Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 348 Xuanwu, born from the beginning of the end of the world

Chapter 348 Xuanwu, born from the beginning of the end of the world

Dust and smoke billowed, and a huge green tree like a giant mountain fell from the sky, landing a hundred miles north of the seaside fortress. The originally endless sky was suddenly blocked by a huge tree.


Li Ming mobilized the power of the five elements to change the soil within the area where the giant tree landed, so that the roots of the giant tree could penetrate deep into the sea under the soil layer as soon as it landed.


The rhizomes were like a net, and the moment they fell, they were densely packed into the underground soil of the entire seaside fortress, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles from the front to the north.

Some of its roots penetrate deep into the inland land, and some of its roots pass through the sea water and reach the coast.

Part of the roots that came into contact with the seawater evolved and turned into new rhizomes that could easily absorb the energy of the ocean. Under the influence of this rhizome, the towering giant tree seemed to absorb some much-needed energy, and traces of transformation quietly emerged from the root hairs. produce.


An undersea corpse fish inadvertently broke into this area. In an instant, the surrounding roots were like a shark that smelled a fishy smell, suddenly wrapping around it. When they separated in an instant, nothing was left in the place.

Only the two small roots that had just begun to metamorphose seemed to have become darker in color.

Roots that absorb the power of demons!
"This tree is the first sacred tree of creation in the world. In the future, it will surely become an ancestral tree that suppresses evil spirits and supports the righteousness and vitality of the world. I will guard this place together with it."

The Qinglong's body meandered around the giant tree with satisfaction. After noticing its changes, he said to Li Ming happily.

"It's really extraordinary to be able to absorb demonic energy and turn it into life."

Li Ming also noticed the changes in this giant tree. Looking at the huge size of this giant tree, he couldn't help but think to himself... If such a big tree has such abilities everywhere.

How big of an area can we use without having to worry about being eroded by evil forces in the future?
"However, although this method of absorbing evil energy, death energy and evil energy transformation is good, as it accumulates day by day, the disaster of pollution and death will inevitably occur in the future. How will this tree survive then?"

Li Ming was different from the past. He only looked at things on the surface. After he noticed the changes in the giant tree, he instantly deduced the disaster that was likely to happen in the future, and then asked Qinglong.

"As long as the Five Elements Divine Beast exists, it can help it survive the calamity of death and turn death into the power of pure Yang to break disasters. By then, there will be one more Pure Yang Evil Tree in the world that has infinite destructive power against evil spirits in the world."

Qinglong looked at Li Ming: "If you gain something, you have to pay for it. This tree helps the human race expel evil things, and you have to bear the harm of turning into a demon tree after it fails to overcome the death tribulation."

"The Five Elements Divine Beasts are in charge of the human race, and the human race also has a shared responsibility."

"It is also the responsibility of the human race to rescue the five elemental beasts when they are in disaster."

Qinglong's voice was faint, but he explained everything thoroughly. Li Ming smiled on his face. Since he could get help from these mythical beasts, he didn't have to worry about the possible consequences.

All disasters, in the face of absolute strength, will be false paper tigers, vulnerable to a single blow.

And being able to make infinite progress... at least for now, he is able to make infinite progress. What he is least afraid of is facing time.

"Xuanwu is still in the East China Sea, and it still needs Qinglong to lead the way."

Li Ming spoke with a smile, not worried at all about what Qinglong said. Qinglong looked at Li Ming's expression and nodded his dragon head, then moved towards the East China Sea with Li Ming.

As for the giant tree on the spot, its vitality is infinite and majestic. Coupled with the conditioning of Li Ming's five elements power, although it has just been planted, it has already taken root completely.

With Li Ming here and the foundation of this giant tree itself, as long as it is planted on the ground, there is no problem that the tree will not survive.

Only the sergeants and ordinary managers of the seaside fortress were shocked to see this giant tree falling from the sky, as if it had stepped out of a myth.

"This is the sacred tree of vitality brought by the ruler, Mr. Li Ming, from the wilderness. It has the power to suppress demons and exists to guard Dongfang, our base city, so everyone does not have to worry."

In the city, Li Dingguo, who had received the message from Li Ming's spiritual thoughts long before the giant tree appeared in public view, arrived on the city early. When the giant tree fell to the ground and Qinglong left with Li Ming, he immediately activated his true energy. It rang like a bell throughout the seaside fortress.

