Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 288 Hurry up and do it

Chapter 288

The zombie king survived so many nuclear bombs!
This is true for the zombie king who stays in place because of his own transformation, but what about those supernatural beings and extraordinary creatures who have the same strength as the zombie king and can move freely?

The world structure has been reshuffled, and the world in the future will definitely be dominated by supernatural beings. Every extra supernatural person will completely improve the overall strength.

The zombie king here can carry so many mutated zombies, zombie monsters, and the mutated zombies next to the other zombie king, how many zombie monsters can there be?

It can be said that at least 20.00% of the mutated zombies in the world are under the command of two zombie kings. Li Ming has now solved one and absorbed [-]% of the supernatural factors that were melted in the world.

Then, he will take back the remaining [-]%!
Li Ming admits that he is greedy, and [-]% of the crystals obviously cannot satisfy his appetite, not to mention... the zombies around the Zombie King are all elites among the mutant zombies!

It can be said that their crystals are more valuable than other mutant zombies, and [-]% of them are crystals of special abilities.

"Some people may continue to awaken with supernatural powers, but the crystallization of zombies is limited. '

Li Ming understands this truth in his heart, and regardless of whether people can use ordinary methods to purify the energy in these crystals in the future, to the extent that ordinary people can awaken the power after absorbing it by themselves.

However, in any case, the number of these crystals is limited, and they are rare strategic resources.

The only thing that is a little uncertain is whether those zombie kings and his guards who turned around and merged into the depths of the world, after infecting the corpses that died in the Yinsha land, turning them into the existence of demon corpses, will they have crystals? individual.

Li Ming always felt that the crystallization of the first batch of zombies that had existed since the beginning of the world would become precious items that would be difficult to obtain in the future.

"So, we don't need to ignore the zombies in another extremely sunny place, but we must get the crystals left after they killed the zombies?"

Hearing Li Ming's words, Qingchengzi thought for a while, and slowly gave his own understanding.

"How can you say that, abilities have no borders, you know no borders, national borders are gone, why should they be divided between them and us, be bold, what's theirs is ours."

Li Ming patted Qingchengzi on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

"The donor is really willful."

Qingchengzi glanced at Li Ming: "However, I, Qingchengzi, like unruly people. I think I can do this."

"It's just that if you can do it, you can do it. Who will do it?"

Qingchengzi looked at Li Ming, and said with some doubts: "If those Westerners don't get rid of those zombies for a day, is it possible that one of us will stay there all the time?"

"I think Gu Zhuo should be happy to do this kind of thing."

Li Ming thought for a while, then said in a gesture.

Qingchengzi was silent, and then paused for a while, before nodding to Li Ming: "You are right, Guzhuo friend Gudao has a warm heart, and I think he would be happy to follow your opinion."

While speaking, Qing Chengzi looked at Li Ming with a smile on his face, Li Ming coughed, knowing in his heart that the other party already knew that Gu Zhuo was under his control.

But how could he admit it with his own mouth.

"In this case, then this matter is over, and we should go back."

Li Ming looked around, coughed, and said to Qingchengzi with a smile.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait until I go to the remaining black bases and urge them to make progress."

Qingchengzi shook his head with a smile, then waved to Li Ming, his figure followed closely, and flew towards a certain place outside the equator line.

"I don't know if the group of Westerners can get rid of the remaining zombie?"

Seeing Qingchengzi leave, Li Ming looked at the energy of the nuclear bomb that was still surging in front of him, silently retreated a hundred miles, and then sat cross-legged on the mountain, his heart moved secretly.

"It would be the best if possible. When the time comes, there will be no borders. I will have the crystal nucleus, and they will fight the zombies. We will cooperate beautifully and advance civilization together."

"But if they can't beat them, I have to be prepared."

Li Ming pondered in his heart, and secretly made up his mind: "Nuclear bombs are still easy to use. We have to find more professional knowledge, train a group of professional talents, and then collect some spares."

"Especially in Mao, so many nuclear bombs are not used, isn't it a waste?"

A thought secretly appeared in Li Ming's mind, should he go to Mao country?

I heard that Maomei's skin is particularly fair, and her figure is also very good, especially the young ones, or...

"There are so many nuclear bombs in Mao, we have to go."

