Chapter 340

He has a clear mind and knows the world!

His mind was running smoothly, and the magical power of mystery emerged in his heart. In just a moment, Li Ming felt all the information he wanted.

The extraordinary system in the western world exists by inheriting magic, which is passed down from a world where magic is the main system.

Different from the immortal cultivators who escape from the world and occasionally visit the human world, these magicians who came from the magic world are not isolated from the mortal world, but live together with the ordinary mortals.

He even created his own force.

After the end of the world, this force suddenly became the most powerful force in the Western world, and many extraordinary people emerged. However, with the great changes in the world, these magicians all ascended and left.

The only ones left behind are the local magicians who have learned magic.

Among them, the magic instructor in front of him is the most important.

Judging from Li Ming's current perception, the opponent's aura has only evolved five times.

"These magics are similar to spells."

Li Ming's eyes looked at this magic instructor. Under the entanglement of the power of time and space, the other party could say that he did not notice his existence at all. With a thought in his mind, the soul power of the seventh evolution level surged out and turned into a wave of energy. The majestic power instantly penetrates the opponent's soul defense.

Using the magical power to capture the mind, using the magical power and his mind power together, and with the help of powerful soul power, he got what he wanted almost instantly - all the magic-related knowledge from the mind of the magic instructor.

All kinds of information gathered in his heart, and under the entanglement, Li Ming quickly absorbed the magic knowledge, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

Then the spiritual power surged, erasing any traces that might be noticed by the opponent, leaving his soul state exactly the same as before he invaded. Only then did Li Ming stop with satisfaction.

At the same time, while digesting the magic knowledge in his mind, he made an evaluation.

"Use the power of the soul to communicate the elemental energy between heaven and earth, and then gather and release these elemental energies through an iron-clad trajectory. This is magic."

"No wonder the king's son hurts his spirit when he learns magic. When he first steps into the transcendent world, he has to use his spiritual power to contact the elemental power instead of contacting the spiritual power of heaven and earth. This is too dangerous."

Feeling the magic knowledge in his mind, Li Ming murmured in his heart.

According to the magic practice system obtained by the magic teacher, a beginner needs to practice meditation for three years to become a magician. After three years of meditation practice, magic practice can be started.

But even if you meditate for three years, your personal spiritual power will not improve much. Using such spiritual power to directly touch the elements of heaven and earth instead of the inspiration of heaven and earth is no different from exposing your ghost to the sun.

It can be said that this is a big pit that hinders people from practicing magic. There are very few people who can get through this pit. It can be said that all of them have special souls.

However, it also controlled the number of magicians in disguise to maintain their dignity.

"Perhaps, this is their purpose."

Li Ming's heart moved slightly, and he looked down at the magic instructor who didn't notice anything, and shook his head.

Maybe the other party didn't know anything, or even more, what the other party knew was deliberately misled by people from the magical world.

It is very possible that this entry-level training method for becoming a magician is incomplete. Otherwise, how could a world with magic as its system make the entry-level skills have such great hidden dangers.

"However, it is suitable for those who practice meditation."

Li Ming felt the various magics in his mind. In addition to complaining about the entry methods, other magics also had merits, so he nodded with satisfaction.

Taking one last look at the magic instructor who was still unaware of his existence, he disappeared in a flash.

When he reappeared, Li Ming had already appeared in the sky above the War Cavalry family. With a click of his finger, a strong spiritual power was transformed by him absorbing the power of heaven and earth, and entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the baby who had just been born. In just a moment. , so that his soul can grow stronger.

What makes Li Ming find it quite interesting is that after experiencing the experience of being born from the mother's womb, his spiritual rosary turned into a soul-like shape.

"It's actually a further adaptation, which is pretty good."

Li Ming felt the state of the spiritual rosary, but nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that it is because of the baby's too pure body, the mystery of life's birth, and the most critical interference of a huge force of luck... His spiritual rosary actually turned into a soul in the newborn baby's body. shape.

