Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 254 First meeting, imperial weapon?

Chapter 254 First meeting, imperial weapon?
center of power.

The central door of the building had already been opened wide, and there were clusters of flowers. A tall male and female attendant wearing red silk at the sides stood on both sides, welcoming the visitors to the central hall.

It's just that things don't seem to be going the way they want.

"Where is Thunder, come out and speak."

A man with a height of nearly two meters, with a bronze color all over his body, and even his golden eyes looked at the luxurious scene in the power center indifferently, and his voice resounded like a bell.

Beside him, there were four figures, all watching quietly, standing on the square outside the power center, showing no intention of going in at all.

"This Lei Ming is a bit unique, but it's because he is not strong enough, but he loves to play with these bells and whistles so much."

A man with rough skin like a rock gave a disdainful chuckle, looked at the center of power in front of him playfully, folded his arms around his chest, and looked playful.

"After all, it's a small place. It's normal for me to be a little clingy when it comes to things like the adjudicator."

A man covered in black robes and a hood smiled slightly, his voice was calm, and the other two figures around him looked calm and looked at everything around them with interest.


Just as the two of them spoke, there was a flash of lightning in front of the building of the power center, and a majestic, burly and extraordinary man appeared.

"Since everyone is here, why don't you come in and have a talk, insist on talking in this square?"

'Thunder' raised his thick eyebrows, looked at the frowns of the people in front of him, and couldn't help but speak.

"There's no need to go inside, it's a waste of time."

The man covered in bronze seemed to be in the dominant position in this group. Hearing what Lei Ming said, he replied indifferently, then suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes moved towards Lei Ming: "I didn't expect that after all this time, you It's really extraordinary that his strength has gone up to the next level, to the level of the second evolution."

"Oh? Second re-evolution? It also has some qualifications to become an adjudicator."

Of the two people who had never spoken, one finally raised his head in surprise, and couldn't help but speak softly.

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking, as if it was not easy for him to say a word after two evolutions.

The other person remained indifferent and did not say a word.

"My name is ancient and clumsy, so I won't gossip, Lei Ming, let me ask you, whether that supernatural being named Li Ming will reappear, and who is stronger or weaker between you and him."

The bronze-colored man standing at the front raised his eyes, and there was a bright light in his eyes, and there was a force of conviction in his voice.

'This is a method of spiritual induction. Could it be that this person has also awakened the ability related to the spirit, or is there a mysterious method that is similar to the meditation breathing method but has other effects? '

In the villa, Li Ming, who came home quietly before Lei Ming went out, was surprised when he saw this scene through Lei Ming's eyes. He felt the influence of a spiritual force just now through the spiritual rosary in Lei Ming's mind.

This is the first time he has felt this kind of power from other people.

'This is too lazy to investigate and collect evidence, and just use the simplest and most direct way to find the answer. '

The guiding direction of this spiritual power is very simple, it is to let people tell the truth, the moment the other party uses this spiritual power on Lei Ming, Li Ming knows all the information.

A touch of interest couldn't help but Li Ming controlled the spiritual rosary in Lei Ming's mind and answered quietly.

"Li Ming? It's just an unknown person. I haven't seen him since I left last time. I don't know if he died or went to some other place."

Lei Ming stared at the bronze-colored man who spoke, that is, the self-proclaimed ancient and clumsy supernatural being, his voice was naturally calm.

"Oh, in that case, then there is no problem. From today on, you will be the one to decide on all matters concerning this place."

Gu Zhuo nodded slowly, and after speaking, a momentum suddenly spread from his body, and with the rising momentum, a golden column of energy rose into the sky, and his whole body instantly turned into a golden body with the color of gold!

"Everyone, leave the verdict seal with me!"

Gu Zhuo's eyes glowed with bright golden light, and his whole body rose into the air, exuding an extremely fierce aura.

The other four people didn't answer, but they were already dispatched in an instant, and each of them actively condensed and burst out bright energy, floating on the ground.

"Lei Ming, you come too, you have made this seal of judgment, and in the future you will be connected with us and become one."

There was a roaring sound from Guzhuo's throat, and the strange golden eyes bloomed looking at Lei Ming who stood on the ground with a face full of astonishment, a smile appeared on his stern face, and with his thoughts, a golden square seal suddenly emerged from his body fly out of it.

