Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 280 What a Merciful Person

Chapter 280 What a Merciful Person
Xianlou Yutai, seal pattern of formation.

Roads of fluorescent lights shone, and all the lights flickered.

All the pavilions, terraces and high pavilions are without formation patterns, and all the jade corridors and pavilions are all spreading aura.

The entire area is covered by a large array of seal patterns, and the dangerous aura emitted by the flickering makes people feel as uncomfortable as facing the barrel of a tank.

Such a dojo, if there are immortal cultivators, it must be theirs.

Otherwise, ordinary people, who can build such a dojo?
"What a mysterious formation."

Qingchengzi's eyes were firmly attracted by the formation covering the entire mountaintop below, feeling the powerful power contained in it, and an inconceivable color flashed in his eyes.

"The formations in my Taoist sect are mostly formations that are used to cast spells. Many spells that are difficult to cast manually need to set up formations, set up altars, and use the power of formations to cast spells."

"There are very few formations like this that are powerful in themselves. It can be said that they are almost none. Even if there are, they are some confusing formations that gather yang fire to suppress evil spirits, or hide the shape of gods."

"But this formation, I feel that it is not inferior to the power of a real person."

Qing Chengzi's eyes were full of surprise. The path of Taoist practice, from the initial realm of Taoist boy who cultivated his body, to the realm of Taoist priest who cultivated mana, and then to the realm of real man who condensed supernatural powers, has a very wide span.

And once a real person has condensed supernatural powers, under the powerful supernatural powers, he can cast spells with one thought, and his power is unparalleled. Even he is only in the realm of Taoist priests, and no one in the whole practice world has broken through the realm of real people.

But this small formation actually has the power comparable to that of Taoist priests in the realm of real people that no one has ever broken through.

so visible...

"What that Li Ming philanthropist said is true."

Immortal cultivators are really powerful, Qing Chengzi is excited, but at the same time has some doubts.

With such an immortal family atmosphere, why is there no immortal cultivator sitting in town?

"Is it possible that you are going out for something?"

Qingchengzi guessed in his heart, felt the two swords behind him, and there was some splendor in his eyes.

Since the power of heaven and earth suddenly came alive, he has been immersed in the state of practice and retreat, and has not heard about external affairs.

Even so, I got the sword inherited from the predecessors, and its power is extraordinary, not to mention other wider places.

Moreover, the evil spirits have no calculations along the way, and no one knows whether there will be other big devils in any corner, so it is reasonable for these immortal cultivators to leave.

"Following this great change in the world, the peril of the race came in an instant. Even if it weren't for the protection of the formation to calm the turbulent power of heaven and earth at the mountain gate, and to block the evil and filthy aura, I am afraid that my practice sect will suffer heavy losses. "

"It's such a catastrophe, even though it's a monk, there's nothing wrong with asking other orthodoxy for help."

"It's not shameful to save the common people."

Qingchengzi recited it several times silently in his heart, and then simply stayed outside the fairy palace, quietly waiting for the return of the immortal.

He couldn't help but feel this way, after all, there is a big difference between looking for folks like Li Ming and looking for practitioners like these immortal cultivators. The former is equivalent to looking for a powerful landlord, there is no difference.

For those immortal cultivators who claim to be in the way of immortality, seeking help from mortals is a support, but seeking help from immortal cultivators who belong to the same practice sect... That is to say, their own inheritance is not as good as others, can this work?
Fortunately, Qingchengzi is not too pedantic, otherwise, with that kind of "fighting for breath" mentality, this matter really can't be done.

Qingchengzi, a strange zombie that is transforming on the equator line, can see its harmfulness. If it is not attacked, no one knows what will happen.

Under this kind of pressure, there is no such thing as saving face or fighting for breath.

Besides, even if it is inside their Taoist sect...

Qingchengzi shook his head, took a breath of the air here, and suddenly felt his body alive.

"The spirit of heaven and earth here is actually many times stronger than that of the mountain gate."

Qingchengzi smiled at the corner of his mouth, feeling that it is not difficult for this kind of people, so he sat cross-legged in silence, practicing the Taoist scriptures of the door.

In this way, Qingchengzi practiced for more than a day, and finally came... Li Ming.


"Benefactor Li?"

Qingchengzi felt a powerful energy approaching from afar, thinking that it was a cultivator here, he hurriedly opened his eyes and looked over there, Li Ming?

"Why did he follow here?"

