Chapter 278

Before seeing Li Ming, Qingchengzi didn't know who he was looking for, to be precise, he didn't know if the person he was looking for was the Li Ming in front of him.

But after seeing him, Qing Chengzi knew that he must be the one he was looking for.

Fluorescent in his eyes, Qing Chengzi only glanced at the top of Li Ming's head, and was so dazzled by the mighty green-gold light that it was almost impossible to maintain his eyes, so he hurriedly closed his eyes, and felt much more comfortable.

"Sky Eye has the ability to observe energy, detect spirit, detect objects and see the truth, and those who are advanced can cultivate all kinds of powerful powers that can be used in actual combat. It's just that my sky eye can't practice now. At most, I can only observe energy and see objects." For peeking at the truth. '

'With my current cultivation base, just looking at it almost broke my eyes. This person's destiny is really amazing. '

A person with such an astonishing destiny, coupled with the existence of claiming to be the controller on this occasion, who else is not him?
Qingchengzi has seen more than one base controller in his travels around the world, and more than one powerful person with supernatural powers. Among them are people with strong luck and destiny, but compared with this person in front of him, he is like a firefly and a bright moon.

Such a person, if he is not looking for him, who else could it be?
Now that we have met, the next key is to communicate. Qing Chengzi stated his purpose very directly.

"Pindao has traveled all the way around the world so far, and all he has seen is evil spirits everywhere. Even though there are many large bases, there are many hidden evil spirits. Only this place is quiet and peaceful, and there is not a single evil spirit."

Qingchengzi looked at the man who appeared in front of him. He had a handsome appearance and a tall and straight figure, and a smile could not help showing on the corner of his mouth: "It can be seen that the owner of this place is a righteous person, so I come here to see you, and invite the owner of this place to share with you." It is true that the world is clear!"

"To clear the world together?"

The Taoist said it politely, but Li Ming realized in a second that what the other party was talking about was all the special demon corpses in his base circle, including the fact that all of them were killed within a certain range outside the base circle, which made him smile , but some attention has risen in my heart.

Being able to discover this proves that the opponent has some abilities, and this ability is obviously not only reflected in defeating Tiejun, a supernatural being who is evolving once...

It's just that what does it mean to say that the world will be cleared?
"Yes, we will clear the world together."

Qingchengzi looked at Li Ming's expression, his expression became more serious, and then he waved his palm, and a...tablet computer appeared from between his sleeves.

"Before Pindao came here, he had already traveled half of the world, and he was already aware of the catastrophe in the world today, and this is one of them, the most urgent catastrophe."

Qingchengzi looked at Li Ming, and clicked on the video in front of his eyes with a serious expression.

"It's one that keeps pace with the times."

Seeing that the Taoist priest actually took out a tablet, Li Ming smiled a little, and at the same time couldn't help but look at the tablet in his hand.

The scorching high temperature made the place in the video look like a furnace, and the air was basked in waves of heat.

There are weeds, shrubs and tall forests everywhere, but there are more strange rocks, dead grass and dead wood.

As the video progressed, such a scene was quickly pushed closer in the video, and finally, it stopped in a new sky, and the continuous zombies at the end of the line of sight suddenly appeared in the line of sight.

Puffs of black air were constantly being emitted from these zombies. Under the restrained irradiation of the terrible sun, the exposed zombies twitched like electric shocks.

The black air lingering in its body made a crackling sound like beans being fried, and many demon corpses kept screaming in pain, but even so, none of these demon corpses retreated.

The dense crowd of zombies are actively doing these things, such a scene is really shocking.

The key is……

The picture in the video continues to recommend that a human-like guy with black tattoos who seems to have no eyes sits in the center of all the zombies.

And around him, there are monster zombies with different shapes, but one can tell at a glance that they are not simple, sitting in a circle, and they are actively washed by the sun just like those ordinary zombies.

Li Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, this demon corpse is too special.

"This place is on the equator in Africa. The scenes I saw when I traveled around the world are specially recorded with video to spread the world."

Seeing Li Ming finished watching the video, Qing Chengzi closed the video and opened another one, only to see another group of very similar corpses doing the same under the same scene.