Li Ming thought about it in his heart, and thought of the country of Bangzi, the country of life, and the country of early adopters.

These countries have been affiliated countries of the kingdom of heaven since ancient times. The women in them are light and soft and easy to overthrow. To strengthen the responsibility of the extraordinary, to save the people of the Three Kingdoms who are living in dire straits.

"It's the end of the world now. The men in those areas are already tired enough to live. I'm going to take some of the women away to lighten their burden. What's wrong with that?"

Li Ming thought about it, and then thought of different countries and - those stars.

After thinking about the risks and dangers of crossing too long a distance, Li Ming silently dismissed this idea for the time being.

"It's too dangerous to cross too far and reach the other side of the world. My current strength is still not enough."

Unless there is another transformation of strength.

Li Ming felt a little regretful, but when he immediately thought of those stars, it was different.

"By the way, why are there no stars in these base cities I control? Could it be that they are all in other places where more than half are not controlled?"

Li Ming was puzzled, so there couldn't be so many celebrities who didn't survive, right?

"That shouldn't be. Although I am strong now, the territory I control only occupies a small part of the total area. Since I don't have it here, there is a high probability of the remaining part."

Li Ming's heart moved slightly, not to mention those celebrities, there are always many Internet celebrities like Xiang Chuandu Xiaotiantian, right?

It would be a beautiful thing if you find something you are familiar with, something you often watch, and do it.

"Huh, let's not think about this for now, determine the first step goal, collect nuclear bombs, and prepare to deal with the weakness of the West."

Li Ming exhaled lightly, sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain and silently recovered the power he had consumed in a series of actions just now.

The power of the Gengyu Xuan lightsaber is not so easy to mobilize, and the terrifying sword marks criss-crossing on the ground also have a price.

He has been preparing to mobilize since he came here, and it took more than ten days to mobilize all the power of Geng Yuxuan lightsaber, and he shot at the last moment.

The spiritual power, mana, true qi, power of the five elements, and physical supernatural power consumed in this process were very huge, which directly reduced his state by [-]%.

Now that the danger has been resolved, it is officially time to recover.

It is very important to look your best at all times, no more than at home.

After all, no one knows if there will be any sudden danger.

Among the zombies, there is such a terrifying existence as the Zombie King. Are there any equally terrifying mutant beasts hidden in the deep mountains, the bottom of the deep sea, and the top of high cliffs?

If so, then... the spiritual rosary will come in handy.

The benefits of cultivating a whole body of kung fu are fully revealed at this moment. All the exhausted states of Li Ming's body, some exercises can restore one kind of power, and some can drive the recovery of a certain power, but when these exercises Taking turns to cultivate, the power he consumed is quickly recovering.

When Qingchengzi flew in the air, Li Ming only had the strength of the five elements, and he hadn't recovered by [-]%.

Qingchengzi looked from a distance, and seeing the five elements of light surging in Li Ming's breathing, he knew that he was recovering his strength, and he didn't intend to disturb him, but who knew that Li Ming opened his eyes just after he fell.

"nailed it?"

Li Ming felt the breath of Qingchengzi approaching, stopped the recovery of the five elements, stood up, looked at the bearded Taoist priest, and asked with a smile.

"It's okay. These black people saw the nuclear explosion with their own eyes, and they all started to move impatiently. I explained some things and came back."

Qing Chengzi smiled and said, and then looked at Li Ming who took out his sword and was about to fly away, a little surprised: "Why don't you recover and start here, in a hurry?"

"It's just the power of the five elements, even if it doesn't finish replying, it won't have a big impact on me."

Li Ming smiled: "But at home, I'm still waiting to go back and work hard."

Do it well?
Qing Chengzi was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he didn't ask any more questions. Li Ming, a son of heaven and earth with the luck of the sun, must find many women to balance the fire of the sun.

What to do, self-evident.

"In that case, let's go back."

Qingchengzi nodded, and then flew back to the launch base with Li Ming on the gourd.

When they arrived at the missile launch platform, Qingchengzi first picked up the launch team. Li Ming talked to Gu Zhuo for a while, and Gu Zhuo was very happy to go to another location on the equator line where the yang energy gathered to monitor the zombies.

