Chapter 222 Five Elements, Baby!
[Special power factor detected, absorption will be obtained - muscle evolution]


Half a month has passed, and under the warm sun, the snow covered the ground has slowly melted away, exposing a large area of ​​soil.

Li Ming walked on the wet concrete road, looking at the information displayed on the panel when he killed the strange snake, he couldn't help but smile.

"This muscle evolution is indeed extraordinary. Although the cultivation technique has not yet achieved more breakthroughs, both the speed of gathering true energy and the strength of the physical body have been greatly enhanced at the same time."

Li Ming got this reminder when he killed the giant snake and touched the corpse. At that time, an extremely strong force poured into the depths of his body, but he never got used to digesting it. Share energy digestion.

What followed was that his body size had not changed, but with the same muscle mass, he possessed twice the strength of his previous body!

In fact, it is understandable when one thinks about it. The strange snake can support such a huge body with only one bone. Its body is almost all meat, and its muscle tissue must be special.

It is reasonable to kill it, absorb such an ability under the action of the panel, and let one's muscles evolve.

But it's a pity that he didn't get the flying ability of the strange snake.

Li Ming felt himself, and the holding capacity of energy has increased by two times!
After more than ten days, the quality of his zhenqi has been continuously improved as more and more condensed zhenqi has been condensed. The current quality of zhenqi has also fully increased by two times compared to before!
A powerful physical body is associated with a stronger ability to absorb energy from the heavens and the earth. It is also because of this that Li Ming's five-element ability has made great progress in this short period of half a month.

He thought to himself, if he gathers the power of the five elements like the attack when he killed the strange snake before, the power of the five elements in his body will never be exhausted at once, and even about one-fifth of it will remain.

This one-fifth is enough for him to mobilize and form a five-element armor to resist possible attacks.

This is also a key reason why Li Ming decided to leave and go to Zhongzhou to find the golden zombie to try his hand.

"This old cow has also improved a lot."

After feeling his own situation, Li Ming couldn't help looking at Dahei under him again, and couldn't help but smile on the corner of his mouth.

For more than ten days, Dahei and Ahuang crazily ate the flesh and blood of strange snakes. Under the influence of abundant energy, they seemed to have reached the peak of their respective classes in this short period of time, and their strength had grown steadily.

Whether it is Rhubarb's magical ability to grow bigger or Dahei's great strength, they have all been greatly improved.

Especially rhubarb, the minions have become longer and sharper, and the strength of the body has also greatly increased. The normal body size has reached the size of a calf, and with the magical enlargement ability, it can become as big as a rural bungalow!

What's more, rhubarb's overall quality is also increasing simultaneously with the increase in size, with sharper minions and stronger muscles, and its combat effectiveness can be said to double.

It was this kind of rhubarb that made Li Ming rest assured to keep it for collection, while he came out on a big black.

The increase in strength also made the two beasts smarter and better able to understand people's meanings. Even ordinary people can understand a lot, allowing them to protect the people around them.


Dahei seemed to feel that the master on his back was talking about it, so he couldn't help raising his head and barking, and then took small steps and ran vigorously on the road.

"The strength of this cow is really great."

Li Ming looked at Dahei's movements, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He went out this time with a long spear and a long sword made of all-powerful metal. In terms of weight and scales, Dahei couldn't see any difference from usual.

Fortunately, he was worried that Dahei would not be able to bear it~~
"It makes me feel a lot easier."

There was a smile on the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and he touched a supernatural metal heavy crossbow beside him, two giant snake fangs and bone arrows polished from snake bones, and sat on the back of the cow with satisfaction. .

It is good to leave things like rushing to Dahei, he knows the way completely, so of course he wants to rest.

"With Zhang Yuan and Chen Li's continuous efforts these days, their strength is almost the same as that of Pan Fanhua and Xiaohu when they just awakened their abilities. After this period of time passes, maybe they can be properly released. news."

Li Ming couldn't help but think to himself, his wives eat the meat of different animals every day, so it's reasonable to awaken the power, right?
"Sooner or later, people will discover the supernatural power..."

