Chapter 360 Trading
"Well, in such a small town, the residents have such smiles on their faces. It seems that Mr. Li Yang's arrival has added a lot of happiness here."

On the fairly wide road, a male aristocrat in a suit stepped out of the carriage and walked into Linshan Town with Li Yang who came to greet him. Looking at the expressions of the people around him, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and smile at the people around him. Li Yang spoke.

"The needs of the common people are very simple. They just need to be able to eat and drink enough. If you meet this need of theirs and give them hope of living a better life, they will naturally be very happy."

Li Yang stood aside with an unchanging expression and responded softly, which made the Baron, who was an early-stage intermediate warrior, look at him deeply.

It is rumored that Li Yang, the lord of Linshan Town, has a beast that is no less powerful than a powerful man of the Grand Duke level. It always flies high in the sky in the territory. If there is any crisis, it will swoop down. The divine eagle comes to the world to solve the crisis.

Now it seems that this rumor is very likely to be true. Otherwise, facing a strong man like him entering the territory, the other party would not be able to behave so calmly.

Otherwise, once he makes a sneak attack, his life will be at risk.

So, under such conditions, how could the other party dare to face him so calmly.

There is only one answer - I'm really not afraid of him.

"Mr. Li Yang is really a benevolent and righteous man."

Bo Lai'er praised him, and then followed Li Yang to the palace where he used to entertain guests while the surrounding residents watched.

That night, Li Yang's lord's palace began to prepare a dinner for Bo Lai'er to enjoy together. At the dinner table, Bo Lai'er couldn't wait to ask about the most important thing about the purpose of the trip.

"I heard from the gossip that there are spiritual objects in Linshan Town that can help knights, warriors, and even mages practice, and there are also intentions to sell them to outsiders. I wonder if this is true or not?"

Bo Laier's eyes were burning, looking at Li Yang with passion.

As a noble, there are three ways to stabilize his position: First, he has strong connections and has many other powerful nobles who are willing to help him.Second, be strong, and your own strength is enough to gain a foothold in this world.

[-]. Can bring benefits to others, be good at singing and dancing, and be active in transactions.

Bo Lai Er wants to be both the second type and the third type.

However, his strength is only at the bottom level among the nobles, and there are no precious resources in his territory that he can use in exchange for other benefits.

In addition, although his talent is good, it is not outstanding.

Under such circumstances, it would be too difficult for Bo Lai Er to become stronger and obtain more resources.

But there is always a road ahead. In this case, a poor town that was beneficial to the practice of extraordinary people suddenly came into his sight.

The poor town needed more resources to develop itself, and he also needed such scarce resources to improve himself. Bo Lai Er felt that there was an opportunity, so he immediately came to this poor town adjacent to his territory. middle.

Looking at the young nobleman in front of him, he was eager to get the answer he wanted.

A nobleman whose strength has stagnated will face far more dangers than being unable to move forward. If the surrounding forces make a breakthrough and he stagnates, if he is not careful, he will be overthrown, be plotted to take away all his family property, and become a wandering free man. civil.

And this is not the identity and life that a noble should have.

A new way out must be found, otherwise life will easily face disaster.

"Are you talking about magical tea and elixir?"

For the West, tea is inherently a luxury product, so the name of the tea does not require special packaging.

But the spiritual grass needs to be packaged. Otherwise, if people hear it as a spiritual grass, it will be of no use. Regardless of its true value, everyone will have a mentality that this thing should not be particularly precious.

Therefore, spiritual herbs do not exist, only elixirs that can nourish the body exist.

Spiritual tea and spiritual medicine are the two major industries in Linshan Town now.

Li Yang looked at the inquiring Count Boilaer and spoke softly.

Bo Laier's eyes lit up.

"Yes, these are the two things. If you have any plans to trade these two things in your territory with foreign countries, how about you give me a try?"

Bo Lai Er became energetic and asked Li Yang in high spirits.

"We do have plans to trade our spiritual tea and elixir with foreign countries, but what can you give me in exchange?"