"However, this will save you the chance of being discovered."

Li Ming looked at the baby's condition and felt a touch of satisfaction in his heart.

He then left a clothing visualization chart in his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness, and helped his spirit to automatically condense according to the visualization chart and turn it into a spiritual visualization chart. Then he took the mutated golden eagle, Activate the divine aperture again, condensing its spiritual power to twice the level.

"That's it, that's about it."

Li Ming let the golden eagle fly and chuckled.

In this world dominated by magic, enough spiritual power can obviously lead to better growth, but too high will not work, and it will easily be coveted by other magicians.

So now the mental strength of this golden eagle is just right.

It can be regarded as a golden eagle with a very good talent and a re-evolution of an alien beast. It is not very precious, but it is by no means unusual.

After doing this, Li Ming considered leaving a few powerful talismans in the baby's body to help it survive possible crises, and then left with satisfaction after confirming that everything was safe.

"Now that the sky has changed, basically all the spiritual objects and various opportunities in the area near the base city have come into my possession. However, I have never explored the outside. But now that I have time and space to walk close to me, I am not afraid of the distance."

After leaving the War Cavalry Clan, Li Ming looked around, but suddenly the desire to hunt for treasures arose in his heart.

Since the Great Change of Heaven and Earth, he has not gone out to hunt for treasures. Now that everything is stable in the base city and he has so many magical powers, it seems to be a good opportunity to hunt for treasures.

"Just in time, we can go and complete the five-element superpower fruit trees first and plant them all in Hope Base City."

With such an idea flashing through his mind, Li Ming thought of the earth element fruits and physical evolution fruits around the base city.

Since there is earth element, then the fruits of the other four elements must exist.

Since there is a fruit of physical evolution, will there be other super powers?
This kind of magical fruit tree, which is no different from the spiritual roots of heaven and earth in Hong Huangliu's novels, naturally, the more the better.

The fact that fruit trees are difficult to transplant is not a difficult problem for a Five Elements power possessor, especially a Five Elements power evolver who has evolved to a high enough level.

Li Ming made up his mind and started to move his steps.

"The Whale Dragon was sent to tame all kinds of strange beasts, so I can't just sit idle."

Li Ming thought to himself, his steps suddenly became faster, and the terrifying spiritual power spread out, scanning everything around him like a radar.

No, if we had to compare, under the extreme speed of the space-time step, Li Ming's mental power was faster and more accurate than radar detection!Humanity is now basically unified by Li Ming, but the alien beasts are not yet there.

In order to ensure that his power can truly exist in this world in all directions, Li Ming took a different approach and released the Whale Dragon he had conquered long ago, so that he can look for all kinds of exotic beasts with high strength and great potential on his behalf.

Once it is found, use its almost unrivaled power of time and space to bring it back. After Li Ming has conquered it, it will be returned to various places to better inspect the world for him.

Of course, he collected all those powerful exotic beasts and kept them in his own beast-controlling space.

These beasts with powerful talents will be another sharp sword for the 24 boys in the future.

If there was a more heaven-defying reaching level, Li Ming would conquer it by himself, but it's a pity that such a being has only encountered one Whale Dragon so far.

In addition to these, if there are cute, handsome and exotic animals with high potential, Li Ming will also keep them as pets for his wives.

In this way, both humans and beasts in the world are his subordinates, and the tentacles of power truly spread throughout the world under the influence of the power of luck.

What's more, there is still a corpse king in his hands.

And, the world of the dead that is about to be in your hands - the Netherworld.

"Two strange worlds really put too much pressure on me. For this reason, I even had to rule the whole world."

Li Ming lamented in his heart and spoke sadly, then waved his sleeves to suppress these messy thoughts and searched around in a good mood.

Just the first day, nothing.

However, Li Ming was not discouraged. It didn't matter that he found nothing all day long. He continued to search.

Even in order to expand his search scope, Li Ming changed to an unfamiliar road and deliberately slowed down when he was heading to the Hope Base.

