Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 330 Arrange a woman for this group of hairy people

Chapter 330 Arrange a woman for this group of hairy people

The so-called land of forbidden law is nothing more than the fusion of the power of the nether world and the power of the yang world, which leads to chaos in the world, and even makes it difficult to use various extraordinary powers.

Li Ming used the power of the book of life and death to mobilize the power of the nether world to further strengthen the power of the forbidden law, but at the same time it was equivalent to leaving a back door, that is, as long as it was the power left by him through the power of the nether world, This restriction can be broken to a certain extent.

As his carefully trained subordinates, the 24 teenagers are now the mainstay of the entire base city, but their strength cannot reach the top after all, so they are not capable enough to face some powerful opponents.

Now that there is such a place of forbidden law, it is undoubtedly a good control platform for them, which can help them complete many tasks that they could not complete before.

Coupled with the back door Li Ming left for them, this is even simpler.

Li Er, Li San and Li Si looked at the brand mark on the back of their hand, it looked like a very inconspicuous scratch, but they could tell how powerful this scratch contained just by trying it out.

This is a connection that can communicate with the nether world, and the ability to copy this ability by touching is tantamount to leaving a breath imprint in the nether world that belongs to the person who touched it. Going to this land of forbidden law blessed by the nether world will relax the person who has this mark.

"According to the plan."

After leaving a mark, everything here was basically settled. Li Ming gave Li Er, Li San and Li Si an order, and his body turned into nothingness amidst their serious responses, and disappeared instantly.


High in the sky, among the clouds, an invisible, unknowable, and unpeekable whale dragon swims in the sea of ​​clouds. Its figure seems to be huge and tall, and at one time it seems to be only the size of an ant. The concept of big and small seems to follow the hearts of the people. Unpredictable and unpredictable.

On the top of the whale dragon, a figure sitting cross-legged is much more real, but it is still in an unobservable state, heading towards the coastal base city.

"Before I knew it, I had left the coastal base city for several months, and I don't know what's going on there now."

Sitting cross-legged on top of the whale dragon, Li Ming rushed to the coastal base city at a very high speed. While driving, he looked at the bleak dead leaves below. Before he knew it, it had entered autumn. The survivor power thing.

I don't know how the three of Kong Ming did.

Guessing in his heart, Li Ming also controlled the whale dragon to rush on the road, thinking about the next plan in his heart.

When the remaining resources in Mao country are exhausted, the space between the coastal base city and the inland base city will enter the construction stage. Not to mention anything else, at least the traffic must be normalized.

Various lines of defense must also be established, and at the same time, contact and understanding with the West must also begin.

If possible, it is best to include the West as well.

With the vastness of the world and the sparse population, it is entirely possible to move Western survivors here, and even adding one piece is not as large as [-]% of the population of the country before the end of the world, so it is easy.

And the more people gather here, the greater the production capacity that can be superimposed, and the more things that can be done together.

And in this way, the vacant large area can be used to build various resources, whether it is a battle fortress, or a special cultivation of cultivation resources, and there is more room for manipulation.

Only in places with resources, leave a small number of working people, and most of the remaining people are all concentrated in areas with fertile soil and water, so that they can develop better.

Most importantly, he can also use the power of unity to find more things he needs more quickly, so as to help him complete further cultivation.

When the whole earth is unified, it will be the stable period of foundation.

The unreappeared world of cultivating immortals and the world of magic has always left hidden worries in Li Ming's heart.

He is now the most powerful person in the entire world, so he can do whatever he wants, do whatever he wants, and want whatever he wants, as long as there are things in the world, and what he wants, there is nothing he cannot get.

But what if a bunch of powerful people suddenly appeared in these two worlds, and then they were ridden on their heads to shit, then it would be unbearable to even think about it.

"Be prepared."

Li Ming took a deep breath, looked to the west, and felt calm.

