Chapter 343

"I hate it, why do you have to come here?"

In the living room on the second floor, Liu Fang was carried to the window by Li Ming with some reluctance, and asked with rolling eyes.

"Call Dad."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth and asked her to hold the window sill and look down. The scene in the mutated fruit forest instantly appeared in her sight. Liu Fang was stunned, and a touch of wine red flashed on her face.




In the evolutionary fruit forest, two of the three ripe fruits on the lightning power fruit trees have been picked. Li Yinyin and Wang Xiaohu, who are sitting cross-legged in the central area, flash lightning from time to time, and are rapidly digesting the power of the lightning power fruit. .


While they were practicing, the five soul-containing trees rustled, making the souls extremely comfortable and beneficial. The trees swayed and warmed their souls.

The four forces of qi and blood, water, fire, and earth, flow together around the two of them, promoting the strength of their cultivation.

With the continuous digestion of the lightning power fruit, the lightning power in them gradually began to awaken.

By the time the fruit was digested, the two of them had gained superpowers that were no weaker than when the first batch of superpowers first awakened their superpowers.

"The power of thunder and lightning can actually refine the energy and spirit. As soon as the lightning power was awakened, my true energy and immortal magic power were refined to a certain extent. It is indeed extraordinary."

Li Yinyin opened her eyes from practicing and felt the changes in herself. There was a hint of joy in her eyes, and she couldn't help but speak.

"The lightning ability is not only powerful in attack, but also has a restraint effect on monsters and evil things. Coupled with this auxiliary effect of cultivation, it is indeed a first-class ability."

Wang Xiaohu also opened his eyes, with a smile on his brows: "I heard that Lei Ming is the only known naturally awakened lightning power user. Not only is his thunder and lightning power unparalleled, but his physical body and Qi cultivation are also unparalleled in the world. I think The reason why his physical body and Qi are so strong is not because of his high martial arts talent. This lightning ability probably accounts for a large part of the factor."

"The superpowers unlocked by the superpower fruit are not weaker than the superpowers of the first batch of superpower awakeners. As a result, our next training direction will have to be prioritized and focused."

Li Yinyin's eyes flickered, lightning flashed in her palm, she spoke to Wang Xiaohu.

"In addition, how to combine lightning and lightning to develop new attack methods is also very important."

Wang Xiaohu nodded, then looked at Li Yinyin and said: "Thunder and lightning are not only extremely powerful, but also extremely fast. The lightning speed is coupled with extremely strong destructive power. If we can control it with true energy, our combat effectiveness will increase exponentially."

"Senior Lei Ming is an expert in this. We can ask him for advice. Forget it, we still have to have our own things before asking for advice."

Li Yinyin thought for a while, nodded and said.

"It just so happens that our spiritual power is still a long way from evolving to its peak. In the meantime, we are cultivating our spiritual power and honing our martial arts. When we go out, we will be able to stand on our own."

Wang Xiaohu's face was also full of smiles. After saying this, the two began to discuss how to integrate thunder and lightning powers into their own martial arts.


The terrifying power of thunder and lightning danced in the grove, which was enough to kill ordinary people, but in the hands of Li Yinyin and Wang Xiaohu, it was as docile as a sheep.

The power of thunder and lightning flew, and with the flow of true energy, the clothes flew, and the two began to practice in this land that was like spring all year round.

In the meantime, the appearance of the ginseng doll and the narcissus elf made the two of them unable to put it down. The two spiritual stones made them feel incredible, but they also reacted keenly to the changes in the world.

From then on, the two of them practiced harder and harder.

In this way, in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.


In the void, a thick bolt of lightning rose up, shaking the air into ripples. The next moment, a huge stone roared into the sky, and then flew lightly in the air like a balloon until it slowly landed.

"Yin Yin, the lightning power has finally broken through the level of the first re-evolution, and the spiritual power has finally broken through the barrier between the first re-evolution and the second re-evolution today, and has entered the early stage of the second re-evolution. I think our practice can be temporarily stopped. It’s been a while.”

A phantom flashed in the space, and Wang Xiaohu's figure appeared in front of Li Yinyin, speaking with a smile on his face.

If you look closely, you can see that his aura is more than half a star stronger than half a year ago. Not only is his mental power greatly enhanced, but the aura of true energy in his body is enough to threaten those who have evolved powers four times. His own speed ability has also reached Four further stages of evolution.

