Chapter 30 A New Day

"To make Li Ming willing to use the generator that he worked so hard to charge his power bank, my wife must have wasted a lot of work and did a lot of work for him. It is really hard work for her."

Peng Zhi looked at the full charging bank and his cell phone that was running out of power, and hurriedly plugged in the data cable, then looked at his wife lying beside him sleeping, and thought to himself.

"Hey, why does it smell so weird?"

Suddenly, a strange smell came from Zhang Yuan's body, Peng Zhi sniffled, feeling puzzled, his wife smelled so good every day when she left, why did she have such a strange smell when she came back?

He couldn't help but put his eyes on his wife, wanting to see if she had gotten anything on her, but when he looked carefully, he found that his wife's clothes were wrinkled a lot, and there were many black marks, and his heart ached.

"My wife must be exhausted from work!"

Peng Zhi sighed in his heart, and then stopped looking for the reason, turned sideways and continued to play with his mobile phone.

Today is different from the past, when the end comes, he doesn’t have to go to work every day, and there are dangers everywhere, the silent night makes him feel creepy, so he would rather stay up until dawn every day before going to bed, and then skip a breakfast instead of going to work every day. sleep.

He thought in his heart that his wife was like this at first, but unfortunately everything changed after the food at home was finished. She was obviously afraid of going outside every day, but she still went to bed so early.

"Fortunately, I can borrow food from Li Ming."

Peng Zhi thought to himself, and then sank more and more into the mobile game.


[Xingyi Wuxingquan (proficiency in the heart 1%)]

"Phew, the boxing skills are really improving fast."

Zhang Yuan went back to sleep. In the living room, Li Ming, who had just taken a shower, was not asleep. He drank the ice water from the refrigerator and felt cool all over his body. road.

Maybe it's because both swordsmanship and spearmanship have been improved to a small level, and he re-practices this basic boxing technique and progresses very quickly.

It's not just about physical strength.

Thinking in his heart, Li Ming looked at the hardware in front of him, and silently took a hacksaw to cut the head of the two-meter-five-meter-long steel pipe.

After much deliberation, he realized that the obliquely cut steel pipe and a special two-meter-five-meter-long pure steel crowbar were the perfect substitutes for the long gun. If the red-tasseled gun broke down one day, these two things would definitely be a substitute.

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. Li Ming planned to make a few more obliquely cut steel pipes in advance. After all, there is only one special crowbar with a length of [-] meters. Fifteen sticks are enough, so naturally we need to prepare more.

In addition, there are several very sharp electric drill bits and electric pick bits beside Li Ming, all of which are the result of Zhang Yuan's hard work this afternoon.

When he was exercising, he mentioned Zhang Yuan and volunteered to sharpen the drill bit. Li Ming asked her to wear gloves so as not to hurt her hands, so she didn't care. In order to reward her hard work, he charged her battery again before going home at night. When I walked back, my legs were trembling.

While grinding, Li Ming used telekinetic power to control an electric drill bit to shuttle around his body with considerable speed.

As soon as he had a thought, the bit of the electric drill slammed into the wooden board hanging on the wall of the living room, and with a bang, it stuck on it in an instant.

———Psychic flying knife, one of Li Ming's telekinetic attack methods!

Of course, it may be more appropriate to call it a mind-powered flying drill now~~
His telekinetic power is still too small, he can only fly thin drill bits, and his lethality is limited, but when he grows stronger and can fly electric pick drills as thick as a thumb, this skill will inevitably bring terrible lethality .

In addition, there was a dart board on the living room, with many darts stuck on it in a mess, which was the result of Li Ming's training half an hour after Zhang Yuan returned.

Dart hidden weapons are also included in his rich attack methods.

In addition, Li Ming also has ideas about javelins, bows and arrows. At present, his marksmanship has no goal of continuing to learn, unless he thinks about some moves. Sword and other tricks.

But they are all relatively simple, and the more such moves the better, so Li Ming's training goals in the next time can be said to be very full.

In addition, he also has the idea of ​​improving physical strength through modern fitness methods, and the study schedule has become tighter.

As for the stabbing spear, the stabbing sword... Maybe it's too high a level, and he can't get promoted at all.



The hacksaw kept sawing the steel pipe, and a drill bit would fly out from time to time, exhausting the motivation of the mind.

It was eleven o'clock in the blink of an eye, and Li Ming finally sawed a steel pipe, and his mental power was exhausted, so he went to wash his hands and heaved a sigh of relief.

Just as he was looking at the empty corridor through the open door and wondering why Chen Li hadn't come yet, there was a sound of the door opening in the corridor, and then Chen Li, who was wearing black trousers and a black top with long hair, walked out from the door in front of her. out of it.

Seeing Li Ming looking at her, she hastily closed the door, stepped on black slippers, and trotted all the way towards Li Ming. With her figure, Wei An was as attractive as waves when she ran.

"Sorry, sorry, my daughter went to bed late again today, and I am late."

Chen Li's face was full of apology, and she was sprayed with a nice perfume, which made Li Ming's heart go straight to his heart when he sniffed it lightly.




Silent all night.

In the blink of an eye, Doomsday No. 13 comes.

Zhang Yuan, who woke up in the morning, felt a strange smell on her body, and then suddenly remembered that she was too tired yesterday, and Li Mingnong fell asleep before cleaning up, her heart tightened, and she hurriedly got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Just halfway through the cleaning, I heard some strange sounds, and I was secretly spitting, but luckily there was one more.woman.

Otherwise, she felt that she really couldn't stand it.

"I don't know how to be so capable."

Zhang Yuan couldn't help thinking, and immediately remembered the supernatural power Li Ming said, and wondered in her heart whether it might be the reason.

Slowly wiped the smelly area clean, and washed the clothes in the sink. Zhang Yuan picked clothes in the closet. After thinking about it, she rolled her eyes and took out a brand new pair of black stockings and put them on. , and put on a light gray professional skirt on the outside.

With a white top on her upper body and flat shoes on her feet, she walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. A feeling of tranquility and desire came over her face, and she smiled lightly.

This was the first time she wore silk stockings, thinking of Li Ming's appearance when she saw her, she smiled at the corner of her mouth, and began to brush her teeth and wash her face in satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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