Li Ming muttered in his heart, and suddenly raised his eyebrows again, unable to bear the thought.

It seems that there is no necessary requirement to reveal the ability, right?
Around the strong men in each base, is it true that only they themselves have supernatural powers, and no other close people have supernatural powers?
Maybe there was, and it was hidden again?
"This possibility... is not great."

Li Ming rubbed his chin and couldn't help thinking carefully.

Among the known bases, both the Hope Base and the ancient gathering place have rules for the privileges of supernatural beings, and the atmosphere among supernatural beings is very harmonious—at least far more harmonious than ordinary people.

The chances of a person being a slave in the area of ​​ordinary people without such great privileges are really too small.

Unless it is someone with extremely high power and status, there may exist, which can not only give him enough needs, but also make him willing to hibernate.

And such people...


Li Ming's eyebrows moved, and a smile flickered on the corner of his mouth.

Regardless of whether there is such a hiding person around Lei Ming...he can hide.

"Zhang Yuan's ability can be hidden first, and other women should also be half-hidden. Finding two people who are suitable to be exposed to the outside and releasing the news of awakening the ability can also increase the deterrent effect."

"In this way, even if someone wants to break into the house with evil intentions in the future, he has to weigh his strength, and it can solve some unnecessary troubles invisibly."

A thought moved in Li Ming's mind, and he quickly made up his mind.

But in this way, the more tangled thing is... Who should I choose to be this fortunately awakened superhuman?

Chen Li?Xu Yunyun?Xu Xiu?Liu Minying?Zhao Mei?still……

Li Ming frowned, and for the first time felt the entanglement of women.

If you usually sleep, everyone can sleep, and you can sleep how you want.

When the interest comes, I can sleep together casually, and I have never had the trouble of making a choice.

Now he was suddenly asked to make his own choice, and suddenly it was difficult to choose.

"Forget it, let's choose again when we go back this time."

After struggling for a long time, he still couldn't think of anything, so Li Ming simply gave up for the time being, and decided to wait until the golden zombie was solved.

"The mutated zombies I met before will basically choose to move by themselves, and even the more powerful the signs are, the more obvious this sign is. This golden zombie looks unusual, why did it stop there?"

Li Ming looked in the direction of Zhongzhou City, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

He suddenly thought of the monster zombie he encountered for the first time. The reason why the other party stayed here was only to absorb the power of the supernatural spar.

He also thought of the earth-moving zombie. The reason why the other party stayed there was because of the existence of that special plant, which led to the strong earth-moving energy, so he was unwilling to leave.

So... the reason why this zombie is here is probably also...

"There are good things."

Li Ming rubbed his fingers, feeling a sense of anticipation in his heart.

Then he picked up the supernatural metal heavy crossbow beside him, and prepared the bone arrows around him one by one, thinking about the next countermeasure in his heart.

"The golden zombie doesn't know what the ability is. Just in case, let's use the heavy crossbow attack to test it out. It won't be too late to fight when you know what the ability is."

Li Ming thought silently in his heart, otherwise, if the opponent has metal control abilities, he would attack the opponent with a metal weapon... wouldn't it be a friendly delivery!
As for the bone arrow, there is no such trouble. The bone arrow produced by the strange snake is hard and sharp enough. If the opponent cannot stop it in the air, you can test the opponent's physical condition, whether it is more agile or defensive.

Then attack with iron arrows, you can see if it is related to the power of the gold line.

And if the opponent can force the bone arrow to stop invisibly in the air, then he must have all the five elements and have the same five elements ability as Li Ming!

Either it is a means of mental control such as telekinesis.

Otherwise, the bone arrow can be used to determine its means and what kind of energy is in the body, so that it can be targeted.

Li Ming was thinking in his heart, as soon as the five elements in his body were activated, the bone arrow was immediately controlled by him, floating around his body.

"In the five elements, no single energy can control bones, teeth, animal fur, porcupine quills, etc., even if there are four kinds of energy at the same time, but the moment the five elements are complete, it will be there."

