Chapter 317 Great Harvest!
"Are you from the Dongguo? Why can the Dongguo people come here? Didn't such a disaster break out in your place?"

Hearing Fan Guangxing's words, a member of the exploration team couldn't help asking excitedly. While asking, he pointed to the corpse of the zombie they had just killed in front of him, with a happy expression on his face.

"No, it's just that a great leader appeared in the Eastern Kingdom. He led the survivors of the Eastern Kingdom to establish a safe base city. Now all the zombies in the places where humans live in the Eastern Kingdom have been completely wiped out."

Fan Guangxing spoke poor Mao Mandarin, but at least he was able to communicate with them, and said with a smile.

As a bone-forging martial artist, and it was the last day to apply for the name, the reason why Mao Guo was able to take this rare task was because he could speak Mao Guo, and it was precisely because of this advantage that he was able to successfully use a Joined the team as an ordinary bone forging warrior.

"Is that so?"

The team member said a little disappointed when he heard that things were not as he had imagined.

The captain, on the other hand, frowned, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "You mean, a great leader appeared in the Eastern Kingdom, leading the human survivors to establish a safe base city, and all the zombies within the range of human activities have been wiped out." Empty?"

"Actually, this thing is two different things from the zombies in our previous film and television works. Compared with zombies, demon corpses are more correct names, but it doesn't matter, that's it, otherwise, why would I travel thousands of miles as an Eastern warrior come here?"

Fan Guangxing nodded his head as a matter of course, shrugged his shoulders and said, "If possible, I think we can cooperate for a while."

"What do you want us to do?"

Hearing Fan Guangxing's words, the leader of the exploration team calmed down, looked at him and asked solemnly.

"Nuclear bombs, I hope to get some information about the storage locations of nuclear bombs from you. As long as it is true, as long as you gather the location information of ten nuclear bombs, you can exchange for what you need."

Fan Guangxing's eyes lit up, and he looked closely at the opposite team leader.

"Oh? Something we need?"

The captain of the exploration team raised his eyebrows: "What do you think we need?"

"For example, clean the city of zombies without harming the environment or causing huge damage to the city?"

The corner of Fan Guangxing's mouth curled up, pointing at the surroundings and said lightly.

"Can you clean this place up? Why should I trust you?"

The captain of the exploration team frowned. Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly woke up and looked up at the sky.


A surge of energy flashed past, and a terrifying aircraft flew slowly overhead.

"I think, now, you should have enough reasons to believe me."

Fan Guangxing pointed to the plane above his head, with a half-smile.

The captain of the exploration team hesitated for a moment, then looked at him solemnly: "I can provide you with information about the nuclear bomb base, but there is an additional condition."

"What conditions?"

"After clearing the city of zombies, we need to build a defensive wall for us. It is best to leave communication facilities. Only in this way can we survive with peace of mind."

The leader of the exploration team looked at the headset on Fan Guangxing's ears, and his eyes were also shining with color.

"Oh, deal."

The corner of Fan Guangxing's mouth twitched: "However, I need you to provide at least [-] nuclear bomb locations, and a corresponding number of supersonic missiles."

"I know three nuclear bomb bases, and the number of nuclear bombs they have is 45."

The captain of the exploration team showed a smile on his face: "I am honored. I have worked for the nuclear bomb storage base and know their specific information. If possible, we can set off now."

45 pieces?

450 Contribution Points!
Fan Guangxing's heart beat wildly, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and immediately chose to follow the other party to explore.

Until the afternoon, Fan Guangxing, who had confirmed the number of nuclear bombs with his own eyes, turned on the communication device, and made a public video speech to his teammates: "I offer 100 contribution points, and the request is to clean up all the zombies in the town, and then go out 50 contribution points, the requirement is to build a defensive wall around the town, has anyone done it?"

The channel was silent for a moment.

"How big is the town?"

"There are only five streets in total."

Fan Guangxing responded in a low voice, and after a while.

"I come."

"Where is the location?"

"I am coming too."

"Our two brothers happen to be civil engineering superpowers, so we'll do the job of defending the wall."

"Ho, buddy."

