Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 209 Hospitality, Me Gentle

Chapter 209 Hospitality, Me Gentle

At Xinxiang Medical College, Li Ming, who was riding a big black, came here again. He looked along the avenue to the school next door, pondered for a while, and rode directly over there on a big black.

This city came for the second time. With the previous exploration, coupled with stronger strength, and just leaving a place like Zhongzhou, Li Ming felt a lot more relaxed. He watched the movement on both sides from time to time, slowly Slowly walked into the school.

Someone in the front had noticed him, and when Li Ming arrived, he showed up and led Li Ming respectfully to the inner part of the school. When he got there, the strong woman who owned the power department just got dressed and came out.

When the two parties met, the other party politely took Li Ming to the living room inside to drink tea, surrounded by a good-looking female student serving tea and water.

"It's been a while since the last time I came here. I came to see it today. It seems that we haven't passed the names yet?"

Li Ming took a sip of tea, picked up the cup, and watched her speak with a smile, sending out a gentle signal: "I'll say it first, the surname is Li, the name is Ming, Muzi Li, Riyueming."

"My name is Pan Fanhua. I didn't expect to see you again. Last time you talked about the ancient gathering place, what's going on there now?"

The strong woman shook her head with emotion, and then simply asked a question on her own initiative.

"The ancient gathering place has rescued a lot of people during this period, and now it has a population of less than 5000. Of course, there are two Taoist priests in the gathering place, each with their own abilities, so with their help, they have surrounded the area for a full ten kilometers. soil of."

"In fact, most of these places have not been cultivated in place. The recent population replenishment has relieved the pressure on farming. There are also some simple factories, doctors, and some law enforcement teams, city defense forces and other departments. Others Not to mention eating and drinking is not worrying."

Li Ming smiled, and briefly talked about the situation of the ancient interest gathering place: "Of course, with such a large area, there are actually many places that cannot be defended well. When it's manned."

"If you go there, the gathering place will be equivalent to the existence of an extra supernatural being, and the security will be improved to a higher level. In addition, it will reduce the labor pressure of ordinary people."

"Under the apocalypse, everyone can survive better in a group. There is a strange snake around the gathering place of ancient interest. It can fly and spit poisonous mist. Although I haven't seen it for a long time, no one can say that this beast will run to Wherever we go, maybe we will come here... We can have more strength together."

Li Ming didn't mention anything about the work of supernatural beings. Under the apocalyptic environment, as long as you are willing to use your brain a little, you will know that it is impossible for supernatural beings with superpowers to work like ordinary people.

However, these things are already very sincere.

This kind of condition is already a rare environment in the end of the world, otherwise... If you go to Hope Base City, it will be beautiful.

"That's true, but... I'll be frank, it's a bit difficult to let so many of us go with you just by listening to one side of the story."

Pan Fanhua hesitated for a moment, then simply looked at Li Ming and said.

"That's true, that's not as good as this. If you are worried, you can send someone back with me to see what's going on in Gu Xi for yourself. I'll come back after a while, and it won't be too late to make a decision at that time." .”

Li Ming smiled. When he heard the other party say this, he knew that he had already made a decision, but he was still a little hesitant. As long as he dispelled this worry, he could follow him, and immediately responded with a smile.

To do things, you must learn to think from another angle. In the apocalypse, human life is like nothing. When a strange supernatural person comes to your door, no one knows what purpose the other party will have.

After all, people have heard about cannibalism for a long time. If it is an extreme pervert, following him out will inevitably cause irreparable losses.

It just so happened that the fruit of that special plant was not ripe yet, and Li Ming would have to come again sooner or later, so naturally he didn't mind the trouble.

Some things go one step further, which is good for everyone.

"It would be great if it could be done like this."

Hearing Li Ming's words, Pan Fanhua pondered for a while, agreed, and then chatted with Li Ming for a while, and then took him to see the situation here, so that Li Ming had a basic understanding of this place. know and understand.

Li Ming smiled and followed to visit the base that he had seen over and over again. That night, he stayed here for dinner.