"Lord Li Ming just conveyed to me that in the future we will build the seaside fortress to be more prosperous. This sacred tree will be our backyard scenery, and a new base city will be born from it."

Li Dingguo watched Li Ming and Qinglong leave, the sound like a loud bell resounding throughout the seaside fortress, and he felt emotional in his heart.

To develop a place like a military fortress into a base city is bound to be another big project.

The most important thing is... where can we get so many people?

"We need to hurry up and get those guys to have babies."

Li Dingguo was secretly thinking and began to consider whether to distribute some tonics to every household.

On the other side, Buyan looked at Li Ming's figure with great awe. In his eyes, the supposed master of this world has become more majestic and powerful!


Li Dingguo had to deal with the customs fortress. Li Ming had never questioned this, so after the giant tree fell, she followed Qinglong with peace of mind and went to find the Xuanwu it mentioned.

After the great changes in the world, the sea became more vast and boundless, with dark blue water stretching as far as the eye could see. Even Li Ming had a sense of vastness.

The terrifying waves are often thousands of meters high and tens of thousands of meters wide. All kinds of terrifying giant beasts are hidden in the rough waves, and the power surging on them is unimaginable.

Such a sea would make it difficult for a mortal to survive in his lifetime, or he would die on the way before reaching the deep sea.

Even shallow sea areas often have many different dangers lurking in them.

Therefore, those with supernatural powers and warriors in overseas caves are particularly important.

The Overseas Cave Heaven calms down the inland sea area to ensure that no monsters or demons that are destructive to ordinary people will enter the inland sea.

If there is something they can't deal with, they will announce it early so that everyone can avoid it.

The resources obtained by overseas Dongtian guarding the sea area are also huge, and crisis and strength coexist. Some of the resources flowing out from their hands are quite precious products for warriors, superpowers, and monks, so they will also be attached to here.

In this way, the monsters and demons left behind by the inland sea area have become the targets of these extraordinary beings.

The resources flowing out of their hands, like sea cucumbers and sea urchins that were precious in the past but did not contain spirituality, or some marine creatures that greatly strengthened the yang and nourished the body, became good things for ordinary people.

Such layers of obstacles can support a stable and vibrant living area.

But Qinglong and Li Ming are obviously not ordinary people.Thousands of meters of waves are as fragile as paper, and the beasts on the seabed are as humble as ants.

One person and one dragon are the greatest terror in the world. They roam rampantly on the sea surface, and all beings with reason and sensitive instincts will retreat in fear.

The one who rushed forward without any sense turned into powder even before it touched his body.

The two of them walked forward in this way and easily crossed the inner sea area. During this period, they also met with the disciples from overseas Dongtian, earning each other respectful greetings.

Then he left the open sea very quickly and broke into the deep sea in one fell swoop.

Arriving in the deep sea where ordinary humans are almost banned, the waves and crises became even worse in an instant, but it was still like a breeze blowing on their faces for Qinglong and Li Ming.

After arriving at the heart of the sea, Li Mingcai casually subdued some powerful beasts living here and took them into the garrison's Guiyuan Cauldron for the purpose of training his younger brothers in the future.

Then, led by Qinglong, they arrived at the real center of the sea, a huge island.

"There are actually islands here."

Li Ming looked at the island in front of him with some surprise. The surrounding sea water was boundless. It was unknown how deep it was and how wide it was. Almost everywhere was sea water. The fish swimming here were tens of meters long and their bodies were extremely powerful. .

Even in such an environment, there are still islands.

"Where Xuanwu is, it must bear the weight of heaven and earth. This place is where the eye of the sea is. I was born when the heaven and earth were enlightened, and I have been continuously operating the power of creation until now. I finally found an island here that can shield the danger of the eye of the sea."

Li Ming's doubtful words had just finished, and then in his surprised eyes, a turtle-snake beast flew out from the giant island. The first time he saw it, people instantly understood, This is the rumored Xuanwu.

Its lower body is a turtle, its thick aura is like a mountain, its upper body has a snake body connected to its tail, and its sharp aura is like a spear that cuts the sky.

Thickness and sharpness, attack and defense, yin and yang, life and death...all kinds of contradictory but blending artistic conceptions appeared together with the appearance of Xuanwu. The other party floated in front of Li Ming and Qinglong, and his voice was as bright as the thick sea water. .

