Chapter 247
He wants to rule the base?

Confused, stunned, relieved.

Various emotions flashed in Zhu Yunxing's mind, but when his expression changed, he finally understood this person's purpose.

As for who is for and who is against...

Zhu Yunxing bent his legs, knelt down on one knee, and lowered his head.

As Zhu Yunxing said, this group of rice worms resolutely abandoned their integrity when they saw Chen Jun's humble and slave-like situation, and quickly followed Zhu Yunxing to kneel down on one knee.

Even the warriors among them are without exception.

"Very well, it seems that everyone has a positive heart. If this is the case, then everyone is on their own, and there is no need to kneel and talk."

A bright smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth in front of him. He withdrew his right foot from Chen Jun's head and said lightly, "I, Li Ming, will never treat my own people harshly. Your aristocratic status and treatment are gone, but you must There are still privileges.”

"I brought a lot of management personnel, and they will take over the management affairs of the sacred base..."


When the people brought by Li Ming quickly filled various key positions and took control of various places, Zhu Yunxing also suddenly understood why Li Ming brought so many people.

But the good news is that although their aristocratic privileges are gone, they still have some privileges. Compared with ordinary people, they are much more comfortable. reduce.

At the same time, only on the second day, that is, the day after Chen Jun was brought back to the secret room by Li Ming to have a secret conversation with the power of mind all night, Chen Jun was officially appointed as the acting manager. Powered over most things.

It's just that I have to go to Li Ming to report on my work once a month, but compared to other things, being managed by a boss I used to be familiar with, all the supernatural beings can more easily accept this reality.

For these, it is nothing unacceptable for Chen Jun to report on his work once a month.

After these things were done, Li Ming stayed in the sacred base for a week. In the eyes of many supernatural beings, he saw all the places in the base got on the bus under the new rules, so he took the beauty with him. Zhang Yueyue drove away from the sacred base.

"Consecutive mental control for a week, coupled with the subtle influence of the crazy influence on the soul, and once a month to stabilize, this sacred base should be firmly in hand and can't escape."

On the vehicle leaving the sacred base, Zhang Yueyue was wearing a hip-wrapping short skirt, her white thighs were playfully covered by a bit of fabric at the top, her upper body was lying on the bottom of the left seat, her lower body was raised high, trying her best to show off.

Li Mingbang watched the protective film recover little by little, and turned into a tender baby in the blink of an eye. He glanced at Chen Jun who was seeing him off with a smile on his face in the rear mirror, and secretly smiled in his heart.

The terrifying spiritual power that he re-evolved with his mind power three times is still the soul domain. Chen Jun, who has re-evolved once and has no contact with the soul, has no power to fight back, and he is at will. shape.

In fact, it was almost done on the first day, but he was still worried, and after another month of such manipulation, seeing that Chen Jun could hardly maintain his self-awareness, and his whole mind was full of his spirit, he finally stopped with satisfaction.

According to his rectification, not to mention one month, even ten years will be fine, but with a correspondingly cautious style, Li Ming still feels that it is relatively prudent to strengthen it every month, compressing it from ten years to one month , with restraint.

He didn't let him come once a week after all.

"Unexpectedly, all the iron and steel deposits here were miraculously restored due to the coming of the end, and they continued to increase. Under such circumstances, the potential of the sacred base has been greatly improved."

Li Ming lay down on his stomach and took a deep breath, and then jumped straight up, with a smile on his lips.

The potential of the gathering place of the sacred base is more than he imagined, because although there were steel deposits here, there are not many left after years of mining, but the magic is that after the end of the period, those people The mineral deposits that were once exhausted have recovered a lot!
Moreover, with the passage of time, it is still recovering, so that although the miners in the sacred base are still driving various mining equipment to mine, the progress of mining cannot even keep up with the speed of recovery of these mineral deposits!

