Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 333 Beauty, magical powers!

Chapter 333 Beauty, magical powers!
Today's lunch is as rich as usual. The main dish is a deep-sea sea cucumber that has evolved twice. In fact, Li Ming doesn't like seafood at first, and even the taste of oysters is hard for him to taste.

But evolutionary animal meat is no different than others. Although its body is still seafood, it no longer has the uncomfortable smell of seafood. Instead, it is soft and easy to melt, and it is very delicious.

Of course, his secondary re-evolved status does not seem to be worthy of Li Ming's status, but for Li Ming and his women, their practice has long since left the level of relying on food supplements.

After all, they are different from ordinary supernatural beings and warriors. Under the practice of various top-level methods, they can actually do not need to eat, and their practice can be satisfied only by swallowing the power of heaven and earth.

Even the meat of high-level evolutionary beasts is at most a little supplement for them. Instead of this, it is better to give it to those who need it more, so as to quickly cultivate the power of their subordinates.

24 The reason why the youngsters have improved so quickly is that on the one hand, it has something to do with their excellent cultivation talent, and on the other hand, it cannot be separated from the supply of resources.

Therefore, even if some subordinates occasionally hunted the meat of high-level evolutionary beasts, they were all used to train potential subordinates.

Or make these meats into various nourishing ingredients, or combine alchemy techniques to make bacon balls, there are various techniques.

All in all, Li Ming himself rarely eats the meat of high-level mutant beasts anymore.

Unless there are special effects.

The sea cucumber that evolved again was not bad, so he ate it without hesitation.

Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Ruonan, Lin Zhiling, and Liu Shishi who came in lined up on both sides of Li Ming.

Liu Shishi is wearing a black Penglai suspender skirt today, her hair is well-trimmed and she wears crystal earrings. The neck and collarbone under her pretty face are exquisite. The two white, tender and slender legs under the skirt of the Penglai skirt are like carefully crafted works of art. Protruding, with a bright smile on his face, the whole person is beautiful, sexy and delicate.

As soon as she sat down, she saw Li Ming's gaze was on her body, and a hand had already taken it.

"Shi Shi, it's so beautiful."

Listening to the man's sincere praise, Liu Shishi showed a happy smile on his face, and hurriedly said: "My brother is also very, very handsome."

"Baby, your mouth is so sweet."

With a grin on Li Ming's face, he stretched out his right hand to touch Liu Shishi's skirt, and wrapped his left hand around her shoulder. Liu Shishi brought it up before he could use any force. He immediately kissed his lips and tasted it carefully.

After kissing and feeling for about 5 minutes, Li Ming let go of Liu Shishi, whose face was already very ruddy, and gave Liu Shishi a sip on his delicate face, letting her eat with chopsticks first.

Liu Shishi, who had a premonition that a big battle was coming, immediately picked up his chopsticks and started eating. Li Ming looked at Lin Zhiling, who was second on the left.

Lin Zhiling is wearing a cheongsam in the style of the Republic of China today. The clothing style is very similar to the image in the online movie "Taoist Down the Mountain" that was tested at the beginning. It just so happens that Li Ming has seen this movie, so he is very eye-catching.

"Zhi Ling looks really good today."

Li Ming beckoned, Lin Zhiling quickly got up, her little butt covered by the back skirt of the cheongsam danced, and walked happily to Li Ming's side, Li Ming stretched out his hand and embraced her.

"If brother likes it, Zhiling will pass it on to you every day."

Lin Zhiling followed Li Ming's strength and put her legs between his legs, then stood up slightly, allowing Li Ming to say with a joyful tone with her lips slightly parted.

"Hahaha, let's wear it like this every day for the next few days. Let's wear him for ten days first."

Li Ming laughed, opened his mouth and kissed Lin Zhiling's lips, he kissed her until she was out of breath, and then patted her with a smile, telling her to go back and sit down.

Looking to the right, Zhang Ruonan and Zhang Ziyi, who were equally well-dressed, were looking at him eagerly.

Since Li Ming’s mobile phone wallpaper used to be Zhang Ruonan’s smile, today’s Zhang Ruonan still wears the same dress, with slightly curly long hair hanging loose, a plaid shirt with stripes on his body, and a very close-fitting sky blue shirt on his lower body. jeans.

