Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 251 Li Dingguo: Maybe, you should go out and have a look

Chapter 251 Li Dingguo: Maybe, you should go out and have a look

"I never thought it would be so easy to evolve three times."

In a flash, Li Ming returned to his villa from hundreds of miles away. Li Ming felt the abundant power of the five elements in his body, and he couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The soul comprehends the mysteries of heaven and earth, and what it perceives is not only the frequency track of heaven and earth, but also many "Taos" that it can understand.

What is the Tao that can be understood by oneself?

What you have, you can understand what you get, and then absorb it. This is understanding.

Li Ming has spirit, energy and spirit, so he understands the corresponding way contained in the heaven and earth, and thus absorbs the Tao rhyme of spirit, energy and spirit; with the supernatural power of the five elements, he understands the way of the five elements of heaven and earth, and thus absorbs the rhythm of the five elements. .

It's just that although these dao rhymes are all treasures, the level of them is too high-end, far beyond the scope of Li Ming's comprehension. Such treasures have also become poison, which almost caused his body to disintegrate.

Fortunately, he woke up quickly at the critical moment, which prevented the tragedy from happening.

Otherwise, if you continue to maintain that state, you may be crushed to ashes by the terrifying heaven and earth frequency track.

However, as a result of this incident, his abilities in all aspects have been greatly improved, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

"After all, it's just an incomplete method, and there are inevitably loopholes."

Thinking of the exhausting deduction and study with Li Dingguo before, Li Ming shook his head helplessly, knowing that the root of all this lies in the lack of martial arts background. If there is, this situation will never happen.

Now, this method of fitting the body with the heaven and the earth is just an incomplete method.

Special skill: [Incomplete · Fitting Heaven and Earth (Fusion 0%)]

Note: No grade.

"Hey, this incomplete thing is uncomfortable, even if it is self-created, it can only reach the level of mastery."

Li Ming secretly sighed in his heart, the incomplete inheritance is difficult.

"The current plan is to rely on all my martial arts perception, all the accumulation of martial arts, and my talent... I can raise him to a perfect level by adding proficiency points."

Li Ming muttered to himself, then couldn't help feeling his own state carefully, couldn't help exhaling, straightened his clothes with a smile on his mouth and walked out of the villa practice room.

"My husband is out."

In the courtyard, Zhang Yuan was sitting outside with a worried face. When she saw him coming out, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and asked hastily, "What happened before, we were all scared."

"It's just that there was an accident during the practice, it's nothing."

Li Ming smiled and hugged Zhang Yuan in his arms to comfort him. At the same time, he felt that his body and cultivation were not enough, so he couldn't help but practice with her [Secret Passage]

Before Zhang Yuan had time to say a few words of worry, Li Ming began to charge the battery. She was a little distressed and kept these words in her heart for a while, after all, she didn't have time to speak from the beginning.

After charging like this for a long time, Zhang Yuan's battery was fully charged, and Li Ming also felt that his body was nourished, and he felt very happy immediately.

"How is Master Li Dingguo's condition these days? Did you see any special movement from him?"

Li Ming grasped Zhang Yuan's conscience, while kneading it, he asked.

In the sweep of his thoughts, Li Dingguo was sitting cross-legged in the quiet room of the villa with his eyes closed, unable to see why, so he asked Zhang Yuan.

Although he reminded Li Dingguo immediately when something went wrong, he was afraid that Li Dingguo had already started to practice when he reminded...

"Master Li Dingguo had the same problem as you, but for a short time, he has been cultivating silently for a while, but he also ate all the mutated animal meat he sent, so there shouldn't be any problem."

Zhang Yuan spoke with a weak voice, she was really tired.

"Well, if this is the case, then you go and rest first, I will watch here."

Li Ming nodded slightly, Zhang Yuan nodded obediently, and was carried into the room by Li Ming.

Immediately after coming out of the room, Li Ming walked to the living room, just in time to see Zhang Yueyue lying on the sofa reading a book, he immediately unzipped his trousers, went to the side of the sofa and pressed over.

"What are you looking at?"

Li Ming squeezed hard, narrowed his eyes comfortably, then lowered his head to enjoy Zhang Yueyue's face, and spoke softly.