Obviously, the cultivation of lightning abilities and the growth of his soul in the past six months, as well as the help of the energy here, have made him a lot of money.

"It's time to go, and it's time for the practice course arranged by Dad."

Li Yinyin sat up from the stone where she was sitting cross-legged. The aura on her body was just as strong as Wang Xiaohu's.

The first superpower of both of them was a physical superpower, but Li Yinyin's superpower was a comprehensive strengthening of the body.

On the basis of the same late stage of four re-evolutions, the overall strengthening of the body is naturally much stronger than the single speed strengthening.

However, as a single-attribute superpower, Wang Xiaohu's speed is not comparable to that of Li Yinyin. In some special circumstances, he can play a considerable role.

Of course, frontal combat won't work. After all, attack speed and movement speed are two different things. Although the attack speed of a fully evolved superpower is one point stronger than that of a speed superpower, the physical strength, strength, and physique are all suppressed enough. Easily overturn this slight advantage and win.

This point can be seen from the countless times the two have played against each other, and Wang Xiaohu has never won.

Well...if the two of them get married in the future, Wang Xiaohu will never think about Zhen Fu Gang again in this life.

"Well, senior Li Dingguo is recognized as a great master of martial arts. If we practice with him, our martial arts will definitely make great progress."

Wang Xiaohu obviously knew about this. After listening to Li Yinyin's words, he nodded with satisfaction, his eyes flashing with light: "Lei Ming is the only master of thunder and lightning powers. Learn from him. Our thunder and lightning powers will never be forgotten." , the level of mastery will inevitably improve by leaps and bounds.”

"There is also the spiritual practice method taught by Wuyue Mountain, which is also a key direction of study."

Hearing Wang Xiaohu's words, Li Yinyin also had a smile on her face. She stretched her waist. Thinking of the full schedule of courses ahead, she felt neither nervous nor heavy, but in high spirits.

"Let's go, say goodbye to Uncle Li Ming, and let's set off." Wang Xiaohu couldn't wait, and he obviously recognized the study arrangements arranged by Li Ming.

"Well, let's go."

Li Yinyin nodded, then waved her hands, and the two of them flew into the sky together with their flying swords, and flew towards the place where Li Ming lived under the control of their magic power.

After all, the garden in the villa area was too small and too close, so after the initial placement, Li Ming immediately placed these fruit trees in the former military camp area of ​​the base city.

Now the barracks have been moved to other places long ago, and the vacated space has never been built with a house, but now it happens to be a park.

It's just that the core area is naturally off-limits. Fortunately, even if the vast space here does not occupy the entire area, these super-powerful fruit trees can still be placed well.

Not long after, the place arrived, and the two jumped down from the flying sword and walked to the villa together.

"Dad, Xiaohu and I have finished practicing and are going back."

When they arrived at the living room, Li Yinyin made her hands into the shape of a trumpet and shouted at the top of her lungs. Li Ming's expression changed and he hurriedly stopped playing with Liu Fang, pulled up his pants, straightened up his appearance quickly, and appeared downstairs.

"This guy."

Liu Fang shook her butt uncomfortably, muttered and quickly cleaned up, then put on a new set of clothes, with a smile on her face, and hurried downstairs to say goodbye to Li Yinyin and Wang Xiaohu with Li Ming.

Li Yinyin looked at Liu Fang who came down, rolled her eyes, hugged her, turned around and left with Wang Xiaohu.

Liu Fang was a little embarrassed, knowing that Li Yinyin was speechless about her and Li Ming being together, but thinking about the beauty of it, she felt that it was not a big deal.

"Yin Yin and Xiao Hu have finished practicing. Next, we will arrange for 24 teenagers to come over to practice one by one. We will try to use the fastest speed to make each teenager's spiritual strength reach the minimum level of a second re-evolved superpower."

Li Ming watched Yinyin and Xiaohu leave, then shook his head and spoke softly to Zhang Yuan who was not far away.

"Let's divide the 24 people into two groups. While you are here to reduce the manpower pressure, you can quickly finish their practice to avoid any accidents in the middle."

Zhang Yuan nodded, then thought for a moment, and said to Li Ming in a suggestive manner.

"Okay, I will stay here until the 24-year-old boy's training ends."

