are we doing here, go home, go home."

Li Ming's mother quickly reacted, and then said with a smile, and then the girls hurried into the car, and Li Ming's parents also sat on it, and continued to greet the girls with a smile.

"Wang Wang~"

Rhubarb was still barking and circling around Li Ming, sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail very cheerfully, but sometimes looked solemnly at the mutated buffalo.

"Rhubarb, you have done a good job of protecting your master and neighbors these days. This is your reward."

Li Ming rubbed Rhubarb's head and said with a smile, but he was a little emotional. He didn't expect that the so-called mutated dog in the so-called earth shop to protect the neighbors turned out to be his Rhubarb.

But unexpectedly, he was also a little happy. Rhubarb grew up in his parents since he was a child, and the relationship between people and pets is deep. It is undoubtedly a very good thing that Rhubarb can break through and become a mutant dog.


Hearing Li Ming's words, the mutant dog snorted, sat on the ground wagging its tail, and looked at him with bright eyes.

"If only there were channels of communication with these animals."

Li Ming looked at Rhubarb, then at the buffalo beside him, and suddenly said with some emotion, then rubbed Rhubarb's head, and fed it a piece of mutated animal meat as a reward.

The rhubarb was very happy to eat, and circled around Li Ming. Li Ming patted it on the head, and greeted the mutated buffalo. He rode on the back of the buffalo and signaled to Rhubarb that it was his own buffalo.

Perhaps the mutation made Rhubarb much smarter. It seemed to understand Li Ming's signal. It looked at the mutated buffalo for a while, and then let out a cry. Its body suddenly became bigger, and it changed into a mutated buffalo in a short time. It was about the same size and then sniffed its nose and approached the mutated buffalo's nose.

Li Ming, who noticed this scene, was very surprised to see the process of rhubarb suddenly growing bigger, and was secretly surprised that he still had this ability!
"It seems that supernatural powers are also varied and cannot limit thinking."

Li Ming looked at the mutated buffalo and rhubarb who suddenly became friendly after smelling each other for a while, and thought to himself, and then controlled the mutated buffalo to follow the RV.

Fortunately, the mutated buffalo seems to have become very smart, and can hear many of his commands, which is how it can be controlled to walk safely.

Not long after, Li Ming rode a mutated buffalo and followed the modified RV to the place where the pedestrian street in the county center was originally located. This was the most prosperous commercial road section but now it has become the daily residence of residents who came from various places.

I didn't meet anyone along the way, maybe it was all drained, the road was very quiet, and the family returned to the home where Li Ming's parents were.

I went to the room and took a look, except for simple household items, clothes, shoes, and daily necessities, there was no food and threatening weapons.

"Wait for me here, I'll go and bring back something to eat."

Li Ming turned around and left a word for those who returned home, then asked Da Huang to watch the house here, turned around and went out again.

Li Ming's mother, who had been in the gathering place in the county for more than a month, opened her mouth to speak, but her father, Li Chengshu, patted her on the shoulder: "It's obviously not reckless, and the gathering place is really outrageous, let him go."

Li Ming's mother sighed and nodded.




Walking out of his parents' residential building, Li Ming went to put on his equipment again, then turned over and jumped on the back of the mutated bull, and rushed towards the city.

Not long after, Li Ming rode to the management office, saw Wan Fang who was resting quietly outside the management office, smiled and waved him over.

"Brother, what's the matter, tell me!"

Wan Fang quickly ran up to speak with a smile on his face. Li Ming nodded and asked casually, "Where are the food and food at the gathering place? Take me there."


Wan Fang frowned, but then smiled without hesitation and said, "Come with me, the food is stockpiled in the three warehouses."

Li Ming didn't speak any more, and after finishing speaking, Wan, who was leading the way on a battery car, rushed to the place where he said the grain was stored.

Not long after, a large warehouse appeared in front of him. To Li Ming's surprise, the people guarding here did not seek death any more.