In this way, the next gratifying thing finally happened.

"Is this a superpower tree that can grow lightning superpower fruits?"

Li Ming fell down from a cliff with surprise on his face and looked at the only black fruit tree on the top of the cliff. The rich power of thunder made Li Ming feel it very clearly.

This is actually a fruit tree that can awaken people's lightning powers!
"Not bad."

Li Ming couldn't help but smile. There is no doubt that the lightning power is a high-quality power. Having such a power fruit tree will be a very good choice in the future whether it is to train relatives or subordinates.

"There are three ripe fruits."

Li Ming took a look on the tree and saw three ripe fruits at a glance. His eyes were slightly bright. He was about to go up to pick them. Who knew that as he approached, a thick thunder and lightning suddenly fell from the sky and hit him hard.


The terrifying roar came out at this time, and Li Ming, who felt his body numb, looked at the fruit tree in front of him in surprise.

"It actually has the ability to automatically protect itself. No wonder there are ripe fruits but no one is picking them."

Li Ming felt a little enlightened. No wonder this fruit tree could grow on the top of the cliff so safely in this era of great changes. It turned out that it had this ability.

This made him even more eager. Could it be that this is a spiritual root of heaven and earth?

But the next moment, the information brought by his telepathy and the exploration of spiritual power overturned his guess.

"It turns out it's just a special situation caused by the qi machine."

Li Ming shook his head and looked around. The eyes between his eyebrows had opened involuntarily.

It turns out that there is a natural area where Qi machines are entangled to a strange balance. Within ten meters of this thunder and lightning fruit, any strange Qi machine that enters will pull the Qi machines and be hit by thunder and lightning.

It was not a spontaneous attack from the fruit tree as he thought.

This made her couldn't help but sigh at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature, but she couldn't help but use her heavenly eye to steal it.

He knows a lot of formations now, but there is really no formation that can send out thunder and lightning attacks like the balancing qi machine here.

And once he understands the mystery here with his heavenly eye, he may be able to arrange a thunder formation by himself.

Fortunately, understanding the Heavenly Eye greatly improved Li Ming's understanding ability in this area. After just standing on the top of the cliff for a month, Li Ming's strong spiritual power allowed him to deduce a set of formations based on his knowledge of formations. Thunder array.

"Such a thunder formation, coupled with a thunder and lightning superpower, will be even more powerful."

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and then he looked at the fruit tree in front of him with burning eyes. The next moment, his heart moved, and he stepped out again, mobilizing his energy as he walked, and finally stepped within ten meters of the national tree. It didn't cause any thunder to fall.

"That's not bad."

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and then he strode out. The five elements of divine light surged in his hands, and he directly gathered the book together with its roots, wrapped it with a handful of soil, and received it into the garrison Guiyuan Cauldron.

The garrison's Guiyuan Cauldron is of extremely high grade, and using it to contain these spiritual objects can ensure that they can be safely preserved after he takes them to Hope Base City.

After harvesting the Thunder Fruit Tree, Li Ming took another step forward with satisfaction and continued walking towards Hope Base City, not forgetting to search for various treasures along the way.

He thought he was lucky enough to get a fruit tree with lightning powers.

But what I didn't expect was that I could get something else.

"This is……"

Li Ming appeared in a valley basin with a surprised look on his face. During the process, the power of time and space enveloped his whole body without revealing any movement.

In front of where he appeared, a chubby little man only thirty centimeters tall with ginseng leaves growing on his head was happily tending the branches and leaves of a fruit tree that exuded the energy of water.

It can be seen that under his careful care, the Water Elemental Tree is very happy and feels that its vitality has improved.

"Could it be the legendary ginseng doll?"

Li Ming couldn't help but use his own mental calculations, and the results he got surprised him.

"It's really this thing. Ginseng has become essence?"

Li Ming was shocked, and then he realized what he was doing.

Even ginseng can produce results, does that mean...there are already many such plant elves in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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