After dinner, it was getting dark, Pan Fanhua enthusiastically asked Li Ming to rest here for the night, and Li Ming didn't refuse. After making arrangements for Dahei, he decided to stay here for an extra night.

In the evening, Li Ming walked to the single dormitory that Pan Fanhua had left for him, and was about to perform exercises to rest when he heard a knock on the door.

With a sweep of his thoughts, Li Ming raised his eyebrows.

"Good guy, this strong woman is really considerate."

Thinking lightly in his heart, Li Ming couldn't help but glance at Pan Fanhua surrounded by two naked boys, shook his head and laughed, thought for a while, got up and opened the door.

Two cleanly dressed girls stood side by side outside the door, their eyes focused on him.

"Sir, are you used to sleeping alone at night, can we come with you?"

Seeing Li Ming open the door, one of the girls whispered. She was wearing a ponytail and a red bow in her hair.

Beside her, the girl who was wearing stockings and a white shirt and was biting her lip looked bolder, but she didn't speak, just kept looking at Li Ming with big eyes.

Alas, just to take a rest, this kind of thing needs to be arranged...

Li Ming sighed inwardly, looked at the girl in stockings on the left, and then at the girl with a bow tie in a black top who looked very quiet on the right, and opened his mouth silently: "Are you virgins?"

The girl in black was stunned for a moment, her figure was a bit plumper than the girl in silk stockings, and she was a little overwhelmed by such a rhetorical question when she spoke boldly just now.

"Both of us, both."

The tall girl in stockings responded weakly.

"Then please come in."

With a kind smile on Li Ming's face, he turned around and made way for him. The two women looked at each other and walked in beside him with their heads down.


Li Ming closed the dormitory door with a happy smile, turned around and looked at the girl who was at a loss standing in the room, and reached out to take out the food he was carrying when he came from the package next to him.

"Have you eaten yet? I've brought some good things, come and have a taste, let's eat some more together."

Li Ming opened the lunch box, revealing the mutated animal meat fried rice inside, and a scent instantly hit his nostrils. The lunch box was already cold, but he secretly used the fire attribute to warm it up during the process of taking it out, so it is still It looks tender and delicious.

"What kind of rice is this? It smells so good."

After getting acquainted with it, the tall girl in silk stockings talked a little more. When she saw this lunch box coming out, she swallowed her saliva and couldn't help but say it.

"This is the meat of an evolved animal. It has a lot of energy and is very good for you. Come and taste it."

Li Ming put the two lunch boxes on the table in the dormitory, and greeted them with a smile.


The girl in the black top looked hesitantly at the tall girl in stockings. The other girl pursed her lips and was a little at a loss. In the end, she bit her lip and said, "Sir, we are here..."

"Don't think so hard, I know what you want when you come here, I never let my woman suffer, it's like you two made a boyfriend together in lightning."

Li Ming couldn't see what they meant. Obviously, he felt a heavy psychological burden for his behavior of sending them to the door. He immediately stepped forward and took them by the shoulders, and led them to sit down beside the table.

The figures of the two were a little stiff, but they followed Li Ming obediently and sat down at the table.

"Hurry up and eat it. It's not available to ordinary people. It's very good for you. The three of us know each other from now on. From now on, you will be my women, and I will take care of you."

Li Ming opened the lunch box and the disposable chopsticks, and placed them in front of the two girls, one on the left and one on the right, and said seriously.

Hearing Li Ming's words, the girl in the black top looked confused, and then gritted her teeth: "Then we will follow you from now on. My name is Chen Shujie, her name is Chen Shuyu, what's your name?"

"My name is Li Ming. Look, although the formality is a bit hasty, can we get to know each other formally? There is no need to be nervous. There is too much psychological pressure. I will be your man in the future. I didn't bring any good things when I went out this time. These two gold bracelets are our tokens of love, and they are the first gift I give you."

Li Ming nodded with a smile, and then said to them seriously, he took out a pair of gold bracelets from his bosom, pulled the wrists of the two girls from left to right, and put the gold bracelets on.

"The bracelet was picked up in a gold shop. It's a bit hasty. Don't mind."

After putting on the bracelet, Li Ming looked at the two girls and said sincerely.