"As you can see, these two special evil creatures may already have wisdom. They occupy the two places with the strongest yang energy and the strongest sunlight in the world. They actively accept the sun's exposure every day, bringing The zombies under his command are willing to bear the damage of the scorching sun."

"At the beginning, I was still wondering why they did such a thing, but when I used Taoism, Taoism, and Feijian to take the opportunity to strangle them all, everything became clear in an instant."

While Qingchengzi was speaking, the two flying swords behind him trembled, and a beast-like aura emanated out, even Li Ming's expression became a little dignified.

These two flying swords are stronger than all his weapons except Gengyuxuan lightsaber, this is almost an instinctive intuition!

Not just strong, but a leap forward!

"Feijian, do you have Feijian too?"

Li Ming's eyes sparkled, Qing Chengzi glanced at him, did not speak, but clicked on a video again.

Li Ming's gaze followed. The difference from the previous two videos is that Qingchengzi in this video is out of breath, without the calmness before. At the end of the video, there are several demon corpses standing like human beings. Together, staring at him.

Li Ming noticed that there were also many large and small scars on these demon corpses, but what was surprising was that the gray-white energy surged on their bodies, and the scars on these demon corpses were actually recovering!
"I call these evil spirits. Of course, the increasingly popular title of demon corpses is also reasonable. They seem to have undergone some fundamental changes in the nature of the power in their bodies under the constant attack of the sun."

Qing Chengzi took back the tablet, and looked at Li Ming with a serious expression: "Before this, these evil spirits will die as long as they pierce their heads and destroy the place where their spirits are stored."

"But now... even piercing the head is useless. The opponent seems to have completely got rid of the biological category in his cognition. No matter where he is pierced or even cut off, he will not die, and he will even slowly die. recovery."

"The most important thing is that the bodies of these zombies have been exposed to the sun for a long time, and after being tempered by the fusion of positive and negative forces, they have become as strong as diamonds. Each of them seems to have a diamond body. Even my magic weapon can only It can do penetrating damage, but it can't cause normal chopping damage."

"There is no vital point in the body, the injury recovers quickly, and the characteristics of immortality, coupled with the indestructible body of King Kong, and is also very sensitive like a warrior, the danger level of these evil spirits is enough to make people feel horrified."

"Also, I have traveled around the world and found that the zombies in these two different places each have a clear goal, one is the west, and the other is China!"

"In these two places, demon corpses are constantly infiltrating. The closer to the equator line, the more strange demon corpses there will be. Even if the poor road keeps killing them all the way, they will not be able to kill them all. It's just a drop in the bucket."

"And, the most important thing is that these evil spirits on the equator line are still constantly transforming. Last time I tried my best, I couldn't test the ability of the most central zombies. It's just that the evil spirits around it are killing the poor. No one knows what kind of power it has if it is resisted."

"Furthermore, I think that the terrifying evil spirits I fought with have not completely completed their transformation. If one day all these huge zombies complete their transformation, they will swarm here under the leadership of these two mysterious zombies..."

Qingchengzi looked at Li Ming, with a look of worry in his eyes: "Wait, how should I resist?"

"There is such a strong, outrageous demon corpse?"

Li Ming's eyes were full of surprise: "Could it be that this is the legendary intelligent zombie?"

"It should be. I don't need to say the power of Pindao Feijian. With your strength, you should be able to judge its power through the feeling of breath. In normal times, these two magic weapons can be said to be invincible, but when dealing with These evil times are frustrated everywhere, and it is extremely difficult."

Seeing that Li Ming's eyes were full of surprise, but without the panic and worry he had imagined, Qing Chengzi couldn't help but frowned: "Monks don't lie, since I didn't hesitate to come here to find you, I think you should be able to understand this." It must be true."

"Such a catastrophe cannot be solved by one person alone. If you want to fight against it, the only way to fight it is to set off a prairie fire, become a general trend of killing demons in the world, and then spread the strongest skills to the world and cultivate the foundation. Only then can there be a chance to resist."

"Otherwise, once the catastrophe is approaching, our family will perish!"

