Chapter 298

Chapter 298 It's okay to lie to brothers, but don't lie to yourself.

In the bamboo grove, on the stone bench, after a burst of indignant condemnation, the scene suddenly calmed down.

Cup after cup of tea, until the big teapot that Kong Ming was carrying was empty, no one said a word.

"No matter how much tea you bring, there will always be a time to drink it up. No matter how far the Taoist door is, there will always be a day to come."

Kong Ming glanced at the last cup of tea in front of the three of them on the table, his gaze became surprisingly calm, and he looked at the two of them deeply: "It doesn't matter if you act to deceive your brother, don't deceive yourself too."

"When the time comes, they will really come, and neither you nor I can escape."

Kong Ming's gaze swept over the faces of Li Ding and Bu Yan one by one, and the two who were arguing passionately just now smiled unconsciously.

"We didn't mean that either. The three of us knew each other from the beginning of the establishment of the base. Even the establishment of the three base cities was the result of the three of us discussing together. At that time, we made an agreement on an offensive and defensive alliance. How could it be possible? Will choose to give up at this time."

Wu Yan was the first to express his opinion, but after the words fell, his tone changed again: "It's just, no matter how you say it, we are just three people, and the one a sect."

"My magnetic field power, my unspoken supernatural power, and your starry sky power are stronger if they are strong, but whoever is the main attacker and who will assist them, even if your starry sky power that changes from reality to reality can be blocked, our power will also be blocked." It’s not necessarily that effective.”

Li Ding followed suit, and glanced at Kong Ming while talking.

Kong Ming picked up the water glass, looked at the two people in front of him, and sighed inwardly.

At the beginning of the establishment of the base city, under the pressure of survival, they were indeed able to help each other, attack and defend alliances, and even worked together to eliminate several zombie sea beasts.

However, this was all before the establishment of the base city, when they had nothing.

Now, three giant base cities have been established, absorbing almost all the survivors in the north, and the three of them have changed from a bare-handed commander to a local ruler.

All the supernatural beings they encountered were nothing more than that in front of their supernatural powers. No one's supernatural powers could compare to their mystery and strength.

This gives them power.

There are more and more people in the gathering place, and everyone is under their control. Naturally, there is no shortage of beauties.

This gives them women.

Power, beauties, and the fundamental strength brought about by their own unique abilities are constantly improving, and they are no longer the three people they were in the past.

As just said, it is impossible for them to let go of everything in their hands, even for mysterious practitioners.

But at the same time, the risks involved in fighting with a Taoist practice school have also greatly increased.

The base cities that were deliberately established close to each other in consideration of the offensive and defensive alliance have now become a burden. When facing this kind of danger, everyone will wonder whether the other party will take advantage of the situation when they are injured.

At that time, theirs may not necessarily still be theirs.

"If the enemy is unstoppable, then we will break up into pieces and retreat separately."

After Li Ding finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the air, and it was only after half a sound that Kong Ming spoke quietly, looking at the two of them calmly: "Although I am the only one who is in contact with these cultivation sects, but I have been captured, they Will you let us go?"

"If it is true what this sect says, for the stability of the world, I am afraid that every base city will not be able to escape."

"So, if they can fight, the three of us will attack at the same time without sparing any strength. In this way, there is still a chance of winning."

Kong Ming stared at the two of them, thinking about it, suddenly he held his hand, and a jade wrench suddenly appeared in front of him, which instantly attracted the attention of Bu Yan and Li Ding, and even made their eyes brighten at the first moment.

"Qi Yuzhi has the power of a magic weapon, and its explosive power is stronger than Gu Zhuo's golden seal."

Seeing that the eyes of the two people were attracted to Kong Ming, his heart moved, and a terrifying power suddenly emerged from the jade finger, as if a phantom of a towering mountain appeared from the jade finger in a trance, it was shocking.

"When did you get this thing?"

Bu Yan frowned, looking at this jade finger, he couldn't help asking Kong Ming.

Without saying a word, Li Ding also raised his eyebrows, and immediately looked at Kong Ming.

"Three months ago, when the world changed dramatically, I suddenly got it."

Kong Ming smiled, and with a movement of the jade finger in his heart, it disappeared into his body, and he slowly raised his teacup: "The sect is powerful, but you and I are not alone."

"In any of our three base cities, there are supernatural beings in each base city. Gathering their strength will also be a powerful supplement to combat power."

"Besides, these practitioners who are practicing in the mountains may not necessarily know that the times outside have changed. All kinds of powerful weapons are deployed in advance, and they will definitely be able to make meritorious deeds in one fell swoop."

Kong Ming looked at the two of them with a smile on his lips: "At that time, thousands of cannons will be fired, and hundreds of supernatural beings will attack at the same time, plus the three of you and me, and this magic weapon in my hand, even if you are practicing People, what are you afraid of?"

Hearing Kong Ming's words, Bu Yan and Li Ding had a flash of thought in their eyes, and then their eyes quickly turned sharp, and they raised their glasses together, clinking glasses with Kong Ming tacitly, and the three of them drank the last cup of tea together .

"As usual, elites from all cities come to the coastal base city for a meeting to formulate all tactics and coordinate firepower allocation."

After Kong Ming finished speaking, he thought about it and said, "Take out the big mutant shark I hunted last time, and give it to those who have made great achievements as a reward for this operation."

"I took out fifty spirit peaches."

Li Ding followed closely, his voice was calm but the three of them raised their eyebrows and smiled.

"Fifty spiritual peaches, you are not stingy."

Without saying a word, he was amazed, and then tapped his fingers: "Then I will take out two hundred supernatural weapons for those who have merit to choose."

