Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 282 Auntie's Cheongsam

Chapter 282 Auntie's Cheongsam

Ripples appeared in the void, and the terrifying mental power swept across a hundred miles in an instant.

All the extraordinary people within a hundred miles felt their hearts jumping in an instant, and ordinary creatures suddenly felt a little groggy.

Fortunately, this abnormality only lasted for a moment and then disappeared, and everything returned to calm again.

It's just that all the extraordinary people were a little surprised - did nothing really happen?

Just when they were guessing wildly and guarding against each other, a transparent phantom suddenly emerged from Li Ming's body in the quiet room of the City of Hope Base City.

Taking a closer look, this phantom is exactly the same as Li Mingchang's, and the eyebrows and expressions are carved out of the same mold.

However, as this phantom emerged, Li Ming, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly breathed extremely slowly, his heart beat weakly, as if he had entered a state of extremely deep breathing, and his body only maintained the most basic state. operation.

And that phantom looked around, the emotional changes on his face were very clear and eye-catching.

"Soul out of body."

Li Ming looked at the surrounding environment left and right, especially the 'self' under him, his expression was full of surprise.

Just now, his mental power soared, and his spiritual power seemed to have achieved a qualitative leap in an instant. The invisible spiritual power unexpectedly gathered into one body and became a human form in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At the moment when he became a human being, his mental strength increased sharply, and at the same time, an urge to jump out spontaneously arose in his heart, and he subconsciously jumped lightly, like a fish jumping out of the sea. Appeared above his head.

Feel the present again, why don't you understand that your soul is out of your body!
"Psychic power evolves again for the fifth time, and the result is that the soul is out of the body?"

Li Ming stayed on top of his head for a long time to get used to the feeling of his soul coming out of his body. He had a feeling of being weak and relaxed, and then he couldn't help but began to feel his current state.

The first is the soul as a whole, which is more than ten times stronger than before the five re-evolutions, and there is a qualitative leap in quality.

In the soul, there are four rosary beads, one of which is relatively weak, and the other three are brighter and brighter.

After five times of re-evolution, his spirit suddenly conceived a spiritual rosary, and once conceived, there were three, and the remaining one was the rosary conceived during the fourth re-evolution, one of which was given to Gu Zhuo, and the rest The next one has yet to find a use.

"The soul is out of the body, and I can travel to the North Sea, and my spiritual power has greatly increased, far exceeding before, and... the basis of my telekinetic power can be used in the air!"

Li Ming looked at the air around him, and his heart surged.

He could clearly feel that his telekinetic power was so powerful that it could overturn mountains and seas, and he no longer needed specific physical references to display it as before.

The invisible space around seems to have become tangible at this moment, and the real existence of the surrounding space can be felt with a slight movement of the telekinetic power, and the terrifying power of the telekinetic power can be fully displayed in this empty space at this moment.

"Perhaps, the object of action is not air..."

Li Ming sensed this feeling, his eyes were subtle, and compared to air, it was more like a substance above the air.

For example, space!
"If you say that, you can easily use telekinesis to fly unimpeded in the future."

Li Ming's eyes flickered, and a smile flickered on the corner of his mouth. He thought for a while, and he didn't rush to fly out immediately to test the mystery of the soul leaving his body, but returned to the physical body again.

In an instant, a huge sense of security filled the soul, as if a boulder fell to the ground, Li Ming's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and his body, which was only maintained in the most basic state of existence, instantly glowed with surging vitality.

The next moment, he had a thought, and the terrifying power of the thought power acted in the surrounding space for the first time. Following the thought, it was like a person walking or a bird flapping its wings, and it naturally rose from the ground.

"There is no feeling of dragging yourself up. In essence, it is more like flying naturally."

Feeling this state, Li Ming's eyes flashed. He tried to move left and right, make various movements in the air, and fly in various forms, all of which were extremely smooth.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that it really works!

"There is no need to deliberately use force to find a balance point. A thought will naturally arise, and the power of the thought will carry the body and start flying."

Li Ming felt this feeling in his heart, and couldn't help but a smile flashed across the corner of his mouth.