Qingchengzi praised Gu Zhuo for his righteousness, and gave him the exact location of the group of zombies, and gave him his wooden sword.

"This sword is the Flood Thunder Sword. It is extremely restrained against those zombies, so I borrowed it from the ancient benefactor to defend myself!"

Qing Chengzi took out his Flood Thunder Sword, and handed it to Gu Zhuo with a serious expression, Gu Zhuo accepted the wooden sword with great gratitude, then said goodbye to them, and flew away without delay.

"Gu Zhuo is really a righteous person."

Li Ming also sighed with emotion, and then saw that the remaining members of the launching team were still idle, so he enlarged his Gengyuxuan lightsaber, carried them on the sword together, and flew towards the place where they came.

Along the way, in order to prevent these ordinary people from being overwhelmed by the strong wind blowing in front of them, Li Ming used his strength to prop up a shield to resist the oncoming wind, but it didn't slow down much.

It's just that after the weather changed, it was too far away from the domestic location. Even though Li Ming and Qingchengzi had extraordinary speed, they flew for ten consecutive days before finally arriving at the base city of Wushan from the equator line.

"After going and coming, it took a month, but it delayed the matter of the 24-year-old boy again."

Li Mingluo returned to the ground, and together with Qingchengzi put down those members of the launch team, while looking in the direction of Hope Base City, he murmured in his heart.

He had previously ignored the impact time of the nuclear bomb explosion, and the time it took to travel after the world changed drastically.

"Well, I won't follow you to your base city. There are traces of those cultivators on Guyi Mountain. For the next period of time, before the matter of another zombie king is dealt with, I will practice on the top of Guyi Mountain while Think about it and see if you can comprehend anything."

On the ground, Qingchengzi also smiled at Li Ming and said, "Before I concentrated on cultivation, although my realm has been rising all the way, ranking first among all the brothers and sisters, but various skills, such as drawing talismans, arranging formations, and alchemy, are not enough. There is no research, presumably because of the weak foundation in this area, the previous enlightenment has always been nothing."

"Next, if I first comprehend drawing talismans and arranging formations, and then comprehend these, I may have some unexpected gains."

Qingchengzi smiled and said to Li Ming, and said goodbye to him: "I'll go to Guyi Mountain first, see you if I have something to do."

As soon as the words fell, Qingchengzi flew away on the yellow gourd, leaving only Li Ming in place.

"It's an interesting Taoist priest."

Li Ming looked at the direction where Qingchengzi was leaving, and a smile flashed across his mouth. He had been testing Qingchengzi's character and thoughts in various ways along the way, and he was very satisfied with the results.

Fortunately, Qingchengzi is not a pedantic Taoist priest, otherwise such a combative foreign aid may not be able to cooperate friendly.

But now, with such a help in vain, it is natural to make a lot of money.

"Master Li, Mr. Gu Zhuo has left. Who do we listen to for the next important matters in the city?"

Seeing that Li Ming was about to leave, a group of high-level executives in Wushan Base City who were standing next to him hurriedly asked.

"In the Judgment Alliance, there is a supernatural being called Lei Ming, who is my arm, and Mo Dao, the Judgment of the Southern Land Base City, has come here. Let Lei Ming come here to guard and make this place a gathering place for all powerful people. .”

Li Ming looked at Guyi Mountain and pondered in his heart, and said with a smile, this place has the most important traces left by the cultivators, and there must be enough power stationed here to make people feel at ease.

The manager naturally nodded when he heard the words, and after explaining the date of Lei Ming's arrival, Li Ming immediately flew to Hope Base City with Yujian.




Hope base city, in Li Ming's villa.

The glass door of the bathroom was closed again, and the glass door was wetted by the jets of water, and a plump, round, very slim and beautiful figure walked out of it.

On the small white feet and even the white and tender ankles are some aquariums, which are wiped off with the crystal clear jade fingers with a bath towel.

As the bath towel slipped down, the waves were magnificent, and an amazing white and soft figure came into view. Liu Fang touched her belly that had become smooth and tender due to supernatural powers and martial arts practice, and looked at herself with her hair coiled in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. She was white and tender. A confident smile appeared on her clean face, and she slowly picked out a cheongsam with an extremely short hem that barely covered her hips.

(End of this chapter)

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