Chapter 375 Stars, Fortress

"This is……"

Li Ming was surprised to feel the sudden feeling in his mind, and looked at a part of the kingdom that he had just seized power from.

Faintly, in a dark space, a palace floating in the underworld appeared in front of you.

In the palace, there is the golden seal condensed by this god. It is the [Western Ghost Emperor's Mansion] and its golden seal that have been refined and mastered by his body.

But... why did the Ghost Emperor's Mansion, which had been mastered by the body's refining process, appear in his perception at this time?

Li Ming was a little confused, but immediately after the [Western Ghost Emperor's Mansion] appeared in his mind, the purpose was revealed.

"I can directly use the authority of the [Western Ghost Emperor's Palace] to enter and exit the netherworld anytime and anywhere, and dispatch ghosts to fight for me. If there are existences like ghosts appearing in front of me, as long as they are lower than me, they will be killed. Will you be suppressed by me and lose all your strength?"

Li Ming's eyes flashed with divine light, and he immediately realized that as his influence in the West gradually increased and he became king, some things in the magical world would mean being completely swallowed up by the earthly world.

The result of devouring is that many laws of the earth world have become perfect, so that the birth of the Netherworld is faster and more perfect.

Along with this process, there are other divine seals that have been refined, and their abilities are also being strengthened.

"I'm afraid another Ksitigarbha seal will also be born."

A smile appeared on Li Ming's lips. He climbed down from the king's and princess's bed and looked at the sky outside, his eyes full of energy.


Everything turned out as Li Ming expected. As the old king was killed by Li Ming, news about him quickly spread throughout the Western Continent.

The son of an earl, because of another family's ambitions and the co-oppression of the vicious mother and son at home, had to enter his own territory to survive before he could activate his transcendence.

But the good times didn't last long. After entering the territory, he didn't even have time to continue to enjoy such peace and tranquility, and he fell into the crusade of his vicious brother again.

Faced with such persecution, the brave actually chose to lead the warriors in his territory to attack vigorously, killing his stupid brother and the vicious eldest mother in one fell swoop, and taking revenge on the families that had invaded his territory.

And even if you have such a difficult time to rise up the environment and strength, he has not relaxed at all, and is practicing hard every day.

Finally, when the king's meeting came, the stupid king not only refused to admit his mistake, but also tried to blame the young man for making his territory unstable. The young man naturally disagreed.

So under the gaze of everyone in the kingdom, he rose up with courage and single-handedly killed the old king, a sky knight, with his own gun in such a short period of practice!
And such a thing was actually done by a young man who had only been practicing for a few years!
Shock, wonder, disbelief, all kinds of emotions rushed into their minds almost unanimously. They couldn't believe what kind of young man could come out of such a situation.

This is really unbelievable, think about where they were when they were this age?
What are you still doing?
Is he still begging the instructor on the training ground to reveal some secrets on how to break through to transcendence, so that he can take a shortcut and become an apprentice?
However, at the same age, he was able to lead three hundred magic heavy armored cavalry, win every battle, and become the king of a country in just a few years through constant battles!

How can this prevent people from feeling incredible?

But such an incredible thing actually happened!

This can only prove that the same people have different fates. They are the same people, and the gap between people is greater than the gap between people and dogs.

And they feel as if they have become that dog...

However, this is exactly what happened, and it happened...

Suddenly, Li Ming's reputation quickly expanded to the entire continent as he killed the Sky Knight with one blow.

From the emperors and other kings to the common people, they were all attracted by such things and felt that a rumored star would rise from the western continent!

Then, in this situation, the boy not only accepted challenges from other kings around him one by one, but whoever wins your territory will belong to him!

But after thinking about it, since Li Ming dared to agree, would he lose this round?

Moreover, the most important thing is that while accepting the challenge, Li Ming also managed the kingdom he plundered very well. Not only did he no longer have the random thoughts of the past, but the nobles no longer saw the past. of conquest.

Fortunately, these peaceful periods allowed them to meet the current Li Ming, otherwise, according to the previous situation, all of these people would have lost a layer of skin.

But fortunately, they still have to pay taxes now.

What's even more amazing is time went by, all the kings who challenged Li Yang were actually used to kill them!
Correspondingly, the area of ​​Li Ming's kingdom also expanded rapidly. Until the only legendary emperor came forward, the terrifying dual supernatural beasts in the clouds showed their momentum, merged with Li Ming, and separated from him. Office to fight against the epidemic.

Between the two of them, Li Ming has the upper hand!

The only emperor was defeated, defeated by a young man who had just risen!

Such news, such stories, such things have too great impact on a young man.

So much so that for a long time, the entire Western continent has been imitating his habits, young people pretending to be good to each other.

Similarly, Li Ming also quickly became the pearl of the entire West through such things!




"Huh, it seems to be stable over there." In Hope Base City, in the underground base practice quiet room, Li Ming, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes and looked at his appearance before seclusion. Everything remained unchanged, and the corners of his mouth showed A smile.

After more than ten years of development, the overall situation in the West has finally been determined.

His avatar has now definitely become a new star in the entire western continent. No matter what happens next, he will definitely gain everyone's trust and desire to fight for it.

He followed closely and walked out of the underground quiet room. Feeling his growing strength, he couldn't help but smile.

With the help of the panel, he will continue to get stronger as long as he works hard. Although he has focused his main energy on Western clones in recent years, it does not mean that his own cultivation and improvement have been slow.