Is it because the five elements are available in the body, so no matter what kind of body tissue can be controlled by the energy of the five elements?

A thought flashed in Li Ming's mind, and with a movement in his mind, under the urging of the five elements, he also controlled the mutant snake meat on his waist.

There is no motivation and true energy involved in this whole process, only relying on the power of the five elements!
"All life forms are composed of five elements... If so, can we develop some other means?"

Li Ming casually ate a mutated snake meat the size of a ball into his mouth, chewing while thinking.

"Although the living life cannot be controlled, since it is all related to the five elements, it may not be impossible to attack from this angle..."

Li Ming spread his palms, and a touch of the power of the five elements emerged.


Dahei let out a low cry from time to time, and gusts of hot air spewed out of his mouth.

Under its support, one person and one cow slowly came to the outside of Zhongzhou City.

Li Ming frowned, put away his thoughts, looked at the city full of tall buildings, turned over and got off the cow.

"You just wait here, ready to run at any time."

Li Ming took the weapon, patted the cow's back, and spoke softly.

The strength of the golden zombie is still unknown. Just in case, he didn't plan to let Dahei follow him this time, and he didn't even plan to let the city enter.

So as not to accidentally let this good mount disappear.

He encountered danger when he entered the city by himself. With the current intensity of telekinetic power, he could easily take him out of the air without being restricted by the terrain.

Moreover, he is small in size and can move more flexibly on the ground. No matter what aspect is considered, it is safer than taking the huge black with him.

Whether it's for him or Dahei.


Dahei yelled obediently, then turned around and lay down on the ground to recover his strength, and looked at Li Ming quietly.

Li Ming fed it a piece of snake meat, and then walked towards the city with serious eyes.


Without riding a big black, Li Ming's current physical fitness still allows him to walk like flying, and he turned into a black shadow and quickly arrived in the city.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Twenty electric rotary drills are wrapped around his body, and every zombie on the way forward is directly cleaned up by him with his telekinetic power. This level of use is easy for him with his current telekinetic power, without any pressure, and he can still clean it up Zombies in the world, why not increase their telekinesis power.

When he arrived in the city, Li Ming's movements didn't slow down too much. His powerful body made these tall buildings seem like nothing. He stepped on the window sill from time to time, and occasionally stepped on the outside of the air conditioner. No matter what was in front of him, he couldn't stop his steps.

If you encounter a tall building, you can climb a few steps directly, and with the blessing of true energy, you can easily climb over the tall building, keep an absolute straight line, and quickly approach the city center.

After advancing fifteen kilometers in this way, Li Ming's speed suddenly stopped.

"Ding ding ding..."

Twenty electric drill bits fell back into the big backpack next to him after clearing the surroundings. Li Ming looked ahead, the tall buildings on his face blocked his sight, but he clearly felt a gold mine 500 meters away from his telekinetic glance. The yellow zombie stood quietly.

"What is this thing looking at?"

Li Ming couldn't help frowning as he watched the screen sent back by the telekinetic force.

For some reason, he always felt that this golden zombie seemed to be looking at something in front of him.

But when he looked around with his mind, there was nothing there.

"Is there something that I can't see... or something that can't be seen by telekinetic power?"

Li Ming noticed that there were strands of golden energy spewing out of the mouth of the golden zombie, he frowned, and turned his direction carefully, looking forward from the perspective of the golden zombie instead of the current perspective of God .

The next moment, a gray hole suddenly appeared in Li Ming's line of sight. A square bronze tripod and an iron sword with a jade handle suddenly appeared in Li Ming's line of sight. stunned.

"There is really something!"

Li Ming raised his brows, and instantly felt that these two things are not simple, they can't be seen anywhere else, they can only be seen from this specific angle of view, what is this treasure?
"This zombie is cultivating with the help of the bronze tripod?"

Before he had time to see the magic of his two treasures, Li Ming noticed that the golden zombie was breathing golden breath at the bronze tripod, and he couldn't stand immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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