Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 218 United, Zhu Yunxing

Chapter 218 United, Zhu Yunxing
A month and a half ago, a team from the sacred base went all the way south and happened to find Hope Base City.

As soon as the two parties came into contact, they became very interested, because the appearance of the other party all proved a piece of information——except for themselves, there are other human organizations surviving in this world!
Afterwards, the first thing that comes to mind is naturally to help each other, each other's supernatural beings support each other, and work together to kill difficult monsters in their respective areas. Needless to say, there are also some things about people's livelihood that have to be resolved .

One of them is to allocate resources, so that workers from the Hope Base can come and build some basic livelihood facilities for the sacred base, so that ordinary people there can live a better life.

Because the systems of the two parties are different, or the rules are different, the cheap and very efficient labor force in the Hope Base City does not exist in the Holy Base.

Ordinary people in the Holy Base have less human rights than those in Hope Base City. Under arbitrary bullying, no one is willing to work hard. This cannot be forced, and although ordinary people in Hope Base City are nothing compared to people with supernatural powers, But when you don't encounter supernatural beings, you have the guarantee of life as an ordinary person.

In contrast, although there are no clear rules in the sacred base, the supernatural beings are always wantonly insulting ordinary people, completely treating ordinary people around them like slaves, and all ordinary people have no room to live.

If the Hope Base City is compared to the feudal era, then the Holy Base is the slave era. Naturally, the ordinary people in the Hope Base City are more productive.

The matter of cooperation between powerful individual forces is discussed by the upper-level personnel of the two parties. Du Cheng can't get in the way, but he can also cooperate directly with ordinary people like this.

The sacred base naturally also has its noble hierarchy. Those who accomplish these things can be counted as meritorious. Naturally, they have to fight for it. It's just that because of the indulgence and fun in their own base before, it caused a delay in time, and the exploration tasks assigned to them are still It wasn't finished. When Zhu Yunxing contacted Hope Base City to make troubles, he was still exploring the territory and missed this opportunity.

This made Du Cheng secretly hate Zhu Xingyun, thinking that he had robbed him of the opportunity that originally belonged to him. Now that he saw the heavy snow covering the sky, Du Cheng, who expected that this cooperation would inevitably be delayed, was naturally relieved.

In fact, Du Cheng is not without opportunities, for example, when the man who took Pan Fanhua away when demarcating the border in Xinxiang, the other party dared to take away so many people at once, so he must have his own base.

If he can find the past and seek cooperation, he will definitely be able to jump into a higher noble class and enjoy more public power.


Du Cheng touched his face that had finally recovered, and when he thought of those two big pussies, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

It was terrible, he just took a look, and he got two big pussies so hard.

He didn't even know who gave him two big pussies, and how to beat them.

Even if he knew that there might be some credit for it, he didn't dare to go, otherwise, what would happen if the next time the slap on the face turned into a knife instead.

Thinking of this, Du Cheng felt the burning pain on his face again, and couldn't help wondering if he should keep a low profile in the future.

You can't be too crazy in life, crazy people have their own rewards!

But while Du Cheng was gloating, there were people in the Holy Base City who were against each other.

"Don't worry, the weather has changed dramatically in the apocalypse now. It was exposed to the sun before, and it rained again. Is it normal to have heavy snow now?"

In the villa, a woman with skin as white as snow and wearing a sleeveless cheongsam walked up to the muscular man, handed him a cup of tea gently, and then stood behind him and squeezed his shoulders: "Yuanyuan and Junjun are pregnant with each other." Come on, I just came here, my stomach hasn't moved yet, instead of being bored here, let me give you a big fat boy."

"Hey, before the end, we are all neighbors, and you are all colleagues and wives of my company. I really don't want to do this."

Zhu Yunxing shook the woman's hand, sighed and pulled her into his arms, his hands had already slipped underneath: "I remember that time when Lao Wang was ill, you brought him meals to the company, and I led you the way, I didn't expect Now you are all my women."

"We are all protected by you, and we want to be your woman from the bottom of our hearts."

The woman in his arms looked at him tenderly and said softly.