From using telekinetic power to lift himself up, to later "flying with the sword", and now to using telekinetic power to drive his flight, his flying ability has gradually returned to the most essential state and the most free form.

"With the strength of my current telekinetic power, maybe I can fly faster than Yujian."

Li Ming thought to himself, but he also knew in his heart that the real rare thing about Yu Jianfei was the energy consumption. With his current recovery speed of qi, the consumption of Yujian flying could not even catch up with the recovery speed of qi.

It can be said that flying without consumption is always better than telekinetic power.

"You can fly with telekinetic power when you are about to fight. After all, the Gengyuxuan lightsaber is a rare attack weapon now, and it can be used at critical moments."

With a move in his heart, the Gengyu Xuanguang Sword appeared from the Niwan Palace. Li Ming rubbed the sword, and a smile flickered on the corner of his mouth.

"Also, what I didn't expect was that the Gengyu Xuanguan Sword and the Shufang Guiyuanding Ding can be used even after the soul has left the body."

The figure fell to the ground of the quiet room again, and with a thought, Li Ming retracted the Gengyuxuan lightsaber into the Niwan Palace, and the next moment his spiritual power jumped forward slightly.

As if the loach slipped out of the small hole, the spiritual power instantly jumped out of the physical body and came to the top of the head. Then, with a movement in his heart, a tripod entrenched on the top of the head, and a sword fell into his hands.

His thoughts flickered, and the fist-sized cauldron and sword immediately changed to their original size, like two phantoms of the cauldron and sword floating around Li Ming's body.

Li Ming looked again, in the Niwan Palace of his physical body, the entity of a cauldron and a sword was standing still in place.

He also looked at the tripod and sword around him, but he saw that both of them were surrounded by mysterious light, which looked extraordinary.

"To be able to manifest together with the soul under such circumstances, these two things are really extraordinary!"

Li Ming's heart moved, and a smile flashed on the corner of his mouth. He was holding the phantom of the Gengyu Xuanguan sword, and amidst the surge of spiritual power, the sword also erupted with terrifying sword energy.

He urged the Garrison Guiyuan Ding, and a terrible gravity emerged from it, as if it would crush the void. At the same time, the space power surged within it, which unexpectedly also had the function of containment.

"These two things are really treasures."

After testing the power of the two treasures, Li Ming couldn't help taking them back, and then he opened his mouth with sparkling eyes.

"Fortunately, with the initial refinement before, this treasure has spontaneously deepened its connection with me over time. Now, as my strength grows, it has become more and more commanding, as if it wants to merge with the soul."

Feeling the state of these two treasures being closely connected with him, Li Ming couldn't help guessing in his heart.

What kind of treasures are these two treasures that are so miraculous and powerful?
"There's also that ancient golden seal... Could it be that, along with the generals of the last days, this world also gave birth to many treasures?"

A thought flashed in Li Ming's mind, and he raised the Gengyu Xuanguan Sword in his hand again, holding the hilt tightly.

He can be sure that this is something from this world, because he has seen this thing in the Central Plains Museum before.

So the question is, how did this thing appear?

How many such treasures are there in the world?

Is it the only one?

Or... this is completely airborne from other worlds, but the world of space is too old, and it is regarded as an antique?
Thoughts flickered in Li Ming's mind, and he couldn't help but come up with an idea: How about... searching all over the world to see if he can find it?

"Just right, now the soul is out of the body, try the ability of the soul out of the body."

Li Ming felt the secret movement in the surrounding space, and couldn't help but be eager to try the ability of the soul out of his body.

He looked at the walls and buildings around him, and there was only one feeling in his heart—that he could walk through it.

"Spiritual power is an invisible thing, and it is natural for it to pass through tangible things without restriction. It's just rumors that this soul is afraid of the wind and rain when it comes out of the body, and it is also afraid of the light of the sun and the moon. I don't know if it is true or not."

Li Ming's heart moved secretly, he looked around, thought about it, and decided to go out and give it a try.

He first tried to get close to the wall, and he passed through it as easily as if he was passing through the air, and then he stepped forward and went straight out of the quiet room.

The outside of the quiet room is connected to the villa. Li Ming walked all the way to the lobby of the villa, and instantly felt a gust of wind blowing from a fan.