Li Ming has seen the restoration of these mineral deposits with his own eyes. The layer upon layer of mineral deposits are like underground springs, and the miners are collecting them, and they are bursting out.

As a result, the miners who engage in mining have to retreat while mining, leaving enough space for the mineral deposits to grow. Their mining speed cannot keep up with the speed at which the mineral deposits recover and increase!

This miraculous scene caused everyone to be puzzled. Even though Li Ming searched it inch by inch with telekinetic power many times, nothing unusual was found.

In the end, I could only sit and watch the growth of these mineral deposits with a look of surprise, and what's even crazier is that some micro-mineral deposits not only returned to their pre-mining appearance, but even continued to expand in size...

The mineral deposits are increasing... This feeling is like the money is increasing by itself, which makes people feel joyful in the bewilderment, and there are some hidden worries in the joy.

Without knowing the reason, although this mineral deposit is easy to use, it always makes people feel a little hot.

After all, there is no reason to lose the pie in the world.

But after a long time, I still don't understand why it came out. In addition, there is no abnormality in using these things, and everyone uses them with peace of mind.

In such a situation, even Li Ming couldn't figure out the reason, so he could only sit back and watch the situation develop.

After all, for now, this is a good thing. The more these mineral deposits, the more resources humans can use, and the easier it is to restore the former prosperity.

"There are still more fortresses in the holy base. Such a military fortress is enough to supply all the surrounding base cities. When the remaining Zhoushui base, Changming base, Huaxia base, Shenzhou base, and past bases are all accepted, let's practice with each other." This is the steel supply center of the entire joint area."

"The state water base is near the sea and is a fish resource transportation center. The Shenzhou base and Guxi base are suitable for farming and are food and vegetable supply bases. There are many mountains and forests in the Changming base where chickens, ducks and poultry can be raised. The Huaxia base has coal mines, and many others. A wind turbine mounted on a mountain."

"These bases complement each other with the Hope Base, which is rich in armed forces, and the Holy Base, which is rich in resources. They are really a perfect match."

Li Ming thought about the general blueprint for future development in his heart, and couldn't help being very satisfied in his heart. He couldn't help lowering his head and asked Zhang Yueyue, "Have you always been so tight?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be about the same..."

Zhang Yueyue raised her head and answered with difficulty.

She possesses the power of body recovery. As long as she activates the power of the power, she can restore her body to its most complete form. She can develop a variety of ways to play, so Li Ming takes her with her all the way.

Even some poor female drivers, whose ears are red from being disturbed, have to concentrate on driving and look ahead.




There are many things in the sacred base that are still lacking in construction. Most of the people Li Ming brought over are the managers and service personnel in charge of the sacred base. These people help Li Ming to better establish a new order, but these tasks always need people Dry.

It's just that when the sacred base became their own, everything became simple. Before, they felt that it was a waste of resources to build a supernatural zone for steel control abilities and earth-moving abilities. Now it's not so much for their own family. How particular.

"Speaking of which, I hope that the base is really related to the steel-type and earth-moving abilities. I killed two of them before, and this time there is actually another earth-moving and a steel-controlling ability in the second Batches of self-awakening."

Returning to the Hope Base by car, Li Ming did not rush back to his villa, but immediately came to the right center to handle affairs.

In the past, this place belonged to Lei Ming, but now it belongs to him, Lei Ming belongs to him, so he can use it freely.

Looking at his subordinates who were going to pass on his news, a funny smile flashed on the corner of Li Ming's mouth. After thinking about those two supernatural beings who died suddenly, he shook his head again, as long as someone can use it, the rest doesn't matter.

"There are only two months left before the so-called Judgment Alliance. In these two months, several bases must be roughly completed and integrated."

Thinking of this important matter, Li Ming's eyes flashed with solemnity. For some reason, he always felt that this Judgment Alliance had something to do with the so-called other world, which made him feel a little vigilant.

First do a good job in the joint affairs of each base, and when he gets busy and doesn't care about these things, he can save these places from getting worse and worse, and even lose control.