Qingchengzi was a little confused, but the next moment he saw Jianguang pressing down and stopped in front of him, he immediately suppressed the doubts in his heart, and stepped forward to salute: "Benefactor Li, why are you here?"

"Daoist, there is one thing that I just learned, and immediately came to inform you without stopping after learning about it."

After driving for more than a day, Li Ming finally arrived at the Guyi Mountain. As soon as he stopped, he saw the Taoist priest sitting cross-legged on the side of the big formation, so he stopped directly in front of him with his sword, and asked After speaking, he spoke with some embarrassment.

While speaking, Li Ming curiously explored the surrounding situation with telekinetic power. After feeling the formation and ability of this palace, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

However, thinking of the matter in front of him, he still suppressed his peeping heart for this ancient palace that he had studied for a long time, and silently looked at the Taoist priest in front of him.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Qingchengzi frowned, and suddenly felt a bad feeling, and asked with concentration.

"This immortal cultivator... ran away."

Li Ming considered his tone, and felt that no words could erase the sudden sense of astonishment, so he simply confessed the whole thing.

"Run away?"

Qingchengzi was stunned for a moment, and he didn't realize it, but immediately after he realized it, he felt a burst of astonishment on his face.

He looked at the long distance when he looked at it, thought about what he had been squatting here for more than a day, and thought about the anticipation that the immortal cultivator would make a move to wipe out the disaster... What a mess.

"I still have to blame Li. If the Taoist chief had been allowed to rest at the base for a day the day before yesterday, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened."

Li Ming shook his head regretfully, thought for a while, and selectively shared the information he found in Gu Zhuo's mind with this Taoist priest: "This is the only memory of a supernatural person that I know of that has a connection with a cultivator. , there are all indications that these immortal cultivators... have indeed run away."

"It's just that the matter of eliminating demons is a big one, and Li Ming will not let the Taoist leader face it alone. For now, we have to join hands and find opportunities to deal with those demons."

Li Ming looked at Qingchengzi and spoke sincerely.

From Qingchengzi's attitude, he once again confirmed that those outrageous zombies really exist, and the existence of these zombies has naturally threatened his survival, so even if the Taoist priest doesn't speak, he has to find a way to solve it this potential crisis.

Now, now that he knows that he has such a combat power, he naturally doesn't want to miss it. Li Ming has an intuition that this Taoist priest is probably not much weaker than him. What is needed to face those zombies is such a high-end combat power. Miss him.

"Since this is the case, then I will act as soon as possible."

Qing Chengzi frowned, with his cultivation base, he would not lose his strength because of these things. Now that he heard what Li Ming said, he immediately gave up the idea just now, and started thinking about countermeasures instead.

"Nowadays, the world has undergone great changes, and the five elements have skyrocketed. Under the great changes, the area of ​​the world has expanded indefinitely compared to before. In this way, it has become much more difficult to contact the various bases."

"I thought that my flying speed was fast enough. When things spread all over the world quickly, I called on all people of insight to take the initiative to attack and hunt down the world's evil spirits together, and then gather the top experts to gather together to attack the monster together. A place where corpses gather."

"As long as the corpse ancestor is beheaded, this worry will definitely be solved, what do you think?"

The black beard on Qingchengzi's chin trembled, and his words were full of vigor and resoluteness.

"Well, don't you know the long name?"

Li Ming nodded again and again, and then waited for the black-bearded Daoist to finish speaking, and couldn't help asking again.

"You don't know yet... Oh, you really didn't say it, the name is a secular name, just call me Qingchengzi."

Qing Chengzi shook his big black beard, then he came to his senses, waved his hand and said indifferently, and then couldn't help emphasizing: "It doesn't matter what you call it, the key is to get rid of this demon corpse as soon as possible, I'll wait We should start the journey as soon as possible."

"Li Ming has met Taoist Priest Qingchengzi."

Li Ming saluted with a smile after hearing this, and then adjusted his expression: "First of all, I agree with everything you said and express my support. Secondly, I think you should listen to my opinion first."

"Compared to you and me running around to collect information from the world, it's better to use one of my treasured killer weapons and see the results."

Li Ming said with a smile, Qing Chengzi raised his eyebrows, first he agreed with everything about me, and then he denied everything about me?

"What big killer?"

Qingchengzi couldn't help asking, Li Ming smiled, and with a wave of his right hand, he passed a message to Qingchengzi.

"This is?"

Qing Chengzi frowned, feeling the picture in his mind, and asked puzzledly.

"The Daoist doesn't even know what this is?"