He has now reached the late stage of six re-evolutions with his telekinetic ability and comprehensive body evolution ability, and it may not be long before he can enter the level of the seventh re-evolution, and there may be new supernatural powers reappearing by then.

The five-element ability has also reached the middle stage of the sixth re-evolution, and it is not far from the birth of a new supernatural power.

As long as another supernatural power of escaping speed can be born to make him move much faster, he can do more things with confidence.

Otherwise, with the current vastness of the world, even if he wants to go to the west, at his current flying speed, he doesn't know how long it will take to fly there.

Too long travel time will lead to more unpredictable accidents, and the soul flying out of the body can do limited things, and who knows if there is anything wrong with the group of Western practitioners who seem to have received the magician's inheritance? The insidious means of the soul.

Once the arrogant soul leaves the body, flies to the west, and ends up with some disgusting tricks, it will be bad.

Therefore, a mobile supernatural power is indispensable.

"I hope to wake up."

Li Ming's heart moved secretly, he activated his acupoints, boosted the flying speed of the Whale Dragon, and flew towards the coastal base city.

His acupuncture method is fast enough, and the flying ability of the Whale Dragon is even more terrifying, but even if the two are superimposed, it will take some time to fly to the coastal base city.

It can be seen that the distance between heaven and earth is far away.

According to the speed before the doomsday, even the most advanced fighter jets would have to fly for seven days and seven nights to fly from the forbidden land to the sky above the coastal base city.

It can be seen from this that when the strength is not strong enough, it is not a good thing to have too vast a territory, otherwise, if something happens anywhere, it will become extremely difficult to support.

Thinking in his heart, Li Ming's figure also followed the rising and setting of the sun, and reached the sky above the coastal base city after a day. (Flying speed is about 4764.2 meters per second, blessed with Whale Dragon)

Looking at the core area of ​​Coastal Base City, the leaves have withered and yellowed, but the courtyard is still chattering and lively.

Today, Dong Liya is wearing a red sleeveless sweater, but her lower body is a pair of shorts. Under the sweater, her two white legs are as slender and attractive as if she didn't wear pants. The pure white socks on her feet are even more attractive.

The long hair is coiled up, the delicate collarbone and the snow-white neck, the throat is fully exposed, and the beautiful appearance makes people look stiff.

Next to Dong Liya is Yang Ying, who is wearing skinny jeans and a white shirt, with fair and tender skin.

Opposite the two, Liu Yifei was wearing a close-fitting soft skirt, with soft calves and snow-white forearms exposed in the gaps in the long skirt, with a delicate and lovely face.

Next to Liu Yifei, Jiang Shuying, who was dressed as an urban beauty in black trousers and a black shirt, was wearing earrings, exuding a different kind of charm.

Aunt Liu Fang has a plump body, but she is wearing simple and plain clothes today. She looks like a housewife, but she has her own charm.

Seeing the brighter smiles on their faces, Li Ming's heart moved. The hidden supernatural power of the whale dragon disappeared from his body and appeared in the sky. Then he flew down in a conspicuous posture, and was immediately spotted by several women. .


Seeing Li Ming falling from the sky, the girls jumped up cheering, and when Li Ming landed, they hurriedly surrounded him to show their joy.

Li Ming hugged him with his left hand and strode into the bedroom.

"Honey, you don't know, this..."

Dong Liya was staggered by Li Ming's hug, but fortunately she held Li Ming's arm in time, leaned against him, put her arms together, and whispered into Li Ming's ear.

"I know there must be a lot to say, but don't say it yet."


The time to come back is short.

A day and a night passed in the blink of an eye, and Li Ming went out again to take Jiang Shuying and Yang Ying back to enjoy.

This enjoyment lasted another day and night. Li Ming went out again and took Aunt Liu Fang back to enjoy it when her water was all wet.

Once the enjoyment started, it took a long time. Li Ming enjoyed it for a whole month without knowing it.

One month later, Li Ming practiced in seclusion for five days, and immediately felt that his cultivation had improved again. He couldn't help thanking Aunt Liu Fang very happily, and took her to enjoy it for half a month.

