Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 335 Arrangement, Stability

Chapter 335 Arrangement, Stability

In fact, it was really difficult to conceive a child when he first became strong, but in fact, at Li Ming's current level of strength, conceiving a child is completely a matter of thought.

It's just that Li Ming really doesn't want a child now. After all, his lifespan is so long. Can you imagine what it would be like to raise a child for thousands of years?
In particular, Liu Fang has a special physique, and if she plays with her, it is easy to get pregnant.

It was Li Ming's deliberate control during these times that prevented her from getting pregnant. Otherwise, given his condition, the child would have been born.

Liu Fang said this as a joke, so naturally she didn't take it to heart, and it was more fun.

Of course, her purpose was very successful. Gu Panshenghui said these words, which greatly increased Li Ming's interest, and he stayed in the villa for another two days before he was satisfied.

Two days later in the morning, Li Ming woke up from the bed and found that Liu Fang had already got off the bed and was changing clothes.

"Get up quickly, breakfast should be ready later, let's talk about going back to your eight favorites after we finish our meal, and see if there is anything they haven't prepared."

Seeing Li Ming getting up, Liu Fang, who had changed into a light red dress, turned her head to greet him, and looked at him with a half-smile while talking, with a teasing tone.

Li Ming couldn't bear the little woman's embarrassment in front of him, so he rushed over and threw her on the bed for a while of punishment, until he smelled the aroma of the rice, he got up with a satisfied smile and walked out with her.

Liu Fang straightened her clothes in a hurry with a blushing face, then patted Li Ming's arm, and followed him out.

When I arrived at the living room, I found that Dong Liya, Liu Yifei and the others had already set up a bowl of rice on the dining table, and Li Ming went to sit at the top of the table, picked up the rice and started eating.

"Husband's darlings, we are going back to the Hope Base in the next two days, see if you have anything to prepare, hurry up and prepare."

Liu Fang took a mouthful of porridge, and said to the eight female stars in front of her with a smile.

Seeing the two of them eating, the eight female stars moved their chopsticks one by one, and their eyes moved slightly after hearing her words.

"There is nothing to prepare. Our surviving relatives and friends have all moved to the inland. If my husband wants to leave, we can pack up our belongings and leave at any time."

Dong Liya was the first to speak, with a smile on his face, and Li Ming ate the food with his lips in his mouth while talking, and couldn't help looking at him brightly.

I hope that with the continuous development and investment, the base city has already become the most central area, not only the most prosperous, but also the safest and most comfortable base city.

According to the standard before the doomsday, the housing price there is ten square meters more expensive than a house in a small place.

Unfortunately, this is a new era, and houses are free of charge.

But who will live in it is not a personal decision. On the one hand, it depends on unified planning, and on the other hand, it can only be organized and applied for.

Of course, in this era, after all, no one can guarantee whether a person who looks ordinary today will awaken his supernatural powers and become a transcendent person tomorrow.

Therefore, fairness has been greatly improved, and the trend of corruption has been effectively curbed.

The most important thing is that under the influence of Li Ming's own powerful spiritual thoughts, everyone's thoughts are within controllable limits, and the crime rate can be said to be extremely low.

After all, the rules of the base itself can satisfy personal desires to a great extent, and the only requirement is that you are strong.

But if you are not strong, what chance do you have to oppress others?
Those who are good fighters mostly survive in the fringe base cities, and when they are strong enough, they will become the strongest in all parties.

This is a new era in which different divisions of labor are obtained due to different personal abilities.

Under the guarantee of extraordinary power, this set of more ideal rules is implemented very effectively, reliably, and guaranteed.

The eight Donglia people are also Li Ming's women. Their surviving relatives and friends were transferred to Hope Base City a long time ago.

In fact, not only them, most of the supernatural beings also choose to let their close people live in Hope Base City.

On the contrary, they themselves, it doesn't matter where they are, after all, under the current world environment, their strength is strong enough, no matter where they are, they may be able to play some more exciting games in other bases.

"The same goes for us. Except for a few clothes and some belongings, everything else we wanted to move has been moved."

After Donglia finished speaking, the other women also said that there was no problem, with smiles on their faces.