Li Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in surprise.

"I have been practicing in the sect since I was three months old, and I have never been in contact with foreign affairs. These things are only known recently."

Qing Chengzi shook his head and said calmly.

"There really is such a thing..."

Li Ming looked at Qingchengzi in amazement, no wonder this guy entered the country so quickly, it turned out that he started laying the foundation for cultivation since he was a child...

Shaking his head, he dispelled the thoughts in his heart. Since Qingchengzi didn't know, Li Ming had no choice but to explain it to him.

"This thing is called [Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (Anti-Harmony)], and its range is greater than 20 kilometers. There are dozens of [-]-ton TNT-equivalent nuclear warheads in one of these. Do you understand the nuclear bomb? Its power..."

Qingchengzi didn't understand, Li Ming naturally had to explain the power of this thing clearly to him, and when he had finished talking, he directly combined his own understanding of this thing with the various descriptions in the professional materials collected before. It was given to Qingchengzi.

"There is such a weapon in the world!"

Qingchengzi finally changed his face, and then he was a little excited, but also worried: "It's just that if this thing can't kill those monsters, will it promote their further evolution, and the damage to the environment..."

"Whether they will evolve again, I don't know, but with this thing, it is our chance."

Li Ming spread his hands: "Anyway, it's Hepi's territory that was blown up, I don't feel bad, do you feel bad? And, are you willing to miss this opportunity?"

"It's all human after all."

Qingchengzi thought for a while, then sighed helplessly: "When the time comes, save those black friends and come back to work."

"The world has changed drastically. My country may be rebuilt. It will not require a lot of labor to build mountains and roads. This is also an opportunity for them."

Qingchengzi spoke seriously, and Li Ming looked strange when he heard that.

"The Taoist priest is merciful. Since that's the case, why don't we go and see these things first?"

Li Ming expressed his support, and then couldn't help asking: "I don't know those friends, how many are there?"

"There are also tens of 10 people alive, and all of them are lives."

Qingchengzi thought for a moment, then responded to Li Ming.

"Oh, I hope that the base circle is planning to build dozens of guard bases, willing to provide hundreds of thousands of jobs, such as road repairers, river repairers, mining workers..."

Li Ming raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you all stay with me, and for the sake of humanity, except for some delicate women, other blacks, in order to ease their sorrow of leaving their homeland, I will not let a black person appear I am waiting for the base of the Shenzhou people, absolutely let them all live dearly and dearly in the place built for them."

"The benefactor is merciful, I think this plan is feasible."

Qingchengzi raised his eyebrows and spoke in agreement, and then the two walked towards Wushan Base City together.

On the way, Qingchengzi looked at the surrounding environment of the base city with some curiosity: "This place is thousands of miles away from the base city of hope, so it's impossible..."

"Yes, since the establishment of this base city, I have been supporting it."

Li Ming interrupted Qingchengzi's words and nodded in agreement, and then explained: "The reason why some small means are used now is to avoid some red tape and delay things."

Qingchengzi immediately admired Li Mingzhi's carefulness, and then followed Li Ming to the secret base where these weapons were stored in Wushan Base City.

Both of them used their spiritual power, and everyone around them turned a blind eye to their existence. When they reached the center of the base, they saw more than a dozen huge cylinders at the core.

"Oh, it's really rare for the benefactor to be so foresighted to prepare and maintain these big killers."

Qingchengzi looked at the dangerous things in front of him, couldn't help but stroked his beard, his eyes were serious: "With this killer weapon, it's really worth taking the risk!"

"That's right, that's right. I've anticipated a possible crisis, so I've been devoting energy to carefully maintaining these big killers."

Li Ming glanced at the people around him, thinking about how to take over Xiaocaiji's clumsy base in a legitimate way, and at the same time responded without thinking: "It may be a bit hasty to launch a general attack, but I think a surprise attack is completely okay."

"It's better to hit the sun than choose the day. I think it's better to start acting now."

Qing Chengzi pinched his beard and said decisively to Li Ming: "Those zombies are still undergoing transformation. If you wait one more day, you will have more variables and less chance of winning!"

"No, it takes a lot of careful preparations to launch this thing, and it won't be the right time in a while."

Li Ming pursed his lips, and then pointed to the Guyi Mountain in the distance: "Professional things should be left to professional people, why don't we go to the mountains and see if we can find something in this fairy palace?" At the same time, let the professionals do the weapon positioning and prepare to strike!"

(End of this chapter)

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