Chapter 245 24 Ability Team
That thing has the effect of helping the awakening of the opposite sex, which sounds a bit ridiculous.

But under this mysterious doomsday background, nothing seems impossible. Even if there is an extra hole in the sky one day, everyone will be more likely to accept it.

As long as it doesn't involve leaking the most core things, it's fine.

An unremarkable little manager and six unremarkable maids may have unexpected effects at critical moments. Of course, even if the seven of them awaken their abilities, they are mostly internal.

It has to be another place that can really help Li Ming.

"There are more and more things recently, and there is no time to come here officially."

Li Ming shook his head, glanced at the villa area in front of him, and left silently. He came here just to increase his cards without being discovered by others.

After all, there are still big things to do next.

"Holy base."

Li Ming couldn't help muttering in his heart, he didn't know how this place was.

"In any case, it turned out to be an industrial area, and it will definitely bring great benefits. Taking it under control can also gradually strengthen your own strength."

Li Ming knows that although the current Hope Base City is powerful on the surface, in fact, many places are empty. Most steel creations can only rely on those two supernatural beings, and they cannot create weapons independently at all.

With the sacred base, at least ordinary people will no longer be short of weapons, equipment and daily necessities, and can be self-sufficient.

With a sufficient reserve of weapons, it is possible to use the strength of ordinary people to expand the territory, collect more production materials, and rebuild and develop.

Of course, these are just basic things, the real pass, or... Immortal power!
"In the magic world, immortal cultivators, Qi refiners, innate warriors..."

Li Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and his body shot out. To ordinary people, it was like a gust of wind, and he returned to the Hope Base silently.

But when he returned to Hope Base, he didn't return to his villa immediately, but stopped in another nearby villa.


Two strong men sat inside the door all the time, and when they saw Li Ming coming over, they immediately saluted respectfully. Li Ming nodded to them, walked to a study room by himself, pressed the switch, and was blocked by a five-centimeter thick steel plate The secret door opened, and he stepped in, and there was a long staircase underneath.

Stepping on the stairs and walking a full hundred meters, a wide underground space appeared in front of you. Looking up, the underground space was brightly lit. Bow and crossbow, there are firearms.

There is also a bow and arrow range, a shooting range, and even a driving range.

In addition to these training grounds, there are quiet rooms, kitchens, toilets, huts, and a large underground breeding farm.

It's like a self-sufficient underground world.

And in this vast open space, there are 23 very immature teenagers who are training hard, and they didn't come to gather together until Li Ming came over.

"Training should be done with a degree of relaxation. It is important to improve your strength, but you must also pay attention to your body, understand?"

Li Ming's parents came out of the house on one side, and they also gave a thousand and one instructions to a young man as they walked. It can be seen that the young man's face was a little pale, and he felt a little humiliated when he heard what Li Ming's parents said.

It wasn't until he saw Li Ming that he was shocked, and hurried over to join the team.

Li Ming's parents looked at the 24 children in front of them with a sigh in their eyes, and stood outside watching silently.

"During the past half month, everyone's hard work and hard work have achieved remarkable results. Compared with half a month ago, you are now not only full of energy, but also much stronger in physical fitness. Everyone must have seen these obvious improvements. In the eyes."

Li Ming nodded to his parents first, then looked at the 24 teenagers in front of him, and spoke with a slight smile.

These 24 teenagers are the 24 orphans that Lei Ming found before!

After hearing Li Ming's words, the group of teenagers couldn't help nodding their heads excitedly and showing happy smiles, feeling their strong body now, even the teenager who had injured himself due to over-training was the same.

Half a month ago, each of them was skinny and skinny, but after half a month of martial arts teaching by Li Ming's parents, and three meals of mutated animal meat for recuperation every day, their missing nutrition was not only replenished, but their bodies became healthier and stronger. The nutrition contained in the body has reached the full level.

In this way, it is time to activate the ability at the right time.

"Today is when your results are harvested. You all sit on the ground and prepare one by one."

