Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 301 Fortunately, there is an aunt

Chapter 301 Fortunately, there is an aunt

Is there any high-end combat power in the practice sect?
No one said it was bad.

At the very least, Qingchengzi, a Taoist priest who doesn't know his background, is quite strong. Although he is not strong for him, he is also a strong man who is stronger than the three of Kongming.

According to what Qing Chengzi said, above him there is the realm of a real person, and the realm of a real person breeds supernatural powers, which can overturn mountains and seas, go to the sky and enter the earth, and are powerful.

Li Ming didn't know the difference between the supernatural powers that Qingchengzi mentioned and the supernatural powers of people with supernatural powers.

Or is it closer to the special ability he obtained after awakening his abilities several times?
Or something else.

But no matter what, if a few practitioners in the realm of supernatural powers really appear, it is really hard to say what kind of combat power the opponent has, so no matter what, you must be fully prepared and plan for the worst.

Although Li Ming didn't think anyone on the other side could beat him, what if someone could hold him back?
Since it is a sect, there must be a lot of people, and the combat power at all levels must be very rich. If he is dragged down, the people below will start to fight each other.

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to unite these three giant base cities.

"How many supernatural beings are there in your respective base cities, how many have evolved four times, how many have evolved three times, and what are the supernatural powers of each, please tell me."

Dong Liya's smooth body was attached to Li Ming's body. Li Ming caressed wantonly up and down while looking at the three people in front of him with raised eyebrows.

The powerful spiritual power, and the supernatural power obtained after six re-evolutions of spiritual powers: soul-hunting, the ability brought by it made him easily aware of the wrong state of the three of them.

Their obedience to him is much, much higher than before he broke through.

Moreover, there was no thought of resistance in his heart at all, as if he thought from the bottom of his heart that they should treat him like this.

'Is this when I made a breakthrough in my telekinetic power and awakened my power, was it affected by my powerful spiritual aftermath? '

Li Ming thought lightly in his heart, sighed secretly, and patted Dong Liya's thigh.

He really didn't want this.

"In my base, there is one supernatural being who has re-evolved four times. The supernatural power is the flame power."

After Li Ming finished speaking, Kong Ming was the first to speak. After Kong Ming finished speaking, Li Ding, who owns the spirit peach in the base city, followed suit: "There are two quadruple evolved abilities in my base city. It's super speed."

"In my base city, there are no supernatural beings who have evolved four times."

Wu Yan's lips twitched for a moment, and then quickly added: "However, there are three people who have re-evolved three times, and one of them has reached the peak of re-evolution three times. The power is ice power, and the other two powers are power. Ability, explosive ability."

Among the three base cities, the spiritual peach resources in Liding base city are the easiest to cash out, so his base city has two four-time re-evolution abilities. Li Ming in the Kongming base city has already noticed that the power of heaven and earth here It is more concentrated than other places, so there is a four-time re-evolved supernatural being.

The unspoken base cities obviously do not have such resources. The gap in resources has caused a gap in the high-level abilities of the three major base cities, which is understandable.

"In our base city, there are three people with three re-evolution abilities, two with speed abilities, and one with strength abilities."

Kong Ming then added, and Li Ding also continued to speak: "There are five people who have re-evolved three times in my base city, namely the heat ray ability, the invisibility ability, the fire ability, the water movement ability, and the earth movement ability. "

"Besides, there are [-] people with no re-evolution powers, and there are [-] people with powers who have no re-evolution powers. Except for me, there are [-] people with powers in my base."

Kong Ming spoke again, and then Buyan and Liding also spoke one by one.

"There are a total of 22 people with supernatural powers that have been re-evolved in my base three times, and there are [-] people with supernatural powers other than me."

"There are a total of sixteen supernatural beings who have re-evolved under my base three times, and there are nineteen supernatural beings other than me."

Three re-evolved four times and eleven three re-evolved. 48 supernatural beings who evolved three times or less.

These three giant base cities have quite a lot of supernatural powers.

"Oh? Explosive ability?"

Li Ming's heart moved secretly, and he looked at Buyan: "Tell me about this blasting ability?"

