Chapter 37 The Last Step

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, Li Ming raised his eyebrows. The place they were staying at the moment was in the living room. When he looked up, he could see the only bedroom door in this two-bedroom room that he had never set foot in.

Such a woman couldn't be better in this last days.

Hearing her words now, how could Li Ming not understand that this is a necessary step to completely become his woman.

"Eat first, and then you go to my room to get some food. I will prepare some leftover porridge and steamed buns later. I will take them there and pick you up."

Li Ming smiled and spoke to Zhang Yuan. The slender-haired Zhang Yuan nodded her head vigorously. Then she ate her lunch in small bites. After eating, she listened to Li Ming's words, found some food, packed it, and handed it to Li Ming.

Afterwards, he packed some of today's leftovers in Peng Zhi's lunch box and handed them over to Li Ming.

"Let's go."

Li Ming looked at the food that Zhang Yuan prepared, half a bag of rice, some pickles, and more vegetables that were about to spoil. the front room.


Zhang Yuan stepped forward to open the door, and Li Ming walked in and took a look. As expected of a couple's house, Peng Zhi's home is a bit bigger than his bedroom, not only has a big bed, but also a TV, wardrobe, sofa, dining table, and even a balcony outside. Put vases.

A photo of Peng Zhi and Zhang Yuan was hung on the TV wall, and there was a water dispenser next to the door.

Looking at the bed, a pale and very weak man suddenly sat up from the bed, staring at him closely, and his wife, who was only wearing a short suspender tulle dress and thongs, was holding a lunch box .

Peng Zhi's body trembled, and he looked at this scene a little at a loss, feeling angry and bewildered, but looking at Li Ming's capable body and feeling his own powerless body, he felt fear.


Peng Zhi swallowed, and stared straight at the burly man in front of him.

Li Ming looked at the man in front of him, he didn't mean to speak, and now he couldn't believe that the other party didn't understand what happened, he just put the food in his hand on the table in his room, and then looked at him calmly.

Zhang Yuan glanced at him, casually put the lunch box inside on the table, then turned and walked towards the dressing table.

Peng Zhi looked at his wife who was starting to tidy up her cosmetics, then at the calm and composed man in front of him, swallowed his saliva, seeing Li Ming's gaze was on him, couldn't help but bite the bullet and said: "What? ……What's the meaning."

"It's nothing interesting. You should have guessed it. Zhang Yuan doesn't want to be with you anymore. She wants to be with me. This food is a way of life for you. She will move in and sleep with me in the future."

Li Ming glanced at him with a calm voice.

Peng Zhi was stunned for a moment, opened his eyes and glanced at his wife, then at Li Ming who was sitting, and finally fixed his eyes on the food on the table, without knowing it.

Seeing that he was silent, Li Ming had no intention of opening his mouth. Thinking that Zhang Yuan was a little slow to clean up by herself, he took the initiative to ask her what he could help to clean up.

"Well, okay, all the clothes are in the closet. You can see which one you think I wear better, and you can take whichever one. By the way, take all the underwear. I will pack the cosmetics and shoes."

Zhang Yuan didn't cast a glance at Peng Zhi, she smiled sweetly after hearing Li Ming's words, and said.

"Oh, I like it, then I have to look for it."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, then went to the closet and opened the door. There were a variety of clothes, both men and women, so don't be suspicious, all the women must belong to Zhang Yuan.

"This set of business attire is good. When I saw you in the elevator the night before the end, I thought you were beautifully dressed, so I took it with me."

Li Ming glanced at a neatly hung women's business suit in the closet, took it out with satisfaction, and said to Zhang Yuan with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll show you tomorrow."

Zhang Yuan pursed her lips and smiled, remembering how the two met the night before the doomsday, snickered in her heart, responded, and then turned around to pack her cosmetics.

"This red dress is nice. I was stunned when you wore it with makeup on that day."

Li Ming picked out another red dress and took it out with a smile.

"Hateful, staring at people."

"Oh, I have to take these hot pants, and there are quite a few jk suits, take them all..."

"I'll go, there's such exciting erotic underwear, it's more revealing than not wearing it, take it away..."

"These skinny jeans are good, they show off your legs..."

"This sweater is good, it fits close to the body, and it shows off your figure..."


As Zhang Yuan said, Li Ming really chose the wardrobe according to his own preferences. He picked a piece and Zhang Yuan echoed it.

It was as if Peng Zhi on the bed didn't exist.

Peng Zhi sat stiffly on the bed, his eyes blank, looking at Li Ming from time to time, then at Zhang Yuan, with anger flashing in his eyes.

But looking at the food again, and feeling his weak body, the qi in his heart drained like a tide.

He swallowed his saliva on the bed, and suddenly, unable to bear the hunger, he crawled to the end of the bed, picked up the leftover lunch box and devoured it hungrily.

Zhang Yuan, who had just packed up her cosmetics, was taken aback for a moment, and looked back at him, her eyes completely returning to indifference. She didn't expect that this man didn't even have the courage to resist. She sighed in her heart, but she calmed down a lot. He pulled the zipper of his hand and walked over to the dining table where Peng Zhi was eating with his cosmetics in hand.

Li Ming became vigilant when Peng Zhi moved, but when he saw that he was crawling over to eat leftovers, the corners of his mouth twitched, but then he smiled again, and picked out a few Zhang Yuan's clothes from inside. Underpants and warm clothes were stuffed into the big bag next to the clothes.

Zhang Yuan lifted the cosmetics to the door and put them there, then went to take a bag of sanitary napkins, then saw Li Ming picked out a sack of clothes and saw that there were thick and thin clothes in it, she smiled at the corner of her mouth, and then took a closer look and saw that it was full of clothes. Clothes, he opened a drawer and said to Li Ming suddenly.

"By the way, dear husband, here are my stockings and pure white calf socks, do you like them?"

Peng Zhi, who was eating, paused, and continued to bury his head in his meal.

"I said why didn't I find any silk stockings, yes, I want all of them."

Li Ming's eyes lit up, and he packed all the stockings, calf socks, and socks of various solid colors in the drawer. Zhang Yuan smiled and took two scarves, some ear warmers, and gloves and put them into the bag .

"It's nothing. I'll take another bag and lipstick... By the way, there are my boots and high heels there. Kiss your husband and go get them."

Zhang Yuan zipped up the large bag of clothes, looked around again, picked up a few small things, suddenly remembered, pointed to the shoe cabinet and said.

"Okay, let my husband pick and choose."

Li Ming smiled, good-looking shoes can really add a lot of desire.

He walked to the shoe cabinet, took two pairs of over-the-knee super long boots without hesitation, took two pairs of high heels, two pairs of sandals, and then took all the remaining flat white shoes and put them all in a bag .

Peng Zhi ate in silence the whole time, without saying a word.

Afterwards Li Ming saw that he was not moving, so he carried Zhang Yuan's shoes in one hand and Zhang Yuan's clothes in the other, and Zhang Yuan beside him carried her small supplies and followed Li Ming out of the room with great strides. .

Peng Zhi watched the two of them leave closely, and just as they were about to leave the door, he suddenly said, "Wait a minute, can you, can you give me some more food..."

(End of this chapter)

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