Chen Shujie, a girl with a bow in a black top, bit her lip and looked at him, while Chen Shuyu, a girl in stockings, leaned against Li Ming: "We don't mind, treat us better."

Li Ming smiled and raised his right hand to hug the little beauty, and with the other hand, he hugged the girl with a black top and bow tie in his arms: "Of course I will be nice to my own woman, eat quickly first, these meat Really good for you."

Hearing Li Ming's words, the girl with a bow tie in a black top looked at Li Ming and nodded, "Then I'll start eating."


The girl in stockings stepped forward and gave Li Ming a kiss, and when Li Ming looked over and smiled again, she straightened her body and ate with a big mouthful.

Both of them ate very quickly, and their movements became more natural and less restrained. Li Ming smiled and put the girl's legs in his arms to caress. The girl in stockings looked at him, and Li Ming kissed her Only then smiled and bowed his head to eat.

"The meat seems to be really not simple, and it feels warm as soon as you eat it."

Chen Shujie, a girl with a bow in a black top, ate several mouthfuls, and couldn't help opening her mouth, and Chen Shuyu on the other side also nodded repeatedly: "It's really delicious, wait a minute, I'll take off the silk stockings for you to touch, the magic weapon with bare legs is too thick. "

While talking, Chen Shuyu raised her head to lick off the rice grains, and said to Li Ming.

Li Ming nodded with a smile, Chen Shuyu kicked off her shoes and took off her bare legs before returning to the sitting posture just now.

"Shu Jie's legs are also pretty, but she doesn't like wearing stockings, we are both goddesses in the class."

Chen Shuyu saw Li Ming kept touching her, then looked at Chen Shujie on the other side, and whispered.

"Then I'll have to see and see well later. Don't worry, both of you are my women now, and I won't favor one over the other."

Li Ming smiled and nodded, then looked at Chen Shujie and said teasingly.

Chen Shujie nodded with a blushing face, and Chen Shuyu smiled and hurriedly lowered her head and began to eat.

"Why are you both still virgins, haven't you been in love before?"

"We are all freshmen, we have never been in a relationship in high school, and we haven't found someone we like when we first came to school, and then the end of the world came..."

"Then I have to treat you well, don't worry, if you follow me, you will never regret it."

"Actually, we are also very satisfied. You are also handsome and have a good figure. You meet our criteria for choosing a spouse. You are better looking than all the boys we have known before."

"Oh, wouldn't that be better, it's a godsend."

When the two girls were eating, Li Ming kept chatting with them, and the smiling atmosphere was getting better and better. A box of lunch was quickly eaten by each of them, and this small piece...about one-third of it quantity.

But after wiping their mouths, they all felt more comfortable than ever before.

"I'm so full. Why doesn't this box look like much, and we're so full after eating such a little?"

After taking the paper towel handed over by Li Ming and wiping her oily mouth clean, Chen Shuyu couldn't help but looked at the lunch box and asked Li Ming in surprise.

"Of course it's because of the evolved animal meat inside. It's configured according to my appetite. Adding two lunch boxes together is about the same amount as my meal. How about it? Do you feel warm now?"

Li Ming asked with a smile, both of them nodded again and again, then they thought about covering the lunch box together, and looked at Li Ming cautiously: "Are you...a supernatural being?"

"Of course, otherwise, why would Pan Fanhua send the two of you here?"

Li Ming smiled and said, seeing that they were also full, he sniffed them one by one among the starry eyes of the two: "Have you all taken a bath?"

"Well, it's been washed."

The two women blushed and began to speak shyly.

"From now on, call me husband."

This is how a girl should behave when facing this kind of thing, not as silent as before. Li Ming nodded in satisfaction, stretched out his hand to hug them up, and spoke softly.



At night, the two panting women looked at Li Ming in surprise.

"The first day we met, how could I do that kind of thing so quickly."

Li Ming smiled and opened his mouth. Although he moved his mouth, he respected them by not piercing them. The two girls were immediately moved. They spoke softly and fell asleep in his arms.

It wasn't until they woke up the next day that they realized that they were touched a little early...

(End of this chapter)

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