In the end, he took a meaningful look at those people, then at Wanfang, and then rushed home with a cart full of food and supplies.

Li Ming walked fast and came back quickly, but the rewards were not small. Zhang Yuan and the others were worth mentioning. Seeing more food, Li Ming's parents were shocked, and then happily helped to transport the things back.

But a group of women didn't let them do anything at all, and they transported all the things back home one by one, and then everyone returned home together. Li Ming's mother felt that there were too many people and it was difficult to cook. Li Ming's mother even started to prepare for cooking.

Li Ming didn't stop him either, and accompanied his parents with a smile, wandering around all the time.

What is the most important thing in a person's life?

The whole family is happy too.

After finally seeing his parents once, Li Ming was not in a hurry to do other things, and he was very patient with his parents.

In this way, it was five o'clock in the afternoon in the blink of an eye, and the sky that had been sunny for several hours quickly turned dark again. The farmers who went out did not dare to stay longer, and hurried home after digging ditches with a few shovels.

By 05:30, the rain was pouring down.

"Reed reed..."

Amidst the rushing sound of treading water, a couple hurriedly rushed back into the corridor from the rain. Although they tried their best to sprint, their clothes were still wet by the majestic rain.

The man among them quickly took off his glasses and wiped off the water stains on them. After putting them on again, his vision finally recovered. Beside him, the slender wife stretched the short-sleeved abdominal area and twisted the water, immediately showing a wonderful Manbai tender body.

As the hands were loosened, the short sleeves returned to normal, and the exposed Miaoman was also covered up.

Looking up, she has a pretty fair face and a pair of long white legs below, undoubtedly a woman full of allure.

Like her, she doesn't look particularly beautiful, but she is pretty good, and a woman who looks peaceful is often the goal of most men before the end, and she is quite tempting.

It's just a pity that the pure white calves under the trouser legs and the mud stained on the feet ruined a lot of beauty.

Looking closely, not only the calves and feet, but also the trousers, the jacket, and even the hair have some traces of mud.

"It's time to pick up the meal. Hurry up and put the things at home and go pick them up together."

Zhou Manman finished unscrewing her clothes, looked at the sky outside, and quickly said to her husband beside her, who also looked slightly nervous, and hurriedly nodded, carrying the farm tools and returning to his home on the second floor with his wife.

On the second floor, the two couldn't help looking at the door next to them, but saw that the door of the room of the former neighbors Li Chengshu and his wife was now open, and there were many people inside.

Moreover, most of them were women, and after a closer look, they saw a figure of a familiar man inside.

A strong smell of rice wafted from the other party's room, and the food piled up in the living room instantly filled their vision.

"Uncle Li's son is probably not easy."

Thinking of the scene during the day, Zhou Manman's husband, who is also from Tudian, recalled the scene when Li Ming came during the day, and said with emotion.

Before the collection of grain grown in the first season, all ordinary people are not allowed to store grain in their homes. This is a rule that has been established and implemented in the county town gathering place long ago.

And this Li Ming broke this rule as soon as he came, and anyone with a long brain could understand the meaning it represented.

When her husband was talking, Zhou Manman was also looking at the man in the living room, a strange look flashed in her eyes, then she saw her husband looking over and quickly restrained herself, turned around and went back home with him.

When the two turned around, Li Ming in the living room felt something. He turned his head and saw a familiar figure of a woman.

"The proprietress of the entertainment Internet cafe?"

Li Ming blinked his eyes, and instantly thought of the Internet cafe proprietress whom he called a goddess when he was in junior high school, then smiled and shook his head, no wonder he was so familiar, she was a woman he fantasized about day and night~
It's just that I didn't expect that the other party lived next to him, and he was still a neighbor.

When Li Ming's mood was racing, Run Yuyu and Mu Qingqing were quietly discussing in another place in the room, then they looked at Li Ming together and smiled.

Looking carefully, they didn't know when they had washed themselves clean, white and tender, whispering to each other, and they didn't know what they were planning.

(End of this chapter)

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