"It's fine if there's no problem. Pack up your things today. I'll give you another order. I'll go back in two days."

Li Ming nodded with satisfaction, setting the tone, and then played flirting games with the girls with a smile on his face. He played until breakfast was finished before setting off.

The girls stayed at home to pack their things, while Li Yang went out to find the three of them.

"How is the situation in Mao country now?"

Li Yang sat on the main seat, glanced over the faces of the three of Kongming, and asked in satisfaction.

The reason why I came to the coastal base city at the beginning was to prevent turmoil here, and to consider the matter of Mao.

But now, the matter in Mao country has been dealt with, and all kinds of resources here have been sorted out. The purpose has been successfully completed, and it is time to go back to the core area.

But before leaving, it is natural to take care of the beginning and end to avoid chaos.

Usually when he is here, he may consider many major events because Li Ming is here after all, so he does not rush to report them, but waits and sees.

Or feel that they are not qualified enough to report.

These are undoubtedly hidden dangers, so before leaving, Li Ming had to ask in person, just to give them a chance to report all kinds of things that were difficult to report before, and to avoid future troubles while he was still dealing with them.

"Ice monsters have been found in several places, and preparations are being made to deal with them. Everything else is going well. The various ministries are gradually occupying resources in various parts of Mao, and everything is gradually becoming stable."

Kong Ming stood up, cupped his fists, and spoke actively.

"Oh, what kind of ice monster, tell me and let me see."

Li Ming raised his eyebrows and asked aloud.

"One is a monster formed by cold air and death air. It is a bit like a mutated ice zombie, but it has no form. According to the latest news, it should be the same as the fool in the underworld. Once it is close, it will be cold and painful. True Qi will also be dissipated."

"One is the ice python, which lives in glaciers and rivers. It is obviously made of ice, but it is extremely poisonous. Once it gets close, it will be poisoned to death even if it is not frozen to death."

"One is the Ice Ghost Tree, which is a frozen tree, but its branches can move freely, and it also has a ghostly blue aura, which can hurt people's spirits."

"There is also a zombie monster, which looks like a pile of ice slag, with such a powerful ice ability and regenerative ability."

Kong Ming introduced one by one, and each time he introduced one, he took out a tablet computer to show a video: "These four monsters hindered the exploration of Mao, but the three of us should be able to deal with it with our hard work, so there is no inform you."

"I'll take a trip later and get rid of them. Is there anything else?"

Li Ming nodded, said casually, and then asked the second question: "Is there any problem with the three base cities?"

"With the development of special-powered metal fighters, the inland base city has opened up material connection channels with this place. There is no ordinary question. Is it that you summon Clause, the leader of the survivors of the Mao Kingdom, to reassure people?"

Kong Ming shook his head, then asked carefully.

"Okay, let's call him here first."

Li Ming thought for a while and nodded, then said casually, Kong Ming nodded quickly, then turned around and went out to inform Yi Er, not long after, a gust of icy wind blew outside the hall, and Clause's figure instantly appeared outside the hall, closely following Then he hurriedly strode into the hall.

"Clauser, meet Master Master!"

When Clauser arrived in the hall, he respectfully saluted Li Ming, and when Li Ming nodded to let him get up, he sat down cautiously beside him.

"You don't have to be cautious. Now that you are under my command, everyone will have their own people."

Li Ming smiled when he saw his appearance and said casually: "You have also seen that such a large resource area in Mao country cannot be wasted. We are now increasing our efforts to exploit its resources. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Perhaps we can breed sled dogs and build more ice carts and other things to better ensure the efficiency of progress."

Clause thought for a while and gave a suggestion.

"Under the world of ice and snow, creatures are indeed more convenient than machines. If possible, I will do as you say."

Li Ming thought for a while, and nodded, and then a message spread to the minds of the four people present: "This is the art of controlling beasts. People who go to Mao to learn this art may be able to get great help." beneficial."

"Master is wise!"

Feeling the information in their minds, several people immediately stood up and thanked them in surprise. Li Ming waved his hand: "Although this is an important border area, leaving four powerful people who have evolved five times is a bit too exaggerated."