"I'm watching my husband's martial arts experience."

Zhang Yueyue opened her mouth slightly, raised her forehead, opened her mouth to speak in a whisper, and parted her legs slightly while speaking.

"Oh, it's so hard, it's so beautiful."

Zhang Yueyue's forehead trembled, and she agreed softly to bury her head in the book.

Li Ming looked out of the window, a little worried that nothing would happen to Li Dingguo, he followed his words silently while doing what he said.

Until the evening of the day.

Zhang Yueyue was numb, Li Ming finally got up, cleaned up his traces, and walked towards Li Dingguo's villa.

In his telekinetic perception, Li Dingguo finally woke up from the sedation, and his face returned to normal with a pale face. So, he naturally wanted to ask.

When he reached the entrance of the villa, he knocked on the door, and Li Dingguo came to open the door not long after. Seeing his expression, Li Ming couldn't help asking: "You also practice the new method?"

"With such an opportunity in front of you, how can you abandon it because there is a shortage."

Li Dingguo smiled, although his expression was pale, but there was a sense of joy: "Fortunately, I survived, and now the range I can control has expanded to five meters, and the degree of control has also increased to five thousand points One, it's a quantum leap."

"Although this way of frequency tracking between heaven and earth can only last for 10 minutes, these 10 minutes are enough to decide and influence many things at critical moments. Moreover, after this first comprehension, with the help of another comprehension In this way, my body, true energy, and spirit have all undergone a wave of transformation, and my origin has become stronger, so I don’t lose money no matter what.”

Li Dingguo smiled, then touched his face, showing a smile: "Sooner or later, the new method will be completed, and it will definitely be a magical skill. The only thing I am not satisfied with is that the injury I am suffering now will take a long time to complete." The time has come."

"Maybe it won't take long to recuperate."

After listening to Li Dingguo's words, Li Ming's eyes flashed with splendor, and then with a smile on his face, he stretched out his right hand and put it on Li Dingguo's shoulder.

The next moment, the five elements were born together, and strong vitality poured into Li Dingguo's body.

"This is!"

As soon as Li Dingguo opened his eyes, he immediately felt that the source of weakness in his body was being repaired quickly. His eyes were opened in vain, and the next moment he quickly closed his eyes to realize this feeling.

Then, under Li Ming's surprised expression, he even used some special martial arts skills to speed up his recovery from his injuries when Li Ming's five elements were infused into the recovery state.

It was not until half an hour later that Li Dingguo recovered from all the damage, his face returned to rosy, and his energy seemed to be vigorous, obviously in excellent condition.

"This is the five elements ability, another ability of mine."

Li Ming stopped with a smile, looked at Li Dingguo and said with a smile.

The quality of the five elements ability has been greatly improved after three evolutions, so that he can quickly heal even a strong person like Li Dingguo in a short period of time.

Of course, correspondingly, the power of the Five Elements Shield and the Five Elements Destruction God Thunder has also been greatly improved.

The implication of Shenlei is bursting, and the horror of the reversal of the five elements is also bursting, so now Li Ming likes to call it Shenlei, or Shenguang.

And it would be absolutely impossible to achieve this step before re-evolving three times.

Another ability...

Li Dingguo looked at Li Ming silently, and then slowly twitched the corners of his mouth: "Why is it so easy for you to get the supernatural power?"

"Uh, no, it's all luck, luck."

Li Ming smiled in a low-key manner, waved his hands, and then said seriously to Li Dingguo: "If you don't make up for this defect, you can't feel at ease when you use it. In the next period of time, you still have to find a way to perfect this secret method?"

"Perfect the secret method?"

Li Dingguo smiled slightly, then closed his eyes to feel himself, then opened them again, thoughtfully: "Your supernatural power is really powerful, not only healed my injuries this time, but even the previous dark wounds All the illnesses have been cured as before, which is unbelievable."

"When the body is healthy, the state is good, and the secrets will be more energetic and motivated when studying the secrets."

Li Dingguo looked emotional, but then he restrained himself and looked up at Li Ming with a slightly heavy expression: "But, compared to this, there may be a more important matter that needs to be resolved more urgently."