Li Ming turned his head to look at the injured boy, and gave instructions to everyone in a low voice. He waited until a group of teenagers sat down with clenched fists excitedly, and then he walked to his side, and gently stroked his hair.

"Training should listen to grandpa and grandma, relax and relax, and don't push yourself too hard."

The five elements in Li Ming's hands flow together and the rich vitality energy is guided by him into the young man's body. His damaged parts recover instantly, and the paleness on his face disappears in the blink of an eye, but returns to ruddy. After listening to Li Ming's words again Immediately nodded vigorously, keeping the information in mind.

"Then, let's start with you."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, put his palm on the top of the young man's head, and pretended to run the power of the five elements, and the surface of his body immediately flashed with colorful light, but he had quietly taken out a supernatural crystal from the Guiyuan cauldron into the body of the boy.

All the teenagers only saw the multicolored divine light flashing across Li Ming's body, and then the boy covered by Li Ming's palm widened his eyes, and his body became visibly stronger.

"How does it feel, have you experienced the change of the ability?"

Li Ming withdrew his palm, the colorful brilliance on his body subsided, and looked at the young man in front of him with a smile.

"I can feel it, my physical fitness has suddenly become stronger, and there is a magical force entrenched in my body!"

The young man nodded excitedly, and looked at the man in front of him, his adoptive father, with splendor.

The adoptive father is the identity relationship between Li Ming and them. In a sense, this is their own choice.

Li Ming originally planned to use telekinetic power to forcefully implant the concept of being loyal to him in their spirits, but who knows, when he gathered these lonely orphans together, he gave them food, clothing, and drink.

Give them warmth, education, let them take a clean bath every day, eat and sleep, and teach them things, they have naturally approached him from the spirit, get close to him, and be loyal to him. At the core of this emotion, But it is a feeling of humility.

What Li Ming did was to strengthen their emotions, and then simply deepen them. During this process, the feeling of embarrassment naturally deepened, and naturally, these ten-year-old and eight-year-old boys Spontaneously called him foster father.

Naturally, Li Ming didn't care, he accepted their titles, and asked his parents to come here to take care of them when they were free.

After all, they are still children and need to be cared for.

Hearing this young man's voice, the surrounding young men became even more energetic. Li Ming walked over one by one with a smile on his face, and used the remaining supernatural power crystals to activate their supernatural powers one by one.

Immediately, with the consumption of power crystals one after another, all the 24 teenagers present awakened their powers one by one.

It's just that the power styles are all unified physical powers, and there are only two types: speed powers, and body comprehensive strengthening powers.

"Only with faster speed and stronger physique, can you guarantee sufficient safety and swiftness in the future. Even if the supernatural ability is awakened, the martial arts cannot be left behind. When the martial arts is cultivated to a certain extent, it is not weaker than the supernatural ability. The combination of the two is the most important thing." Righteous way, supernatural powers and martial arts support, you will be able to deal with all kinds of critical situations better in the future."

After all awakened, Li Ming gave serious lectures to the young boys. After all, the reason why he trained these people was mainly to guard against possible crises in various places in the future.

If danger is discovered, they need to transmit the information as quickly as possible, so, correspondingly, speed and physical abilities are naturally the main focus.

Coupled with abilities, such a small team is definitely a good helper.

Hearing Li Ming's lecture, all the teenagers immediately responded happily, and then, amidst the smiles of Li Ming's parents, Li Ming pointed out how to practice supernatural powers, and answered the difficulties and problems encountered in practicing martial arts before.

[Sitting breathing method] [Taoist Taijiquan] [Iron cloth shirt] [Internal training method (I Ching washing the marrow and training the five internal organs)] are the main martial arts they practice. With Li Ming's current attainments, just give them a few words and they will be able to Let them benefit a lot, not to mention the careful guidance.

As far as Li Ming has taught, the degree of martial arts cultivation and the grasp of various details are definitely the most suitable for their current physical and mental conditions. It can maximize the exercise effect without causing damage to the body. I practiced my skills easily and comfortably.