She was telling the truth, in this doomsday, these women would not be able to live without him, even if Zhu Yunxing hadn't awakened the supernatural protection, they would have died when the doomsday first came.

From being rescued by Zhu Yunxing at the beginning of the doomsday, to being slept by Zhu Yunxing the next day, everything was a matter of course.

Countless people died under the apocalypse, and if they could live, they would naturally wish they could not be Zhu Yunxing's woman.

At the very least, Zhu Yunxing was educated, and he would not torture them like those perverted beasts.

Zhu Yunxing smiled when he heard the woman's words, continued to enjoy it with his left hand, and gently brushed her hair behind her ear with his right hand, and then hugged her up onto the sofa.

"Tell me about you and your husband..."

Zhu Yunxing murmured softly, the woman squinted her eyes and spoke intermittently.

After a while, Zhu Yunxing tidied up his clothes again, took a puff of his cigarette, looked at Xue outside and shook his head: "I'm going to practice martial arts, you guys rest at home."

Walking out of the tea room, there were several women in the living room. They all showed bright smiles when they saw him coming, and one of them had a quite obvious stomach.

Zhu Yunxing kissed the belly of the woman with the biggest belly, kissed her again, and after saying goodbye, went outside to look at the ice and snow surroundings.

"I hope the snow will clear up quickly."

Zhu Yunxing looked up at the sky, shook his head and said, cooperating with Hope and the prefecture and city is the first step for him to make a name for himself, and he doesn't want to make mistakes.

Now seven women are pregnant, and one is waiting to get pregnant every day. He has to be refreshed. Only with a higher status can future children receive better education after birth.

"Honey, come out and play."

While Zhu Yunxing was thinking, a young woman's voice suddenly came from the next room with a smile. Zhu Yunxing turned his head to look at his concubine's house, smiled at the corner of his mouth, nodded, and then sat in the yard by himself. Practice your own abilities.

Ice cones emerged out of thin air, and shot out in all directions following Zhu Yunxing's will. This is exactly his special ability, special ice attribute!

"Ho ho..."

The howls of zombies reverberated in the air. On the central building of Zhongzhou, the golden-yellow zombie looked forward unconsciously, and breathed silently there.

As it breathes, wisps of golden light continuously spit out from its mouth, as sharp as the light of a knife.

And in front of it, there is a bronze tripod and an iron sword with a jade handle!
The bronze tripod and the jade-handled iron sword are lingering with agile light, attracting golden zombies to die, but they can't get close to them at all. They can only stand silently, looking at the magical artifact in front of them with longing eyes.




"Sister Chen Li, why do you say that my husband and us are so so-and-so, and why none of us are pregnant?"

At the gathering place of ancient interest, Xu Yunyun sat down next to Chen Li who had just come out of the shower with two cups of tea, and couldn't help asking with some doubts.

"Didn't you ask your husband or your sister Zhang Yuan?"

Chen Li took a sip of the tea, couldn't help but looked at her in surprise and asked.

"I didn't dare to ask, because I was afraid that my husband and sister Zhang Yuan would feel uncomfortable."

Xu Yunyun stuck out her tongue, and said with some embarrassment: "Sister Zhang Yuan wishes to become a piece of meat on her husband's body, I'm afraid she will be angry too... Wait a minute, sister Chen Li, you shouldn't be angry, right?"

Xu Yunyun suddenly opened her eyes, and looked straight at Chen Li: "It's over, I shouldn't ask you, I know that you are the woman who has been with her husband the longest besides Zhang Yuan, I should go to my sister."

"Oh, what are you thinking, you are a big kid."

Chen Li rolled her eyes: "Zhang Yuan, how could she be angry with you because of this, otherwise she wouldn't let you sleep with her every day."

Chen Li chuckled, raised her slender neck, and drank the tea in the cup: "My husband, it's because he didn't want us to get pregnant. He has the ability to control, don't look at it every time." ...but it's actually pretty heartless."

"Ah, why doesn't my husband want to?"

Xu Yunyun was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help asking.

"Maybe it's because there are a lot of ideas that haven't been realized yet."

Chen Li shook her head, then looked at Xu Yunyun with a smile: "Yunyun, how about the massage technique you learned from your sister Zhang Yuan, my sister, after serving my husband, my whole body is a little sore now, give me a massage."