A message came from the communicator, and Fan Guangxing smiled: "I sent the location, and the speed is coming."

Fly fighter jets.

The communication staff at the main station looked at each other after listening to the information.

"Didn't you let them come to find the nuclear bomb? How did you start working?"

"Is it possible that this Fan Guangxing has reached some kind of cooperation with the local survivors?"

"Is this legal?"

"It seems that you didn't say that this is not allowed?"

The two correspondents were thinking about it when they suddenly received Fan Guangxing's task submission message, opened it and let out a hush.

"Good guy, 45 nuclear bombs, 450 points!"

The two of them were dumbfounded, thinking about what Fan Guangxing said just now.

"Ganqing is a second-rate dealer who engages in outsourcing."

The two complained, but they didn't dare to neglect, and quickly handed over the information to the gatherers.

The next moment, three transport planes made of supernatural metal flew out of the huge supernatural metal fighter, and flew to three mission submission places under the control of the staff.

On the other side, Fan Guangxing waited nervously after sending out the signal.

Until the roar of three supernatural metal transport planes, and the last...

[The first confirmation of Fan Guangxing's mission information is successful]

[The second confirmation of Fan Guangxing's mission information was successful]

[Fan Guangxing's mission information has been successfully confirmed at the third place]

[Fan Guangxing's 450 points have been credited to the account, and the base point system will be synchronized immediately after returning to the base]

Four consecutive messages came from the headset, and Fan Guangxing immediately showed joy. After waiting for a while, some exploration team members rushed over one after another. He called them together and took them to meet the small group of survivors. ruler of the land.

There are only six supernatural beings in this gathering place, none of them have evolved yet, and even the strength of the leader is comparable to Fan Guangxing, so when Fan Guangxing has ten supernatural beings of the same level appear It became easier immediately.

After resting overnight to formulate a battle plan, sixteen supernatural beings attacked together, and it took only one day to complete all the tasks. By the time they left in the evening, the town had been surrounded by four tall defensive walls. Together.

After the task was completed, Fan Guangxing happily set aside 150 points for them to share, and then continued to explore the next place.

And this kind of situation is constantly happening in the whole country of Mao.

There are no superpowers in Mao country to integrate the world, at least the nuclear bombs they explored are not distributed, and the strongest among them are just fire-type supernatural beings who have evolved to the peak three times, and they have no ability to establish a peaceful base area at all.

Under such circumstances, Lei Ming, who had re-evolved four times, Gu Zhuo, who had re-evolved five times, plus a whole body of martial arts cultivation, the team of 150 people with supernatural powers was like entering a land of no one.

While quickly flattening the threatening monsters, he quickly collected information on nuclear bombs and missiles, as well as some special heavy industrial equipment that the researchers had ordered before coming.

All in all, thanks to the super large carrying capacity of the supernatural metal aircraft, take away all the useful things that can be taken away.

This exploration lasted until the spring and finally came to an end.

In the end, under the simple and thunderous smiles, all the Maoist survivors in this large area boarded the plane with them and flew to the base city alliance of the Eastern Kingdom.

"It's really hard to imagine how such a powerful aircraft could be built."

Inside the supernatural metal aircraft, a total of 50 Mao people sat on the ground, looking at the vast space around them, with incredible shock in their expressions.

At this point, even Regus, the fire-type superpower who has evolved three times as the strongest local power user, is amazed, because he can feel that the material of this spaceship is difficult to shake even if he fully stimulates the power. !

While they were amazed, they couldn't help but look forward to the place they were about to arrive at. How powerful would the Dongguo base city be that can build such a powerful aircraft?

And that great strong man, Li Ming, is so heroic.

Of course, there is the last one, the anxiety brought about by what kind of life they are about to face.

In another relatively smaller cabin, the faces of the supernatural beings who came from the expedition were also full of smiles.

"This time there were more than 200 specially-made transport planes that came randomly, and now they are all used up. The plane parking bays that happened to be emptied are used to transport these survivors. This trip to Mauritius is worthwhile."

