Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 224 Immortal treasure, should I enjoy it?

Chapter 224 Immortal treasure, should I enjoy it?

"Golden Pearl?"

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, held the bead in the palm of his hand, and meditated to absorb it.

The next moment, a majestic force surged into the body, and a swarm of bees rushed towards the root of the golden line of supernatural powers. Under the injection of this power, the root of the golden line grew steadily, and reached a peak level in a short time.

Immediately under Li Ming's flying eyebrows, the energy of the golden element was suddenly compressed again, becoming more pure, and at the same time its source was also several times stronger.

"The second metamorphosis."

It was not until a long time later that this sense of transformation subsided, and Li Ming finally opened his eyes, and the golden light flashed away in his eyes.

Feeling in his body, he instantly felt that the power of Jinxing had caught up with his physical body and telekinetic level!

"Although the power of the five elements is beyond imagination after fusion, it seems that the changes in each class are not very big."

Li Ming felt that after the promotion of Jinxian's supernatural power, he simply purified his own energy. He couldn't help but think of his own motivation.

Although the telekinetic power has transformed twice in a row, so far it has not increased his combat effectiveness much, but it seems that each change has a unique increase.

In contrast, the physical body and the five elements are similar, and the changes in each improvement are not obvious, but the most essential improvement.

"Maybe it takes several transformations before a critical transformation occurs, just like an upgrade?"

Thoughts were turning in his mind, Li Ming felt the incomparably powerful golden power in his body flickering in his eyes, and suddenly he stretched out his hand and slashed into the void.


A slash of fierce energy not inferior to the golden zombie before, chipped away a piece of cement the size of a millstone from a building tens of meters away, and then slowly dissipated.

"The beads left by the golden zombie may not be enough for an ordinary person to directly have the power comparable to it, or even at most [-]% of the power comparable to it, but I am already the owner of the five elements of the second transformation. .”

The corner of Li Ming's mouth hooked up: "Golden Immortal's supernatural ability has transformed three times, and the five elements are born together. After practicing for a while, my five-element supernatural ability will definitely transform again, and my strength will definitely leapfrog again!"

A sense of expansion suddenly rose in his heart.

Even the strange snake and the golden fairy zombies are under his control. When he becomes stronger again, no one in this world can beat him!
At that time, wouldn't there be only enjoyment left?
"No, I can't be so depraved!"

The corners of Li Ming's mouth couldn't help but curl up, and then he straightened his face to correct his thoughts: "Even if you want to enjoy, you can't just enjoy it, you have to do something while enjoying it."

"Cousin and sister-in-law haven't been found yet."

"The wives haven't found a home yet."

"All human beings have not yet lived a happy life in which I am respected."

"How can I just fall like this?"

Li Mingyi warned himself sternly, and then carefully felt the brand-new power of Jin Xing, and stood up from the spot with a smile on his face.

Looking back, there seemed to be a round mirror suddenly appearing in the calm sky. Inside the mirror was an iron sword with a jade handle that was shining with jade light, and a bronze square tripod that was shining with golden light.

Whether it is an iron sword with a jade handle or a bronze square tripod, there is a special kind of magic power, but the moment you see it, there is a strong excitement in your heart.




Li Ming's eyes were full of light, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

He couldn't help but stepped forward to try it, but found that the bronze mirror-like hole seemed to have an invisible barrier, which was clearly close at hand, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take a step forward at this position .

Try it with a weapon, but you can't reach into the bronze hole at all.

It's as if this is just a hard, invisible painting rather than something real.

"Could it be, are there any restrictions?"

Li Ming thought about it in his heart, and then thought for a while, a pure power of gold appeared in his palm, tentatively extending to the space ahead.

As a result... no hindrance!
"What a strong energy!"

The moment the power of Jin Xing entered the bronze tripod, Li Ming was astonished to find that the energy he probed in had fed back waves of brand-new power. After careful perception, these energies were all obtained from the space inside!
"No wonder that golden zombie is reluctant to leave here, and has been practicing here because it can speed up energy cultivation!"

There was a gleam in Li Ming's eyes. He could feel that the power of Jin Xing had just penetrated into it, but the cultivation efficiency he obtained was double that of his usual cultivation!
So what if you practice the exercises again under such circumstances?