Li Yang picked up a piece of goose meat with chopsticks and put it in his mouth, then spoke slowly.

"I am willing to use food, oil, and even various machines and manpower in exchange!"

Bo Lai'er looked calm and spoke hurriedly.

Once such precious resources as spiritual tea and elixir are circulated into the market, their value will inevitably be extremely high. Many of the things that can be traded are simply not comparable to these ordinary materials.

These things were exactly what he needed urgently, so Bo Lai Er directly explained the resources that could be mobilized in his territory.

"My Earl Borrel, you must know that my spiritual tea and elixir are precious spiritual objects and can be sold no matter where they are."

Li Yang looked at the earl in front of him expressionlessly: "But these things you mentioned can be found in any noble's territory. What makes you think that you can use these low-value things in exchange for my precious spiritual objects? ?”

"I can add the knight training method inherited by my family and a knight martial skill: one-word slash!"

Looking at Li Yang's expression, Count Boilaer knew that he had to bleed a lot, and it wouldn't work without real skills, so he gritted his teeth and directly used his ultimate move.

"Give me a copy of the knight's training method. You can still continue to use it and practice it, and you can even give it to more people. The same is true for knight's martial arts. But my spiritual tea and elixir can really improve yourself after taking them. Strength, if you use one, you will lose one."

Li Yang shook the red wine in the glass, his expression still very calm.

Looking at his appearance, Count Boilaer gritted his teeth: "I can give you a unicorn horse and a set of magic armor in exchange for the right to exchange resources for a long time in the future!"

The unicorn horse originally came from a group of mutated wild horses. After being tamed, it continued to multiply and became a precious mount among Western nobles.

Magic armor, there is no doubt that armor engraved with magical power has extremely superior performance. Even Li Yang, as the son of an earl, only owns one pair.

"That's not enough."

Li Ming drank the red wine in the glass slowly, leaned down and looked at Earl Boilai in front of him: "I want you to work for me for free in the first year, and after a year, you will sell it for profit." You get two, I get eight.”

"You have worked for nothing for a year, and you will pay me back a year later. Isn't this what you are doing..."

After hearing Li Yang's conditions, Bo Laier's eyes bulged out with anger, including the unicorn and the magic armor, but he took out everything he could, but he was still not satisfied. "What, you don't want to?"

Li Ming glanced at him lightly.

"……Okay, it's a deal."

Bo Laier's tone choked, and he sat back in his chair silently, sighing.

"That's all right."

Li Ming smiled lightly and clinked a drink with him.

"First ship all the things you mentioned. After I have inspected them and received them, you can take away the spiritual tea leaves and spiritual herbs you want."

Li Yang spoke in a calm voice, and Bo Lai Er gritted his teeth: "No matter what, I have to see these two things with my own eyes, otherwise I will not agree."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning."

Li Yang smiled brightly and raised his glass. Bo Laier restrained his depressed mood and also touched a glass with him.


Two months have passed, and both the spiritual tea trees and spiritual grass have been better maintained and expanded.

Soldiers with guns and live ammunition formed a team to guard the surroundings, and a hard wire fence was set up around them. Under such circumstances, naturally they were not afraid of outsiders coming to inspect.

In fact, he just walked around and saw the finished tea leaves and finished elixir pills made by Li Yang's workers. He also received one or two elixir tea leaves and two elixir pills as gifts. After taking them himself and experiencing the effects, He couldn't wait to return to his territory, and wanted to make this first transaction as soon as possible.

Li Yang naturally had no reason to refuse, and personally sent him out of the territory, and then sat leisurely in his castle waiting for large quantities of supplies to be delivered to his door.

It took a lot of time to collect supplies and transport them, so Li Yang was not in a hurry and practiced Tai Chi leisurely in his territory.

This practice, within a week, allowed him to practice Tai Chi to perfection.

What perfect Tai Chi brings is the powerful foundation of his body and the surging energy and blood.