The wind brought by the rotation of the fan blades blows directly on Li Ming's soul and body, and Li Ming...has no feeling at all.

"It seems that you shouldn't be afraid of the wind?"

Li Ming shook his head, and then tried to touch the water again. He flew to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and let the raindrops pass through his body and fall to the ground without feeling anything.

It's like being in two dimensions, although passing through, it will not have the slightest impact.

It's just a rogue... Li Ming's own telekinetic power has the ability to influence the real thing!

"I just don't know if the natural wind and rain have any effect?"

Another thought flashed in Li Ming's mind. It was about the soul, and he knew little about it, and he didn't have any inheritance, so he was naturally more cautious.

Li Ming then flew back to the shadow of the corridor outside the lobby, quietly waiting for the natural wind from nature to blow in.

But it is a bit difficult to wait for the natural wind when it is sunny outside.

Li Ming waited for a while, and a mature woman with crystal-clear skin, fair skin, plump body, and wearing a cheongsam came from the gate carrying a bagful of vegetables.

Passing by the corridor of the hall, I happened to walk past Li Ming, but I didn't notice the existence of Li Ming's soul body.

This is... mother-in-law Liu Fang.

'After awakening the power, with the continuous development of the power of the power, the figure of the mother-in-law is getting better and better, and even the person is much younger. '

Li Ming looked at Liu Fang who was walking past, and couldn't connect with the aunt who was before the end of the world.

Thinking of the plump body that passed by just now, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, and then he quickly suppressed it, and then continued to wait silently, but his thoughts focused on the purpose of this mature woman coming to his villa .

'It should be to see Liu Li. '

Li Ming secretly guessed in his heart, the next moment he saw Liu Fang carrying things to Chen Li's room.

"Mom, what are you doing with this thing?"

In the room followed by Chen Li's doubtful voice, and together with the thoughts that she felt naturally when her soul was out of her body—[I wanted to ask my mother if I wanted to find a wife, but I didn't mean I didn't read it Is it the man on the bed? Why is he dressed so well today? Could it be that he met someone? 】

"I don't have anything to bring. Isn't vegetables precious now? I just wanted to bring some for you to eat."

Liu Fang smiled at the corner of her mouth, put down the vegetables in her hands casually, and then looked out of the window with some dodge eyes: "By the way, isn't Li Ming at home? Why didn't you see him?"

A sense of shyness was accurately captured by Li Ming from Liu Fang through the detection of spiritual power, which made Li Ming a little dazed.

What the hell, why are you shy?
"Husband is retreating in the quiet room."

Chen Li looked at her mother suspiciously, from her coiled hair, exquisite hairpins, earrings hanging from the white and tender earlobes, and the meticulously arranged collar, and the perfect figure displayed by the cheongsam, especially The slit at the bottom reveals the plump white legs...

"Mom, don't you... have a crush on Li Ming?"

Chen Li blinked, and suddenly asked in astonishment.

Liu Fang's face turned red in an instant, she looked at Chen Li, and lowered her head slightly in her widened eyes: "Since the end of the world, he has protected me and our family, and he has been following him since then. He's doing so well."

"He also awakened my ability..."

Liu Fang's voice was as soft as a mosquito's moan, and her face was constantly flushing: "That time, when you and Zhang Yuan couldn't move, I was mentally prepared, thinking... I thought he would, but I didn't expect that."

"Up to now, I... I still have some thoughts, but Mom won't do this. If he does something to me in the future, I won't resist. I will go along with him, but Mom won't take the initiative to do anything. , Mom hasn't seen him for a long time now, and I kind of want to see him."

Liu Fang stared blankly, and spoke in a complicated voice.

Chen Li was stunned by these words, but then she thought of the manager who walked all the way in Doomsday, especially in the confined space, the crazy voices of herself, Zhang Yuan and her husband all passed into her mother's ears unreservedly .

Especially, her husband's attraction is so strong, and he has been together for so long...



In the hall, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and Li Ming, who was eavesdropping, was in a daze for a while. It took him a while to react, and then he realized that the natural wind had no effect on him.

(End of this chapter)

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