"Uh? What's the matter?"

Li Ming frowned, and asked in confusion, nothing happened for more than a month.

Could it be that... Li Dingguo also knows about the Judgment Alliance?

According to the time, it is only a week or two before the Judgment Alliance will come to the Hope Base, and it is indeed time.

The Judgment Alliance, the Immortal Cultivators, these are indeed important matters. A thought flashed through his mind, and Li Ming calmed down a little, waiting for Li Dingguo's answer.

"There is one thing you may not know. When I come back this time, taking back my martial arts experience is one of them. There is another more important thing than this."

Li Dingguo looked at Li Ming with a solemn expression: "There is a catastrophe in Shenzhou."

"Catastrophe, what disaster?"

Li Ming was taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously.

"You wait here for a moment."

Li Dingguo looked at Li Ming, didn't speak, but turned around and walked back to the villa, took a tablet after a while, and put it in Li Ming's hand.

"Here's a video, watch it."

Li Dingguo said softly, Li Ming had already picked up the tablet and looked at the video waiting to be played on the homepage, reached out and touched it slightly, and the video started playing immediately.


There was a sound of waves, and the scene of the sea and waves appeared in the picture, and there was a strong man walking back. It was Li Dingguo.

The video seems to have been cut, and most of the content that Li Dingguo appeared in the camera was cut out, leaving only the sea and waves.

What's so nice about the sea?

What does it have to do with the divine catastrophe?
Li Ming frowned, feeling puzzled, but suddenly raised his eyebrows, and saw a black dot appearing in the picture with sharp eyes.

The next moment, the screen was zoomed in rapidly, and after a while, the black spot in the sight appeared in full view.

A... monster that walks on the sea!

"What is this?"

Li Ming looked at the things on the screen in astonishment, and when he saw that the sea level was only up to the opponent's waist, his expression became even more stunned.

How deep is the sea?
Only to the waist of this monster?

"This thing, I call him a sea monster."

Li Dingguo exhaled softly, and spoke slowly, his eyes full of dignity: "Before I came back, I had explored and wandered into the sea alone, and dived into the deep darkness alone, practicing in the high seas."

"But on that day, a layer of hazy irises suddenly appeared farther out on the high seas. I don't know what the iris is. It seems to be unreal, but also seems to be real, as if there is another world superimposed inside."

"I checked curiously, and then found the figure of this monster in the iris, and through continuous detection, I found that the energy contained in it is simply beyond imagination, and the most important thing is..."

Li Dingguo looked at Li Ming: "It is constantly becoming clearer, as if it wants to come out of that space, and its purpose seems to be to set foot on this land, because it has been moving in this direction, although it is imprisoned in the In the iris."

"According to my calculations at the time, the iris may disappear in a short time. When the iris disappears, if such a giant invades the land, how should it be resisted?"

"Although the iris is miraculous, it didn't cut off the monster's aura. Just feeling its aura, I felt like falling into an abyss. Even if I got the inheritance of innate martial arts, I couldn't be sure of defeating it. If I let it go ashore to do evil, I'm just afraid that wherever I go..."

"No blade of grass will grow."

Li Dingguo looked at Li Ming silently: "I have encountered some gathering places along the way. I originally wanted to persuade them to move, but I expected that such a monster, if we really want to go ashore, where would it be useful for us to move?"

"The most important thing is that most of the gathering places do not have the ability to migrate..."

"I thought I was very confused, but now, maybe you can give it a try."

Li Dingguo said to Li Ming silently: "Things may be a little sudden, but the number of such monsters can no longer make up the gap, only the strong."

"And now, the known strongest is you."

After Li Dingguo finished speaking, he looked at Li Ming fixedly.

"Things, a little..."

Li Ming looked at this thing in astonishment, quite at a loss and bewildered.

How can you live well, and suddenly such a thing pops up?

"No one can handle it but you."

When Li Ming was about to speak but stopped, Li Dingguo looked at him and said silently: "Perhaps, you should go to those places and see for yourself."

See for yourself?

Li Ming raised his eyebrows, looked back at the Hope Base, then at Li Dingguo, thinking about it.

"Shouldn't it be urgent?"

(End of this chapter)

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