"Now, if you practice these knight training methods and warrior training methods, it will no longer affect your body's vitality and vitality."

Li Ming felt the changes in his body with satisfaction, then took out the knight's training method and began to ponder the practice based on its contents.

Obviously, he planned to start with the knight training method and get in touch with the supernatural system of the physical body in the Western world.

Naturally, Li Ming, who couldn't even resist magic, would not be trapped by the small knight's practice. In fact, he understood all the essence of the knight's practice in just half a day.

Immediately following that afternoon, I began to practice seriously.

The knight's practice can be summed up in a simple word: development, development, development!
Continuously develop the body's potential and allow the body to emerge with stronger power. This is the content of the knight's practice method. Finally, this development will be carried out to the depths, guiding the rotation of the life force, and then introducing the gentle power of heaven and earth elements to it. Compatible and strengthen oneself, this is the knight's practice method.

To put it bluntly, it is a way to use elemental power to integrate one's own Qi and blood.

The warrior's training method is also simple and crude. The knight's training method is constantly developed, and the warrior's training method is constantly tempered.

Completely treat the human body as a piece of steel, use various means to condense body muscles and strength, and polish the essence of the body.

Until finally, the gentle elements of heaven and earth are induced to enter the body, directly compatible with the body, without involving the original force of life.

In other words, it is the cultivation of the pure body that does not rely on Qi and blood.

It is still unclear which of the two is stronger and weaker, but the knight is more flexible and maneuverable than the warrior, while the warrior is thicker and thicker, bulkier, but also has more power.

Therefore, the status between extraordinary knights and extraordinary warriors is equal.

It's just that knights are more expensive and require mounts after all, so knights are more precious.

In fact, the knight training method and the warrior training method are completely compatible, and can even make people better through the early training, because the tempering and development of the physical body are carried out at the same time, and the effect of one plus one is greater than two, allowing people to People's strength improves faster and becomes more solid.

This is the case with the famous war riding family.

Therefore, Li Ming naturally wanted to take this route.

Qi and blood are something that is difficult for ordinary people to feel, but for Li Ming, it is easy. He can easily mobilize the power of the five elements around him and enter his body, and directly supplement and strengthen the qi and blood without any previous practice. .

Immediately after absorbing this power, continue to practice the warrior training method, temper your body, and obtain better results.

In this way, in just one afternoon, Li Ming's knight cultivation was officially introduced. The next day, he started the warrior's cultivation. Li Ming also quickly started the warrior's cultivation.

Immediately afterwards, he began to eat steamed buns made from spiritual grass three meals a day, hen soup made from forest grass, and strong tea brewed from spiritual tea leaves, comfortably satisfying his appetite and saving money for himself. energy.

Then, a few days later, Li Ming could feel the power of his knights and moon warriors growing vigorously, and Count Bernier finally led his own resources.

"Food, machinery, oil, and all kinds of supplies, two hundred 13-year-old boys, were all brought to the territory's large warehouse."

Li Yang gave instructions to the housekeeper Jer, and then with Jer's nod of agreement, he led the consul to find the Earl of Borreland who was coming.

"I need to check what you're talking about first."

Li Yang looked at Bo Lai'er and spoke directly. Bo Lai'er smiled when he heard the words, stood up and handed over to the driver behind Li who had half of the thatch on the carriage, and then lifted the thatch on the car, and a bronze magic armor appeared in front of him.

Then he jumped up and handed the reins of the one-horned white horse he was riding to Li Ming's hands.

"The one-horned white horse and the magic armor are all here. Mr. Li Ming can check them as much as you like."

Bo Laier said with a playful smile. This smile was not because of this transaction, but because of some things he heard from Li Ming's territory after returning this time.

For example, a mid-level warrior broke into the lord city of Li Ming and wanted to assassinate him, but was beheaded in an instant. This made him disrespectful and careless.

This can kill the mid-level warriors of the Gill family instantly, so it can kill him instantly.

Therefore, after learning the news, Bo Laier hurried over.

(End of this chapter)

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