Li Ming thought for a while and nodded.

Now that he has various clones, he no longer has to run around like before. Both Lei Ming and Gu Zhuo are extraordinary in strength and can handle many things.

In addition, the spiritual rosary that was just divided is still in its infancy and needs time to grow.

What's even more weird is that since he gathered all the authority of the underworld in the central Ghost Emperor's Palace and the ten palaces of Yama below, he hasn't gained a single underworld authority in this period of time.

On the contrary, it left him with nothing else to do except treasure hunting.

"The 24-year-old boy's second power has been activated for a long time. To practice here, you don't need to refine the lightning power fruit tree like Yinyin and Xiaohu do, or distract yourself to improve the lightning power. You only need to concentrate on cultivating spiritual power."

"In this way, if the spiritual power is a single item, and the 24 boys are divided into two, it may only take eight months to complete the training."

Li Ming thought lightly in his heart, then after thinking about it, he flew deep and came to the edge of the woods where Li Yinyin and Wang Xiaohu had just left.

The next moment, pieces of jade engraved with mysterious runes were scattered under the ground within a radius of ten miles. Following the movement of his mind, a large maze was born, instantly covering the fruit tree area.

Immediately afterwards, another piece of jade flew out, covering an eight-mile radius of the evolutionary fruit tree. The invisible spiritual machine and the energy of heaven and earth enveloped the earth like threads, forming a warning defensive array.

Then the third formation covered a radius of seven miles and nine. As soon as this formation was completed, there were terrifying waves of five-element power surging, and there was an unstoppable power of destruction hidden in it. It was a five-element killing formation.

After that, the fourth formation covered a five-mile radius. Once the formation was completed, it was connected to the lightning fruit tree in the center, and thunderbolts spread all over the universe in an instant.

Looking at these four formations, Li Ming couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. Except for the initial confusion formation and warning defense formation, these four formations were the results of his earlier understanding.

The remaining extremely powerful Five Elements Killing Formation and Thunder Formation were all shouted out by Liu Fang as "Dad" these days.

This made him sigh in his heart, practice is indeed not a person's business...

You have to adapt to the weather!
After thinking about it in his mind, Li Ming set up the formation and then arranged for people to set up cordons and sentries everywhere. Although these sentries could only serve to pick up people who strayed into them, they were still necessary.

For the sake of convenience, he directly waved his hand and used the power of the Five Elements to build these guard booths that were needed from all directions. After witnessing the soldiers on duty, he returned to his villa with satisfaction.
With the beautiful Liu Fang and Zhang Yuan in their arms, they went to the room to enjoy with the dear young lady Xu Xiu.


While Li Ming was enjoying himself in the room, many people outside were already mobilizing because of his order.

The 24 Superpower Group has already shouldered an important force in various places. Now because of the cultivation matters, they have to be divided into two and taken away from their original positions to practice in the Hope Base City. There are many things involved in this.

It also takes effort to arrange things properly after they leave.

Fortunately, with Li Ming around, everything became much simpler, and the need for force points was not so urgent. In the end, the twelve teenagers were quickly gathered together and rushed to Hope together. In the base city.

Li Ming met them in person in the living room of his villa, then stayed with them for a meal, and then sent them directly to the Soul-Containing Forest to practice.

"These trees actually have the effect of increasing the soul!"

After being sent to the formation, a group of young people were immediately shocked by the efficacy of the Soul Accumulating Tree. Later, when they were amazed at the power of Master Li Ming, they also sat cross-legged on the ground and began to rely on the Soul Accumulating Tree to seize the time to practice. .

Suddenly, as the power of the soul increased bit by bit, the cultivation path here was back on track.

And outside the distant Tianmen Mountain Fortress No. 0001, another stream of people rode transport vehicles and rushed towards the front of the planned road.

They passed two magnificent and huge defensive fortress bases 0002 and 0003, and marched on a simply flattened dirt road for three full days before finally arriving at a defensive fortress No. 0004 where the city wall had just been built.

"We only planned nine defensive fortresses in the first phase of the project. Let's hurry up and rush the project. Don't let Lord Li Ming down!"

After the foreman handed over, the supervisor shouted a morale boost, and then this year's Wang Wu exchanged positions with the new workers with a smile on his face, and got on the bus back to the base city with full harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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