"Inject the power of your supernatural power into this golden seal, stimulate the power with us, and pour it into it."

Taking out the gold seal, the smile on Gu Zhuo's face faded and returned to sternness, and he looked at Lei Ming's solemn expression.

'He can fly because of this thing? '

'Can multiple people share the flight? '

In the villa next door, Li Ming, who had just re-evolved four times and had no idea how to fly naturally, silently put his raised butt back on the sofa, and heaved a sigh of relief.


He thought it was fake that he had re-evolved four times. How could this group of guys dare to fly so arrogantly after three re-evolutions? If he didn't rely on telekinetic power, he wouldn't be able to do it.

Now it seems that if it is to rely on treasures, it is not unacceptable.

Let's see what it is...

With a thought in Li Ming's mind, the astonishment on Lei Ming's face immediately disappeared, followed by a bright thunder light rising from his body, shooting into the golden seal instantly like a winding electric snake.

"It's not enough. With the level of your second re-evolution ability, at least half of your power must be released to leave a mark here."

Gu Zhuo looked at the energy injected by Lei Ming and nodded slowly, then the golden light in his eyes rose, and he spoke to Lei Ming.


The arc pierced through the air and became thicker with a tearing sound. Lei Ming gritted his teeth and directly injected half of the power in his body instantly.


In an instant, a layer of electric arc flickered all over Jin Yin's body, and at the same time, a special force suddenly emerged from the bottom of Lei Ming's heart.

Lei Ming subconsciously used his own energy to rely on this special force to fluctuate, and his whole body suddenly rose into the air.

'It really is the ability of this gold seal. '

In the villa next door, a flash of surprise flashed in Li Ming's eyes, looking thoughtfully at the golden seal in front of Lei Ming's sight.

But he couldn't help but think of the Garrison Guiyuan Ding and Gengyuxuan lightsaber in his mind.

'It seems that they are all the same kind of thing, but their functions are slightly different. His golden seal only has the ability to make people fly, and maybe there are other things. '

Li Ming's heart moved, and a smile flashed across his mouth involuntarily, and he watched the movements of the five adjudicators leisurely and contentedly.

"The ruling seal, Ning."

Under Lei Ming's gaze, the middle finger and ring finger of the floating ancient clumsy eyes were straightened up, and the other three fingers were retracted, placed on the forehead, and drinking in his mouth.


In an instant, a strange wave condensed from the golden seal, which shone with six colors of light.

Looking carefully, among the six colors, apart from golden energy, black energy, yellow energy, red energy, and starlight energy, there is also a flash of thunder, which is the thunder and lightning energy imprint that Lei Ming has just penetrated into it!
A six-color mark also suddenly separated from the golden seal, and then slowly fell to the ground of the square under Lei Ming's gaze.

In an instant, the six-color marks bloomed like a flower, as if made of gold and stone, naturally condensed on the square road.

"With this mark, I can communicate freely in the future, and this mark has the ability to protect. If a large-scale danger is encountered, it can be turned into a barrier to protect a city."

Gu Zhuo looked at the imprint below, nodded in satisfaction, then waved his big hand, absorbed the energy in his body, and his whole body returned to the color of bronze, looked at the corner of Lei Ming's mouth and smiled: "With this imprint, you can also Obtaining the benefits of vacating will help in actual combat."

"From now on, if there is anything, you can notify me through this seal. We will communicate with you if there is an important matter over there, and sharing information with each other is the best way to survive in this doomsday."

The group of people fell back to the ground one after another. Gu Zhuo looked at Lei Ming and said quietly: "You must have heard about the deeds of the immortal cultivators, and your heart has already been moved. It just so happened that I also brought a portion of the merit of cultivating immortals when I came here this time." Law."

"This is [Golden Elephant Kung Fu]. Practicing this kung fu will give you the great power of a dragon and an elephant, and you will gain the ability to control the air in your body when you reach the consummation level. It is an introductory book for cultivators. If you are interested, you can try it out."

Gu Zhuo took out a golden-wrapped book from the package on his back, and threw it to Lei Ming with a wave. Lei Ming quickly took it, and before he had time to thank him, the five of them rose into the air again.

"Now that this matter is over, we need you to do one thing in the name of the adjudicator."

