Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 2 Doomsday, Proficiency Panel!

Chapter 2 Doomsday, Proficiency Panel!

As if the bone marrow had been emptied, Li Ming woke up struggling with a strong sense of incompatibility. He suddenly opened his eyes, and the room was already bright.

"I fell asleep in a daze. What was that thing last night?"

Li Ming couldn't help being astonished. He slept soundly that night, and he didn't even dream for a second. The excellent sleep experience he hadn't had for a long time made him in a very good state of mind, and even his mood improved.

But he couldn't help but feel doubts about the things that popped up before going to bed last night.

What catastrophe doomsday?
What proficiency panel?

The confusion in his heart made him couldn't help getting out of bed and wanted to go to the window to check the situation. When he turned over, he couldn't help turning on the phone, and looked at the time. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and he suddenly felt dazed. He actually fell asleep. so long.

Then, just as he was about to put down the phone, he suddenly glanced at the upper right corner.

"Why is there no signal on the phone?"

Li Ming's fingers tightened involuntarily. Combining the strangeness of last night and the too quiet morning, a bad premonition rose in his heart. Then he took his mobile phone, stepped on his slippers, walked to the window in the middle of the room, and looked down.

It was sunny outside, but the community was empty, with no one there.

Just when Li Ming was confused and wanted to go back and get dressed, he suddenly saw a figure rushing into his field of vision. He couldn't help looking away, and his pupils shrank.

"What kind of monster is this?!"

The shared house is on the fifth floor, not very high, so Li Ming can get a good idea of ​​the people downstairs.

At this moment, in his line of sight, a monster that was rotten all over, with some tissue in its left eye falling out of its eye socket and drooping in front of him was madly rushing towards a black cat in the neighborhood.


The black cat quickly dodged, and the monster jumped onto the green tree.

"Wow wow..."

The green tree trembled when it was hit, as if a strong man hit it hard.

But the black cat had already jumped and ran away, the monster made a strange cry as if something was stuck in its throat, and then disappeared from sight with more eyeballs that were knocked out.

Li Ming, who was standing by the bed, opened his mouth slightly, with a look of astonishment in his heart.

If before the man hit the tree, he still had the idea of ​​making up like this, then after the collision and the weird roar, combined with the sound of last night, the thought in his mind has disappeared.

Even a fool would not slam his head into a tree so fiercely, and after the collision, he would continue to rush to the next one as if nothing had happened.

Even if there is a fool who does this, he will definitely fall to the ground suddenly after a bump, instead of leaving alive and well.

and so……

"There are zombies coming out!"

Li Ming was filled with consternation. He subconsciously thought of the strange words that popped up last night.

The end of the catastrophe... Survival of the fittest, and turning into demon corpses for those who don't adapt...

His heart tightened, and a strong sense of horror rose in Li Ming's heart.

He hastily closed the window, drew the curtains, turned around and grabbed the spear and sword that was sitting in the ashes in the corner. He felt at ease with the weapon in his hand.

Then he couldn't help but turn his head, quickly put on his clothes and shoes, and then sat on the bed to blow on the fan.

Suddenly thinking of his neighbor next door, his eyes shrank, what if they also turned into demon corpses?
Li Ming hurriedly ran to the back of the room and locked the door firmly, and then blocked the door with the only table. He was relieved, then sat back on the bed, picked up his phone and looked at it, there was no signal, and he was in a daze .

Did the end come so suddenly?

He just found a job with lots of beauties and decent money!

Well now, the end is here, is everything useless?
Thinking in a mess in his heart, Li Ming suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

He couldn't help standing up from the spot anxiously, and began to think about how he could survive.

"From the current point of view, the biggest change should be the zombies wandering outside. As long as I don't go out, this danger should be avoided, but what should I do after I finish eating at home?"

Li Ming thought about it. The supplementary food yesterday included a bag of [-] catties of rice, a bag of [-] catties of flour, and [-] catties of pork, as well as vegetables and fruits, seasonings, and the remaining pickles. If so... Ultimate Survival is enough for him to eat for two months!
But what about two months later... just sit and wait for rescue?

"No, you can't rely on these unknown possibilities, you have to find a way to save yourself."

Li Ming couldn't help thinking, even if he really persisted for two months, he would probably be out of breath after walking a few weak steps due to the lack of nutritional supplements, and the zombies outside might not change in any way.

——They are all called demon corpses, and it is possible to become stronger and stronger by then.

Under the ebb and flow, there is no way for him to survive.

Brainstorming, Li Ming immediately thought of going out to search for supplies. He tightened the weapon in his hand, and couldn't help but think of the scene where the zombie was injured after hitting a big tree.

It can be seen from there that although the zombies are terrifying, they are not too scary. Although they are not as good as they are in movies and TV dramas, at least they are not completely impossible to face.

A person's strength can be greatly increased in a short period of exercise within a certain range. If he exercises his body for a few days, then uses his sword and gun, and uses environmental factors, he may not be able to kill him!

Unless this zombie is a special case of the weak.

"I'll observe in the next two days. If possible, there is a small supermarket next to the community. Even if it's dangerous when you finish eating, you have to go to the small supermarket to get some supplies first!"

Thinking in his mind, Li Ming couldn't help but feel very lucky that he owns weapons and purchased some supplies in advance.

In the past, weapons were just toys, and food was nothing but bought and made by ourselves to save money, but now these have become the reliance of survival!