Half a month later, Li Ming practiced with the inspiration he had gained, and with the help of the power of the acupoints, the power of telekinetic power and the ability of comprehensive body evolution reached the limit of six re-evolutions in one fell swoop.

"If you practice for a while, you should be able to break through."

After practicing again, he felt that his cultivation base had greatly improved. After Li Ming left the customs, he looked at the white snow that had fallen outside, and couldn't help showing a bright smile on his face.

This feeling is really cool.

"Husband, the survivors from the Mao country have been arranged as a temporary population in the three base cities of the coast, Yuanyuan, and Shuiwan. There are a total of 20 people. Look, are you going to keep them here forever?"

While watching the snow, Liu Fang walked up to Li Ming in a transparent cheongsam, and asked softly while pressing her soft body against him.

"As usual, those who have potential, those who are young and easy to brainwash, and who are in good physical condition are transferred back to the inland base cities, and the rest are left in the three base cities to serve as workers in basic positions necessary to maintain the city's operation. "

Li Ming put his hands on Liu Fang's plump body to enjoy, said casually, and then asked after thinking of something: "What's the situation in Mao country now, are there no other survivors in the territory?"

"It has been completely covered by ice, making it difficult to survive. We only brought back survivors from the large base city. As for whether there are scattered other survivors, no one can say for sure."

Liu Fang thought for a while, then shook her head and said.

"However, there are spiritual crystals over there, and many precious spiritual mineral deposits are under our control. We have also dispatched an exploration team to conduct a carpet search across the entire territory of Mao, trying to rescue every survivor."

Under the great changes in the world, the more special the environment is, the easier it is to produce various magical treasures.

There may be treasures related to fire in places where volcanoes erupt, and there is no shortage of corresponding treasures in places covered by ice.

Even in the depths of the endless sea, there may be some water attribute treasures.

With such a large area of ​​Mao, it is natural that it will not be easily given up. It is essential to send supernatural beings and warriors to develop resources. Naturally, they will also look for survivors along the way.

After all, while searching for survivors in a blanket manner, they are also searching for various resources in a blanket manner...

"With such a big commotion, is there enough manpower?"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows, thinking of the vast land of Mao country, especially after the great changes in the world, he couldn't help asking.

"Based on the benefits of the ancient martial arts, the emergence of the new martial arts and the popularization of Taoism have now spawned a large number of extraordinary people with good strength. Under their leadership, the market search can still be carried out."

Liu Fang smiled, and said with some pride: "And now with the popularity of [Secret Passage], there are more and more newborns, and the population has stabilized. With the guarantee of various promotion channels, our talents are It will continue to flow, even if it is fully occupied in the future, it will not be difficult."

"The population is still tense."

Li Ming shook his head and exhaled: "Have you done the census? Are there still women who don't want women's hair? If not, just force him to arrange it."

"In order to become stronger, many men do not touch women, saying that what kind of woman affects their speed of becoming stronger. How should we deal with such people?"

Liu Fang smiled lightly and covered her mouth. Thinking of those interesting things, she couldn't help asking.

"Damn it, why do women affect the speed of becoming stronger? I think it's been too long since I've touched a woman. You must be stupid."

Li Ming was furious: "Give them a trick secretly, let a woman sleep with them a few times, I don't think they can bear it!"

"How do you arrange for the woman? Now there are quite a lot of black girls and white girls, and there are also many high-quality black and white boys."

Liu Fang knew that her simple conversation would become a rule that the people below must follow, so she asked carefully.

"Black girls and white girls can be chosen at will. Local people have the priority to choose a spouse. Immigrants are not counted. Black and white teenagers are only allowed to find those native Chinese girls who are not liked, and the opposite sex of their own skin."

Li Ming shook his head and said decisively: "Arrangement immediately, I will arrange a woman for this group of hairy men."

(End of this chapter)

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