Gu Zhuo and Lei Ming sat side by side, Gu Zhuo couldn't help feeling more joyful every time he thought of the harvest this time, and couldn't help smiling and talking to Lei Ming beside him.

"Indeed, among the 50 people, there are 45 school-age women, and the only [-] men are mostly healthy school-age teenagers and people with supernatural powers. With the addition of these high-quality personnel, the basic strength of the base city will inevitably be even stronger. Prosperity."

The corner of Lei Ming's mouth also showed a smile, his eyes were filled with purple thunder, and an aura belonging to the fifth re-evolution had quietly entrenched on his body.

After three months of experience and painstaking practice, his strength has finally reached the level of re-evolving a supernatural being five times.

And, the first supernatural power was awakened: Zilei!

Zilei's power is stronger than ordinary Thunderbolt's. It has an extremely strong destructive power. It can be regarded as an extremely powerful and powerful combat supernatural power. Coupled with the extreme speed it brings, this alone is enough to make Leiming's Combat capabilities continue to soar upwards, catching up with the first echelon.

The aura of Gu Zhuo on one side is also stronger and stronger. His strength was originally ranked first among the five adjudicators, and now he has the help of Li Ming's panel ability. Although he lost the help of the immortal cultivator, his progress is still not weak .

At this time, Gu Zhuo's aura has reached the middle stage of five re-evolutions, which is incomparable to the other four extremely special judges with extremely high evolutionary talents.

Kong Ming, don't say anything, Li Ding, Mo Dao and the others are only about to reach the middle stage of the fifth round, and Gu Zhuo is suddenly pulled back a step.

But sometimes, the distance of this step will become an eternal gap.

Thunder and Gu Zhuo, although their physical bodies have become alternative clones controlled by Li Ming, but because of the special nature of the spiritual rosary, they are basically independent individuals when Li Ming does not come to his own will.

In this way, the usual performance is naturally no different from ordinary people.

The two were talking, and Fan Guangxing in the seat was also happily stroking his magic weapon Miaodao. During this mission, his luck continued to explode as if it was on the hook. After coming down, more than 1000 contribution points have been harvested.

Although this magic weapon long knife is standard, its quality is very good, and it will greatly enhance the battle. Fan Guangxing, who has used it for three months, is naturally aware of this, so he spent a hundred contribution points to buy it without hesitation. He picked up the long knife issued when he arrived.

In addition, he still has a balance of over a thousand contribution points. With such a huge amount of wealth in his hands, Fan Guangxing can be said to be overwhelmed, and he began to think freely about what he should do after returning to the base city.

Looking at the whole machine, basically no one has bitterness on their faces, and even more than 50 seriously injured people have smiles on their faces.

Although their injuries were serious during the mission and they couldn't be treated, it was no problem for them to return to the base city with their vigorous vitality.

And once they arrive at the base city, they only need a small amount of points to quickly recover from their injuries, and the gains this time are enough for them to make a lot of money after recovering from their injuries.

In this way, the plane with supernatural technology, like a spaceship, rushed to the east under the urging of the pattern.

When the plane arrived, there was another bustling scene. 50 high-quality personnel from Mauritius added, which finally made the population of Hope Base City more abundant, and made this largest base city reach the level of an ordinary third-tier small city before the end of the world.

A large number of heavy industrial equipment and a large number of nuclear bombs have brought another wave of basic armed forces, and the defense of the base has gone further.

The people in each base city returned to their respective places happily. Everyone was envious of their rich harvest. They secretly regretted that they didn't know a lot of foreign languages, so they turned their attention to the gathered Maomei. Immediately, with bright eyes, he stretched out the magic claw.

They really just want to learn another foreign language!

"One thousand 180 five points."

Fan Guangxing walked out of the points synchronization room, full of excitement, and exchanged the various inheritances he longed for at the beginning, and directly exchanged three powerful cultivation methods, and bought enough cultivation resources for himself to cultivate to the perfection of visceral training. Only when there were five hundred left did he stop with satisfaction.

Then he hurried back to the home where he had only lived for a few days and then left for three months, his face darkened instantly.


After three months, the aura that reached the perfect level of bone forging burst out, and Fan Guangxing's figure rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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