"Sister Lili is lying, you are still tired after practicing the secret scriptures, look at your skin is getting tenderer and tenderer, like a little girl, you should be moisturized by your husband."

Xu Yunyun rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

"Well, you Yunyun, you are glib!"

Chen Li blushed, and hurried up to have fun with Xu Yunyun. It was quite charming for the two women to play with each other for a while.

When the two girls were having fun, the man they cared about also arrived at the destination.

"Snakes have the habit of hibernating in winter. This habit may affect that strange snake more or less, and may cause the effect of weakening its strength. Taking advantage of the heavy snow, we should take the initiative to search."

In the tea room, Li Ming looked at the three people sitting in front of him and said seriously.

This time I took the initiative to go out for this matter.

It has been a long time since I came out of Hope Base City, and I need to have a look at the things here, and then go back and have a look.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to feel at ease if he left such a big hidden danger unresolved.

Besides, the most important thing is...

Li Ming felt in his body, the rays of light belonging to the five elements in the five internal organs were all pure and bright, and they were perfectly balanced with each other. His five elements had reached perfection eight days ago!
The five elements are born together, and as the number of breakthroughs driven by the born abilities increases, the speed of the next line will increase faster and faster, so that the speed at which his five elements break through together exceeds expectations.

Now that the five elements are rotating, its fusion of the five elements shield and the five elements of destruction god thunder (the fusion explosion is called thunder is no problem) is so strong that it makes people palpitating, far exceeding the performance of the previous stage of thunder.

Moreover, the successful breakthrough of the five elements drove his five viscera to become terrifyingly powerful, his physical strength, defense, and vitality soared, and his whole body strengthening ability was further developed and strengthened.

The vigorous energy brought by the abundant power foundation can quickly restore the energy even for his now powerful and terrifying energy capacity, which makes Li Ming's energy amount rapidly in this short period of eight days. improvement.

Under the introspection, the wisp of zhenqi that used to be as thick as a hair has now become a strand the size of a disposable chopstick, and it has grown quite vigorously!
Moreover, this breakthrough allowed Li Ming to discover a further mystical practice between the spirit, energy and spirit. After breaking through all the power of the five elements and true energy, his mind power suddenly became more flexible and relaxed, as if he had become stronger. The power of his foundation can be better exerted, so that the use of his mind power is more flexible.

With such a three-pronged approach and triple progress, his own confidence also greatly increased, so he was eager to take the initiative to search for the power of the basilisk.

Following Li Ming's voice, Liu Minghui, Lin Yu, and Pan Fanhua's eyes also fell on him, but their eyes couldn't help but look at the two weapons on Li Ming's body.

"Brother Li Ming is confident?"

Liu Minghui turned back and looked at the spear and sword on Li Ming's body. Seeing that the extraordinary weapons fell on him, he asked with some doubts.

Didn't they agree to cultivate true qi together before, and it would be better to start the war as late as possible, why now...

"My ability has already made a leap forward, and there is another opportunity, the physical body has been greatly developed, and the energy has been digested in this month's practice, so I want to go out and try it out at this opportunity, so as not to change later. "

Li Ming smiled, seeing that the eyes of the three of them were all paying attention to his weapon, and he took the initiative to hold the long sword in front of him like lightly: "This is a long sword made of supernatural metal, brought from Hope Base City, It weighs 2400 catties!"

"This is also a supernatural metal weapon, weighing 6000 jin. I can use it freely now."

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Ming's mouth. Looking at the astonished expressions of the people in front of him, he gently swiped the long sword in his hand to the side, and there was a clear and neat mark on the ground instantly.

"This weapon is extremely tough, sharp and hard to handle, plus this weight can already be called a magic weapon. With this weapon in hand, plus my ability to break through, I have the confidence to invite a few people to go out and find it together! "

Li Ming opened his mouth with a smile, and unceremoniously released the breakthrough water ability while talking, surrounded by a powerful aura of ability, instantly making the three people on the opposite side feel slightly suffocated.

After 15 minutes, the three resolutely followed Li Ming and left the city together.

(End of this chapter)

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