In other words, while his consciousness was micromanipulating his Western clone, he was also practicing diligently. Over the past ten years, his cultivation level has naturally grown significantly! ,

His mental and physical powers have both reached the early stages of re-evolution for the ninth time!

Correspondingly, after evolving nine times, his physical and mental abilities once again awakened two new magical powers.

The first magical power is the power of speech, which gives the master the supreme power of speech.

As long as Li Yang opens his mouth, whether he wants the fire to burn or the sea to dry up, everything will come true as he wishes.This power of speaking and following the law is like the supreme law that controls all things, which makes people feel shocked.

Of course, the essence of consumption is also his own terrifyingly powerful spiritual power.

Another miraculous ability is the substitute body. As the name suggests, this is a supernatural power that can create a self-conscious clone that can completely bear the damage of the main body.

This magical power is not only amazing, but also has a wide range of applications.It can help the subject escape danger and avoid unnecessary harm.At the same time, it can also help the subject protect itself by deflecting damage when facing powerful enemies.

After possessing these two magical powers, Li Yang's strength will undoubtedly reach a higher level.No matter he faces any powerful enemy or any difficult dilemma, he can deal with it easily and with ease.

"Send my order and go to the fortress in the Western Continent and immediately devote all your energy to construction!"

Li Ming felt his two new powerful magical powers, a smile appeared on his lips, and then he called Zhang Yuan and gave the order solemnly.

With the cultivation business in the past ten years, the number of people over the age of 16 in the entire gathering place has more than quintupled. Thanks to the original measures to encourage childbirth, there is now a large enough population to continue the business in the East and the West. The fortress development was carried out in the uninhabited land between the continents.

"Okay, I'll go and notify you below!"

Ten years have passed, and Zhang Yuan, whose cultivation has reached a very high level, not only does not look old at all, but looks younger. She heard Li Ming's words, turned around and informed the outside world.

But this time, as orders were issued, the base personnel were quickly mobilized and continued to walk towards the deserted mountains and forests, which also represented countless resources.


Vast mountains and forests, majestic mountains.

Trees stand tall and green, with a few squirrels running on top of them.

After Li Ming's order was issued, everyone in the gathering place worked together and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the construction of the fortress.

After several years of hard work, the fortress in the no-man's land has become quite large, like a bright pearl that condenses people's hard work and sweat.

As the fortress was finally built, people did not stop exploring.They continue to bravely explore the unknown no-man's land between the east and west continents. While seeking more resources, they also move towards a farther future.

In the mountains and forests, they are active in struggling for their dreams, and the truckloads of mineral deposits transported from uninhabited areas bear witness to their hard work.These precious resources are like solid cornerstones, laying a solid foundation for the further growth of the gathering place, and people's strength has also been doubled through this contribution.

Before the first hundred developed forts, the roads that had been flattened for a long time finally began to be paved with new and easy-to-walk road structures.

Cement and asphalt were put into battle one by one, and the road was being constructed quickly.

During this ten-year period of recuperation, they did not simply allow themselves to rest.On the contrary, they will resolutely explore along the predetermined route almost every day. For some nearby places, they have even managed the growth of trees in advance to save subsequent builders some trivial troubles.

In this way, the 1 fortresses soon had accessible roads, and truck after truck of building materials were transported up to begin building an all-round defense on the mountainside.So, how did this fortress come into being?

During the construction of Fort 1, the workers faced many challenges.First, they needed to carefully select the site and address the topography.In order to ensure that the fortress could effectively defend the surrounding area without overly relying on the terrain, they finally chose an open area on the mountainside after repeated inspections.This position overlooked the valley below without being too exposed to enemy sight.

Next, workers began to solve the problem of building materials.Due to the lack of stone and wood on the land, they had to use local materials.Therefore, they used local stones and soil as the main building materials to build the walls of the fortress by stacking and filling them.To increase the sturdiness of the walls, they also filled the interior with stone and soil.In addition, to make the fort somewhat maneuverable, workers set aside space on the inside of the walls to fill with sandbags or other obstacles if needed.

The workers also put great effort into the interior design of the fortress.They first built a small barracks inside the city wall to station guards and store ordnance supplies.In order to facilitate communication and command among the guarding troops, they also set up special communication channels and command posts inside the city walls.In addition, an underground passage has been built in the fort that can lead to the surrounding forest area to facilitate rapid evacuation in case of emergency.

Finally, in order to ensure the safety of the fortress, workers also built a series of arrow towers and gun holes on the top of the city wall to defend against enemy attacks in all directions.At the same time, they also used the woods and other natural barriers on the mountainside to set up many traps and hidden sentries to make it difficult for the enemy to approach the fortress.

In this way, after several months of hard work, 1 Fortress was finally born.

It is not only an impregnable fortification, but also a new strategic fulcrum in this land.Since then, the defense system on this land has become more complete, providing a solid backing for subsequent development and construction.

And a fortress like this will be continuously built in the future, and will eventually penetrate the no-man's land and become an unobstructed road!

Of course, with the construction of the fortress, the vast resources began to be quickly returned to the base city, which also created more resources to gather, and the population base of the entire base increased rapidly.

And this kind of improvement will also promote various cultivation paths.

More experiences collide and gather, and a new realm will emerge!
(End of this chapter)

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