"The power of gold is fine, but can other powers work?"

Such a thought flashed in his mind, and Li Ming couldn't help but put the power of wood, water, fire, and earth into it, and the next moment, strands of pure energy would be transformed into the attribute feedback of each penetrated energy. And back.

The foundation of the five elements in the body seems to be nourished and shining brightly. Although it is consuming energy, the total amount is slowly increasing.

"Really, what about the motivation?"

Li Ming's eyes lit up, and at the next moment, a force of thought suddenly penetrated into it, and then his eyes lit up.

A sense of flooding came continuously with the penetrating power, and his power of thought was really increasing!
"Could it be..."

Li Ming's heart moved, and without hesitation, he also penetrated his true energy, and the next moment, there was energy feedback, and the true energy grew without consuming his own essence!

"It has such an effect, no wonder, no wonder."

Li Ming's eyes lit up, and he understood the behavior of the Jinxing Zombie's refusal to leave. The next moment, he looked at the two treasure entities inside with piercing eyes.

"Let me see if you really exist!"

Li Ming's mind moved, and the next moment, the power of the mind, the energy of the five elements, and the true energy mixed with each other. The power of the mind was wrapped in a force of the five elements, and a wave of true energy, and he continued to explore inside with the guesses in his heart.

Among the three kinds of energies, only telekinetic power can be well controlled and felt after leaving the body. In addition, he can feel the situation in the space more. Li Ming naturally uses telekinetic power as a carrier to wrap the two kinds of energy to explore inwardly. .

As for why the three energies are together, that is Li Ming's guess.

After the power of thought entered the entrance of the bronze mirror, Li Ming already felt the mystery in the bronze mirror in front of him.

Inside, it turned out to be a space!
The mouth of the bronze mirror looks like a passage, but there is a layer of diaphragm invisible to the naked eye, and only energy can enter, so this makes it impossible for Li Ming to enter, only energy can enter.

The golden zombie doesn't know the mystery of this, so naturally it has been lingering here and is unwilling to leave.

After all, in the eyes of the despicable golden zombie, the treasure is right in front of him, how can he leave?
What made Li Ming feel relieved was that under the exploration of mind power, this space is not very big, only 20 meters wide and 70 meters high. Although I don't know how long it is, it may not be long.

This is also the reason why he is confident that the telekinetic power can be touched.

While thinking in his heart, the power of the five elements and the power of the five elements and the power of the mind have already quietly advanced 200 meters. The bronze square tripod and the iron sword with a jade handle are much closer.

Continue to explore, 500 meters.

1000 m.

2000 m.

3000 m.

Finally, a giant bronze tripod with a tall mountain and an iron sword with a jade handle like a lonely mountain peak were successfully touched by the power of thought.

Immediately following Li Ming's thought power and the power of the Five Elements, Zhen Qi suddenly felt dizzy, and lost his sense in an instant.

Li Ming frowned, and looked inside, only to see the giant bronze tripod and the iron sword with a jade handle flying towards him as if recognizing their master.

Moreover, as it got closer, it was actively shrinking. During the process of Li Ming's brightening, all his mental power spread over 3000 meters was swallowed up, followed by an inexplicable feeling of connection.

"Sure enough, you have a destiny with me. The golden zombie, you actually use my things to cultivate. Why do you use my things to cultivate? It's not a pity to die!"

Sensing this movement, Li Ming's eyes lit up, he was a little excited besides nervous, and he couldn't help muttering to himself.

It seemed that there were two extra limbs on his body, and he instantly gained control of the jade-handled iron sword and the bronze square tripod.

It's just that before he had time to feel it carefully, he saw that these two treasures instantly turned into pure energy, which spread along his thought power and directly merged into his thought power.

In an instant, the two treasures had arrived at the entrance of the space. Before they came out, Li Ming suddenly had a feeling in his heart how he could use the two treasures and control what they could do.

Then he looked at the space, and subconsciously felt a movement in his heart.

As the telekinetic power continued to retract and shrink, the bronze square tripod, which had become the size of a teacup, turned its tone, and the next moment the majestic energy in the space turned into spring water and was continuously sucked into the tripod.