During this process, Li Ming's parents also cooperated with smiles on their faces, and by the way, Li Ming also pointed out their kung fu progress.

These two of them stayed here all the time, which was also the reason why Li Ming seldom went to see them.

Li Ming stayed here until it was dark, then turned around and went out, wandered all the way, and returned to his villa.

When he got home, Zhang Yuan was leading a group of women to study management, and Chuandu Xiaotian Zhang Yueyue was also earnestly following her study. While he was thinking about it, he didn't bother, but said something, and went to another villa.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

"Who is it?"

Knocking on the door, a female voice sounded from inside, followed by the people inside looking through the peephole, and then the door opened, revealing Fang Xia in silk pajamas.

"Why did this point come today? I'll go and see what Minmin's food has done, and I'll add another one for you."

Fang Xia asked with a smile after closing the door for Li Ming with some cool slippers.

"They are all studying, so they come to you."

Li Ming put on his slippers and walked to the living room. He happened to see Chen Min preparing for cooking. He added more ingredients with his supernatural powers. He walked behind Fang Xia with a smile, and hugged her in his arms.

"Sister Minmin's handicraft today, is there enough rice?"

Li Ming hugged Fang Xia, looked at the rice cooker in the kitchen, and asked with a smile.

"Enough, every time the two of us do more, we are so hungry that we can't eat much before we are full."

Chen Min turned around and said something, looked at the dishes that had been quickly processed, and nodded in satisfaction: "It's just right, you made so many dishes again, I just stir-fry them."

"Then let's go play first."

Li Ming stretched out his head and kissed Chen Min's earlobe, then hugged Fang Xia with a giggle and flung herself onto the sofa in the living room.

"These two."

Chen Min looked at Fang Xia's lifted feet with red earlobes, and quickly turned her head to cook vegetables seriously.

When it is cooked, put it on a plate and bring it to the dining table.

"Are you two okay, it's time to eat."

Chen Min looked on the sofa, muttered, watched TV and started eating. When he was full, he went to wash the dishes, took an apple and sat down to eat.

As soon as he took two bites, Li Ming jumped onto the sofa cushion.

"Apple, apple."

Chen Min kicked the sofa cushion with her legs, then silently put the apple in her palm and held it on top of her head.

Panting, Fang Xia got up to eat, combed her hair, and watched the TV drama slowly. After eating, she went to wash and tidy up, and then told Li Ming to eat quickly and stop eating cold.

Li Ming had no choice but to feel wronged by his sister-in-law's tongue, and sat up to eat by himself. Finally, Chen Min was free to sit up and eat an apple with his messy hair
After Li Ming finished his meal, Chen Min casually threw the apple core into the trash can and got up to clean up the mess, then went back to the bedroom to rest.

After a while, Li Ming and Fang Xia, who were twisted together, also got in.




In the early morning, a bus carrying workers who planned to go to work was ready to go on the road.

In front of the convoy, Zhu Yunxing looked suspiciously at the twenty people pulled by the bus. He could understand that there were too many workers and technicians.

But why are there so many managers inside?
Fully half of the trucks are full of managers, and one manager is in charge of one person?

What vertical management is this!
"Master Li Ming, there are too many managers here."

Zhu Yunxing looked back at the man beside him, and couldn't help asking.

"Not much, what's more, I don't think it's enough, don't worry, they can work."

Li Ming waved his hand indifferently, and looked forward: "The sacred base will be opened for two days, right? Then don't delay, let's go?"

"Um, fine."

Zhu Yunxing opened his mouth, always feeling that something was wrong, but hesitated for a while, considering the invincible posture of the peerless hunk beside him, he felt that he should stop talking nonsense, so he immediately set off to build his own holy place with this lord. base now.

Li Ming sat in the back of the car with a smile on his face. He first greeted his family members who were seeing him off on the side of the road, and then lazily greeted Zhang Yueyue, who came out to play with Chuandu Xiaotian, in a low whisper. noisy.

Zhu Yunxing felt that it was abnormal, but after considering Li Ming's force, he could only assume that everything was normal.

(End of this chapter)

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