Qingchengzi had a serious expression on his face, and his brows were full of sharpness.

"What you said makes sense. Since this is the case, I recommend a place to you. If you go to this place, if you can successfully ask for help, it will definitely succeed. These evil troubles will be eliminated in an instant!"

Li Ming looked at Qingchengzi's serious expression, and couldn't help frowning. After thinking about it, he looked at him and said seriously.

"Huh? Where?"

Qingchengzi, who was planning to build up momentum, spread the law, and fight against the evil, to unite this person to achieve great things together, didn't even have time to say his name, frowned, and couldn't help looking at Li Ming, There are some preparations in my heart for a while.

He originally thought that Li Ming was rare enough, could it be possible that there are people with more destiny in this world?
If this is the case, the original perpetrator should also be replaced by someone else.

"Guyi Mountain, the base city of Wushan Mountain!"

Li Ming looked at the Taoist priest in front of him, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Don't the Taoist priest know about immortal cultivators eliminating demons? If you don't know that I have a video here for the Taoist priest to watch, I think the Taoist priest will be surprised when he sees it." You will understand that in front of these big guys, this little demon corpse is not worth mentioning."

"What cultivator?"

Qing Chengzi's frown deepened: "Since the power of heaven and earth was revived, Pindao has been practicing in seclusion in the dojo until he just left the dojo a month ago. He really knows very little about the world's affairs. If there are any strange people and strange things, please feel free to let us know."

"Not stingy, naturally not stingy, of course not stingy, whoever does what, this kind of high-end job, it's natural to ask them, how could I be stingy."

Li Ming laughed loudly. He knew in his heart that if these demon corpses were really so terrifying, they would definitely be a catastrophe. He was also very dignified, so he decisively recorded the video of the horrific immortal sword of the cultivator, and even the scene of the monster. Take it out.

By the way, it also gave this Wushan base city the positioning.

"As far as I know, Gu Zhuo, the controller of Wushan Base City, has a deep connection with these immortal cultivators who control the sword. If the Taoist chief goes to him, he will be able to contact those immortal cultivators, so this disaster will be resolved!"

Li Ming looked at the Taoist priest in front of him and spoke seriously.

As for personally taking action to solve this catastrophe... Li Ming has no such leisurely intentions.

Going out on your own is exhausting, and you have to bear the risk of death to deal with these demon corpses that are not easy to mess with at first sight. With a sword from the sky, you can easily deal with the demon corpses with the same result. Others do it.

If you have this time, have a few more women at home and practice various exercises, isn't it delicious?

"There are such people in the world!"

Qingchengzi's eyes were full of excitement, and he still felt a little incredible after watching the video.

Seeing his appearance, Li Ming was afraid that he would not believe him, so he simply passed his memory picture to him through spiritual manifestation.


Qingchengzi suddenly felt a powerful and vast mental wave coming towards him, he frowned, and then realized that this wave of mental wave was just to convey information, so he immediately chose to accept it.

Immediately following the transmission of the spiritual image, Qingchengzi could feel that it was absolutely true in an instant. There was a flash of admiration in his expression, and then he solemnly clasped his fists at Li Ming. Straight out of the door, turned and left.


When he got outside the villa, Qing Chengzi jumped onto the gourd, quickly flew up to the clouds, and headed towards the Wushan base city provided by Li Ming.

"Sure enough, under the doomsday, there is no eternal peace."

Looking at the Taoist who left, Li Ming shook his head, thinking of those zombies, he was a little dignified, and then smiled again.

Fortunately, there are tall people like immortal cultivators. No matter how dangerous they are, someone can take care of them. For him, he just needs to cultivate himself.

Sometimes, he feels like a prince, watching the world with a smile, and enjoying himself happily on his own territory.

"It's fine to let them do life and death. My specialty is enjoying life."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, turned to Shi Shiran and walked to Li Dingguo's place, told him about this matter, aroused the other party's full vigilance, then walked to the underground base with a smile, he was about to start teaching the 24 Youth League.

Possessing strong enough force is the key to him being able to enjoy life easily and freely.

So you should enjoy and enjoy, and you should practice and practice.

(End of this chapter)

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