"The big hole after the giant tree leaves is suitable for Xuanwu to lower the spiritual water. After filling the giant hole, it will compensate for the land and all the spirits damaged by the growth of the giant tree. And with Xuanwu guarding the north, the five elements can be complete."

Qinglong looked at Xuanwu's appearance, greeted it with a smile in his eyes, and then spoke seriously to Li Ming.

It turned out to be a mythical beast born at the beginning of the end of the world...

A flash of surprise flashed in Li Ming's eyes, and he looked at the green dragon thoughtfully. I'm afraid this green dragon was the same, otherwise why wouldn't it be as pure as the fire phoenix and unicorn, but so agile.

However, it is no wonder that the strength seems to be much stronger than that of Fire Phoenix and Qilin. Given the long time since their birth, these differences should be expected.

However, seeing the situation of these two mythical beasts, he couldn't help but smile.

It seems that the other party's intelligence is also useful. At least he knows what the general trend of the world will be in the future, he knows what choices he should make, and he knows who he should follow.

Of these, the last one is the most important.

And Li Ming... there was no reason not to want the divine beast that came to his door.

He has such a big base city, and he is still waiting for the divine beast to guard it!

"Xuanwu, welcome to join my team."

A bright smile immediately appeared on Li Ming's face, and without saying a word, he took out the fifth cave core and placed it in front of Xuanwu.

"Hahaha, from then on, Xuanwu will guard the north for his master."

Xuanwu laughed heartily, and the black snake on his back swallowed the core of the cave sky in one bite. The next moment, his body shape merged with the fifth cave sky. In an instant, he released his Xuanming divine power to transform the fifth cave sky, making it become It is as mysterious as Li Ming's first cave.

In an instant, with the integration of Xuanwu, the power of Xuanming Water Spirit entered his body. Li Ming's understanding of water was completely different from that of Li Ming. His five elements of water power surged rapidly under the influence of this power. improvement.

Li Ming sat cross-legged and practiced quietly for only 30 days. His body was shaken and a powerful aura emerged spontaneously.

The water element reaches the peak of its eighth re-evolution.

At the same time, the five elements are mutually reinforcing each other, and the metal element has also reached the level of eight further evolutions on its own.

Under the powerful nourishment of the Five Elements, the body and soul have reached the late stage of seven re-evolutions!
With the previous foundation and absorbing the power of Xuanwu again, Li Ming instantly seemed much more relaxed.

All the five elements of supernatural powers have reached the level of eight re-evolutions, and the power of creation bred by the supernatural powers is about to burst out, but it is suppressed by Li Ming.

Among the five elements, although the gold element has reached the level of eight re-evolutions, it does not have the divine power of divine beasts as its foundation like the other four elements and lacks foundation. It would be great if it could breed magical powers.

However, if we gather a foundation, we will be stronger.

The golden beast - the white tiger!
Li Ming's eyes glowed with divine light, and he stood up from the ground. He immediately took the green dragon into the cave. Without the need for it to lead the way, he used the space-time step with all his strength and rushed to the place where the giant tree was uprooted. .

When they arrived at the place, they saw that the soil here was filled with a lifeless aura. Li Ming called Xuanwu out, and it immediately used its magical power. A huge stream of spiritual water fell from the sky, filling the entire cave in a few breaths.

Under such a huge amount of spiritual water, the soil and surrounding plant life were greatly nourished, quickly becoming full of vitality and aura, and the environment became agile and full of vitality.

"This place needs some attention."

Li Ming secretly paid attention to it, and then nodded with satisfaction to Xuanwu who had absorbed the magical power, took it back into the cave, used the space-time step again, and arrived at the coastal base city in the north.

After arriving in the sky above the base city, Li Ming looked at the huge city below. With a thought, Xuanwu's body appeared instantly. Li Ming immediately transferred the fate of this place and merged with Xuanwu's destiny.


Xuanwu looked up to the sky and let out a roar of joy. With Li Ming's help, it successfully integrated into the luck of this place and turned into a divine beast guarding the luck of this place.

In its roar, nectar and spiritual water descended during the day, including the original base city and the waterfront base city, and were nourished by the spiritual rain.

For a moment, everyone's spirits became clear. The injured people's injuries recovered quickly, and the uninjured people's cultivation base was nourished, and their whole bodies were relaxed and happy, so smooth.

"That's the legendary Xuanwu!"

(End of this chapter)

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