Hearing what the two said, Kong Ming couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth, and he was relieved in his heart.

People like them, once they make a decision, they will never hesitate. Although they have their own thoughts before making a decision, they only have one consistent goal when they decide to make it, and they will go all out for it.

The reason why they chose to establish these three different base cities was because they discovered three extraordinary places.

One place seems to be more flexible, and the speed of cultivating supernatural powers is obviously faster than other places.

There are ten peach trees in one place, and the peaches they bear actually have the effect of increasing supernatural powers.

In another place, there is an iron ore that exudes colorful light. The iron objects smelted from the ore there not only have the effect of increasing the power of supernatural powers, but are also extremely strong, even the hardest ordinary metals can be easily touched in front of it. broken.

Therefore, the three talents each established a base city, with the purpose of guarding these three resources.

Fifty spirit peaches are not a small sum for the harvest of ten spirit peach trees that bloom in January, bear fruit in January, and mature in January.

Similarly, the output of colorful mineral deposits is also limited, and two hundred supernatural weapons are not a small sum of money.

Of course, the one produced by Kong Ming is not bad, a whole mutant shark that has re-evolved four times is worth no less than what the two of them produced.

With these three things, there is no need to worry about not being able to inspire the fighting spirit of those supernatural beings.

When Kong Ming felt relieved, he also looked at the two of them, and after confirming some specific action measures, they tried their best to leave from here and return to their respective base cities.

And as the three adjudicators returned to the city, news came out one after another quickly.

The torrent surged again in the base city, weapons were deployed, personnel were mobilized, and a tense atmosphere instantly rose in the three giant base cities.

Even supernatural beings are no exception.

"The mutated animal meat that has evolved four times to the peak level, I heard that it is useful for the supernatural beings from the third evolution breakthrough to the fourth evolution, and there is such a thing in the exchange list."

"Eating one spirit peach is equivalent to a year of hard training, and there are fifty of them!"

"Supernatural weapons, all the things that could only be seen in the past have been moved out!"

News came one after another, and even before Kong Mingbuyan and Li Ding officially announced the news, the hearts of the supernatural beings started to throb.

By the time the meetings of the various base cities were held, the enthusiasm in the eyes of this group of people could no longer be hidden.

Seeing their eyes, Kong Ming smiled, knowing that things were safe, but he still appeared at the front, and said with a serious expression: "A nonsense practice sect that I have never heard of, it will make the world big when it comes out. If you want to control the stability and peace of the world, and ask me to hand over power, you say, who can agree to such a thing?"

"I can't agree!"

"Who the hell agreed to this!"

"If you come up and ask others to hand over the power, why should they?"

"Why is the world stable? Grabbing territory is robbing territory. It's so grandiose."

"The world is too peaceful. Could it be that they have the final say?"

"I think the world is quite peaceful now. There is no war between people. How wonderful. If this is not peace, then what is peace?"


With simple speeches and the temptation of benefits, the ordinary supernatural beings in the three major base cities were all successful in the united front without any surprise.

And as the meeting ended, all the supernatural beings began to actively prepare for things that could improve their combat effectiveness and deal with more complicated situations.

All of a sudden, an undercurrent surged in the entire three base cities.

Two weeks later, something was placed in the center of the three major base cities seriously and seriously.

"With the nuclear bomb, we all have one more hole card."

Kong Ming looked at the nuclear bomb under layers of protection, hooked the corner of his mouth, and then entered into a quiet retreat.

What few people know is that he is Kongming, and he also practiced Taoism!

A strand of power that is different from the ability to re-evolve five times surged on him, and its strength was not much weaker than the ability!



"Oh, be careful."

Among the flowing clouds, a huge sword shuttled through the clouds, but the sword body was obviously not stable enough, so that the voice of the soft woman lying on the sword was trembling.

"What are you afraid of, I can't fall."

A male voice full of magnetism rang out, and when the words fell, the sword body, which was already shaking, shook even more violently.

"I was asked to be fast just now, and now I am asked to be slow, so should I be fast or slow?"

The boy's questioning sound shook the air as if it had been blasted by a firecracker, and the vibration of the flying sword was even more violent. The driver's mental state during driving was evident.


With an exclamation, with three points of helplessness, three points of failure, three points of satisfaction, and one point of blame, the flying sword that has been shaking has finally started to fly smoothly, which shows that the pilot's mood has returned to stability.


"Huh, how far is it from the destination?"

After a long time, a gentle questioning voice came from Feijian, and Liu Fang sat in Li Ming's arms with a blushing face, looking at the surrounding clouds.

This feeling of being on the cloud is really exciting!
"If it's before the sky changes, it's probably already here."

Feeling the clarity of mind and active spiritual power, Li Ming relaxed into the state of being in harmony with the world, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "But now the world has changed dramatically, and the scope of the whole world has expanded by countless times. Under such circumstances, even I don’t know how long it will take.”

When the inspiration suddenly appeared in his heart, it became easier for him to maintain the state of being in harmony with the world, and he began to have different ideas and experiences on how to turn the state of being in harmony with the world into a normal state.

Feeling this, Li Ming couldn't help pinching Liu Fang, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It takes half a day to fly from our place to Wushan Base City. This new base won't take long, right?"

Liu Fang stretched lazily, she was white and plump and pretty, but she smiled and asked the man behind her unconsciously.

Since Gengyuxuan lightsaber was unsealed, it has not only become more powerful, but also far faster than before. It only takes half a day to fly to Wushan base city even with Yujian.

"It should be soon."

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded thoughtfully, began to pay attention to the movements below, and played with his fingers accordingly.

It wasn't until the three giant base cities came into view that he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"So tense?"

(End of this chapter)

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