Jeans are a very magical pair of pants. Some jeans are unremarkable on the body, but some jeans can perfectly set off a person's figure. These are skinny jeans.

The breath of a young and beautiful girl was perfectly presented on Zhang Ruonan. With that white, youthful and lively feeling, Li Ming felt an impulse in his heart almost instantly. He couldn't help but hug Zhang Ruonan into his arms and let her face him. He sat astride his lap, then held her head and kissed her fiercely.

While kissing, his hands were still groping up and down like a demon.

It was not until 10 minutes later that Li Ming let go of Zhang Ruonan lovingly, and asked her to sit back and eat something to wait for him.

Zhang Ruonan's eyes were as charming as gossamer, she nodded obediently after listening to Li Ming's words, got off him and sat on the chair next to her.

Li Ming's gaze then turned to Zhang Ziyi who was on Zhang Ruonan's right, and a smile could not help showing from the corner of his eyes.

Zhang Ziyi's dress is very hot today. She wears a long skirt that is actually a transparent style. The faintly visible skin is even more seductive under a layer of haze.

Li Ming called her to feel the texture, and then he let her have lunch quickly. Then he comfortably stretched his two hands left and right, put his left hand under Liu Shishi's Penglai skirt, and his right hand under Liu Shishi's skirt. On Zhang Ruonan's jeans, she was happily waiting for the end of lunch.

Fortunately, with the popularization of martial arts, everyone can practice martial arts, and everyone eats very quickly.

Li Ming didn't make Li Ming wait long before he finished his lunch. With a smile on his face, Li Ming hugged Zhang Ruonan who had wiped his mouth tightly in his arms while moving his mouth and hands while walking towards the bedroom. Halfway through, he found Liu Shishi. Zhang Ziyi and Lin Zhiling looked at him at a loss, and immediately waved: "Why are you standing there?"


How happy can a person be?

Its happiness is not as good as that of outsiders.

After eight days and eight nights, Li Ming finally walked out of the room contentedly, and after leaving an order for them to rest for a month, Shi Shi ran to the next step of practice while his mind was satisfied.

Comprehending oneself, the physical body and spirit have become stronger and stronger during this period of passive practice, reaching the point where the sixth re-evolution is almost at its peak.

He struck while the iron was hot, took the initiative to concentrate on cultivation for a month, and constantly polished his cultivation base. Finally, a month later, the strength of his abilities reached the peak of the sixth re-evolution.

It is a big hurdle to evolve from the sixth time to the seventh time. Even if you reach the sixth time and then evolve to the peak, if you want to break through, you don't want to break through.

Fortunately, with the proficiency panel, the so-called practice threshold does not exist for him, as long as he practices with all his strength, he will definitely be able to break through.

But in order to better comprehend supernatural powers when breaking through, Li Ming didn't rush to break through immediately, but prepared to adjust his mentality again, so he went to find the beauties to have fun for a whole month.

This month passed, and they had to rest for at least a year. Li Ming had to wait for them to digest slowly. Fortunately, he was quite satisfied, but seeing his aunt Liu Fang in a plain dress with her back to him bending over to water the flowers, he couldn't bear it anymore. Can't help but start to reason.

To put this into perspective, it only takes one month.

Li Ming felt that he had obtained unprecedented satisfaction, so he left the seclusion in a happy mood.

This time, as soon as he practiced, he felt a sudden surge of inspiration, and the level of the seventh re-evolution was almost easily broken, and his mental strength and physical strength were broken through almost at the same time.


Evolution from the inside out. The core and spine of the body began to change crazily, and the power of heaven and earth was absorbed crazily. The power of heaven and earth in a radius of a hundred miles formed an energy trend and continuously flowed into the place where Li Ming was.

The terrifying energy tide brought a strong sense of energy oppression. Everyone within a hundred miles felt chest tightness, breathlessness, and a trance. Until Li Ming's idea came, he moved everyone a hundred miles away and made them After quickly getting away from this place, it returned to normal, and then they all looked at the energy tide that had surged so violently that it was visible to the naked eye.

"Master Li Ming, the ruler, is already so strong."