"He can make any object explode directly, the power is very good, even air can."

Buyan spoke hastily, and then shook his head: "However, his ability level is too low, and he will lose his power soon after blasting. The ice ability user is trying to break through four times before evolving. His ice blade, ice Blades and ice arrows are very powerful, and the wounds caused are extremely difficult to recover."

Anything can explode?
"How far is his explosive ability cast?"

Li Ming's eyes moved slightly, and he asked, "Can the explosion be generated directly inside the monster's body?"

"As long as it is anywhere he can see, it can be used, but the farther away it is, the power will be reduced accordingly."

Bu Yan hurriedly opened his mouth, and then shook his head: "He can only let his eyes directly see the explosion. The inside of the monster's body is blocked by the surface tissue, so there is no way to explode."

"I see."

Li Ming nodded suddenly, with his right hand covering Dong Liya's right half circle, pointing his index finger one after another, pointing out the depressions one after another, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Reorganize all the supernatural beings to prepare for the battle, use four The second re-evolutionary supernatural being is the core, and the third re-evolution is the backbone of the team, ensuring that the fourth re-evolution supernatural being will not be interfered with when encountering the same opponent."

"The three of you are very mobile. Once you encounter a strong opponent, you will fight immediately. If not, then use it as a mobile force to support the battle of other supernatural beings and expand your advantage."

The fight between the extraordinary has long been distinguished from the battlefield in the ordinary world.

The mobility, defense, vitality, combat power, and evasion abilities of the extremely powerful strongmen are almost all at full capacity, and they must be entangled with strong men of corresponding strength levels, otherwise it is easy to form a situation of falling down if they fall below.

Therefore, it is very important to ensure the display of high-end combat power.

"During this period of time, I'm actively contacting and negotiating with them to see if they accept our current situation, whether they are willing to coexist peacefully, if they are willing, then everyone will enjoy themselves, if not."

Li Ming smiled and looked at Kong Ming: "Your invisibility ability is good, why not just cruise around the fairy gate where the news came out, if they really don't know what to do, then wait until the formation is opened, and some people go out in groups Yes, just bombard them with shells!"

"If one or two go out, then catch the pair directly."

Before the main battle begins, it's best to try it out and re-strategize.

It's a pity that these sects are covered by formations, even if they send missiles up, it's almost useless unless they are poured out in large quantities regardless of the cost.

But where do they get so many missiles now?

As for why Li Ming knew that there would be formations in these sects... of course it was Qingchengzi who said it.

"it is good!"

The three of Kong Ming pondered over Li Ming's arrangement, and they all nodded seriously.

Li Ming looked at Kong Ming, and smiled at the corner of his mouth. He arranged for Kong Ming to take the risk alone, but the other party agreed without the slightest reaction. This must have the effect of the mental influence on him when his mind power broke through. .

"Take out all the nuclear bombs buried in your base, and send them to the inland base city. In addition, report the location of other known nuclear bombs, take them away, and transport them to Wushan base city."

Li Ming thought for a while and missed the nuclear bombs detected by the power detection, and then said: "These nuclear bombs will be managed in a unified manner and have a greater use. After the ordinary residents have evacuated, the nuclear bombs will be transported immediately."

"Afterwards, I made a list of the weapons needed for city defense, and I asked the major base cities in the inland to jointly build this place into a battle fortress as quickly as possible."

As for the development model of the three major resource base cities, Li Ming had already made a decision in his heart when he came here - the seaside fortress.

Except for the necessary maintenance personnel, there will not be an ordinary resident in these cities, and everything is prepared for combat defense and resource collection.

Correspondingly, these cities themselves have unique resources, and these resources will make up for the soldiers who suffer here.

For example, the five supernatural beings who have naturally awakened in the seaside fortress in recent days, such as the respective resources of the three bases here, the active power of heaven and earth, spirit peaches, and supernatural metals.

These are resources that are difficult to obtain in other places, but here, there are opportunities, so it will naturally attract people to come over.

"it is good!"