Gu Zhuo looked at the thunder below, and there were golden lines shining between his brows. When he looked up, he said quietly: "We have a big thing to do, if this thing is done, the road will be safe or secure, and the only thing we need is gold and iron." things!"

"From now on, I want you to do your best to collect all the gold and iron objects that can be collected, whether it is steel or iron, copper or aluminum, all metal objects are needed."

"Your base needs at least 100 million tons!"

"As for the time, we can only give you one month."

Gu Zhuo looked solemn, spoke sharply, and stared at Lei Ming closely, carrying an aura from three times of evolution, and the courage of a martial arts master.

"More than 100 million, which is too much. Where can I collect it?"

Lei Ming frowned: "Besides, I just joined the Judgment Alliance, and I have to accept such a heavy task, isn't it appropriate?"

"It's urgent, and I know it's not a small amount. It's really difficult for people to do it casually."

Gu Zhuo smiled at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly took out another book from the package he was carrying: "The [Golden Elephant Skill] I just gave you is a basic skill that must be widely popularized at the request of immortal cultivators, and this book is called [Royal Weapon Basics]."

"Learn the [Golden Elephant Art], and your body will gain the mysterious method of flying into the air, and if you learn the [Fundamentals of Imperial Weapons], you will be able to practice your weapons like your arms, and even if you have qualified The weapon can fly with the sword like the sword fairy in the fantasy of the novel."

"Of course, the imperial sword is still an imperial weapon, even if you fly on a gourd, it's fine, it all depends on you."

Gu Zhuo shook his fingers: "In this book, there are more methods on how to forge powerful weapons. The forged weapons can even breathe fire, spit water, and absorb people's energy like the legendary magic weapon. If you are willing, you can accept this item, and it will be used as compensation for the work you have to do when you first join the alliance."

"make a deal."

Lei Ming's eyes moved, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand to Gu Zhuo.


Gu Zhuo smiled, threw the book to Lei Ming, and then left with the other four people whose mouths were twitching.

"Remember what I said, I will come to pick up 100 million tons of steel in a month's time, and I hope you won't let me down by then."

The ancient and clumsy voice came from afar, leaving only Lei Ming with a strange light in his eyes.

"I'll give it to you in a month, do you dare to ask for it?"

An inexplicable meaning flashed across the corner of his mouth, Lei Ming looked at the book in his hand and chuckled lightly.


"Hey, I even met a family descendant."

After giving Lei Ming the final order, when Gu Zhuo led the four of them away in the [-]-meter-high air, he suddenly raised his brows, and looked down as if telepathically.

"You guys go first, I'll go and have a look."

Thoughts turned in his mind, and while his ancient and clumsy expression turned, he gave instructions to the other four people, and then he fell from the sky and came to the roof of a villa.

'Um? '

In the room, Li Ming, who was watching [The Basics of Imperial Artifacts], raised his brows and looked aside. On the roof of the villa outside the window, a figure appeared in front of him following the ancient landing.

Li Dingguo?
"Your kung fu is inherited from your family?"

Gu Zhuo looked at Li Dingguo who was dressed in plain clothes in front of him, with a strange look in his eyes, he couldn't help asking.

"Exactly, but I still have to meet the disciples of the main sect."

Li Dingguo calmly opened his eyes, and bowed slightly to Gu Zhuo.

"The superficial kung fu handed down in your family has actually allowed you to come to this point. It's not easy, it's not easy."

Gu Zhuo stared at Li Dingguo and turned deeply, then twirled his fingers suddenly, and took out a book from the yellow cloth bag that always looked bulging.

"This exercise has been passed on to you. The trick is written in the book. Remember who you are the descendant of. I hope you won't let me down in the future."

Stretching forward, Gu Zhuo looked at Li Dingguo, and said solemnly and meaningfully.

"Thank you, but there is one thing that I hope the Lord knows. When I was traveling in the East China Sea, I saw terrifying giant beasts cruising in the sea. It may be harmful to Shenzhou."

Li Dingguo paused on the spot, took it silently, then looked at Gu Zhuo and said in a deep voice.

"I've known about this for a long time, so don't get involved and do your own thing."

Gu Zhuo took a look at him, and his figure hung in the air again, shooting out.

(End of this chapter)

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