"After I leave, Kong Ming and Clausey will stay here. Don't say anything, He Li will follow me to the inland base city, or to garrison other bases, or to garrison the hope base city. What do you think?"

Li Ming glanced over the four of them, knowing that their affairs had been dealt with, and the next thing he wanted to talk about was his own, so he spoke carefully.

"The defense area of ​​the current base circle is too large, and the border base cities are in great need of Dinghaishenzhen from high-level forces. If the two of you go, it will relieve a lot of pressure."

Although the entire base circle is now one, and they all accept Li Ming's dispatch and management, but as he said, there is a shortage of high-end forces.

Although under Li Ming's previous training, the 24 boys and the second-generation battle group relying on them have taken shape, they are only the backbone after all, and they still lack the strength of the fifth re-evolved superpower.

In all directions of the base city, there are Mo Dao and Taoist Qingchengzi sitting on the side of Guyi Mountain, which is very safe.

At the seaside fortress in the opposite direction, new martial arts have been developed, and Li Dingguo, the second man who has mastered the acupoint cultivation method, is in charge, so it is relatively safe.

In the north in the middle of the two sides, there are now four supernatural beings who have re-evolved five times, while on the western side, there is not a single supernatural powerhouse. Only the Taoist priests of the supernatural realm of Wujing Mountain wander around there.

In addition, the other five re-evolved supernatural powers, Lei Ming and Gu Zhuo, played the role of supporting the center.

This is not what Li Ming wants to see.

Deploying two powerful supernatural beings from here to supplement the weak western and seaside fortresses will undoubtedly make the situation much easier.

As for Mao Country, although it is important, it is enough to have two powerful five-time re-evolved superpowers.

Li Ming and others plan to turn around the entire Mao country in person and kill all the monsters that are more dangerous to them in advance. In this way, under the normal development, there are two supernatural beings who have re-evolved five times. That's enough.

"We have no objection and are willing to be dispatched by the master!"

Hearing Li Ming's words, Bu Yan and Li Ding spoke directly without hesitation. Li Ming nodded in satisfaction, and then discussed again, confirming that there was nothing wrong, they ran the time-space step and left here.

Then he turned to the direction of Mao Guo, stepped forward in time and space, and felt like nothingness, crossing time and space, and found a monster in front of him in just a moment.

With a tap of his finger, the five elements of magical power and true fire spurted out. The ice monster lingering on the ice was instantly melted, and the death energy dissipated from his body.

"There are crystal nuclei, hey, it's pure soul power."

Li Ming was about to leave after eliminating this monster that was the same as the zombie ghost, but he was surprised to find that a crystal containing pure soul power fell out. He immediately picked it up, felt it and played with it, and nodded in satisfaction , then turned and walked towards the second monster.

The second one is the giant python lurking in the icy river. After thinking about it, Li Ming flew into the air with his heart, and cast it instantly, his right leg turned into a giant leg like a mountain. He slammed into the river fiercely.

"Boom, Kaka..."

As if a golden cudgel had hit the river, the moment his right leg kicked down, there was a huge wave, and an ice python with purple-blue luster roared to the river, Li Ming's right hand grew to the extreme, and he slapped Grab it in your hand, and then push hard.


With a sound of shattering, under Li Ming's giant hands, the body of the ice poisonous python shattered and died instantly. Only an anti-drug characteristic was absorbed by Li Ming, and the poisonous poison was completely useless.

"This snake body is a good material for refining ice magic weapons."

Li Ming returned to normal size, looked at the huge ice python corpse in front of him, nodded in satisfaction, and waved it back into the portable cave, letting the whale dragon who was always around him play with it.

The next moment, the space-time step was running again, and quickly came to the sky above the third monster, a icy ghost tree with ghostly aura, released Gengyu Xuan lightsaber, directly uprooted the whole tree and used it as a material for refining magic weapons. The consciousness of the tree body was also sealed by Li Ming with a talisman, and it was received in the Garrison Guiyuan Cauldron, which can collect living things.

Or the dryad is more valuable in refining magic weapons.

After dealing with this, Li Ming felt satisfied, and then went to kill the ice slag zombie monster and got an ice crystal core, and then he was satisfied to explore other places.

(End of this chapter)

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