Then there is this space, which is disappearing inch by inch under the absorption of the bronze tripod.

It's just that there seems to be some kind of limitation in this space, but it will absorb one-thousandth of the size, and the space seems to have reached a certain critical point and suddenly collapsed and shattered, and the bronze tripod dissipated into the invisible before it could be absorbed in time.

Immediately afterwards, the bronze tripod and the iron sword with a jade handle all appeared in front of Li Ming's eyes. They were the size of an apple and appeared in front of him like a model.

"Shou Fang Gui Yuan Ding can absorb space and purify energy. When it reaches the extreme, it can form a world of its own. When it is activated, it turns into a giant mountain tripod and falls down with infinite gravity. It is a heavy treasure."

"The Geng Yu Xuan Light Sword can not only warm and nourish the original body, but also has the power of supreme killing. Once stimulated, it can wield unparalleled sword energy, and when it is at its peak, it can shatter the world with a single sword."

Li Ming stretched out his right hand and let the two treasures float above his palm. Feeling his energy absorbed into the two treasures and the information he got after mastering the treasures, his expression was a little weird.

Why is this thing so magical?
"It feels like the style of painting is a bit wrong."

Isn't this the power of the end of the world?

Why does this kind of thing still exist?

"If that's the case...will there be more incredible existences in this world?"

The freshness disappeared as the two treasures were refined, but in an instant Li Ming felt that the treasures were as familiar as the hands and feet growing out of his body, and the two treasures on the palm of his heart immediately turned into energy integrated with the power of the mind , followed the energy into his own mind.

While he was delighted that he had obtained the baby, he couldn't help but feel some hidden worries.

"The panel is called a zombie or a demon corpse. It can also display skills, and there is such a clear classification of levels, but it cannot display abilities, or because there is no way for abilities to become stronger systematically. Perhaps the veil of this world does not have a real Uncover."

Li Ming raised his head and looked around with serious eyes.

Where did this ability come from?

Zombies...or devil corpses, how did they come about?

Why do these exercises have these miraculous effects?
And how did this baby come about?
All the peace in front of him is like An Yuan in captivity, which makes people feel a little uneasy.

"No matter what, always strengthen your own strength."

Such a thought flashed in his mind, and Li Ming silently felt the use of the two treasures in his mind.

A whole new experience arises spontaneously.

Under the action of the bronze tripod, the power of the five elements and true energy in his body entered into his mind along with the power of thought, poured in from one side and spit out from the other side.

From time to time, his true qi and the power of the five elements have not only increased, but also become more condensed!
The iron sword with a jade handle also bloomed with brilliance, and waves of gentle but extremely condensed power washed Li Mingzhou's body from the skin to the muscles and bones, making Li Ming's body stronger all the time.

Feeling this scene, Li Ming's heart moved slightly.

"These two things can be called the legendary magic weapon of the fairy family, but no matter each of them...too much energy consumption."

Li Ming felt a little regretful: "If you want to bring out the full power of these two treasures, you have to use at least [-] times more powerful energy to sacrifice and nourish them for thousands of years, and then consume even more power to stimulate their power. Issued to."

"The current scene looks miraculous, but it's actually just these two babies instinctively absorbing the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, and borrowing the power of the heaven and earth to elevate me."

"However, the good thing is that even if the current strength is far from the standard, you can still perform some basic manipulations, such as releasing the ultimate incomplete and weakened version of [Sword Qi], such as taking out the bronze tripod to hit people, such as throwing the bronze Something stuffed in the cauldron..."

Li Ming thought about it, and the abilities of the two treasures appeared in his perception in the same way. Finally, he looked at the bronze tripod. There was a 20-meter-wide, 20-meter-long, 50-meter-high inner space for storage. It couldn't be more convenient.

"The things in this fairy tale novel actually appeared before my eyes."

Li Ming has an inexplicable sense of absurdity, but thinking about the apocalypse itself is already absurd enough, the neighbor's wife Zhang Yuan makes him happy every day, is there anything more absurd?
That being the case... then let's settle down as it comes.

"Can I enjoy it now?"

(End of this chapter)

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