Ordinary people are the foundation!
Especially, under the circumstances that this supernatural person seems to be able to continue to awaken from ordinary people.

"Jiang Bo, when I'm not around, the base will trouble you."

After delivering a message, Li Ming turned his head to look at an old man standing beside him with high spirits, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Such a base is no different from what I think in my heart. You are a thoughtful person, not as self-willed as Lei Ming. How could I not want to take care of it?"

Uncle Jiang looked at Li Ming, a look of emotion flashed across his face, then he looked at his leg, and couldn't help but twitched: "After all, even my leg was healed by you, so the old man will naturally Take care of it."

"Uncle Jiang, your body is the most important thing. The exercises I gave you should be practiced well. Not to mention anything else, at least it will make you look healthy and there is nothing wrong with it."

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Ming's mouth, he chatted softly with the laughing Jiang Bo, turned around and left here, leaving Jiang Bo full of emotion watching his back disappear.

Yes, Uncle Jiang is the arm that Li Ming supported.

He wants to control several bases, and even twist them into one, but it doesn't mean that he wants to waste time and energy for a group of ordinary people.

Ordinary people's affairs should be handed over to professionals. This old man who was despised by Lei Ming before is a very good choice. Let him take care of the overall situation, and let his woman "look after" once in a while, and things will be true. Nothing goes wrong.

As for him?
Just take care of the supernatural beings.

"With such a person, both the wives and I will be much more relaxed in the future."

Smiling inwardly, after Li Ming left the power center, he turned around and went to the place where 24 supernatural beings were trained. Seeing the adoptive father coming over, these little boys were very happy.

Li Ming pointed out their perplexities and difficulties for the past week, and then asked them to continue to practice hard before turning around and leaving the underground base.

"It's not a good idea to let them stay underground all the time. If you have time, you have to find a surface base. In addition, you need to prepare more underground bases."

Thoughts flickered in Li Ming's mind. Although the 24 supernatural beings are still weak and it is the best choice to be by his side, it is always right to plan ahead and prepare for some things in advance.

After leaving here, he then walked around the base again, confirming that everything was running well under his rules, and then he returned home in a good mood.

"My husband is back."

As soon as she entered the door, she heard Zhang Yuan's call. Every time Li Ming came back, she always responded most sensitively.

Li Ming nodded with a smile, bent over and hugged him, and started another game amidst laughter.

When I come back home, I want to make love with my wives.

So, three days later.

Li Ming drove his wife back to the Linjiang villa area formally, and met Zhou Cheng and others who were stationed here.

Seeing him come back, these people were obviously very excited. Li Ming asked Zhang Yuan to hold another dinner party. During the dinner party, they learned about the problems they had encountered during these times. After they all nodded and wrote it down, they suddenly asked They have a problem.

"Why don't you go to live in other big base cities, it's more convenient there, as for this place, you can keep it as a farm."

Hearing Li Ming's words, everyone was taken aback, looking at him rather at a loss.

"Now I hope that the base will be under my control. After going there, I guarantee that everyone's life will not be affected, and it will only be better."

A smile flickered on the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and then he said softly: "It is also fate that everyone met at the end of the world. Going to the Hope Base together, there may be some good luck in the future, what do you think?"

Hearing Li Ming's confirmation again, everyone finally reacted. Afterwards, the atmosphere was sensational and heated discussions started. The brightly lit banquet became more lively in an instant.

In the dark night, it is particularly eye-catching.

"This kid, he hasn't completely lost himself."

In the distance, in a dark place that was not covered by lights, a man's figure suddenly appeared. He looked at Li Ming's position, his mouth curled up, and he raised his hand suddenly, his eyes flickered: "I didn't expect you to hide so deeply." , and this mental ability!"

"Li Ming, Li Ming, I don't know, what surprises will you bring me?"

(End of this chapter)

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