There is never a lack of courage in the human heart, but it is not pushed to the end, otherwise, even ordinary people would dare to splatter three feet of blood!
What's more, a young man in his early twenties like Li Ming is just at the time when his heart is full of passion.

"I thought it was a waste of money when I regretted it before, but now it seems that this thing is much more important than money!"

Li Ming couldn't help laughing, then his heart moved, he got up and looked at the two weapons.

The red-tasseled gun on the left is two meters long. In fact, this length is only an entry-level model, but it is enough for beginners, so Li Ming didn't buy a longer one. However, if you practice, this weapon room can't be used well. .

The long sword on the right has a blade length of 75cm and an overall length of 105cm. Li Ming quickly went to eat something to fill his stomach, and then took the long sword to the empty space in the room and couldn't help but want to try it.


The long sword was unsheathed, and the almost unused blade was still as bright as new. Li Ming put down the scabbard and stood on the spot holding the sword.


Swinging the long sword casually a few times relieved his emotions, and Li Ming recalled in his mind the basic skill of swordsmanship that he had learned at the beep station before on a whim—bow step stabbing sword.

If you want to practice swordsmanship, you have to find a way. Starting from these basic skills that you have learned a little is the only effective way he can think of.


Thinking back in his mind, taking a breath, he turned around, a little stiff but tried his best to move the sword step by step according to the steps memorized in his mind, and then stabbed the sword forward fiercely.

The long sword stabbed forward, the weight made Li Ming very uncomfortable, and his posture was a little distorted.

Even because the trajectory of the long sword's stabbing was not straight, the end of the hilt hit the arm, and the force of the thrust was not powerful at all, and it even hurt himself.


Li Ming had a toothache, let alone killing zombies with this hip-pushing swordsmanship, he even suspected that his arm would swell after practicing for a long time.

He couldn't help holding back a lot of energy, and while thinking about how to stab out the long sword correctly, he stabbed out the long sword in his hand over and over again.

After repeating it more than ten times in a row, Li Ming felt his arms were a little tired... His finished sword weighed three catties, which didn't sound like much, but it was really difficult for him to handle it freely after he hadn't been trained for a long time.

So much so that after more than ten times, the sword technique was not correct and he stabbed once, and the hilt of the sword even hit his little arm red.

Li Ming was not convinced, he gritted his teeth and endured the stiffness of his arms and continued to practice. Fortunately, he did not get nothing after ten times of thinking. At least the posture was proficient, so he stabbed more than ten times all over.

Finally, one pass made him feel a little smoother.


The long sword stabbed forward, and the blade stabbed out smoothly and straightly along a trajectory. Even with all its strength, the hilt did not hit his arm.

Li Ming withdrew it in satisfaction, thinking that his arm was finally free from injury. He just wanted to show a gratified smile, but the next moment he was taken aback for a moment, and immediately grabbed the hilt of the sword happily.

[Experience value of lunge and sword +1]

A line of writing floated by, and in an instant, a stack of information unfolded in front of Li Ming.

【Name: Li Ming】

【Lifetime: 23/95】

【Skill: Bow step stabbing sword (1% for beginners)】

"This is the prompt that raised last night, the proficiency panel?"

Li Ming grasped the hilt of the sword tightly, and the joy in his heart rose wave after wave, and he felt that he could see the blue sky through the clouds and mists in an instant.

The uneasiness in my heart fell from the sky, as if the tide receded and became more at ease.

After digesting the information, he carefully studied the panel and found that except for the skill bar, there was no response to other data.

"The life expectancy should be the current age and the number of years I can live. It is only natural that I can live to 95 years old in good health. This is already higher than the average life expectancy."

"Does the name directly display the real name? It can't be changed..."

After studying the information one by one, he found that there was nothing that could be moved. Finally, Li Ming couldn't help but click on the only introduction that could activate the lunge and stabbing sword. The next moment, the information came into view.

[Lung step stabbing sword, incomplete skill. 】

The simple introduction made Li Ming stunned, and was immediately brought back to his thoughts by the sudden scream from outside the door.

"Ah, monster!"

This Zhang Yuan's?
What happened……

Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, retracted his sword and looked out.

After thinking about it, I didn't rush to open the door to look, but walked lightly to the door and listened.

"Don't bark, let's come to us when you hear it..."

Fortunately, Peng Zhi's voice made Li Ming shake his head, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief... He just wondered if Peng Zhi turned into a zombie and then attacked Zhang Yuan, but luckily it wasn't.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome if the zombies appeared directly in the shared house.

Feeling that there is no danger, Li Ming went out to have a look. Now that there is such a big change, he has to discuss the countermeasures with his neighbors.

He is not a loner. In this situation, it is obviously better for everyone to discuss together than to wait alone, because more people can always find more information than fewer people.

If some information is missed because of being alone, an opportunity to change the status quo may be missed.

Thinking in his heart, Li Ming also opened the door and walked to the living room, and looked into Zhang Yuan's room. Zhang Yuan, who was wearing slippers and hot pants and showing her whole white and slender legs, was standing in front of the door with a face full of panic and bewilderment. In the corridor of the room.

From this direction, Li Ming even saw some private parts protruding from the bottom of her hot pants.

Beside her, Peng Zhi stared out of the window in embarrassment, wearing shorts and a white sweater.

(End of this chapter)

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