Feeling that the range of this energy tide is still increasing, the faces of those who escaped all changed wildly. Finally, Kong Ming, who was notified, urgently transferred all the survivors in the entire coastal base city to the original base city, so they all felt relieved. Take a breath.

Afterwards, everyone looked at the terrifying power created by Li Ming, and was inexplicably shocked.

Among the many people who escaped, Li Ming's woman was not included.

That is to say, the eight stars and Liu Fang living in his villa, their aura belonging to Li Ming is too strong, whether it is the terrifying power of the realm or the energy tide caused by the breakthrough, it is like a breeze to them. noodle.

Not only was it not uncomfortable, but it was even filled with energy to a certain extent, which was of great benefit.

The real influence of this power lies in the survivor leaders from the Mao country, that is, the supernatural beings from the Mao country.

"Is this the vision of heaven and earth caused by the breakthrough of the rumored master and savior Li Ming?"

Mao country's strongest power user, who has already practiced hard for five times and is in the mid-evolution stage, Clause, the ice wind power user, looked at the turbulent energy storm in front of him in shock, and couldn't help asking the silent man standing beside him .

"Yes, Lord Li Ming's strength is unparalleled. His strength is unshakable and unimaginable. I told you about this a long time ago. You should have been mentally prepared for it."

Buyan smiled softly. His cultivation was just as strong as Clause, the ice wind superpower. He had already taken a profound step in the middle of the fifth re-evolution, and was approaching the late stage of the fifth re-evolution. He was a professional Accompany this general to prevent him from doing anything irrational.

Clause fixed his eyes on the energy storm in front of him, and after a while, he suddenly relaxed: "Brother Shuyan, I think there is something that the noble savior might be interested in."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Bu Yan frowned slightly, Clause took a deep breath, turned his eyes from the terrifying energy storm in the distance, and looked into Bu Yan's eyes: "Hell."

"A treasure about hell!"


At the time of the sixth re-evolution, Li Ming's body was already capable of being indestructible and as big as he wanted.

The seventh re-evolution now undoubtedly brought surprises to Li Ming as well.

This is a strange power, rich vitality is brewing in the body, as more and more power of heaven and earth is absorbed, the activity of his body is also constantly increasing.

The scope of this increased activity keeps becoming deeper and more refined, until it goes deep into every cell.

Along with it, Li Ming's strength, physique, and all physical attributes became stronger with the continuous improvement of activity.

Until the end, after the transformation was over, the physique was transformed again, and a mysterious ability was acquired along with it: space-time step!
"Time and space step... I didn't expect to really awaken such a magical power."

Feeling the power of time-space step, Li Ming felt a little emotional.

This time and space step turned out to be the product of the combination of the power of time and space and the power of evolution that he obtained from Whale Dragon.

He could foresee that the birth of his own supernatural powers this time would be related to recovery, such as the rebirth of a broken limb, the immortality of a severed head, etc.

But because of the existence of the power of time and space, the trajectory of evolution has changed. In addition to imbuing the body with powerful vitality, it also merged with his power of time and space to produce such a magical supernatural ability.

A powerful evasion technique that can step into time and space and travel freely.

It is somewhat similar to the legendary "Shrinking the Earth to an Inch", it only takes one step to cross thousands of miles like space travel.

But different from shrinking the ground to an inch, shrinking the ground to an inch is just a space magic power, but his time-space step has a time-space effect, adding a layer of time power, and the mysterious power has increased by more than several times.

In other words, shrinking to an inch may be blocked by attacks in space, but space-time step is not.

No matter how strong the enemy is in front of you attacking you, as long as he does not have the power of time and space, he will not hurt you at all. You can pass through all his attacks without hindrance like passing through light and shadow, and reach behind him Wherever you want to go with yourself.

Can attack and defend, come and go freely, innately invincible!

Li Ming, who originally wanted to obtain a magical power of movement, was very happy. This was simply what he wanted, and his telekinesis power also reached the seventh level of re-evolution.

With this change, a touch of immortal masculinity and golden nature quietly appeared in Li Ming's soul, followed by another powerful spiritual power: his telepathy!
And, as the soul and body further merged and became stronger, a pair of long eyes suddenly appeared between Li Ming's eyebrows.

Heaven's eye!

(End of this chapter)

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