The three of Kong Ming nodded immediately, and then began to discuss the details with Li Ming, such as where are the destinations of the three giant base cities, how to arrange such a huge population after arriving there, how to deal with eating and drinking along the way, etc. Wait for a series of questions.

The migration of so many people, with few resources along the way, is still a problem even before the end of the day.

"Let the metal control system superpowers build a suitable and strong enough aircraft, if not, then report, and I will do it myself."

As soon as Li Ming finished speaking, the three people on the opposite side looked at each other.

"Our metal manipulator, he...can't build airplanes."

Li Ding scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

Li Ming pinched Dong Liya's buttocks helplessly. It is also a technical job to build an airplane, and it cannot be done simply by being able to control the shape of the metal.

He shouldn't have had that hope.

"Then I'll do it myself. You can find someone who can fly a plane. If not, find a supernatural being who is flexible and calm. Warriors are fine."

Li Ming naturally has how to manufacture airplanes in his mind, and he has already memorized the relevant production materials in his heart.

"This time the residents are traveling by plane, Li Dinghe does not say that he will personally protect them from monster attacks in the air."

After Li Ming finished speaking, he gave Li Dinghe Buyan instructions again, and waited for the two of them to nod their heads to make sure they understood, then nodded and led them into action.

After Wu Yan and Li Ming talked about it, they flew to their respective base cities first, and began to gather the people in the fastest way. Kong Ming also wanted to do this matter himself, only in this way can the matter be done as quickly as possible. .

Li Ming carried Dong Liya and Liu Fang to the outside of the base city, and then directly used five re-evolutionary five-element abilities to extract gold elements to shape the plane out of thin air.

However, wisps of metal elements were seen flying in the air, quickly forming a ready-made metal entity, and condensing exactly as Li Ming imagined.

In just one minute, the first plane that can accommodate 1 people was built.

Li Ming placed ten of these large planes at the exit of the base city here, and twenty smaller planes, and then went to the exits of other base cities, placing enough planes at each exit.

"Kong Ming's base city has a population of 70, and these planes are enough."

After exiting the last base city, Li Ming looked at the airport and planes that he had quickly created with his own abilities, and was satisfied. Then he went to the original base city with a population of 80.

Dong Liya and Liu Fang, who were held in Li Ming's arms, were amazed. This feeling of witnessing creation out of thin air is really shocking.

Especially Dong Liya, now she has fully seen the strength and ability of this man, and her eyes are full of little stars when she looks at Li Ming.

"Don't worry, you will be comfortable in the future."

Feeling Dong Liya's state, Li Ming smiled and secretly tightened his arms, letting her get closer.

Looking at Dong Liya's hands and feet, Li Ming shook his head helplessly.

Dong Liya's hands and feet have also reached their limits.

"Well, I'm recovering slowly."

Dong Liya smiled and nodded, and Li Ming injected another force of the Five Elements into her body. As a result, Dong Liya's absorption of the five elements' power has reached its peak. Even if he injects it again, it will be difficult to go faster In order to restore her physical condition, she had no choice but to give up, allowing Dong Liya to use her supernatural power to continuously wash her body and restore her own condition.

Looking at Liu Fang who was still in good spirits and in very good condition beside him, Li Ming secretly sighed in his heart.

"Fortunately, Auntie is here."

Li Ming touched Liu Fang's head and spoke softly.

Liu Fang rolled her eyes, grabbed Li Ming hard, silently lowered her head and bent her waist.

"Oh hoo~"

Li Ming shouted, and quickly arrived at the original base city, and then looked at the eight exits of the original base city, directly used the supernatural power to build a seamless plane, and carved seals on the plane just like Kongming's base city, Provide additional impetus.

Of course, in addition to the seal pattern, the engine must also be matched together. By the way, Li Ming used the power of the five elements to create aviation fuel to fill up the fuel tank, and then went to the base city of Shuiwan with a population of 60. This time, Li Ming had an idea With one move, using the supernatural metals here, ten super-large supernatural metal planes that can accommodate 6 people were built.

 New book, nothing taboo, go and see it.

(End of this chapter)

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